Pud Circulation 3248 Amu tor May UM We fftmklin ?fr# <6iflWan^ Baconian ' ON THE INSIDE ? "RED STOCKING RBVUE" Pictures . . . Layouts an the Inside of this issue. Be well informed read THE PRESS from cover to cover i 75th Year ? No. 25 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, June 23, 1960 Price 10 Cents Sixteen Faee SUP BRSn o^nkUn. STSTA Ionian listed Jor ??mofwho't America". Toe 1960-61 listing has 54,146 names. THE CHEROKEE dranrn, "^ to These ? 8the most popular oiitdoor haves^en it stoce IJTopenlAg perlormance July 1' fRANKLINITES, at 1 east, should be famUia^ with mark{ ?gU ^the Swt& they've ^'nlo the polls in the past "^THE MAIN Street Sports Cen ter has changed hands twlc ? r^nt days. ^Charles * Whittlngton bought it Raymond Dalrymple and then sold It to Radlord Jacobs. A NEW furniture store, son's Furniture Company has opened in the old Reeves Hard ware building on Main Street . The Belt's STREET SCENE. A Bei* bargain sign "nder 'he wind shield wiper of a Burrelis C1TO%TTVACATi6n trip to St. 8^^ island, Ga given away free at the /tockln, vue" was won by Miss qLoZ of Route 4. The out Hvine display was won by C D Corbln. To keep the record straight Mrs. Corbin Is not a S3r of the Franklin Junior Woman's Club. Club members and their families were not ^AMG^IACK. bear was spot ted one day last week in Holly sis ~ "?,srsS building by Mr. and Mrs. Cnax He Williams. The critter ambled Into sight about 6 o'clock. Dogs tracked him for some time, but failed to catch up with him THOSE QUICK thunder show ers that have been talllng on Franklin cool things off tem porarily, but It long be fore the heat is back. THE JAYCEES are planning a lot of to* fun for the dav n&rt before th* Fourth. Why no* Just stay at home and enjoy it? , THERE ARE rumors of one, and possibly two, new industries going into Rabun County, Ga. A NUMBER of Maconians were In Charlotte Sunday for the Inaugural World 600 stock car race. Seems that few events are too far away to attract at least one or two from here. THE NEW water standplpe on Golfvlew Drive is rapidly near lng completion. Town workmen were busy Sunday afternoon on the project. HAVE YOU made It to the evangelistic series yet? This year's presentation is a stimu lating thing and one you shouldn't miss. umats 1 ( i doing? JAYCEES: First and third Mondays, 8:30 p. m., eagle's Restaurant on US 33-441 south. ROTARY ; Every Thursday, 7 p. m., Slagle Memorial Building. LIONS: Second and fourth Mondays, 7 p. m., Slagle Me morial Bulldkig. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB: Fourth Monday, 7:30 p. m., Ag ricultural Building V. F. W.: Second and fourth Wednesdays, 8 p. m., V. F. W. Post Home on Palmer Street. V. F. W. Auxiliary: Second Monday nights, 8 p. m., at post home. ^MERCIAN LEGION: Third Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Slagle Me morial Building. BUSINESS AND PROFESSION AI> WOMENS CLUB: Fourth Tuesday at 7 p.m., at the Nor- i mandie. Saturday: Run-off primary, polls open 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 pm? coun ty precincts. Sunday: Methodist Men's Club picnic. ? p.m., Patton community. Sunday: Receptin for new Pres byterian minister, 4 to 8 p.m? Franklin Presbyterian Church. THIS IS just a portion of the crowd that packed Friendship Tabernacle Sunday night to hear Dr. Laubach open the annual evangelistic series. Although not as heavy as this one, crowds at tending have been good other nights. (Staff Photo) Enloe Is Sent Back Here As ASC Fieldman J. H. Enloe has been reassigned to District II, with headquarters in Franklin, as fieldman for Agri cultural Stablizatlon and Conser vation. He left here two years ago to serve as fieldman in District 8, with headquarters In Winston Salem. Mr. Enloe succeeds B. R. Parmer, who has been transferred to District 10. with headquarters in Avery County. About $50 Needed For Cancer Drive ' About $50 is still needed to put the American Cancer Society drive over the top of its $1,712 quota, according to the chapter presi dent, Mrs. Lester Cbnley. Contributions this week have in cluded Higdonville Baptist Church, $3?.41: Union School, $15; Cowae Baptist Church. $9.25: and Carson community. $5. HE'S MISUNDERSTOOD - Lake Vows Not To Close Schools I. Beverly