CIRCULATION , Net Paid Last Week 3008 Hlb* l&tafolattV Baconian OX THK 1NSIDK ? WHO'S BEEN WHERE AND FOR WHAT? Staff correspondents of THE PRESS keep the Inside paues of this newspaper alive with news about your friends and neighbors Read the inside paseS from top to bottom and vou'll know Macon County. 74th Year ? No. 29 Fran-klin, N. C., Thursday, July 16, 1959 Price 10 Cent> Sixteen Patres SIRS. MERLE P. Dryman had her "gTeen thumb" at work on the flowers Thursday morning ia Rankin Square, which is kept by the Franklin Garden Ciub. YOU CAN'T tell a visitor by the shorts they are wealing. Too many locals are wearing the things. GEM CUTTER Jim Brinkman has been sidelined in Atlanta for additional treatment of injuries he received in an auto wreck last August. Mrs. B. is holding the fort while he's out. WHEN THAT reported big motel is built in East Franklin, the airport association should negotiate to have a taxi strip from the main runway to the back of the motel. Then Franklin could boast of having a fly-in motel. IT'S A REAL challenge to negotiate Main Street in your car without being hit by someone cutting across your bow from the light hand lane. ITS NOT FAIR when you figure someone from Daytona can come here for a vacation at rates of about 50 bucks a week and Franklinites going to Daytona have to pay 100 or more. IN TOWN Saturday, the "devil beat his wife" off' and on all day. EVERYONE should go out of his way to make the "Flying Rebels" of Georgia feel right at home when they fly here this week end for some ruby digging. POLICEMEN KEPT traffic mov ing swiftly on Main Street Satur day. This is the only solution dur ing peak hours, particularly with tourists on the move. PAUL CARPENTER'S new motel on US 23-441 is now open.. He's named it The Carolina. CARL. MASON is opening a snack bar in the old Munday Building next to the chamber of commerce booth. He hopes to be open. Tuesday week. Its official name: "Carl's Snack Bar". NEAT TRICK was pulled by a young female motorist the other day. She pulled into a violated meter space, stepped out with a parking ticket in her hand, slid it under her windshield wiper, and went off shopping. Kind of a do it-yourself parking kit. HOPE THE empty store build ings on Main Street aren't indi cating some kind of trend. WITH THE thunder showers coming and going, convertible owners are raising and lowering. THE NURSES at Angel Hospital saved this for us: A small town is where everybody knows what everybody else is doing and they all buy the weekly paper to see how much the editor dares to print. THE AUTOMOBILE manufac turers are going to have to shorten those cars or the town is going to huv to widen the streets to keip the hind ends from sticking out into the traffic, WHAT EVElt happened to the courtesy tickets the town used to hand out to tourists? They would eliminate soma of the frowns those "yaller" .jobs are causing. HOW MANY of you good citi zens are giving your support to the Little League and Babe Ruth Leag?e games? These are worth while programs that need your * SEE NO 2. PAGE 8 so says "MR. MMCQNIAN" Hi-ya Neighbors: Like the fellow said \yhen he kissed the cow, "Everyone to his own likes and dislikes." Mid most of us folks have got some "likes and dislikes" coming up on two important issues soon, floating bonds for a courthouse and for a water system in Franklin. There's gonna be pros and cons, and cons and pros, and fence walkers, and radicals and conserva tives, and all kinds of things. But through it all there's a silver dollar-shine on two points: (1) Franklin can't expect to continue to grow when folks that are living here now don't have enough water to meet their needs, and (2) Macon County will continue to be looked upon as a "horse and buggy county" as long as it has a "horse and buggy courthouse". And I thank you. Mr. Maconian SI, SI WITH A MACON-MEXICAN ACCENT YET The little fal with the big ears is named "June". She's a Mexican burro, but ? Jean Hampton . . . Ofiicial Grceter gem cutter. Winners will be picked by ac credited flower show judges. GENERAL RULES Any person may exhibit whether a member of a garden club or not. Professional grow ers and florists may enter non competitive displays, space to be arranged for in advance. 1. Only one entry will be al lowed an exhibitor in each class. 2. Each exhibitor agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Flower Show Committee. 3. In all classes except the arrangement section, entries must have been grown by the exhibitor. 4. All entries in the Horticul ture Section must be marked with the correct names on the entry card. 5. Entries falling to conform to the schedule may be disqual ified by the Entry Committee. 6. Plants on the State Con servation List may not be used. 7. Non-Competitive entries shall be so marked on entry ci'ids, will not be judged, nor have any point value. 