Paid Circulation 3060 Average for February 1960 75th Year ? No. 10 l&iflWanbjtf JBaconian Franklin, N. C., Thursday, March 10, 1960 ON THR IN'SIDR ? Staff correspondents of THE PRESS keep the inside pages of this newspaper alive with news about your friends and neighbors Read the Inside puees Irom top to bottom and you'll kr.ow Macon County Price 10 Cents Sixfeert Pages KEN PERIIY has taken up his lit w duties in 4-H extension work in Bui.combe County, l.en did scnie fii.e woik with thi county's youi.g people ai:a he ii fat iiu?.e A FORMER f.un.-:li.i ce. c: . "Chuck" McCor.nell sol ui. "? e co(; jj" ward in t'.ie weoU.n a. vi&i jn of t'he Smoky Mountain CiUvience. His boys took top honors in the vvlit e co.l.i eiue. , I'ARRELL E. HEN SON, a M i cJ. ian, has been appointed agent with the Prudential insurance Coa pany for the Waynes viile S..iva area. He has been with the c or. pany in Brevard for some tine. IS. L. BRYANT has been in vacuum cleaner country ? Las Vegas, Nev., that is. As an Amana appliance dealer, he was flown there to view new '60 appliances. THE FRANKLIN All-Stars plan two mcney-raislng projects soon, a talent show and a double-header basketball game. The games will send the Franklin Junior Woman's Club against the Burlington girls and the All-Stars against the senior boys at Franklin High. Da tails are coming. EVERYONE OWES highway de partmeht crews a vote of thanks for their above-and-beyond efforts cu,ing the big snows. Of course, it is their job. but remember they worked around the clock and didn't get any time-and-a-half lor it. Uncle: stand they cid a lot bet ter job here than crews did ir. other counties, too. A SEVENTH grader at Frank lin Elementao School, Fleta Tal lent, has won a 15-volume set of Compton's Encyclopedias in the "Ask Andy" feature appearing in the CITIZEN-TIMES. Her ques tion was "How is sound pro duced?" Fleta's teacher is Mrs. Ray Hemphill. HARVEY R. "Cap" Price as sistant. Wayah District ranger, is in Fontana this week taking a training course that all personnel of- the Nantahala and Pisgah for ests must take. A GRANDDAUGHTER of Mrs. W. B: McGuire, Miss Betty Bullock, has won the 1960 Perry Piano Scholarship. The 17-year old pianist in 1958 scloed with the N.C. Symphony Orchestra and in '53 won the N.C. Federation ot Music Club piano scholarship She and: another student have been giving two-piano concerts in the two Carollnas. DON'T HESITATE in your gen erosity to the Macon County Fair building fund. Having a fair ground and buildings will be p. great asset to Macon. Mail thosi donation^ to Mrs. Grace Tatham. treasurer. Franklin, N. C. DONATIONS ASKED FOR BUILDINGS Fair Association Has Exhibit Hall Plans Ready A ear.: paign to raise money for tai.. ii jj: has fce.n launched by th. ? Mi*, -u Coumy . Fa.r Associ ation. o eil Pal',: : , president, sav ariytliing v?*!l be accepted - .rio. Cj 'a l-i.!.r.y ? tj filty mt:*. ianc, labor 01 b'uih tiiy ma . i ... A nauibei oi fl.Use ca.u> w-. mailed out c.e iii _? county week' i -i '.1, .! <?tj i". 1; tier. Mr.' Paikcr eiripi'a l/.ed t! 1 Pledge cards are not b .ug m. i.> to evi.yne aad that donate of cah may be mail-d to t. i association treasurer, Mrs. G < Tatham, in Franklin. The association would like t have conations and pledges o hand by the 29th of this month so plans for building can get undr. way. Blueprints have been secure., for a 132 by 48 foot block exhibit \ hall. Mr. Parker revealed that if the pepole will raise enehgh to build the main exhibit hall an interested Macon County citizen promises to erect a cattle barn. The county recently donated some of the old county home prop erty on US 23-441 south for the fair grounds. Talent Show Rescheduled Weather caused the postpone ment of the annual 4-H talent shew last Friday night at Eas' F-anklln School. It has been rescheduled to to morrow (Friday) night at 8 o'cloc!: at East Franklin. Acmission will be 75 cents for adulU ana 50 cents for children More than 100 4-H clubbers ' will participate in the program. FOR HIS EFFORTS ? Sheriff Slagle Honored By Guernsey Association Tlie North Carolina Guernsey breeders Association has doffed its hat to one of its staunches' supporters, Macon County's A. B. Slagle. Affectionately known as "Sher iff", the widely-known cattleman was honored February 23 in statesville at the 41st annual meeting of the association. His picture appeared on the front of he progam and a page-long list of his activities was on the inside. Following is the , tribute paid him by the organizaton: A. B. Slagle was born in Macon County, April 25. 