Net raid CIRCULATION Last Week 2826 \ 72nd Year ? Xo. 11 W>b* iUacottian Franklin, N. C., Thursday, March 14, 1957 Despotism is the same in a popular assembly, an aristocratical council, an oligarchical junto, and a single emperor. ? John Adams. Price 10 Cents Twelve Pages RED CROSS DRIVE IS UNDERWAY Kick-Off Dinner Held At Kelly's; Film Is Shown Macon County's annual Amer ican Red Cross fund campaign is now officially under way, fol lowing a special kick-ofl din ner meeting of voluntesr work ers. Held Tuesday night of last week at Kelly's Tea Room, the program of the "dutch treat" gathering was featured by the' showing of a movie, a short talk by a former A.R.C. field director, and the distribution of campaign literature. The movie, entitled "A Let ter", was brought here and shown by Miss Ruth Lockman, of Asheville, area A. R. C. rep resentative. Miss Elsie Lee, who now lives in Wayah Valley, spoke to the more than 25 present about the work of the A. R. C. in Japan. She was a field director at a large hospital there for 21 months. Co-chairmen of the cam paign, the Rev. S. B. Moss and W. W. Sloan, have asked for the support of the entire coun ty in topping the chapter's $3, 873 quota as soon as possible. In recent weeks, both have been meeting with organizations over the county, speaking on the work of the chapter. They hope to complete the drive within the month. F. F. A. Judging Teams Have Contest Here Future Farmers of America teams from the Nantahala Fed eration met here Monday after noon for a land judging con test. Held at the Parker Brothers' farm on Cartoogechaye, the contest saw Bryson City take first place, Franklin second, and Hayesville third. Teams from Robblnsville and Stecoah also competed. The contest was staged by of ficials of the local soil conser vation district, with Joel Caw thorne and W. Lacy Harper in charge. Members of the Franklin team were Bill Fouts, Ronald Harper, Richard Setser, and Johnny Killlan. And Suddenly It Wasn't Spring Time Here Anymore NMUI ?. I I ? I ? ? ? ? Mil u m wmmmm* all II SPRING-LIKE WEATHER became a winter wonderland for Macon County Friday when a light snow blanketed the area. Those h?.rbingers of Spring, Robins, sat sluggishly on lawns, obviously caught unawares, and undoubtably confused at the turn of events. Early risers found their automobiles heaped with snow and had to bzing windshield scrapers into play like .Mrs. Tommy McKay (above) before going to work. Schools were ncl closed because of the light snow, so moist school children m ssed the fun. However, pre-schoolers like Johnny Rucker turned out some classic snowmen before the sun melted the needed ingredients. Johnny (left) is get ting some help with his undertaking from his mother, Mrs. Vance Rucker. , Mrs. Murray Heads V. F. W. Auxiliary Mrs. Anne Murray has been elected president of the local V, F. W. Auxiliary, succeeding Mrs. Clyde Slagle. Named to serve with Mrs. Murray during elections Mon day night were Mrs. Katherine Perry, senior vice-president; Mrs. Mildred Perry, junior vice president; Mrs. Tootsie Wil liams, treasurer; Mrs. Peggy Christy, chaplain; Mrs. Laura Dean, conductress; and Mrs. Lucinda Crownover, reelected guard. The retiring president, Mrs. Slagle, was made a trus tee. An installation of the new of ficers is scheduled later in the year. Following the election, the district auxiliary president, Mrs. Marie Barnard, of Franklin, en tertained members at tea Advance Ticket Sale Opens Today For Chamber Dinner Advance tickets for the Frank lin Chamber of Commerce's an nual dinner meeting on March 28 go on sale today (Thursday). Chamber directors, who are pushing the advance sales, urge everyone planning to take in the banquet to buy their tick ets ahead of time so some gauge of attendance can be had. Guest speaker for the banquet will be Chancellor Robert B. House, of the University of North Carolina. The kick-off event .of the chamber's annual membership ?drive, the banquet will be held in the high school cafeteria. Both the Rotary and Lions clubs have voted to attend the banquets at their regular week ly meetings. 