CIRCULATION Net Paid Last Week 3078 Wh* HSjifiWatrt# Jftacomwt ON THK INSIDE ? < W/IOS BEEN WHERE AND FOR WHAT? F ? ff correspondents of THE P. SS keep the inside pages of mis newspaper alive wi*'n news abo-* your friends arid neighbors Read tie insult putj'/s I rum top to bottom ann >ou II *r. c\v. Macon County 74th Year ? No. 39 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, September 24, 19^9 I'ricc 10 Cent Sixteen Paees CONGRATULATIONS Macon iansl The reception you accord ed tiu follts here for the sec ond annual Pilots Ruby Ren dezvous was nothing short of wpnderful. That's the word from the visitors, too. Several are going to become summer residents in our fair county and practically all say they 11 be back next year for the fly-in. TOM ,SPEET>, former field ex ecutive of the Smoky Mountain Boy Scout District, of which Macon is a part, .is being trans ferred to the Atlanta Area Council. Tom for the past- three years has been with the Rhodo I dendron District, operating out of Abbeville. A LITTLE GIRL at the air port last Thursday to see the arrival of Gov. Hodges got her wires a little crossed: "When is Mr. Khrushchev coming?" she asked her mother. WE'VE GOT a new "preach er" in town. Bob S. Sloan, pub lisher of THE PRESS, has been working with the ministerial as socian in obtaining speakers for next year's revival. He got a letter the other day address ed to "The Rev. Bob S. Sloan". FALL COLORS are beginning to show in the higher elevations already. Won't be long now be fore the spectacle will be breathtaking everywhere. THERE WAS MUSIC Sunday night on West Main Street. Some newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Single, were serenaded by Mrs. Siler Slagle, Mr and Mrs. Cecil Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slagle, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Slagle, Mr. and Mrs. Bob V/al droop, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Setlser, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles No len and daughter, Carolyn Lee. I'KAXKLIN GOT two men tions in the September issue of North Carolina's TRAVEL NEWS. One about the new doc umentary movie, The Majestic Nantahr.las, another abaut Pil ots Ruby Rendezvous. A NEW LAUNDROMAT, with Westiaghouse machines, has opened next to the "Pure Oil SEE NO. I, PAGE 8 REBERS HAVE LIVED VERY HAPPILY TOGETHER' Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Reber, who live in th ; Leach Apartments, last Sunday quietly cele brated 65 years of married life by taking a ?i'ri .e with their son, Ted, and his family. Both say they've lived "very happily together" through th ; years. The Rebers came here three years ago from* Sunbury, Pi., where Mr. Reber was in the music merchandising business. He aj*? is a piano tuner. Both are 86 years old. (Staff Pho :o\ PANTHERS VS HAYESVILLE - Football Is Coming To Town Tonight Football will finally arrive in Franklin tonight (Thursday). The Franklin High Panthers will play their first home game against Hayasville. The game was scheduled Friday night, but was changed to avoid a conflict with the district N.C. E.A. meeting in Asheville that day. As usual, the kick-off will be at 8 o'clock. Last Friday night in Chero kee, the Panthers clashed with ths 'Braves of Cherokee High, winning 19 to 12, although out played statistically. In th? jrame, Panther Guy Fn'.'ts, son at Mr. brB Mrs. MJton Fo?ts, suffered a broken leg'. lie is the second Franklin pi; -er to receive , a broken leg this season. Halfback Kenneth Hall is recovering from a break he got in the team's, opening - game with Andrews. A right tackle, Guy had his left leg fractured and is recovering at Angel Hospital. Ao 3atj3 "MR. MACONIAN" Hi-ya Neighbors: All these meetin's about the courthouse reminds me of the yarn about the .two stuttering black smiths. They had finished heating a piece of stvel and one put it on the anvil. "H-h-h-h-h-hit it." he told the other. "Aw, -h-h-h-h-h-hec.k, fcve'll have to heat it again now." \ Now. there's gonna be another meetin' next Wed nesday night and if you're interested at all in the progress of your county you should be there to speak your mind for or against remodeling. , Stand Up and be counted or sit down and stop grumblin' ! And 1 thank you. Mr. Maconian. Statistics F'nk'.n Chero. First downs 15 17 Ruihing yardage 209 318 Passing yardage 1 59 59 Passes 19-3 15-6 Passes intercepted by 0 2 Punts 2-31 1-68 Fumbles lost 1 2 Yards penalized 20 45 F-ani'.'