Net Paid circulation Last Week 2795 nllln sab it ^itgljlan^si Jflaconian More Than 19, Ml Read The Preaa Each Week 72nd Year ? No. 15 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, April 11, 1957 Price 10 Cents Fourteen Paget DIAL PHONES ARE COMING TO FRANKLIN Installation Slated For Spring Of '5j, Garibaldi Reveals Dial telephone . will be coming to Franklin In the spring of 1959. This promise of progress was made last week to Franklin Ro tarians by Linn D. Garibaldi, president of Western Carolina Telephone Company. He described Franklin's pres ent equipment as ohsolete and antiquated and declared "we Just can't grow with it any more". The telephone company of ficial made the disclosure dur ing a talk at the Rotarians reg ular meeting last Thursday night. He used facts and fig ?ures , who was with Maney at the time of the shoot ing, is also named in the mur der indictment. Both men live in the Shooting Creek section of Clay County. Cases Listed Other cases on the crimffia'l docket are: R. L. Anderson, abandonment: Harville Miller Parks, speeding: James Stanfield. non-suport of illegitimate child: Ross Ensley. reckless driving, speeding 100 ? m.p.h., no operator's license, trans porting non-tax paid whiskey; Will > Singletary, escaping prison; Max ' Ray Hunsucker, reckless driving, ' speeding. Roy Guffey, driving drunk, no I operator's license; Russell Camp, s driving drunk, no operator's li cense; Robert Earl Owens, aid I lng and abetting in driving drunk, ! no operator's license; Newton Pen i land, fishing on posted property: Vernon. R. Wilson, drunk and dis ? orderly: Jack Reece, driving drunk t (second offense). i James Robert Ward, speeding: t Charlie Henry Jones, driving ! drunk; A. L. Allen, reckless drlv ? lng; Amos S. Mull, driving after > license revoked: Blaine Jenkins. ? rape (two charges): William , Robert Cabe, driving drunk (sec ond offense >. improper operator's license. Elmer James Taylor, driving * ? ? Seven Rioters To Stand Trial Only seven of the 35 men In volved In the 8t. Patrick's Day riot at the Macon County Pris on Camp will stand trial for their roles In the uprising. Camp Supt. John E. Cutshall describes them as the "ring leaders" of the riot and says there Is "direct evidence" against them. He said there was not suffi cient evidence against the other 28 taking part to link them di rectly. The men are not charged with rioting, but with destroy ing public property. Damage to the prison and Its contents was estimated at $2,000. Cases against the seven pris oners are docketed for trial at next week's term of Superior Court. Cake-Cutting Features N.C.E.A. Party ? Pr?M man riMM Principals in the cake-cutting feature of last week's party stated by the local unit of the N D. Education Association were (L to R) Z. Weaver Shope, president of Uie local nnit. E. G. Craw ford, a former president, and Miss Laona Baker, president of the Future Teachers Club of Frank lin High School. (See Story, Page 2, Second Section.) drunk; Steve Joseph Sheppard. violating prohibition laws; Willie J Ledford- driving drunk (see ond offense t ; Freeman Branson Rogers, driving drunk, violating prohibition laws; Henry Herbert Bailey^ driving drunk; Julius Har vey Trice, improper operator's li cense; Dr George Ashby Win stead. driving under influence of narcotic. Charles Allen Berry, no chauf feur s license; Jack Snow, assault; Grady Kinsland, reckless driving: Pearl Kent Beal, speeding; Wiley Alexander Cabe, driving drunk: loy Parrlsh, aiding and abetting In driving drunk: Wade Hampton Jr. driving drunk, speeding: Charles William Solomon, speed ing : Lawrence Elmer Phillips, speeding; Ernest Arwood Lyons, speeding; Ben Ray Dockins. speed ing: Lloyd D. Clontz. violating prohibition laws; Wayne Clyde Penland. no opeartor's license" Thomas Russell Hunter, speeding: Sturgill Keaton, speeding: Ralph W. Cunningham, transporting non-tax paid liquor; Carlton David Johns, no operator's license. Ted Bailey, violating prohibit ion laws; Francis Marion Kinzel, speeding: R. M. Berthelsen, speed ing: Jesse F. Shirley, speeding: Thomas W. Angel, driving after license suspended: Wayne Allen Reese, speeding; Samuel A. Ash" driving drunk; Ralph E Brown. Speeding ; Charles M. Welch, re sisting arrest: Freeman William son. speeding. John Wiley Angel, reckless driv ing: Earl A. Simons, no chsuf feaur's license: Max Curtis Hol land, driving drunk, reckless driv ing: Dannie L. Herring, driving drunk: Albert Barnes, forcible trespass, assault with deadly weao