Lake branded as an absolute falsehood .the charge that he would close North Caro lina's public schools If he were elected governor, in a speech at Macon County's courthouse Monday. "My opponent who has made these charges knows very well that no governor of this state has the authority to close the schools, and I wouldn't want to if I could," Dr. Lake said. Cites Record Speaking to a crowd of ap proximately 55 people. Dr. Lake cited his 18 years as a teacher as proof that he is Interested in good schools. "Just ask Tommy here (Franklin's Dr. Tom Huff), who lived in my home when he was at Wake Forest, how much I'm interest ed in education," he said. Arriving at 4:15 p. m. from Bryson City, Dr. Lake was in troduced by Marcellus Buch anan, of Sylva. Traveling In Dr. Lake's press party were John Parrls, of The Ashevllle Citi zen, Ann Sawyer, of The Char lotte News, and Roy Covington, of The Charlotte Observer. Also traveling with Mr. Lake was SEE NO. 1, PAGE 8 AT ANNUAL SERIES - Capacity Audience Hears Dr. Laubach It was standing rcom only Sun day night at Friendship Taber nacle when the world famous mis sionary, New York's Dr. Prank C. Laubach, opened the annual in terdenominational evangel istic series. - ? Late afternoon rains hurt at tendance Monday and Tuesday nights, but the crowds were, never theless. large and enthusiastic. Dr. Laubach also spoke Monday night. Tuesday night the speaker was Dr. Alfred W. Price, of Phila delphia, Pa., an outstanding leader in the American church in the field of spiritual healing. Last < Wednesday) night's speaker was Mrs. Ruth Youngdhal Nelson, of Washington, D. C? evangelist and authoress. Tonight (Thursday), the fea tured- speaker will be Leon H. Sullivan, businessman and lay leader of Philadelphia. Pa. Friday night, the speaker will be no stranger in Franklin. He's Jay Fesperman ,a former resident and manager of the Lees Carpet Plant at nearby DIUard, Ga. A Presbyterian. Mr. Fesperman re signed from the Lees organization several months ago and is now with the Konnia Foundation of Baltimore, Md. Saturday night ,a special youth rally Is planned under the di rection of a youth team sent here for the series by the State Baptist Association. Members of the team are Bill Denton, of Nashville, who is majoring in religion at Camp bell College; James D. Shelton. of Boynton Beach, Fta., a Duke Uni versity student; Miss Jann Gra ham. of Ooldston. who attends Woman's College, University of North Carolina; and Miss Patricia < Withrow, of Ellenboro. a student at Appalachian State Teachers College. Sunday and Monday nights, the bishop of the diocese of Western North Carolina, the Rev. M. George Henry, will speak. He has been a series speaker before. Another former series speaker, Don Austin, is scheduled for two nights, Tuesday and Wednesday. Of High Point, Mr. Austin is a widely-known evangelistic and formerly was with the Billy Ora ham organization. The closing speaker. Thursday and Friday nights, will be Dr. J. Lem Stokes, president of Pfeiffer College. He also is not stranger to Macon County, having been a minister here in the early 1940's He has been president of the col lege since July of 1953. SCHOOL REUNION A reunion of the old Morrison- i Maxwell Schools will be held Sun day at the Slagle Memorial Build ing. All students and teachers are urged to come and bring a picnic lunch. A short program is palnned. | A BAREHEADED Dr. I. Beverly Lake meet* a supporter in front of the courthouse. His local manager, Fred Arnold, Is at left. (Staff Photo) 7 Teachers Are Dropped In System Macor. County has lost *>ve.i school teachcri. because of a drop in average ?;.