4-H'ers Parade Through Town Saturday MACON'S 4-H CLUBBERS paraded through downtown Franklin Saturxfay as the closing fea ture of their observance of "National 4-H Week". Orerooated against the cold and wind (top pic ture) are the "King and Queen of 4-H", Tommy Sherrlll and Jean Dills, who were sponsored by Carson. lot la 4-H had the prlie- winning dost of the parade (bottom picture). Its Uieme was "Eat Better to Grow Better". Meeting To Talk New Girl Scout i Troops Called A meeting to discuss organi zation of new Girl Scout troops has been called for tomorrow (Friday) nigh', by .Mrs. Ernest Hyde, county chairman. It will be held at the Frank lin Methodist Church at 7:30. All girls interested in joining the Girl Scouts are asked to attend with their parents. SCOUTERS TO MEET Scouters of the Smoky Moun tain Boy Scout Disrict commit ,tee have a supper meeting sche duled tomorrow (Friday) night at 6:30 at Clark's Restaurant, between Franklin and Dilisboro. Several Scouters from here will be on hand. ALL-NIGHT SINGING The annual all-night singing will be held at the Cartooge chaye Church of God, begin ning at 7:30 Friday night. The public is invited. 4 H (B-r-r-r) Parade Held; Iotla Wins Undaunted by a blustery, chilly winter wind and flurries of snow, Macon County's 4-H clubbers paraded .Saturday through downtown Franklin as the closing feature of their week-long celebration of "Na tional 4-H Week". Leading the parade along Main Street were the "King and Queen of 4-H", Tommy Sherrill and Jean Dills, Cartoogechaye students who were sponsored in the penny-a-vote king and queen contest by the Carson Community 4-H Club. Heavily overcoated. the royal pair wav ed bravely to the sidewalk crowd from an open conver tible. Tommy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Sherrill and Jean Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Turner Dills. Iotla Wins Iotla's entry took top prize in the float contest. Its theme was "Eat Better and Grow Better". Second place went to Car toogechaye's livestock project float, while a soil conservation Dntry by Otto won third. Other groups entering floats were Carson community club, C7ullasaja community club. East Pranklin, Cowee, and Franklin High School. Union's float fell victim of the gusty wind and was destroyed on the trip into town. $84.49 Raised Mrs. Joan Hennessee, assis tant agent, reported that the Icing and queen contest in the schools raised $84.49. The mon sy U" to be used by the county x>uncll for 4-H work. Helping Hand Reaching Out To Couple The helping hand for which Maconians are widely known is reaching out to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Evitt, an Ellijay couple whose home burned Friday night. A shower for the Eritts is slated for Monday night at the Ellijay Baptist Church at 7:30. Gifts of food, clothing, or household goods will be appreciated. Cake and coffee will be served by the women of the Ellijay community. Anyone wishing to donate articles or food, but who will be unable to attend the show er, may leave them with Ken neth Neal at the Indian Mound Service Station in Franklin or with Bob Estes at Cullasaja. Town Elections Slated For May Balloting Set For May 7 In Franklin And Highlands Macon's two towns, Franklin and Highlands, are now pre paring to hold aonpartisan bi ennial elections in May. Balloting is set by law for the 7th. Elect'on procedure, including the establishment of a filing deadline, tops the business pro grammed by the Franklin Board of Aldermen at its coming April meeting, according to Town Clerk C. O. Ramsey. Highlands already has set its election machinery in motion. The town's attorney, J. Horner Stockton, this week prepared the necessary legal papers for the election. The deadline for liling in Highlands is April 13. Registration books will be open for seven days prior to the election, April 20 through April 27. The 27th will be challenge day. On the 20th and the 27th (Saturdays i the law requires the books to be open from 9 a. m. to 9 p m. Tolliver Crunk leton has been appointed regis trar and C. A Wilson and Hen ry Wright will b? judges. A mayor and five town com missioners are to be elected for two-year terms in Highlands. Incumbents are Mayor V. W. McCall, Tudor N. Hall, C. E. Talley, H. S. Talley, J. S. Potts, and L. W. Rice, Jr. In Franklin, a mayor and six .aldermen are to be picked. Serving presently are Mayor W. C. Burrell, A. G. Cagle. J. Frank