8. The show management as sumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of property. P. Entries in Potter! Plants MUST b? placed Tuesday. Aug us' 4. Irani 8 p. m. to 10 p. m. P'ints' have been in own ers p i s;it>n 3 months prior to show. , ? 10. Errlei in Horticulture and Arrangement Sections may ce p'aecd from 3 a. m. to 10 a. m.. Wednesday. August 5. No exhibits will he accepted aft?r 10 a. m. Entry and classifica tions comtnlttecs will assist in entering and placing entries. 11. Judging begins at l! a. m. No persons will be allowed in the Exhibition Hull except, Judsces, Clerk s and Flower Show C'lairman 12. Awards will be given as follows: a. First, second and third awards in all sections will be designated by seals, Blue, Red, SEE NO. 4. PAGE 8 Hays Awarded R. E. A. Contract For Building W. A. Hays, of Franklin, has twn awarded the contract for con struction of a Rural Electrifica tion Administration warehouse on the Dillard road, near Highlands. One of four bidders, his was low at S28.785.44. The warenoust will have a floor space of 27.000 square feet and will be of block and brick construction. FRANKLIN SUPPER A covered dish supper will be held at the Franklin Park Satur day at 6 30 p.m. All residents of Franklin are invited. It Is be mi' sponsored by the Franklin Com munity Development Club. Drowning At Clif fside First Of '59 Clif fside Lake between Frank lin and Highlands has claimed Macon County's first drowning fatality of the year. Sunday afternoon about 6 o'clock. 18-year-old Charles New ton Crawford, honor student of the '59 graduating class of High lands High, apparently suffered a cramp and drowned. A futile attempt was made by the youths father to sav? him. but he was unable to pull him to shore. Woodrow Hollard. who was fishing nearby, also jumped in and .-warn to holp the strug gling Jouth. The father, James Henry Craw ford. Sr., Highlands barber, is quoted as saying Charles was not a strong swimmer. Charles swum out to the diving platform raft SEE NO. 5. PAGE 8 .V . V. :??-'? . . IJjoa ii.'i Vi. iiin STATE TAX OFFICE OPENS IN FR ANKLIN , New District Has Macon, Jackson, And Swain A i' ist lict fflce for Macon Jackson, aiifl Swain ( ountles ha: been estatflished in Fanklin bj the K. C. Department of Revenue. Tn 'charge of the three-county office is Robert L C irtis, deput: collector, a native of Bunromb" County, who has been with f ??>? department for three years. Hi iormerly was in Ruthsrfordton. The district is a new ine. fcvrii ed from counties former' v woike: by two other depuu .collectors. Mr. Curtis' office i? In the towr hall. His regular office day duria" the week for Frank' ih will b. Fridays. All-Stars Split Games, But Are i Still On Top Although they split games over the week end, the Franklin All Stars are still the leaders in the Tri-County League. Saturday in Robbirsvllle. the team won 6 to 0. with the Rev. Earl Crowe pitching a one-hitter. The All-Stars scored six runs on six hits and played errorless ball Leaders in the batting department were Grady Corbin and C. D. Cor bin. with two for (our earh. Sunday, on the local diamond, the All-Stars swallowed their second loss of the season, losing a close one. 12 to 10, to Young Harris, Ga. Even though they were on the losing end. the All-Stars racked up 17 hits, with Roger Seay and Jerry Sutton leading with four for five and three for five, respective ly. Sunday, July 19, the Franklin teams plays in Murphy. The fol lowing Saturday, Hiawassee will b - ume for a same Plans :i r* now being made in the lei)7"e for n tournament over th? labor Day week end between FranWin Young Harris. H'ws s??. Murphy. Andrews, and Blairs ville. GOSPEL SINGING The community gospel singing will be held at 8 p.m. today (Thursday), at the Pleasant Hill baptist Church, located about two miles off US 23-441 in the Union School section. All Interested people and sin*t is invited. OLD WESTERN CAROLINIAN - Woman Has Rare Newspaper A ram cotiv TIIK WEST KRN CAR.OLI.Vi AN, tl?e ''par cat" of today s I'RAN'KI IN PRESS, - i:: the elien.she d posV.; Mrs. Kstu Iti-'ftfy . Although numb' rs have tried to purchase 111 ? a';e-yeilowed new .pap"r f her. he Won't. ] >rt with l|t. bitted Feb." 12. . 1801. it I < the third issue pulili.,heii by Editor P lblishr"-' I ???n K* . '-r. I' < ni i ?!'??:! !>>?_ ? :: ? ' |U;?lity :;i r.'n ?. ? o mi ii' v:< [ - 1 . . . : .,'1 V. it.ll ; . ?;'n. s (>? inKi'i.'; ; Hi' rvii'nnl ( ; ill' it n il : . . nvws, '1 i ll: CAHfjirWAM ;n:M ii i'i( ! it- t ? ik 1'iiir. " st at ids on ? . ?: I v.. iiw inrludy: ", ' :??? u.iivi;'. .'ii h i'; ird id U: ? prcs '?:.t <1: ?raot.vd -t ? - of !!?. ? c iiurfry " ^ lit* C vil- War ? ? ! cl n . 1 v > I." 'i'lni'v to Ivfnvv 'ilid fft---.. JlinciniC novr.'l* cif lictitrfji;.; .?? i i.i j : i ' t "i t ' j ? ? .. mi ?!? lit' a.? ! n u '? 