-ii-y attendance. ac cording to Supt H. Bueck District 1 ? Franklin) has been ?:>;i from 77 ti ichers to 73; DU . act 2 <Nartahala> from seven 'o six: ant; Di t . let 3 (Highlands) /jni 11 to nine. Teachers are allotted on the Is of me.,- [B daily attendance the be t six months out cf v n during the school ye, r Reception Fcr New Minister Slated Sunday The Rev. Fred Guthrie. Jr.. preached his first sermon Sunday as pastor of the Franklin Pres byterian Church. A reception tor the new minister and his family, wh: moved here this week, will be held Sunday afternoon from 4 to 8 o'clock at the church. Everyone is lrfvited to attend. Mr. Guthrie was graduated this month from Union Theological Seminary, Richmond. Va. PRESS Coming Out Day Early To give members of THE PRESS staff a holiday, next week's issue of the newspaper I will be published a day earlier aind the following week's a day later. Next week's will go into the mails Tuesday night for de livery Wednesday. The adver tising and news deadlines for this issue will be noon Mon day. The first issue in July will come out Friday, July 8, in stead of on Thursday. Folk Festival Set In August Dates for the '60 Macon County Folk Festival are August 4-5-6 As In past years, the festival, which features local musical talent in three nights of competition, will be "under the stars" In the high school stadium. The event is sponsored by the Franklin Jaycees. Franklin Beats League Leader; Idle Sunday Franklin's baseball team defeats ed the league leading team from Blalrsvllle 8 to 4 Sunday after noon in Blalrsvllle. This leaves the locals still in second place, however, with five wins and two losses. Blalrsvllle now has five wins and one loss. Grady Corbin was on the ir. vund for Franklin, giving up nine hiis and striking out seven. Top hitter fir Franklin wa , Norman Seay with two for two Seay broke a finger in the fourth inning, however, and piobably will see little action for the remainder of the season. Orady Corbin was next In the batting department, hitting three for five. Franklin is idle this coming Sunday in the Tri-County League. CANDIDATE SANFOKD Is shown shaking hands at the airport with a supporter. At left is Bob S. .Sloan, Mr. Sanford's manager. (Staff Photo) LIGHT VOTING PREDICTED - Maconians Heading For Polls Again In Governor's Run-Off Lake Emory Folks Up In Arms Over Dumping On Road Residents of the Luke Sniory community are up in aims over dumping of garbage a::d refus* along tile Lake Emory Koud. "No Dumping" signs are' now being erected and a $50 fine will be Imposed on anyone caught t.umpir.g. At the reque.it i of the ommun ity, the cit*' cuihp ab-b has been chained off to the public. 'Vacation Week' At Plant Slated The week of July 4-9 will be observed as "vacation week" at Franklin Hosiery Company, ac cording to s. A Bunday. super intendent. The plant will close down at the end of operations Saturday, the 2nd and will resume operation", Sunday, the 10th, he said. All eligible employes will re ceive vacation pay based cn length of service. Brown Gets Assigned To Cullowhee Church The Rev, Aubrey Brown has been assigned as associate pastor of Cullowhee Methodist Church. He has been on the Franklin charge, but is being succeeded by the Rev. M. O. Perkins. PINE GROVE EVENT Bingo, cake walks, and refresh ments will be featured Saturday night at the Pine Orove Commun ity Building to raise money for community projects. Activity starts at 8 o'clock. SONUNC SUNDAY The northern division singing convention will meet Sunday at 1:48 at the Rose Creek Baptist Church, it has been announced. Tor the second time with in a month, Macon Ccunty Cuunfy voters will go U? the \iolls Saturday. The coming o.retiou is a run-off in the governor's race between Terry San ford. whs failed to get a rlear major ity in the May 28 primary, Mid !>r. I. Beverly I .a UcK the runner-up. ? ? ? Allhtugh the supporter* of both candidates have been BAIJyOTS INSIDI Reproductions of sample bal lots for the runoff mat He found on the inside of this issue. beating the drums loudly, a light vote is predicted. The oaitdfidUes have spoken here (see other stories and Vie-) tares) within the past week during whirlwind tours ?t Western North Carolina. Voters will be handed two ballots; one for the contest between the gubernatorial candidates, the other for the special election for Congress from the 12th district The congressional ballot lists enly the name of Democrat Roy A. Taylor. A blank space for a write-in vote appears on the Republican half of the ballot. The Republican nominee, Heinz Rollman, requested that his name be Left off the bal lot and he is not a candidate for the short term. more for w. n. c. - Togetherness Is Sanfords Promise A bold pio<rtim of togetherness between th; governor's office and the people of Western North Car> llnu Is promised by gubernatorial