Martin, J. c. Jacobs, Prelo Dry man. Sam Gibson, and J, L. West, Jr. Town Is Seeking Repeal Of Tax Penalty Legislation The Town of Franklin is seeking repeal of a piece of local legislation which removes penalties for non-payment of taxes. In session last week, the board of aldermen voted to re quest Rep. G. L. Houk to take Macon School Board Submitted In Omnibus Bill To Legislature The omnibus boards of edu cation bill, including the names of Macon County men nomi nated in the spring election, has teen introduced in the gen eral. assembly and is expected to be passed by the last of this month. Members of this county's board are C. C. Sutton, George Gibson, and Erwin Patton, all for terms of two years. MEETING IS CHANGED Regular weekly meeting night of the Franklin squadron of Civil Air Patrol has been chang ed to Friday at 7 o'clock at the airport. Since last fall, the squadron has been meeting on Wednesdays to avoid conflicts with football and basketball games on Fridays. Bsrrong Fatally Injured In Auto Wreck Near Sylva L?e Koy tserrong, 43, sales manager for Burrell Motor Company in Franklin for the past 10 years, died in C. J. Har ris Hospital Tuesday morning of injuries received in a head-on automobile collision Sunday night near Sylva. He suffered head, chest, and internal injuries. A passenger riding with him, Thomas Clarence Dickson, 46, of Charlotte, is still hospitalized in Sylva. His injuries are not critical. An auditor, Mr. Dick son had been working on Bur rell Motor Company's books for several days. Mr. Berrong had taken him to Asheville to get some personal belongings and auditing supplies. State Highway Patrolman S. W. Sanford, of Sylva. who in vestigated the accident, gave this description of what hap pened: Mr. Berrong's automobile was traveling toward Franklin at a high rate of speed. At a point three and a half miles east of S.vlva, in the Addie community, the Franklin man's '57 Chevro let went partially into the other lane and in a curve met an auto coming from the opposite direction. Both cars were demolished. Occupants of the second car, all Negroes, were hospitalized in Sylva. The speed of their car was estimated at between 30 and 40 miles an hour. There was an eyewitness to the wreck, Patrolman Sanford said. Both Mr. Berrong and Mr. SEE NO. 1. PAGE 12 the necessary steps toward that end. Passed 12 to 15 years ago. the legislation applies to the three local taxing units; that is, the two towns, of Franklin and Highlands and the county. However, the aldermen are interested only in teeing the penalty clause restored in Franklin, as provided under General Statutes 105-345, G.S. 105-345 provides for a penalty of l per cent on unpaid taxes on Feb. 1; another 1 p^r cent on March 1; and then one half of one per cent per month in terest thereafter until full pay ment. The only "penalties" paid now by delinquent taxpayers are advertising costs and six per cent interest on unpaid amounts after tax sales certi ficates are drawn. Sewer Extension Aldermen also have approved a sewer extension in East Franklin from the Little Ten nessee bridge to the city limits. Town Clerk C. O. Ramsey says the 2,000 feet of pipe needed for the project already is on order. The Weather The week's temperature^ and rainfall helow are recorded in I-ranklin by Manson' Stiles, U. S. weather observer; in Highlands by Tudor N. Hall and W. C. Newton. TV A oh*.-, v.-rs; ;ind at the Coweta Hylrologic I.:ib? i ' i rv . Readings are for the 24-hour I.. ! (*| ..-riding at 8 a.m. of the day listed. FRANKLIN Hish Low Rain Wed., March 6 50 39 .10 Thursday 41 36 .12 Psidav ? 3!) 29 .42 Satirchy 39 -7 .00 Sunday 61 21 .00 Monday 73 27 .00 Tutsday 67 47 .10 Wediu ,!ay 31 trace HIGHLANDS Wed.. March 6 42 ;"S trace Thursday 40 32 .25 Friday 30 2J .27 Saturday 31 19 .00 Sunday 59 19 .00 Monday 61 29 .00 Tue ,ay 6ti 40 trace Wednesday 32 .00 COWETA Wed.. March 6 48 38 .10 Thursday 43 3S .13 Friday 39 29 .65 Saturday 39 26 .00 Sunday 60 20 .02 Monday 73 28 trace Tuesday 67 45 .13 Wednesday 34 .00 THIS IS u on-the-scene photograph of the automobile In which Lee Roy Berron*. el rraek - lin, was crltlcr.'ljr Injured Tn a head-on collision near Syhra Sunday night. He died Tueeday morning in the Sylra hospital. (Photo Courtesy of THE 8YLVA HERALD.