.in 0 13 0 6?19 C"a rokoe 6 6 0 0?12 Jayyees Beat S 'Ivn Tuesday T'-mrliiin Hisb's junior var sity - -..ti -1 S.jrfc a .3 to; 0 in i Tujsdyy nfeht. D" t T dford sc/jr 'e k. T\e N.^ E A. th?me for '59 is : ; cillenre in E'iucaL m ?. Oi>* Priir-avy Contirn". A hi-,hUgI;t of the mivUi?u; WiU b; liie formats c'n of an e::e utive (.ourcil" for the district, vliicii rmbrajres 15'- counties and five cities. This will be the fi i council of its kin., m the district's his tory. v.' More than 2.000 "teachers, super visor's, superintendents, and col i ^ faculty members are expected to attend. 4-H Leadership Camp Plans Being Made Plans are now being made for the second annual Macon County 4-H Leadership Camp October 2-4. It wiil be held at the Culla saja Assembly of God camp ground. The camp's purpose is to train junior leaders and new club presidents for their jobs. AS OF MONDAY ? No Petitions Filed Yet For Power Company Sale As of Monday, formal petitions had not been filed with the N.C. Utilities Commission for the sal 3 cf Nantfthala Power ?r:d Li&ht : Company's e'ectric distribution'] ry. tem to Duke Power Company. : Before the sale can be consum mated. :t will be necessary' for : both companies to file a petition with the commission for authority to sell and transfer the properties involved. Upon receipt of the fxtition, the commission will then, after due notice to the public ? generally ajpout two weeks 1 , hold 1 public hearing. INCREASED U. F. BUDGET :S ADOPTED Fund Allocates $12,034 To Its Agencies A $12,034 budget has been adopted for tti- United Fund campaign in the Frank lin area. This is an lnrrexse or $1.1)19 over last year's figure of ilO, 115. Some $1,300 of this in cre,i.s_- will go to three new agencies embraced by U.F ; the Children's Home Society (through the Frank!. h Junior Woman's Club), Franklin Youth Council, and Care.inu s Uriited. The youth council inoney will be used to pay a summer youth director. Agencies wanting to join U.F, sufcm Ued tentative budgets tp ti.e budget and admissions chairman. Bob S Slojn, at a meeting Friday nis>ht at the town hall. Th * total bud jet was arrived at after a study was made of each request. Following are the amounts allocated to each' agency: Girl Scouts of America, >6,j0; Boy Scouts of America. $2 7i0; Babe Ru'.h League, ?800; Little Leagu.e, $800; White Cane Drive, $415; American Red Cross. $2. 775; Macon County Search and P.escue Squad. $.500; community development, $1,000; Children's Home Society, $200; Franklin Youth Council, $600; Carolina's United, for United Medical Re search. N. C. Association tor Mental Health, and American Social Hygiene Assoc. "lion. ,5tM>; contingency fund, $1,094. A lund-rais'pg campaign i? f 't for nei.t month. UN Visitors To Visit Lab CoweP*s -ftydro!: ????,? ; t tor, -w:.l be hast l. i. W^tiuv, day. So itemc-r 30. i .? ro r ? n'ativ ? , from I!) il l till' rnornir, ; it j.r . aid ill- t h ? i'.fy"rnco(i will vi U.e Woyn ri, lie I'd. Ti l1 local itop is part of a 57-d?y ... minn r ailrl tour of wa'.tw :ilr (1 pi n ' nt a .lil re:-cars^ ins . l. the Unit'.d. Stut Com thou-1 ?; Meeting; S-~ For Wedr : : 'ay A citizen?* mp :* r ' ? d a cuss the propose' ?'?