CIRCULATION Net Paid Last Week 3124 IHht l&iaWattbjS OTacoman ON THl? INSIDE ? WHO'S BEEN WHERE AND FOR WHAT? Staff correspondents of THE PRESS keep the inside pages of this newspaper alive with news about your friends and neighbors Read the Inside pages from top to bottom and you'll know Macon County. 74th Year ? No. 31 Franklin, N. C., Thuriday, July 30, 1959 Price 10 Cent* Sixteen Paeres Three - Day County Fair Opens Next Thursday VANCE HENRY, director of the "Red Stocking Revue", went bear hunting over the week end in the Smokies. He just wanted a look at one of the critters-. They spotted one rooting around in a garbage can and Mr. Henly decided to go c*>er and have bis picture made with it. He touched the bear, the bear lunged out of the can, and the dance director is reported to have cone a fade-out routine that defies anything in the show. GENE CRAWFORD has opened a rhodolite mine to the public. It is on Crawford Road in Wayah Valley. He has erected signs, so it isn't hard to locate it. THE TOWN got its big water main installed at the culvert Mon day. But, it was broken by a piece Of heavy machinery pushing dirt over the roadbed and they had to dig it up and start over. IT'LL BE COLD this winter and a lot of needy children will be barefooted will be, unless the Franklin Junior Woman's Club buys them shoes. The club Is spon soring the "Red Stocking Revue" this week end to raise money for shoes for the children. Go and enjoy yourself at the show and take heart in knowing you're help ing this worthy charity. PEOPLE LIVING in the shadow of the water storage tanks haven't got water pressure, simply because there's no water in the tanks half the time. Doesn't this indicate how vital the coming water bond issue Is to Franklin and its growth? WHILE FRANKLIN has been almost drowning in rain, many outlying areas in the county are parched. The ways of a thunder shower are mysterious, to say the least. THERE'S A dangerous traffic hazard near Franklin High that needs correcting before some child is seriously injured or killed, or autos are involved in a bad wreck. It's the dirt road beside the ball field that enters Wayah. The fence around the field blocks the view of anyone entering Wayah and it also hides anyone walking into the street. How about setting the fence back 10 feet and elimi nating this potential killer? NEXT WEDNESDAY'S flower show in Franklin promises to be one of the most, colorful in recent years. The jewelry theme sounds unusual and exhibitors should come up with some noteworthy arrangements. This is a "must". MANY MACONIANS will want to attend the concert of the Brevard Music Center symphony July 30 at Western Carolina College. It starts at 8 p. m. Soloist will be Walter Carringer, tenor, a Western North Caro linian who has distinguished himself in the world of music. THINK TOURISTS aren't on the move? Sunday the St. Francis Catholic Church over flowed with 134 people. Its seating capacity is 100. Winter attendance is about 30. A VIRGINIA man, Garnette S. Thomas, of Highland Spring, is but one of many reporting unusual finds at Andy Reid's Vhodolite mine In a week of prospecting, he found a bottie full of rhodolites and sapphires. He also found a piece of dark green gem stone he was unable to identify. Mr. Reid Wouldn't name it either. BODY CAN holler himself blue in the face about things the com munity needs, things like some fixing up around the Macon Coun ty County Health Center. It's a $30,000 building on a 30-cent lot. TOURIST OPERATORS com plaining about business might consider giving a little support to last year's "Welcome to Frank lin" project. It died for lack of money, yet it was one of the best business boosters we've had here in pears. MEMBERS OF THE BABE RUTH All-Star team are (L to R) front row, Ronnie Mashburn, George Xallent, L. T. Gibson, Robbie Gibson, bat boy, Al'ex Corbin, Larry Franklin, Steve Heaf ner, and J. D. Gibson, coach; back row, Jimmy Williams, Johnny Swan, Morris Davis, Ronnie Higdon, Sonny Burrell, David Simpson, Tommy Kiser, Jimmy Cabe, and Bill Plyler. (Staff Photo). Babe Ruthers Lose In Area Play-Off Clash Franklin's Babe Ruth All Stars last Thursday night were knocked out of the district title by the Brevard Babe Ruthers by a score of 7 to 3. The night before at McCor mick Field in Asheville, the Franklin team defeated the Beacon team 4 to 0 to step Into the finals. Brevard will represent the district in the state tournament next week in Charlotte. In downing the Beacon team In the semi-finals, Ronnie Hig don pitched a three-hitter and struck out 12 batters. In the bottom of the first Inning Franklin scored three runs and never trailed from this point on. A four-run rally in the bot tom of the fifth inning put SEE NO. 1. PAGE 8 Little Leaguers Lose To Andrews In a district Little League play-off last Thursday in An drews, the Franklin Little League All-Stars lost in the frst round to Andrews by a score of 3 to 1. It was a pitching duel, with Franklin's Hugh Franklin and