1883, and ha* been a lifelong resident of Macon County, devoting a large portion of his time to serving the public and I his fe'lowman. He studied Civil Engineering at State College, formerly A. & M. College, and up un'.il a few years ago did sur veying for the public. He served ?!x years as a County Commit :;ioner, twelve years as Sheriff, and during these terms was most influential in many highway and . ommunity projects. It is through ' htse twelve years as Sheriff that the title "Sheriff" still sticks to him, and all of his close friend5 still know him as "Sheriff". , "fheriff" has completed twelve yea's as a member of the North TwroVna Board of Agriculture, is ?>ie etit'y serving as Chairman of ; the Board of Directors of the SEE NO. 3, PAGE 5 POURING SALMON FROM a barrel! Into a net are <L to R) Wildlife Protector C. H Bof- ' inc. Jim Messer, fish biologist, and Bill Arrington, hatchery assistant. This was the beginning of the recent stocking of the little forage fish at Nantahala Lake to provide food for rainbow trout. (Staff Photo) Th,. wis a common sight along Main Street last week as businessmen attempted to clear snow and water from the sidewalks to keep it from pouring inside their establishments. It ap peared yesterday (Wednesday), with a new snow falling, that they'd be practicing more of the same this week. (Staff Photo) ROUGH TIME LAST WEEK - Brace Yourself! Snowing Again... I How dees that old song go. "It's ( started Al! Over Again"? j Alter digging out from under | several inchcs of snow last j Wednesday and Thursday, it start ed all over again yesterday 'Wednesday) morning. Roads. were again virtually impassable, schools remained closed, and business houses started closing. By noon, some six inches of fresh snow had fallen and the white stuff was still pouring out of the sky. It was a powerful punch that Ol' Man Winter tossed at Macon j County last week ? one that ; stunned business for several days. An ice storm, on top of rain and snow, paralized the county Wednesday night of last w..ek. Ai | one time early Thursday morning, 75 per cent of the county was without electricity, according to Nantahala Power and Light Com-' pany. "Jn my 28 years with the com pany, I've never seen it as bad as it was then (Wednesday and Thursday)," declared Mac Whit aker, in summing up the damage. Ice forming on wires and tree limbs caused most of the trouble. An Ice-heavy maple fell on Main Street- early Wednesday night, cutting off power along Main and lotla Street. That was just the beginning of the trouble. Jagged flashes of light, caused by wires breaking or coming in contact, lighted the night sky and power company crews hopped from one area to the other making temp orary repairs. Mr. Whitaker said Macon Coun ty got the hardest lick from the ice storm1. Surrounding counties iidn't experience too much iroublc. Power crews had to walk 111 iliow knee-deep to Wine Springs 3ald near Wayah to repair a rower failure at the C.A.A. remote ac!io unit. They reported it c on some rower lines on Wayah as much is three inches in diameter and hat guy wires on the C A A. owers were coated with as much is seven inches. BULLETIN Yesterday's (Wednes day) appearance of the N. ('. Little Sympftony in Franklin was postponed to March 19 because of weather conditions in the Highlands and Xantahala sections. Mrs. H. Bueck,. local chapter president of the X. Symphony Society, explained that schools are not open in the two areas and children would he un able to attend the morn-! ing concert in the Frank- j 1 i ii High gymnasium. "The, brchestra's ap pearance is for all of. Ma con County," she declar ed, "and we felt it would not be fair to go ahead and hold it without con sidering Highlands and Xantahala." \ Marking 'Week' Macon County's 1,200 4 II clubbers thish week (March 5-12 > are celebrating "National 4-H Club Week'" in a number of ways. A talent show will be held tomorrow (Friday) night at Cast Franklin School. Also, several articles explain ing some facets oflhe 411 pro gram in the county appear in this issue of THE PRESS, written by club members and their leaders. This year's. theme is "l.ive, I Learn, and Serve Through l-II Work", SUNDAY SINGING The second Sunday iinKinj; will be held at Cowet a Baptist "Church beginning at 2 p.m. Present, will b? the Bailey Trio, of Greer. S. C the Gospel Praise Quarte' an others. All singers and the public are invited, tccording t /. ' L Sanders, .chairman FOR TROUT EXPERIMENT - - Lake Is Turned Into Test Tube M?con County's power-pi odur inn and picturesque NanthnN Lak< has been turned into a test Lube tor an unusual experiment oeinu conducted by the N. C Wildlife Resources Commission. If successful, trout, fishermen will reap the benefits. This month. 