WITH THE FARM WOMEN ? In Remodeling Her Kitchen Woman Uses Scaled Drawing By MAIDRED MORRIS (Items this week from: Lenoir, Burke, Johnston, Anson, Pastquotank and Buncombe Counties.) Pays To Plan Mrs. Vernon Williams, Kinston, Route 4, knows the value of home demonstration work. In planning the remodeling of her kitchen, Mrs. Williams made a scaled drawing before work was begun. According to Miss Marie Penuel, home economics agent in Lenoir County, Mrs. Williams planned her kitchen for more convenience and better storage before contact Stone Eternal a fitting tribute to your departed loved ones. ANGEL MEMORIAL SERVICE FRANKLIN, N. C. We pive you the best material, the best workmanship, and a reasonable price. See our display on Wayah Street near Depot Street intersection. A \tW lightweight F) REMINGTON Danlam direct drive CHAIN SAW r; It's h?r? ? >h? n?w, oil-purposo "Bantam" ? aiado by Ramington, monufo'^ren of Hi* world'* fastoit cutting chain kiwi, as ao ?li??d on TV: Modnfa SI- J, Sl-5t, SI-5H t, OL-7, GL7i. CI-7IP. Soo 'ooi oo TV ? and mo w? for a working demonstration of Hio atl-now, |wth* tood-for-o-yoor "lantam" ? now on display. WEIGHS ONLY 17 POUNDS B L.E. ENGLISH Expert Repairs on alt Farm Equipment Edsewood Are. FRANKLIN Dial LA 4-2OT5 nm i a /Vow !de& ~For & A Jg\as Erst tng the contractor. Tomato Grading Recently, tomatoes were graded on Jimmy Williams {arm in Burke County. According to Miss Ostine War lick, home economics agent, the Williams famMy is experimenting in growing tomatoes for various commercial companies. They will soon know if the weather and other conditions are suitable for growing tomatoes commercially. Educational Tour Johnston County Home Demon stration Club women recently made a summer trip to Niagara Falls and Canada. Miss Sarah Ann Butts, home economics agent, reports that the tour was cultural and scenic and ga\e the group an opportunity to visit historic areas, industrial plants, and to see agriculture o? the northern states and Canada. The women had opportunity to see fruit farms in upper New York state and some commercial j flowers growing. Pine Cone Wreaths North Carolina craft ideas are spreading into Virginia. Mrs. Ada Dalla Pozza, home economics agent in Anson County, reports that re quests have been received from Virginia for, information on mak ing pine cone wreaths. Directions and other guides have been sent regarding the craft which has proven popular in Anson. Fair Booth Planned Pasquotank County is making final plans for their educational booth on "Chasing and Embossing Aluminum." Workshops have been held fo rthe purpose of training leaders to produce chased and embossed articles to be displayed in the booth. According to Miss Edna Bishop. PLUMBING And HEATING For A-l Work at Reasonable Rates CALL W. a HALL Call LA 4-2913 i jumping junior s I INSURANCE Children growing? Then meet their growing needs with a new kind of protection that can help provide cash for college . . . for launching a career ... for starting a home. Here's how "Jumping Junior" life insurance works: A $1,000 policy pur chased before your child turns age 14 jumps to $2,500 at age 15 ? then jumps again to $5,000 at age 21 ? yet the "baby premium" rates always remain the same. Your neighborhood Nationwide man is waiting for your call! II ATION WIDI INSURANCE MTML MSMANCE CI., KATIOWIDE LIFE IISUUKE CI. : MTVM. FME INSURANCE CI., ??? KFKt I IEMMM. OfFtCt UUW Alex L. Whi taker Franklin ToL LA 4-2*15 home economics agent, the lead ers are developing their skills and techniques In producing quality crafts. Furniture Design "Good Design In Moderately Priced Furniture" was the subject discussed recently at ? home dem onstration club meetings in Bun combe County. Miss Nancy Crowell, assistant home economics agent, says that a bedside table was used to ex plain the joints which make a table sturdy. Points were brought out about support for the drawers, ease in opening a drawer, sturdy handles on the drawers, and corner blocks which are used for a more stedfast piece of furniture. Korean Veterans Should Note Four Points For Money Veterans who have commence'! Korean GI training In schools and colleges this fall were advised of four points in connection with the monthly payments they are to re ceive from the Veterans Admin istration, VA said. First, they must see at the be ginning of each month that the signed certification of attendance for the month preceding is exe cuted by both the veteran and ??