Andrews' Dick Slagle both giv ing up only three hits during the game. Andrews, however, capitalized on Franklin's hits and won the game. Missing Man Finds Hi;rrm!f The Macon Search and Res cue Squad was called out Sun day afternoon to .search for Troy Swafford. who had been missing on Burningtowh. near his hpme, since the night be fore They began searching from his abandoned car and covered a large area before stopping be cause of coming darkness. Members had no . more thah left the scene when the miss ing man emerged and drove off in his car. - While he offered no expla nation for his actions, Mr. ij'wafford was given an over night "cooling off" period in the county jail, compliments of the sheriff's department. GETS CONTRACT A local dontractor, W. A. Hays, has been awarded the contract for curbing and gut tering in the town of Newton. His bid was $13,800. Ao sayA MR. MACONIAN " Hi-ya Neighbors : i Even a feller who's not right bright knows that plants and animals and the like can't grow with out water. So how in the world can a town like Franklin expect to make it Without water? Growin* is growin', I say, and it just can't be done without water. And I thank you, Mr. Maconian GETS JOB ONCE AGAIN ? C. D. Baird Is Appointed Police Chief Of Franklin C. D. Baird is once again police chief in Franklin. The veteran police officer was renamed to the post at a special meeting of the board of aldermen last Thursday, filling the vacancy left by the resignation of Chief Sid Carter. Mr. Carter, who held the post 25 months, had succeeded Chief Baird. who remained as an officer on the force. An officer here since 1933, Chief Baird first became police chief in 1934, and except for time off for Army service dur ing World War II and the Korean War, served until 1957. He also was a candidate for sheriff in the county election last year. The resigned chief, Mr. Carter, plans to join the staff of Conley Motor Company this month as service manager. Aldermen also appointed a new police officer. He is Ancil Crutch field, a native of Knoxville, Tenn., and husband of Mrs. Martha Hyatt Crutchfleld, case worker with the local welfare department Officer Crutchfleld started work Friday. He is a former Marine. All-Stars Beat Hiawassee Here; Game Saturday Hiawassee bowed here Saturday afternoon to the Franklin All Stars 6 to 5. Trailing 5 to 4, a home run by Norman Seay with one man on put the All-Stars out in front to win the game: Tom Huff was ths winning pitcher. In the batting department, C. D . Corbin had three for four and Grady Corbin and Bobby Gregory each had two for four. This Saturday on the local dia mond. the V.F.W.-sponsored team will meet Robbinsville at 3 o'clock.1 Sunday, the All-Stars will play in Young Harris, Ga. Chief C. D. Baird A 'FIRST' FOR MACON 4-H CLUBBERS Misses Elizabeth ^nn Amnions (standing) anil Brenila Cun ningham last Week were tapped for membership in the State 4-H Honor Club during "State 4-11 Week" activities in Raleigh. This marked the first time anyorne from this county has been so honored. Both of the girls are outstanding 4-H members in local, district, and state activities. (Staff Photo) Judge Patton Will Convene Superior Court On Monday Superior Court will opeii Mon day in the county courthouse with Franklin's own Judge George B. Patton on the bench. While the August term generally is only one week, an extra week has been authorized this time m> Judge Patton can clear some old cases from the ci immal .and civil docket. What this means is that all 54 Jurors probably will see outy, the first 36 the first week and the jest during the second special week. Grand jurors also will be drawn from this number during the opening session. Mrs. Kate M. Wrinn, clerk of court, this week said there are a number of civil actions of long standing that need attention. The Xirst three days of the term will be devoted mostly to criminal actions. Civil trials are scheduled to begin next Thursday and prob ably will consume most of the next week, she said. On the criminal calendar, there are 139 new cases, most of them traffic violations. Also, the calen dar lists about 40 hold-over cases from prior terms. Thirty civil actions are listed, iu addition to five divorce cases. Chamber Out $$$ Hunting Directors of the Franklin Cham ber of Commerce this week hope to wrap up the '59 membership campaign. With $2,377 of the year's $7,500 budget now on hand, they've di vided among themselves some 50 membership prospects and are out to sell them on the value of the chamber of commerce movement in both business and tourist activ ities. , At a meeting last week. Presi dent J. C. Jacobs and his directors discussed a number of projects and acted on several. It was announced that the chamber's new industrial booklet ?should be ready for distribution before long. It is being printed by an Asheviile firm at a cost Of $600. Also, the new documentary film on Macon County. "The Majestic Nantahalas", is nearing comple tion and a special showing is be t ing arranged