106,000 miniatun salmon finiierlin?K were dumped into the lake from a number of locations and from here on out they're "supper on the table" for the many rainbow trout. Forage Ftah Jim Messer, fish biologist with the N.c.w.n.c . explains that the little salmon are "foraye fish" for the rathbow and are a sub-species of the "Sockeye" salmon They are plahkton feeders, that Is ? they fied on microscopic plant and animal life; 'not on other fish, and they live best In' the cold water strata <50-60 degrees i frequented by rainbow The salmon grow slowly and are not considered a sport fish. How ever, Mr, Messer said In three or four years, when they reach ma turity. they will be "mighty tasty eating" This species of salmon SEE NO !, PAGE 8 Get a loa<r of what was playing at the local theatre hist week during the big snow. "A Sum mer Place" didn't do too well in attandance because of the weather, howevrr. (Staff Photo! FOR $350,000 ISSUE - Water Bond Balloting Authorized By Aldermen Macon Tops In Business Or. p . cent.iife ij: \?;- . ? ? was^ belli. r in Mac^n ( oum\ i. . >.;9 tijan in ai.y . o. : - i. . *};;icomb , 1 his is iTVe:il'.Tt; y . sale-. .i?id us.- t.?:: cr? ;eV*.u s. us | u i I. she:, in HIS KE TAILED , pub!, cation of the N. c. Mc ::haiu.. j Association. Macon County had a 12.64 ij. i | cent increase in '59 ve '->8: t!mt is, collections jumped $22,070.1 from $179,31)4 for the p.viod Feb ruary 1958 -through January 1959 to $202,030 for the pc riod F- b- 1 ' uary 1059 through' January 1 96.') r | By comparison, Buncomb Coun ty collections were up 11.03; C'lty.j 8.95: Hay wo d. 9.89: Jk -so | II.00: S-.v; ;ri. 9.31i; Transylvania?] 5.24; Grnh ;n. 12.13; and Chtfro-J kee, 11.37. By unanimous vote, the Franklin Board of Alder men ordered Town Attorney R. S. Jones to take the necessary steps' to call lor a vote on a $.?5(),(K)0 bond issue to provide the town with a more adequate water supply. This niolion was made In I >r. J. \\ kalin and sec onded l?v Frank I.. Henry, Jr. The hojids would provide funds lor the construc tion of 'an intake dam and pumping station on Car-1 too^eeliave ( ink. a 12 inch main to hrinjj raw water lo a. filler plant; the construction of a million pal Ion per day Miter plant ; a 12 iiich main from the filter plant to iK..'iVNt i x st.nn 10-uich | m.iiji, wi;, ii aow > j u? F,ank:in ??i> l ... u ? 11. th i. a.:i f ?i?i (.oil V t L)i'i vt tc Wi.i Wtai.j &ul\ .,ii . .1 1 Inch iiiu.n fiom W st $.?eet to 11:, Oil AVei.Lt 'ini . in sub litre . cn.iies out the rcommtiu ?t i.< by. the Hhi wooc'Bi < be Company as the most efficient wiy 01 obtaining ail ' adequate water supply for Franklin. This flim of recognized, reputable hydraulic engineers has WEATHER BALLOON ICES UP Even weather balloons can't take any more of this winter weather. The one above held by Debby Rogers^ of (''arson com munity, apparently iced up Wednesday at last week and de scended, landing in a tree. Numbers on the red balloon *re 3/57 018713, if that means anything (Staff Photo > nac.i! a complete anrl tnorough tury of tho situation. it was em >ha sized. ivi Jones said lie would begin work immediately to c omplete the ftps necessary to call an election. Lettc r Read A letter cortainimi suugstions i or meded improvements in the town from the outgoing board of directors of the Franklin Chamber of Commerce was r-ac to the board by Mayor W C. Burrell. The -following sueg-stions were made : 1. On Palmer St.-eet around the areo ( f the old F> eration build inn. the pavement becomes very m uudy durin ; periods o; rainfall ??! (i is 1;. /it re :;iis and unsightly ;<> ( jj tcwir Also o'": l iundiy . 1 :i,k in tin an a is very un it:; : y ar r, "r/5 iliiv ' hould bv . . tni < i ' ) . j hazard as ? ( r>'e\ to : <? I ' . a ? A ;li . > ? mi i. (1 - : 'iio often ? on f;alr.s' r t;: r el- by cars v \ ? o' th- right hand side .tlCl.g tiie area of ? j i ? c 1 ? * ? F.. 1 1 oil's r ski r.rv. . This ..iriilarly io!c. tun en Satur SEE NO 4. PAGE 8 1 he Weather W <1 . 3: (1 titOi' 9W f-1 u .i> Saturday ?V'uncay Mohday Tuesday Wednesday < ( Wed., 3rd Thui sday Friday Satuiday Sunday Monday Tuesday I1IC Wed.. 3rd Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday ' Tuesday NKI.IN High I,ow Haiti 33 23 3.31 melted snow 34 23 2.61 melted snow 35 9 .00 36 4 .00 37 2 .00 35 17 .00 43 9 trace 22 ,07 k'KTA 2.27 melted snow 35 14 .00 30 7 .00 28 5 .00 35 16 .03 snow 35 9 trace 4 in snow 41 20 33 Ill.AXDS 33 28 _ 28 6 _ 30 -2 _ 37 2 _ 37 9 _ 39 4 _ 14 snow

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