( representative of tlw^ school and sent to VA promptly. I'm probably the only boy in the world who can boast of having received four whippings the first day of school. t I use te word "boast" with some reservations because up un til Just recently I wasn't too proud of my initial venture into education. Matter of fact. I was a little ashamed of It ? ashamed until my own six-year-old inquired recently how I made out when I started to school. I couldn't fib to the lad so I unburdened my soul. Unfortunate ly. my wife listened gleefully as I unfolded my first-day adventure and she has since used my con fession as a lever working in his favor wenever I've had to use some stern discipline. My first-day troubles started in Morgaaton, North Carolina. My father was a state highway engi neer and we moved around the Legal Advertising Executor'! Notice Having qualified as ancillary executor of the estate of Ous Summers. AKA Ous Somos, de ceased, late of Maoon County. N. C.. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 24 day of September, 1960, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 18 day of September, 1959. WILLIAM SOMOS, Executor 1409 Vi Broadway Riviera Beach, Fla. J. H. Stockton. Atty. Franklin, N. C. S24 ? 6tP ? 029 Administratrix Notice Having qualified as administra- 1 trix of the estate of Harley J. Crawford, deceased, late of Macon I County. N. C., this is to notify I all persons having claims against I the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned i on or before the 24 day of | September. 1960. or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This 21 day of September, 1959. PRELLIE BATEMAN Administratrix 324? etc? 029 'MM Amu HOW LOOK AT IT".... In the T.V. repair field, R & W studs for the highest quality service in the field. Don't miss your favorite show tonight. Call R & W. R&W we sell Install antennas TV SE2V/CF AIL WORK GUARANTEE? BY EXPERIENCE D TECHNICIAN CWIA'4-2IQ8* m wanaw/nd Second, they should make sure VA has the proper address (or them for mailing their checks. If there is a change in their mail address, VA should be notified. Third, if they acquire a new dependent, a wife or a child, dur ing the year, VA should be noti fied. since this will affect the amount of the check. Fourth, for veteran-students who want to get part-time Jobs after school hours, there's no limit on the amount of money they may earn, so far as VA Is concerned. They do not have to report such outside earnings to VA. The only "ceiling" on veterans in training applies to those who are taking on-the-job training. In their case, if earnings rise above a certain level, their GI allow ances will be reduced. Demonstration Club Meeting* For Week Are Announced I Monday: Franklin club at 2 1 p.m. at the Methodist church. Tuesday: Carson club at the community building at 1:30 pm Wednesday: Iotla club with Miss Adelaide Brewer at 1:30 pm. Thursday: Clark's Chapel club at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Ada [ Rouda: Higdonville club at the j home of Mrs. Blair Price at 1:30 p.m. I Brady's BLARNEY Br A Bndj Called J. p. state at the drop of an order ? and they came thick and fast back then! I recall spending the first four years of my life in the back seat of a T-model Ford. To be perfectly honest. I thought the car was a house until I was five. Anyway, we had arrived in Mor ganton the night before I was to start to school. There I was, a perfect stranger, a six-year-old at that, dumped Into a strange place, with no friends, and completely bewildered at having to leave the back seat of the Ford to go to that thing they called "school". Is it no wonder that I was too frightened to raise my hand to go to the bathroom and wet my pants right there in the class room? As the other children giggled, I frantically mopped up the floor with my little hankerchlef. Then the teacher stopped me. She ordered me out of the room with instructions to go to the bathroom and return immediately. Now how did she expect a first day first grader, in a strange building, to find the bathroom? And if I had found it how could I have told which was which? 