Net Paid CIRCULATION Last Week 2791 We ftanpit Ifrii ifiaWanVs Baconian Humility in public is as rare as courage in private. ? Pierre La Mure 72nd Year ? No. 9 Franklin, N. C, Thurtday, February 28, 1957 Price 10 Cents Mxteen Paffe Crowd Gathers On Square Saturday For 'Dollar Days' TWENTY .MINUTES BEFORE THE drawing for 100 silver dollars Saturday afternoon this crowd assembled on the square. The money, given away in connection with "Dollar Days", was won by B. L. Roper, 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bronce Roper, of Iotla. It was the third promotion staged within a year by Franklin merchants and good sales were reported. Although the weather was pretty in the morn ing the skies were completely overcast by early afternoon. s. w A Health Conference Slated Valentine . . . Friday For Local Leaders ? - T Valentine's Day was extra special for Mr. and Mrs. Tru man Rogers, of Franklin, Route 2. As cute a little Valentine as anyone would want arriv ed for them at Angel Hos pital. Her name: Victoria Ann. But, wait a minute! This little Valentine, as we said, was extra special. She is fourth generation. Her mother is 17; her grandmother, Mrs. Helen Owens, is only 34; and her great-grandmother, Mrs. A. A. Drake, is 65. And incidentally, all three? Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Owens, and Mrs. Drake ? were married at 16. ? Talks by local and out-of town officials here tomorrow (Friday) will pinpoint services available to the people of Ma con County through health agencies. The talks will feature a health education conference for health leaders of the county's home demonstration clubs at East Franklin School. The pro gram will run from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. and lunch will be serv ed in ' the school lunchroom at 12:30, according to Mrs. Marlln Combs, county health leader for the demonstration clubs. An explanation of the services offered by the Crippled Chil dren's Society is to be present Wildlife Commission Has Fatherly Eye Peeled On Macon County Beaver The Wildlife Resources com mission is keeping a fatherly eye on Macon County's widely publicized colony of beaver. It particularly wants to make sure no harm comes to the ani mals, according to Rex Bird, of Hendersonville, district biologist. Here Tuesday to check on the rather rare colony tha;t has set up housekeeping near Coweta Creek, in the Smithbridge sec tion, the biologist cited local rumors of dynamiting the beav ers to check their spread. "If they'll just let us know (the commission) we'll come and trap the animals and move them somewhere else," he de clared. As for the beavers being a nuisance, he said "some people have the wrong impression about them". In the first place, the ani mals do not multiply as rapid ly as many believe. He ngures there're less than a half dozen In the colony. Secondly, they can do a "lot of good", Mr. Bird explained. Their dam building along trout streams means better fishing because it slows the water and makes deeper pools. And, they also do a good job of irrigating the land. In the Piedmont sec tion of the state, Mr. Bird said beavers are stocked for this purpose and their dams actual ly help farmers irrigate their land during dry spells. "There must be something to them," he pointed out. "Just about every county has two or three Beaverdam communities . . . which means they were widespread here at one time." But, if Macon County wants to get rid of the Coweta broad tails, he said the commission "will be glad to take them off their hands" by trapping. Cub Scouting Receives Charter CHARTER for the Cub Scouts Is presented by the Franklin Lions Club president, Robert J. Korte, (right) to Cubmaster Ernest Hyde as a feature of Friday night's 'Viae and Gold" ban quet. (See story on Page ?). ed by Albin Pikutis, of Chapel Hill, state director of the so ciety. Outline Plans Dr. Guy V. Gooding, district health officer, and Mrs. Mae Shope, senior public health nurse for Macon, are slated to outline plans for the tubercu losis program here in 1057. W. James Logan, field repre sentative of the American Heart Association, and Dr. Ralph S. Morgan, of Sylva, will discuss the services available to Ma conians through the association. To Show Film A film, "One Cell", is to be shown as the opening feature of the afternoon session by Miss Betsy Lane Quinlin, field repre sentative of the American Can cer Society. Mrs. Combs said educational films are to be previewed at the conference so those attending will know they are available for programs of community organi zations. Exhibits will be set up by the representatives of the Cancer society and the Heart associa tion. A question-answer period fol lowing the talks is planned for the benefit of those attending. Although the conference is sponsored by the demonstration health leaders, Mrs. Combs, em phasized that anyone interested is invited to attend. Teen Center Won't Open In Building Franklin's Teen-Age Youth Center won't open tomorrow night (Friday) as scheduled be cause the building in which it was to be housed is no longer available. A meeting of the center's of ficers and board of directors has been called for tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock at Hors ley's Restaurant. Mrs. Lasca Horsley, president, also invites interested persons to attend. Mrs. Dryman Tapped For Membership In Women's Honor Group Mrs. Merle Dryman, teacher at East Franklin Elementary School, has been, tapped for membership in the state organi zation of Delta Kappa Gamma Society, national honor society for women educators. Membership in the society Is by Invitation only to persons judged "upon success In teach ing, powers of leadership, uself ish professional spirit, coopera tive nature, and other desirable personal qualities." Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hays, of Franklin, have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Patricia Hays, to Edgar Newton Elliott, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Newton Elliott, of Ruther fordton. The wedding is planned for June 1. fc. Clubs Planning Celebration Of 4-H Week Here Guest speakers, window dis plays, and a parade are promi nent among things being plan ned by Macon County 4-H clubs for the observance of "Na tional 4-H Week". March 2-10. The assistant agents in charge of 4-H, Mrs. Joan Hennessec and Clark Walker, this week announced that Fred Whitfield, of Asheville, district extension forester, and Carl Dalton, of Sylva, forester, both will speak to gatherings of 4-H boys over the county during the national week. The agents also noted that all 4-H meetings are being scheduled for the week, instead of over the whole month as is customary. Saturday, the 9th, is calen da-ed as parade day for the 4-H SEE NO. 2. PAGE 8 A.R.C.MEAL TO KICK-OFF MACON DRIVE Solicitors Will Be Briefed By Moss And Sloan Volunteer workers will gather Tuesday evening >eX Kelly's Tea Room for a special kick-off dinner for the 1957 land -ampaisn o: the Macon chapter of the Ameri can Red Cross. Set for 7 o'clock, ihj dinner i for all persons interested in help ing the chapter with its campaiirn to raise $3,873 during March, ac cording to the Rev. S. B. Moss and W. W. i Bill' Sloan, co-chair man. The meal will be "dutch treat", they said. Campaiirn literature is to be handed out by the co-chairmen and solicitors will be briefed on how to conduct the campaign. Mr. Moss this week said he and Mr. Sloan hope to complete the drive in a week to 10 days. Horticulture School Slated On Tuesday A horticulture school is sche duled for Tuesday morning at 9:30 at the Agricultural Building, according to County Agent T. H. Fagg. Dr. Melvin Kolbe. apple special ist from N. C. State College, and A. A. Banadyda, general horti culture specialist, are to be on hand for the, school. Mr. Fagg said varieties, fertili zers, pruning, diseases and treat ment. and other topics are slated for discussion. He said all inter ested persons are invited to attend Langfitt Accepts Church Call Here Donald K. Langfitt, a nativ< . of West Virginia, has acceptec a call as pastor of the Frank ; lin Presbyterian Church. He is a senior at Union Theo logical Seminary in Richmond Va? and will come here follow ing his graduation in June. BAKE .SALE FRIDAY A bake sale will be held Fri day, March 1, from noon to ! p. m., at Angel's Drug Store sponsored by the Franklin Jun ior Woman's Club. Teachers Elect Crawford President Of Organization W. G. (Bill) Crawford, prin cipal of East Franklin Elemen tary School, is the new presi- . dent of the Macon unit of the N. C. Education Association. Election of new officers fea tured a business session of the education group Friday after noon at East Franklin. Elected to serve with the new president during the coming year are Mrs. Mildred R. Mar tin, Franklin High teacher, vice-president; and Mrs. Joyce J. Cagle, Cullasaja teacher, re elected secretary-treasurer. The outgoing president is Z. Weaver Shope, Cullasaja prin cipal Approval of the proposed 20 per cent teacher pay increase also came at the business meet ing and teachers and principals made plans for the local ob servance of the centennial cel ebration of the National Educa tion Association. A centennial "birthday party" is to be held on April 3 and a parade Ls now programmed for April 26 In Franlclin. The unit, through the schools, plans to show educational dis plays each week in the windows of stores. Mr. Crawford Science Foundation Official Coming To Inspect Biological Station HIGHLANDS. ? Dr. George Sprugel, program director of environmental biology with the National Science Foundation, along with a number of other educators and scientists, is scheduled to visit the Highlands Biological Station Saturday. An evaluation of the station's research potential is the pur ' pose of the tour. The station re 1 cently applied for foundation ? funds to aid in a proposed ex pansion of facilities and the in auguration of a teaching pro gram on the graduate level Also expected here Saturday , are Dr. William F. Hamilton, of j the University of Georgia School of Medicine; Dr. Rogers McVaugh, of the University of Michigan; Dr. Henry B. Stein back, of the University of Min ? nesota; Dr. John F. Reed, of the University of New Hamp shire; and Dr. Eugene P. Odum, of the University of Georgia. Planning to be on hand are ? these members of the biological > station board of trustees; Dr. , James J. .Friauf, of Vanderbilt ? University, president; Dr. W. McA. Deacon, also of Vander Carpenter Is 'Young Man Of The Year; State Jaycee President Is Speaker "Macon County's Young Man of the Year for 1956" is Robert C. (Bob i Carpenter, a young man described by the secret panel of judges making the se lection as having "a completely boundless store of energy and a reputation for never turning down an offer to help with any project for the betterment of his community or fellow man." Mr. Carpenter, who was pick ed from among several men nominated for the annual award by civic and church groups, was presented a "Dis tinguished Service Award" key and certificate Wednesday night of last week as a highlight of the annual Junior Chamber of Commerce awards banquet. Making tne presentation was Les Martin, of Sylva. state vice president of Javcee District 1. Mr. Carpenter, who is assis tant cashier at the Bank of Franklin, was specifically cited for his "tireless devotion to the poys of the area" through the organization of Little League Baseball in the Franklin area last summer. He also headed a number of drives and fund campaigns during 1956 and is outgoing secretary of Rotary. The' D. S. A. award is made annually by the Jaycees. Mr. Carpenter is the first Jaycee to receive the honor in three years. President Here Present for the banquet, held at Slagle Memorial Building, was Robert V. (Bob) Cox, of Chapel Hill, president of the North Carolina Junior Chamber of Commerce. As guest speaker of the eve ning, Mr. Cox placed special emphasis on the application of the Jaycee creed as a partial solution to the problems of a "suspicious world". He stressed the importance of self education day-to-day, ol the need for proper legislation in governmental functions to assure that government is ol laws rather than of men, and of dedication in all facets ol life through service to human ity. Mr. Cox was introduced by J P. Brady, who served with him on the state Jaycee executive committee in 1955-56 as a state vice-president. Awards Given Dr. J. L. Hill, Jr., president of the Franklin Jaycees, hon ored two members of his clut for "duty above and beyond' during the past year in clut activities. "Key .Man" awards were given by Dr. Hill to Vic Perry, a former club president and Roy M. Biddle, Jr., the cur rent secretary. A certificate of appreciatlor also was awarded by Dr. Hil SEE NO. 1. PAGE 8 'YOUNG MAN of the Year", Robert C. (Bob) Carpenter (center) distant cashier at thi Bank of Franklin, talks with the president of the N. C. Junior Chamber of Commerce, Robert V Cox, (left) and Dr. J. L. Hill, Jr., president of the local chamber. Mr. Cox was guest speaker a the Jaycee banquet honoring Mr. Carpenter. ' bilt; Dr. Leland Shanor, of Flor ida State University; Dr. Lewis Berner, of the University of Florida; Dr. H. R. Totten, of the University of North Carolina; Dr. Royal Shanks, of the Uni versity of Tennessee; Drs. Lewis Anderson and Joseph R. Bailey, of Duke University; Miss Thel ma Howell, Wesleyan College, executive director; William D. McKee, of Cashiers, secretary; Miss Gertrude \larbison, of Highlands, treasure*-; and Hen ry M. Wright, of Highlands. Belle's Cerenjony Gra lyt opening of Ithe nei Belk'y Department Iptore in Franklin is slated today (Thurs day, Friday, and Saturday. ribbon-cutting ceramony at trfe front entrance of t le store, Ith Mayor W. C. Burr 11 doing le honors, is set for o'clock this morning, accor< ng to (Belk's manager, T. H. C illahan. The modernistic store and its contents are valued ? t more than $300,000. The 1 uilding, built for Belk's by Mr. Burrell, alone is valued at $13J 000. Until moving to its ne ? quar ters last week, Belk's ha 1 occu pied the Ashear Builc ing on Main street since opening for business here in August! 1945. A local contractor/ Wiley Clark, supervised construction. The. building was startj iormfcr site of Burn CompaSjTs used car August. ^ Id on the ell Motor lot last B. T. U. Gathering Slated At Cowee An association-wide meeting of Baptist Training Union mem bers and officers will be held to morrow (Friday) night at 7:30 at Cowee Baptist Church. The Rev. John Willis will be the speaker. Miss Mildred Corbin will present special music. Hie re will be conferences for each age group from nursery through adults. The Weather The week's temperature* and rainfaH We low are recorded in Franklin by Man?? Sbles, U. S. Weather observer; in Hiffhianda by Todor N. Hall and W. C. Newton. TV A observers; and at the Coweta Ffydrotogic Laboratory. Readings are for the -4- boor period ending at 8 a.m. of the day listed. FRANKLIN High Low Rain Wed.. Feb. 20 55 26 .11 Thursday 55 24 .00 Friday 60 19 .00 Saturday 62 22 .00 Sunday ^ 60 34 .<ib Monday 59 44 .04 Tuesday 63 53 .27 Wednesday _ 42 .11 HIGHLANDS Wed.. Feb. 20 46 28 .21 Thursday 49 24 .00 Friday 54 20 .00 Saturday 58 25 .00 Sunday 52 34 .00 Monday 51 42 .66 Tuesday 54 48 2.96 Wednesday 39 '? .14 COWETA Wed., Feb. 20 53 27 .15 Thursday 55 25 .00 Friday 60 20 .00 Saturday 60 25 .00 Sunday 59 35 .00 Monday 50 44 .11 Tuesday 60 53 II Wednesday 43 ,l|

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