at the local theatr? in early August. The movie is be ing shot by Ken Stambaugh, of Demorest, Ga. Mr. Stambaugh had hoped to film the ruby fly-in of the "Flying Rebels" the past week end, but it had to be cancelled because of the weather. However, he has told the chamber he will xp'iee in a future fly-in to make the iiuvie complete. The Chamber, has voted to pay gasoline expenses for the Carson ? Cloggers to the Mountain i Festival ill A-.heville nex inontli News Item About that sp? tourist edition slated for publication by THE FRANKLIN PRESS this week. It'll be included in next week's newspaper. The truth of the matter is the staff underestimated the popularity of the eight page section promoting the area. Many merchants also requested additional time in which to pre pare advertisements. So, the deadline has been ex tended to tomorrow (Friday) noon to enable everyone to "get their name in the pot". | Look for this picturecpacked edition next week. Oh yes, and make plans right now to mail a copy to a relative or friend away from home. HICKMAN REUNION The annual Rickman family re union will be held Sunday, August 2. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fouts io the Cowee com munity. All relatives are invited j to coir.e and bring a picnic lunch. I ' ~ * IOTLA REVIVAL Revival services will begin at the Iotla MethodLst Church Mon day. August 3. and will continue through August 7. The Rev. G L. Lovctt, of Clyde, will preach each 'night at 7:30. The public is in vited , to attend. SLATED FOR WEDNESDAY ? Jewels Theme Will Feature Flower Show Next Week "Our Mountain Jett els" will be the '59 theme for the annual flower show being sponsored next Wednesday. August a. by the Franklin Garden Club. A special exhibits of items and minerals is being prepared by Jim Brinkman to carry out the theme. Slated for the cafeteria at Franklin High School, the show is open ot any resident of Macon County. Under the show rules, entries In potted plants must be placed Tuesday, August 4, between 8 and 10 p.m., and In the horti culture and arrangements sections between 8 and 10 a m. the mom ins of the shoiv. Show houis will be 2 to 9 p.m. Judging will be by accredited judges and'jseul.s C>1 blue, red, and yellow will be awarded the win ners. Point values for the seals Will be 3. 2, and 1, respectively, in all classes and sections. A tri color seal will be given for the best arrangement and the sweep stakes award will be presented to the exhibitor receiving th^ great est number of points In horticul ture and arrangements. No admission will be charged for the show, but a silver offering will be taken. IT'S THIS MONTH ? Attention Entertainers! Sign Now For Festival Do you sing, play an Instrument, buck dance or engage In any form of mountain entertainment? Then you're wanted for the eighth annual Macon County Folk Festival, the colorful event that lets home talent work the year's accumulation of music out of their system for three nights running. Slated for August 13-14-15 "un der the stars" In the Franklin High stadium, the '59 festival promises to be one of the biggest and best yet. according to the festival general charlman, the Rev. Donn K. Langfitt. As in past years, the. Jaycee sponsored event will award prize money to winners in a variety of categories, ranging from individ ual musicians to string bands and square dance teams. 'rhe '58 festival even turned up iome accomplished spoon players and Jug blowers and Mr Langfltt satd the competition in these two fields will be stiff To enable the Jaycees to plan the progtam in advance, all local entertainers are requested to register immediately with Mr. Langfltt or the other members of his committee. Alfred Higdon. Dr J L Hill. Jr . and Bob Bryson. HIGHLANDS TONIGHT ? 'Red Stocking Revue' Ready For Performances With last night's 'Wednesday' dress rehearsal out of the way. the local talent musical show. ? Red Stocking Revue", is ready to go "on the road" for three pei ? formances. Starting from "scratch" little more than a week ago. the New York director, Vance Henry, has almost miraculously moulded a professional-type production that runs the gamut- of song and dance and comedy. Highlands Tonight Citi/"ns of . the Hi:. 1 ;!.i r ? nrv i tonight 'Thursday ? will, t'.-t to Me the opening show .it H o;clo?>: in the 1 1* ' 5<-ht&} Yin i.;i ium. Nightly perlui nrtn<-< s un scheduled for th - Fimklin an i Friday and Saturday ni?hts at 8 nt the East Franklin School. Sponsored by the Franklin Junior Woman's -Club, the sho\v theme Ls 'Vication Time m '59" l ?nksl Oh A popularity contest also is . be in# staged- in conjunction with the show, with local civic and .service groups rooperatin? Thi> is the "maha: a : i contest". Five tnahar.jas" are -coiripetitiq for the title, Ltm Dalton, iTpnscnL i the \rn. : ir:ir. I."^ion. Mi C Mifqn ? S-VicI/i an-1 "lie S'?i'.;id, ' I ? k ? ? V. Slope. Ft I I ill 1 . O! C 1 u i ) . fe 4 C I pt / t r. i . .iiikiiii i total;.'. CI '.lb: Torn Coll.: !. I- .i/ik! n .J.iyr