i.O()l'l\(I, where the toe of the stocking is se wn, is the second step in the making of seamless hos iery. These women are shown placing the stockings "" looping dials. SECOND OPERATION in the manufacture of hc->iery is loop ing, in which the toe of the stocking is sewn. At work on a tooper dial is Mary Garner. THE FIXER SHOP is where machines are taken for recon ditioning. At work on one are fixers Clyde Kinsland and Afton Weaver. FIXERS employed at Franklin Hosiery insure that machines stay in good running condition at all times. Showing making a.n adjustment is Doc Plemmens, a first-shift fixer. QUALITY IS most important and to maintain the high standard of Burlington quality hos iery is the Quality Control Department. Shown at work are Willie Poole and Burnette Franks, recheck operators. Caeh stocking is Inspected on a form board FRANKLIN HOSIERY'S office force is under the supervision of Dick Murphy, who is shewn ivith Pit Childers at her desk. At right is JoAnn Sellers. Both women are office clerks. MANY, MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY % TO FRANKLIN HOSIERY COMPANY We feel that you are a great asset our community in many different ways. Besides contributing to our economic life, your personnel has con tributed greatly to the leadership of our community. We hope that you will have many, many more happy birthdays here. PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE To Franklin Hosiery Company And Their Employees . . . Happy 5 th Anniversary We are proud of your growth and develop ment . . . long may it continue. r Nantahala Creamery