CIRCULATION Net Paid Last Week 3052 JHaeoman ON THE INSIDE ? WHO'S BEEN WHERE AND FOR WHAT ? Staff correspondents of THE PRESS keep the inside pages of this newspaper alive with news about your friends and neighbors Read the inside panes from top to bottom and you'll know Macon County. 74th Year ? No. 8 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, February 19, 1959 Price 10 Cents Twelve Pages WE HAD a church dynamiting here a while back, but it was strictly business. Wiley Clark had to use a small charge to open a hole in the wall at Bethel Meth odist Church, where he was doing some work. A FELLOW who frequently sits at the checker board here in front of Pendergrass' store is a patient at the Blue Ridge Rest Home in Pickens, S. C? and might like to hear from some of the boys of the Checker board. He's J. Henry Stephens, who's known as "the checker king" in his home town or Easley, S. C. WELL, SYLVA did it, just as planned. The progressive town now has a full-time promotions director. How about it Franklin, going to keep being the cow's tail of W.N.C. in promoting your many wonderful features? THE DISTRICT'S new solicitor, Glenn W. Brown, held his first court in Haywood last week. He's in neighboring Jackson County this week. Macon will meet him at the April term of Superior Court. THE LATE C. C. Poindexter's Picture has been hung in the trophy room of the Bethel gym. The Macon County native died Christmas Eve after many years service to this area as a coach and educator. 'SPEED WEEK' in Daytona Beach has attracted a lot of Ma conians, including Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pennington, Carl Oreen, Jack Gribble, Frank L. Henry! Jr., Clyde Sanders, Howard Stew art. Jim Wurst, and Sanford Mann. Others plan to go down over the week end. FROM ALL the way in Winne mucca, Nev., comes a letter to T. H. Fagg, asking for information on organizing a square dance team. Seems J. Kirk Day, the agricultural agent in Winnemuc ca, read about the Carson team in the February issue of NATION AL 4-H NEWS and decided to in quire. Publicity pays, doesn't It? THAT v TEETH -chipper appar ently is going to be on Phillips Street so long this column will be changed from the "Indian Mound" column to the "teeth chipper" column. Incidentally, many more holes are appearing in the streets, most because of bad weather. BANK OF Franklin will "shut her down" the 23rd (Monday) for George Washington's birth day, which falls on' Sunday. HOW ABOUT that New York trip for. $66.25 being sponsored by the home demonstration women? That's an opportunity of a lifetime, so don't hesitate, perco late to Mrs. Florence S. Sherrill's office in the Agricultural Building and tell her you want to go along. STRANGERS SURE are getting the once over in town this week. Any man appearing in a suit and hat is automatically classed as an "F. B. I. man" or a "union organizer". Disappointing as it is, the majority of them are just hard-working salesmen. EIGHT CUBS RECEIVE HIGHEST RANK These eight Cub .Scouts received Cub Scouting's highest rank Friday night at a covered dish supper at Franklin High cafeteria. In Car penter, who presided; William B. i Bill) Garrison, who introduced Dr. Nau; and Robert W Moore, responsible for decorations and other details, who was master, of ceremonies. SINGING SUNDAY The fourth Sunday singing of the northern division of Macon County will be held at the Rose Creek Baptist Church Sunday. February 22. at 1:30 p. m. Lon Thompson, president. Invites all singers and the public to attend. BURLEY VOTE SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY Growers To Cast Ballots For Next Three Crops Macon County farmers will go to the polls Tuesday for a burley quota referendum. All farmers who grew burley tobacco in *58 are eligible to cast a ballot. It will take a two-thirds vote to keep the burley tobacco marketing quota program in opera tion in '59. The law provides that, under quotas, price support will be available at 90 per cent of parity. The referendum will cover the next three burley crops. Two polling places have been designated by the local A.S.C. committee. All townships, butNan tahala, will vot? at the Agricul tural Building in Franklin. Nanta haki growers will vote at Bate man's Store at! Nantahala. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Raby Named To Committees Eiwht committee appointments have been handed Macon Rep, James M. i Jim' Baby. He is on Agriculture, Appropri ations, Conservation and Develop ment, Elections and Elections Laws. Engrossing Bills, Education, Welfare, and Wildlife 'Resources. In a telephone interview with THE PRESS Tuesday afternoon, the representative said he was "keeping busy" at committee meetings and did not have any local legislation to offer at the present time. County Fair Meeting Set A reorganization meeting for the '59 Macon County Fair is set for Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Agricultural Building. New officers will be elected and some preliminary plans for the coming fair will be discussed. Wayne Profltt, chairman of the Agricultural Workers Council, asks all committee chairmen, members, and interested persons to attend. Sylva Man Gets Dean's \ Area Job Western Carolina Telephone Company has a new district man ager, in Sylva's Harley Carpenter. Hp succeeds Frank Dean, of Franklin, who resigned last month to accept a job with the Philco Corporation in Anchorage. Alaska. Exchanges coming under Mr1. Carpenter's supervision included Sylva, Franklin, Highlands, Cash iers; Cullowhee, and Clayton. Ga. The new district mar.aaer has been manager of the Sylva ex change for the past five years. The Weather rha waak'i tranp^raturaa and rainfall balow ir* rrrordrd in Franklin by Manaon Atilaa, [J waathar obaarvar: In Highland# bf fiidor N Hall and W. C. Nawton. TV K fthaarvara: and at th? (Virata IVydrolocfa Laboratory. Raadinga ara ffr tha 24-hoor aariod anding at 8 a.m. of tha day llatad. FRANKLIN High Uw Rain Wed.. Uth 64 35 ? .18 Thursday 45 31 i .00 Friday 54 37 1.37 Saturday 67 47 .06 Sunday , 63 . 47 .20 Monday 62 27 .00 Tuesday 65 36 .00 Wednesday 44 .18 f COWETA Wed., 11th 67 32 .75 Thursday 50 32 .00 Friday 46 35 2.15 Saturday 56 46 .03 Sunday 70 47 .11 Monday 62 24 .00 Tuesday 62 35 .00 Wednesday 68 42 .40 HIGHLANDS Wed.. 11th 51 38 * Thursday 42 34 * Friday 58 39 * Saturday ? ? ? Sunday * * ' * Monday 55 28 * Tuesday 56 36 ? Wednesday .... 42 ? ? -i ? * no record.