1 couldn't read. Being a level headed youngster of six, I left school as fast as I could run. A friendly man at a nearby filling station helped me with my problem about bathrooms. Like a grateful puppy who had been tossed a tid bit, I stayed' at the station and watched the man work for the rest of the day. When school was out I joined the other children and went home. At home, I soon discovered, things were not right. This was in the days of the truant officer and 1 had been reported as absent from school. If my pants hadn't dried out by then, the events that followed assured that they would be. My mother spanked me and my father, arriving from work, took his turn. My troubles weren't over, however. Tht'y BOTH escorted me to school Hie next day, where, rather unjustly I thought, my Jut-jawed teacher got In her licks on my already reddened backsides, and the principal, realizing the psychological returns from the rest of the school, held a public paddling, with me as the subject, using a carved wooden paddle with holes in It that could be heard a -block and a half away. From this point on my school attendance and bathroom habits improved. Oh, I don't mean tliat I didn't get any more spankings as I ab sorbed education. As a matter of fact, I got a couple of good lick ings not two months later from my parents when they discovered I'd been eating nothing but Baby Ruths for lunch since school started. But, I still think I hold the record for the largest number of spankings the first day of school. ? jpb ? True? Kids today think the English Channel Is something you dial on the TV. ?Jpb? MORE LETTER8: Dear M. Brady: I wish you would publish this somewhere In your paper so that folks of Franklin can know that some of ua "foreigners" are treated very well Indeed by the local community. I must take exception to your statement about Fnuikllnltea wearing a ?hell of unfriendliness toward newcomers ( Brady Note : My statement was that they may ap pear unfriendly because of so many things to do). I am newer than Mr. (or Mrs.) Newcomer and I can prove to you that you are both dead wrong. After spending the sum mers and several short vacations here I can assure you that there are no friendlier people any where on earth. I am not much of a "caller" myself ? but nearly everyone in my neighborhood, and even over yonder riverside", has called on me, many of them several times. They almost never come empty-handed, but bringing gifts of garden vegetables, flower seeds, etc. They never fail to invite me to call, or to ask if there is anything they can do for me. Mr. Brady, your column would not have space enough to list the names of these people and the nice things they have done for me. Even ray garden was planted when I arrived this spring. Neighbors came and cultivated it for me too. And the police have such nic< notes when I forget to pat mj pennies in the meters (Brad] Note: The ones I ret aren't Um nice - ? they cost me $1). I have not spent "many hun dreds or thousands of dollars" and I doubt that anyone hen would be much impressed if 1 did. Mr. Newcomer does not brai about himself being a food friend or neighbor. I, myself be lieve with all my heart that th? people of Franklin do under stand the value of friendship to a very high degree, they do not, however, count the pay-off in dollars and cents ? and that's where Mr. Newcomer made his mistake. Couldn't it be possible that in spite of what he says he really wants to continue bein* "a foreigner"? If not, let him call on me and I'll gladly give him the magic key. Sincerely, Mrs. Ruth Osmon Route 2 Franklin. N. C. WE WANT TO Vemoti&rate. THE LINE OF FORD TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS SALES-SERVICE Expert Repairs FORD I-FY YOUR FUTURE Macon Tractor and Equipment Company 244 W. Palmer St. F ranldin, N. C Phone LA 4-3111 WE ARE PAYING BEST PRICES FOR PINE PULP WOOD AND FENCE POSTS WE NEED 1,000,000 FENCE POSTS Locust, Sassafras, Walnut, Mulberry Chestnut (only) Must be Cut With Cross-Cut Saw W. D. Gunnin W. C. (BiH) Mason Junction Wiyah and Depot Streets The Impala 2-Door Sport Coupe SEE IT NOW AND SEE ALL THESE I960 Chevy! f n e wf ? i ? New convenience has been built into Chevy's big. vacation Hiized luggage compartment by lowering the loading height. NEW spaciousness inside Inside you'" find room and more ro