* k'c i:\? of Macon Count *s old courthouse ha., ' rail ed for next Wed : r 1 ^ September 30, at in the upstairs cour i\ ?f' ihe ancient structunv A remodeling p e * "?? r*> vored by the co. ni. ct>*rmV: s oners and the* ' r *? r! this spccal mfn* ? ,r ound . out public sentim-U. W. E. MJenr ? board chairman, ir ;tft . evo.y interestel Macon ?m \<> at end the meeting and ? ' e his views. ?MISS RUBY' AND HER COURT HIGHLIGHT HOE-DOWN M vis Jane -Cagle (center), riaughter of Mrs. I.ois Cagle, was pickcd Saturday night by mem bers of the Florida \ir Pilots Association as "M ss Kuby". The beauty contest highlighted a mountain lioe-down staged for the second annual Pl.ots Kuby Rendezvous by the Kanklin Jay cees. Held on the west side of the courthouse, the hoe-down also featured square dancing and other events. Pictured with "Miss Ruby" are s Brenda Cunning ham, "Miss Sapphire". Other contestants were Misses Glen da Holt, Sylvia ledford, Polly Hed den, Jane Malloiiee. Barbara Cunningham, and Margaret Kvitt. Fur luoie pictures on Pilots Ruby Rendezvous, turn this issue. (Staff Photo i FROM POWELL BILL FUNDS - Macon's 2 Towns Allocated $18,034.32 For Street Work HOMERS HELP OUT ? Franklin All-Stars Beat Young Harris Fcv Crown TiM*. of "a!l-ji\"uncl clam * this' to tin.' ! i t< uklin Ali-Sta.'.-i . Willi only a lrjU-Raine . If, ' ?w>n. tii" All-Stars alii 1 th" !-!. "uo ?nine 1' irh' r. ? ' i ? " v " ' 4 : i ?> Umr li.ll ^'llV. J rrv C'lUon Ji'ivi t!i?V All - ? ir . !.?> the (?r! ini[)i?in:ihi') Sun day hv IV ? I i* *' t : i ivc .. for ivP. oiH* lut a s'um'e w.,ii'i,n"..Jiom'!r.. I'rankliji Wa.s t :.i Mr' si'vi -nth until Ji'i'-y .stop; "d ii,i ;:i.,i hoin?ri'd v..'h a tn_in oil. vSFK I o :>. l'A< ? AT BAPTIST CHURCH ? Old Folks 'Hour' Slated In Franklin October 11 ' ??*?> ?;? ,-l i l "c, been set as the c-ile for Mooon County's annual ' ?v i .p hr.ur for its young in he irt 65 y.'.ars and over. It be held this ye&r at th First BaptSt Church. Airanm* ments a.-c b Irs handled by repre sentatives of several civic and church groups . For several years now. the f: Uowship hour for the old folks has been a hjghspot in' autumn ??Jvities. Many look forward to *, each year because it i.s the only "i-t'ui itv they, have to ;! :.!? n?:. hips. J ? ' 1 ? v."*ek. 'Ur.cle John'' ' ???' ?, a fe'low htp hour regular. was itskijiK whtn jt would be he'.ci thi'i year. "I'm not oUt ero ? h for them yet." he explained. "But I want, to come and help out." "Uncle John" will be 89 next I month. 1 Prizes w?]^ be awarded for the following: . oldc st man: oldest woman; man with the. most' grand* chiu'en woman wth . th. '? irranrichifdren: man i C ;nty's two towns, r a. k \ i'. iiiK iiar.d arc reaiv i from Powell Bill ti ??'.?> "vi ar tor f rn.u:Uarmng and ir' ? ov:v. ? i o. ^laglWav t \ ? n -,1k ct i. K ,c ' !?!?> f'.s ?? 1 $1 1,7 6 2 '27 ? :.r I ? >?; .tj5; i -k:; ?>???? -.p .. ta o ? mailed U) 1 ?? (ju.'ilit ??. ?? mvinicipa1 ! i ? > m n ' ; ? ; October ? 'd '.< to ? ,.????? Highway C' ? 'i? i Me n. T'h .lt'; i u mount i.i i.>:. !"?' !'??.. i !?!?'- v Jr c ?:;:??. ? '?> ? ? .7( 'i ' / . v :? in i ? ' ? B-se of .Mini ii.i,:' jtar'vi I ?? A ! ) 'a : : ? ? . -11 r>:T ? ???. ;.:itie v ? f !-? ' i * ? ? ; ?' " ? -i'-> hi . . i : - 1 .4 . : . I ? . ? ! 0;? ! y ' - H. if Of thr i.irouj t ... - J among the ' i.v > o:: t-he- basis nf ]\opuhnon ai. n p r c pita rate of 12.: }. T'n-1 half is divir;nMo! nrremert Ks $4 'J ',! 41 ? 1 ?~0 c? sui of 1 T75? arr* i>? rr..l .^e mc:ertKut is $7.3?0H6 Highlands. with a population of 513 and nori ' vsleiii mileage of 10. "0. is getting Sl.H2.4J) for population and $3,129.56 for r/.iLage, RAKK SALE SET The Snow Hill W.^C.S. will 1 >'d n ba! e sa'e Saturday, 5- p timber 2*>, beginning rt. 9 x m in the jobby of the Nan .uhylV P')W"r and Light Coin ?an;' building, Gov. Hodges Lands In Franklin Thursday Afternoon, Talks With Old 7; lends Before Goiii^ To Sapphire Valley State's Xo. 1 eiti/en steps from his plane . . . i chats with his former attorney "general. Franklin's Cieorye B; I'atton ... / receives ?i "Welcome t f * l'rankhli packet Iroin "Miss Ruby", Miss Jean llainpton . . i then gets into Patrolman \V. C. Letiiing's car for a trip to Sapphire Valley and a speaking engage- I inent Friday morning. (Staff Photos)