Net Paid CIRCULATION Last Week 3021 ttlllft gty# l$tgl|lattta |Rac Mrs. Margaret Cabe, Vance Rucker, Mrs. Margaret Bulgin, Mrs. Lasca E. Horsley, P.-T. A. President S. A. Bundy, B. L. Mc Glamery, Clayton Ramsey, and Mrs. Furman Angel. Benefit Sale Will Be Held In Gymnasium Committees are busy preparing for a benefit "Harvest Sale" in the Franklin gymnasium Satur day night. Sponsored by the Franklin P.-T A., the fund-raising auction sale will be held from 6:30 to 10:30 with J. Ward Long, B. L. McGlam ery, George Mallonee. and Ralph L. Smith serving as auctioneers. Froceeds from the evant are to be divided evenly between funds for purchasing equipment for the gymnasium and improving the school grounds. A planning session for the "Har vest Sale" was held Tuesday night of last week in the high school SEE NO. 1, PAGE 12 Flu Bug' Hits Several Schools "Flu bugs" (nationality un known) this week started be coming something of a problem as they spread through several schools, causing absenteeism to rise sharply. Tuesday morning. Franklin High had 133 students out with the flu, Franklin Elementary had 48. and East Franklin had 60. Yesterday I Wednesday) the school situation seemed to be improving somewhat. Before this week, the "bugs" had no pattern to their move ments. Iotla School two weeks ago was in the grip of a small epidemic with about 40 per cent of the student body out for a couple of days. This was the only school hit at the time. Franklin High's football team came next and the Kobbinsville game was played with several first stringers out sick and others ailing but playing any way. Then, last week, the team itself suffered an epidemic (more than 95 per cent of the players were sick) and the Bo son City game Friday night was postponed. But. the "bugs" weren't just playing around in Macon Coun ty. Students at N. C. State and Pfeiffer College were, home sev eral days last week because of epidemics. (iross retail sales in Macon County for the fiscal year ending June 30 were more than a million dollars above the previous year, according to figures appear ing in The Retailer, monthly publication of the X. C. Merchants Association. Sales for 1956-57 hit $9,926,651, as compared with $8,682,943 in 1955-56, However, the general tightening of the consumer dollar this fall is reflected in gross sales and use tax collections here during August. For this month, tax collections were down $2,899.55 over August, 1956; from' $21,648.78 to $18,758.23. This would indicate business for the month was off about $90,000. Sales Increase Here ? Over A Million A 1 IN. C. bl Alt r AIK ? Macon County Exhibitors Are Awarded 11 Ribbons Macon County entries won 11 ribbons at the N. C. State Fair in Raleigh last week. This was in ' addition to the fourth place ribbon and $450 won by the "challenge exhibit", which was made here for the western district by the Agricultural Work ers Council. A total of 16 entries came from here, according to County Agent T. H. Fagg. The 11 ribbons they won were three blues, five reds, and three whites. For the third straight year, corn iFjink G-134> entered by Aaron Hedden. of Franklin, Route 1, won a blue ribbon. Blue ribbons also were won by Miss Ruth Holbrooks. of Franklin. Route 5, who entered a cushaw and Mrs. ReX Andrus, of Route f, who exhibited a hand woven bed cover. Winning red ribbons were the ) Dendy Brothers, of the Goldmine section, for a plate of five Mcin tosh apples, a plate of five Golden Delicious, and a plate of five Re . The Dendy Brothers also won a white ribbon for a plate of five Grimes apples, and Algie Raby. of Route 4. received two whites for two varieties of corn. Funk G-134 and Jarvis Golden Prolific. BUT IT WAS TRUE ? She Didn't Believe It . . . "I still don't believe it . . . and won't until I have the check in my hand." That's^the way Mrs. R. M. Bid die, Sr.," of Franklin, appraised the situation the day after being informed she was the winner of -the area Good Housekeeping Week contest and could take a five-day trip for two to Mexico City or pocket $1,000 cash. A $1,000 Check And It* Franklin Owner 1 Well, to make a good story bet ter, that was last Thursday. To day, a week later, Mrs. Biddle has banked her ,$1,000 and Is sure "my creditors are happy about the whole thing". Actually, she didn't even want to make the trip to Asheville that paved the way for her streak of SEE NO. 3. PAGE 12 The Weather The week's temperatures and rainfall Mow are recorded in Franklin by Hanson Stilee, U. S. weather observer; in Highlands by Tudor N. Hall and W. C. Newton. TV A observers; and at the Coweta Wydrologic Laboratory. Readings are for the 24-hour period ending at 8 a.m. of the day Hated. FRANKLIN High Low Rain Wed., Oct. 16 63 Thursday 73 Friday 67 Saturday 67 Sunday 73 Monday 63 Tuesday 66 Wednesday HIGHLANDS Wed.. Oct 16 56 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wed., Oct Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ? No Record. 59 62 61 60 55 56 COWETA 16 63 70 65 65 69 ? 65 53 53 50 30 25 27 39 49 50 50 48 30 25 30 40 49 52 51 45 27 24 26 37 47 00 .74 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ' 02 1.23 .42 .00 .00 .00 .00 trmo*