1 1 iiuman jnisM V. ?s ar. . ifiiii'.', 'Ahu ll (j( rirjji' s no ! i 1. i?r irl > in y n .1 of t! ? business rarer typo c.y)! i (J afi' iiUon. t ? a huiiil^r -.1 c, :< < n v. h ) <> i. x . a ? ?? ??*. on i : 1 1 > 'rH in 1'iiui.t;, . I : '/irv. I or example V., Dr. II. (1. \\ Hi'lfin l as re moved his o< tahlisbmemt t<> the North \\>>t corner of Main Street, lie takos this method of expressing his gratitude for the liberal pa tronage hp has received for more than a quarter o-f a century, ana' will In future endeavor to merit a continu ance of the same. J. M. Lyle, M.D.: ThaJikfui for the past patronage, be speaks the continued favors of a generous pubSc. Always at home, unless professionally absent. STTLL ALIVE AND KICK ING! ( lrpentering, Painting. Upholstering, &c, &c still dene up in neat style at short notice and on the best terms, by F. Polndexter. C.enM R. M. Henry, attorney and counsellor at law and so licitor in equity. Franklin, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the counties of Cherokee, Jackson, Henderson, Macon, Haywood, Buncombe. All busi ness entrusted to his care, SEE NO. 6, PAGE 8 FAIR CROWDS ATTENDING REVIVAL IN FRANKLIN Only fair crowds btve been attending the annual interdenominations evangelistic series in Franklin since it opened Sunti'.iy night at the Friendship Tabernarlr. The guest speaker Is l>r. G. Rav Jordan, professor of preaching at the Candler School of Theology of I'.mory I'niYersity. I>r. Jordan's sermons have been described as "inspiring" by laymen attending. The series will run the remainder of the week (Staff Photoi HERE'S A DO-IT-YOURSELF WAY TO BEAT THE HEAT Grownups and children alike have been flub ting the heat of summer by dousing themselves at the public pool at the Franklin Lodge and Go I Course. A popular week end retreat, the pool at times had upwards of 300 splashing and enjoying the water. Lifeguard Alfred Higdon also is conducting swimming classes during the week. (Staff Photo i Macon Fair Scheduled For August August 6-7-8 are the dates for the annual Macon County Fair. Fair catalogues are now betnw printed and will be ready for dis tribution, over the county at an early cate. As In past years, the three-day fair will-' center on the Franklin High School grounds. Main ex hibits and booths will be In the gymnasium, while dairy and beef cattle shows and other events will be held outside. Fred Corbin is chairman of the fair association: Walter Taylor, vice-chairman: Miss Cecile Gibson, secretary and Miss Marie Jenn ings, treasurer A steering com mittee u> composed of officials of local agricultural agencies and businessmen. VAN1IOOK REUNION The annual Vaniiook reunion will be held S-iirday, July 26, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hay Vnnhook All relatives and friends hi ' Invito, to ,itter.d brln* a picr.ic lunch. ITS AUGUST 26 - School Opening Dates Are Set August 26 will be the opening date for schools In Districts 1 and 2 < Franklin and Nantahala*. according to Supt. H Bueck. District 3 i Highlands i will open the day after Labor Day, Septem ber 8. Christmas holidays in all three districts will be December 19 through January 3. Two days also will be allowed at Tl'anksgivir.g and schools will close for two more days for the annual N.C E.A. mcet inK in Asheville, he said. The superintendent said this year teachers will report for duty two days prior to the beginning of classes. They also will remain a day at school after classes end. AT GEORGIA HEARING ? Tallulah Falls Receiver Says Railroad Is Safe The Tallulah Falls Railway re ceiver, H I*. Brewer, at a hcarin . . b. fore U.S. Di trict Judse Boyd Sloan in Gainesville, Ga.. Satur day. piesenled evidence from a number of sources to show that the picturesque line is safe to operate. Southern Railway, in a state ment last week.' '^rrned the 57-rail? line between Cornelia. Ga., and Frank'in as "definitely unsafe for a train of the kind operated; by t ic receiver to b" operated oyer tli s line of railroad >:i1 he many t j { sties located on 'it." Boutin i n owns t h> ?* an<1 in - nt W( ks. (..? ' protests ? f l)'?](? ijf* i": \ t\.<-ds its con ; . u.. :vt ?. t ' .? I i ? t 1 !'.st r. 1 Commerce r? -rnr .*i Yrrr can. rule m its nects ' v / ri.ntinued ? ??; "? - v i- h ' or . j oi'tin*1 i he Weather FRANK' IN Hish Low Rain Wed.. 8th *7 #57 .00 Thursday 8.-, no Friday 3-? 55 .27 Saturday 8"! 62 oo Sunday 83 6 1 05 Monday 81 r>l oo Tuesdav ' 32 61 .00 Wednesday 62 .95 COVVEETA Wed., 8th 85 52 00 TJiursday 8.5 49 00 Friday 85 51 .00 Saturday 85 55 .00 Sunday 85 54 .69 Monday 82 57 .00 Tuesday 78 54 36 Wednesday 82 58 .22 highlands Wed., 8th 78 56 Thursday 80 54 Friday 84 54 Saturday 76 58 Sunday 78 55 Monday 70 57 Tuesday 72 58 Wednesday 60 ' no record.