CIRCULATION Net Paid Last Week 3189 Iftiablanta jHaconiati ON THE INSIDE ? WHO'S BEEN WHERE AND FOR WHAT ? Staff correspondents of THE PRESS keep the inside pages of this newspaper alive with news about your friends and neighbors Read the Inside paxes from top to bottom and you'll know Macon County. 74th Year ? No. 33 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, August 13, 1959 Price 10 Cents Twenty-four Pages FRANKLIN POLICE are clamping down .on speeders in town. One tried to outrun the prowi car on Palmer In the early afternoon but didn't get far. it cost him though, on a visit to the justice of the peace. THOSE ARE the saddest look ing cross-the-street banners in the world. They've been that way for a couple of weeks, al most since they were put ud bv the chamber of commerce to indicate the way to its infor mation booth. A truck clipped off the Main Street taanner. Why one hasn't got the sag ging banner on Palmer Is a mystery. GEORGIANS CAN'T complain now about getting caught for speeding on the Georgia high way. Their old excuse has been eliminated. That was wailing that the Georgia speed limit is 60 and they weren't think ing when they arrived on the 55 m.p.h. stretch in N. C. Now they're both 60, which should produce some new excuses. THE STAFF of THE PRESS is pleased with the response shown last week's tourist sec tion. We've plenty of extra copies on hand for distribu tion where they'll do the most good. MACON COUNTY'S annual folk festival runs tonight (Thursday) through Saturday. For five dollars worth of fine entertainment for just a quar ter, this event can't be beat. LAST WEDNESDAY'S garden club flower show at Franklin High has been praised as the finest ever held here. The quality was exceptional. 'LOST COLVERT now has curbing and Frogtown Branch is flowing in a new channel. The detour road was destroyed by a shovel Monday afternoon. SOME SILVER paint on the brushes of town employes sure has helped the appearance of the Iron bar fence along Town Hill and up Riverview Street. They also painted the fence on Iotla Street Tuesday. BOWER'S Department Store is still at work on its new face. The new front of the store will add to the attractiveness of Main Street. BOYS DOWN at the A & P were sprucing up the front of the store after working hours Monday. WASN'T THE county fair something this year? There are a lot of praises due, but it would be hard to single out any one individual, it was a team project and one that everyone can take pride in. TOWN HAS been loaded with lawyers for the last two weeks with "court a'keepin' " Andy Jones is up from Raleigh to represent the state in some highway right-of-way cases. HIGHWAY WORK is at full swing hereabouts. Prisoner* are clearing along the roads ana shoulders are being leveled THAT FALLS picture on Elli jay THE PRESS ran last weefc as "Amnions Falls" was wrong Should have been the Moorf Falls, so on bended knee wf ask forgiveness. CANCEL THAT fbove aboul the cross-the-street banners They've now been fixed. How ever. they droo perli for so long we'il still complain. MRS. E. S. PURDOM (left), sweepstakes winner, ana' the tri-coior winner, Mrs. Stephen A. Bundy, are shown with one of Mrs. Purdom's prize-winning arrangements in last Wednesday's flower show. (Staff Photo* AT FRANKLIN HIGH STADIUM - Folk Festival Opens Tonight With a wide variety of moun tain entertainment, from dance teams to old timey fiddlers, the annual Macon County Folk Festival opens tonight (Thurs day) for a three-night run. Competition In the Jaycee sponsored festival is limited to Maconians, but a number of out-of-county groups will be on hand to play "Just for the fun of it", according to the Rev. D"in K. Langfitt, chairman. Performances will begin nightly at 8 o'clock "under the stars" in the high school sta dium. A 25 cent per person admis sion will be charged, with most of the money going for cash prizes to the winning musical groups and dance teams. The festival annually draws several thousand spectators and Is considered a highspot on the tourist calendar. Entertainers and musicians wanting to compete in the fes tival may report to Mr. Lang fltt each night at the stadium at 7:30. Proceeds will be used by the Jaycees for civic improvement projects. DECLARED RUNNER-UP ? Carson Cloggers Nearly Made It In Asheville The greatly-Improved (through experience) Carson Cloggers danced their way into the runner-up spot before some 2,000 spectators Friday and Sat urday nights in Asheville at the Mountain Dance and Folk Festival. A team from Florida won out over the doggers in the finals Saturday night. As usual, Carson danced to music furnished by Its own band, "Cumberland Mountain eers". Accompanying the team to Asheville Friday night were Mr. SEE NO. X. PAGE 8 FOR ACTIVITIES ? Peggy Dills, Gregory Boy Win Top Youth Awards Winners of the top Hilda Coo'.; Awa rds are Pogjy Dills, 4-H club ber. arc*. Wayne Grescry, a Fia :'ik lir. Fv.tu.e Parmer. The. cash awards totaling $200 a: /Uit by "Irs. Hilda Cook. Miami, Fl.t,. a Franklin summer Sitier.t.; She has stipulated that ( the to 'je put up annually. i:- to be Ji\ .'did equally between I CfT.te Mpnday ? Tuesday 1 Wednesday r * no record 78 80 78 84 77 79 74 Rain .08 .00 .00 .19 .00 .00 .00 1.64 59 53 59 57 51 48 54 56 62 54 60 63 56 51 56 60