CIRCULATION Net Paid Last WMk 3003 " J&b* Jftacoman ON THE INSIDE ? WHO'S BEEN WHERE AND FOR WHAT? Staff correspondents of THE PRESS keep the Inside pages of this newspaper alive with news about your friends and neighbors Read the inside pa ues from top to bottom and you'll know Macon County. 74th Year ? No. 15 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, April 9, 1959 Price 10 Cents Sixteen Pages ?<: TROUT SEASON had a pretty good opening Saturday. At Cliff side Lake alone, 1,500 fish were caught. The best catch reported so far was made by Winton Perry, who got a 19 and a half inch rain bow in Nantahala River Saturday afternoon. Fishing with him were Roger Sutton and H. T. Collins. EDDIE BRYSON, a former high way patrolman here, who is now on duty in the Canton area, was given temporary duty last week, along with several others, at Hen derson, where a touchy strike situation has been making head lines for a number of weeks. ONE OF THOSE fast-talking and quick-selling stocking sales men was black in town for a brief stint Monday morning at the courthouse. He harvested a whole crop of Macon County greenbacks. JACKSON COUNTY'S cham ber of commerce got a real shot in the aim from the Mead Corp oration ... a $1,000 shot that should put the county in the running with the big ones for more tourists. Wonder if Mead ha3 any left over for Franklin? WHAT MORE proof do we need that the mall always goes through than to point out that carrier Tom McKay, true to tradition, kept right on delivering the mail Saturday afternoon while his wife was at the hospital having a baby boy. She says he corrected his Saturday mistakes along his route Monday, when he was in a little better frame of mind for deliver ing mail. WONDERING why something you sent THE PRESS hasn't ap peared In print? It probably was because you neglected to sign the letter or news item. A policy of the newspaper requires all items mailed in to be signed with the name and address of the sender. MAILINGS FOR the second an nual "Pilots Ruby Rendezvous" in Franklin next September already have been sent to pilots over the country by the Florida Air Pilots Association. V. H. Burt, of Miami and Franklin, will be up this month- to make some of the local arrangements for the unusual fly in. LARGELY THROUGH the ef forts of John E. Cutshall, super intendent of the local prison camp, a Cullowhee youth who was going blind has regained his sight. Thought to be a hopeless case, Charles M. Moss, 19, of the Erastus section, received help from the Knights Templar Eye Foundation. C. B. SMITH, who lives just off the Highlands road outside town, Wednesday of last week hooked into a big and fighting eight and a half pound brown trout In Hatchery Creek below Cashiers in South Carolina. It took him 45 minutes to fight the 26-i'- h beauty down. APRIL 13 will be "Pulp and Paper Day". A "pilot forest" dem onstration wlil be held in Jack son County under the sponsor ship of the Mead Corporation. Mead sends a lot of dollars into Macon County every year through the purchase of pulp wood and quite a few from here will attend the event. Labor Board Sets Hearing April 27 Judge Faces Lighter Than Usual Dockets April Term Opens Here Next Monday Civil Calendar Lists 30 Ca?es, 15 Divorces Judge Prank Huskins, of Burns vllle; resident Judge of the 24th Judicial District, will open a two week mixed term of Superior Court here Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Meanwhile, the clerk of court. Mrs. Kate M. Wrinn, reports the criminal docket is a little lighter than usual, with 205 new cases ready for trial and 45 hold-overs. Most are traffic cases. Thirty civil actions, including 15 divorces, are listed on the civil docket. Trial of civil matters will get under way next Thursday, the 16th. There are two probable explana tions for the ' lighter criminal docket this term. At the December term, Judge J. C. Farthing made a clean sweep of the docket, leav ing only those cases that could not be brought to trial at the time. Also, Highway Parolman H. T. Ferguson was out of action recent ly for nearly six weeks because of injuries received in a wreck in Catawba County while enroute here with a new patrol car. Biddle Is New Leader Of Jaycees Boy M. Biddle, Jr., teacher at Franklin High School, is the new president of the Franklin Junior Chamber of Commerce. An election of '59 officers featured Monday night's meet ing of the Jaycees at Hie Pres byterian church. Elected to serve with Mr. Biddle are Charles M. Led bet ter, 1st vice-president; Tom Colliar, 2nd, vice-president; Bill Zickgraf, secretary; Tom Mc SSE NO. 1. PAGE 8 Mr. Biddle 5o SaijS MR. MACONIAN" Hi-ya Neighbors: \ Well sir, this warm weather means just one thing. Tourists are going to be on the move before long. i And the important thing for us is, are we ready for 'em? Year in and year out I keep hearin' about some fellow working at such-and-such a' place, who keeps tellin' visitors to go somewhere else, that we don't have anything hc;rc. This is the kinda fellow who needs a little educatin' about Macon County. Most of us know we've got one of the best tourist coun ties in the whole pastern end of the U. S. 1 Tryin' to get some of that tourist money is tough enough without havin' our own flesh and blow! answer question's about the county with "1 don't know", or ^'There's nothing here." And I thank you. Mr. Maconian Solicitor Brown A new face will be among officials here next week for the April term b. The Weather Th<- week'* titni?mtnr<'? nnd minfnM l**low ?ji- i.*?rd?.riilory. Kettdintf* nrf for th* 24-hour Period ? ruling at M n.m. of th. day listed. Wed.. 1st Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday FRANKLIN Hijjh 72 60 74 63 74 ? 79 77 l.uw Rain 38 .00 Wed., 1st Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday COWETA 78 70 58 75 62 72 79 77 47 31 37 26 35 33 39 38 45 30 36 25 35 33 39 HIGHLANDS Wed.. 1st Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 63 67 68 74 70 42 32 27 42 47 41 .32 .05 .31 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .55 .00 .24 .00 .00 .00 .00 * no record \