candidate Terry Sanford. Flying here last Thursday after noon for a brief speech at the courthouse. Mr. Sanford was sharply critical of the segregation stand of his opponent In the run off primary. Dr. I. Beverly Lake. "The bold appeal of race pre judice ... is not worthy of the great tradition of this state." the candidate declared He said North Carolina and Its Pearsall Plan Is cutting the pattern for the rest of the South In the integration VI blf-m. adding "we're dolnK it the rliiht way, let's keep on doing it the rlKht way." Lradx Motorcade M. Sanford, traveling In a private plane over the western area, arrived promptly at 3:30 at the local airport and led a motor cade to town At the courthouse he *1 ok hands with 50 or so before speaking to about 200 in the cout t room for 18 minutes. In an open attack on the National Association for the Ad vanceent of Co! ? d People, an oiKanization he <;e.>c,ibed as only 8EE NO 2. PAGE 8 JAYCEES AT WORK ? Beauty Contest To Feature Fourth Fun In Franklin A beauty contest to Fe'.ect "Miss Fourth of July" will be :ne of several entertainment features of Franklin's celebration of the holi day. Jaycees are now arranging a Floridians Form Club A Florida Club has been or xanizt d here by summer residents : fiom the land of sunshine. Officers are C O. "Robbie" Hob- j inson, president; Ashlev Russ. vice-president; Mrs. J. 3. Evans. Jr., secretary-treasurer: and th" Rev. John Tucker, chaplain. The organizational meeting was held June 15 at the parish house of St. Axnes Episcopal Church. Purpose of the new club Is to plan organized entertainment, picnic.-., and outings for Florida visitors here and in surrounding counties. The next meeting will be a covered dikh supper on July 1 at 5:30 p.m. at the parish house. All Floridians are asked to attend and bring a covered dUh and place settings. A group outing will be planned as the next event. night program (or the Saturday before the Fourth. Free to the public, it wiil be held on the Vest side of the courtl'.u.e. Edward Shatley. Jaycee Presi dent Bob Carpenter, and R. M. Biddle. Jr., , are in cha.go of the beauty contest and they expect to have a large number, of contest ants. Rules for the contest are: <lr contestant must be single, (2> contestant must be 14 years or over. 13 > contestant must be spon sored by some club or business A SS entry fee will be charged to. each contestant and the money will be used to purchase prizes for the winners. Club or businesses wanting to sponsor a beauty may get in touch with any of the three contest committeemen for more details and instructions. . Bill Zickgiaf Ls general chair man for the celebration. Jaycee committees Include Tom Collier and Max Holland. Bingo: Olenn Davis. Steve Duncan, and PauJ Orier. concessions: Alfred Higdon. c.ntesU: and Dr. J. L. Hill and Dr. O. R. McSween. square danc ing. *1 Students Taking . | Driver Training Fifteen students are enrolled in Prank Ramsey's summer driver education program. They are Turner Bryson, Oary Young, Bill Walker. David Reber. Lyman Bryant. Sonny Burrell. Steve Heafner, Wayne Seabock. Sandra Norton, Sandra Henson. Marcla Kay Olson. Linda Sue Phillips, Linda Cagle, Rebecca Grant, and Larry Burch. CUB TO MEET The monthly meeting of the Organic Club will be held Monday. June 27. at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Robert Burnette in the Bethel community. A covered dish supper will be served. The pro gram will be a discussion of or Ktthlc methods being used by sev eral members in different parts of Macon County. AT O.E.S. MEET Attending sessions of Grand Chapter of North Carolina. Order of the Eastern Star, in Asheville last week were Mr. and Mrs. Will lam Crawford, Mi's. Prank I. Mur ray. Mrs. Carl Cabe. Mrs. Prelo Diyman. Mrs. Lacy Harper, Mrs. Ma:garet Ramsey, Mrs Bill Phil lips. Mrs. Ed Carpenter. Mils. Mack Suttles. and Mrs John Kusterer. WEATHER FRANKLIN High Low Rain Wed., June 15 82 51 00 Thursday 85 45 .31 Friday 80 58 00 Saturday 85 54 00 Sunday 88 57 00 Monday 87 61 00 Tuesday 83 63 .82 Wednesday 62 1.78 COWETA Wed . June 15 83 50 00 Thursday 82 45 00 Friday 87 57 00 Saturday 81 52 00 Sunday 85 54 00 Monday 86 56 00 Tuesday 85 . 60 .16 Wednesday 82 57 1.15 HIGHLANDS Wed., June 15 79 52 Thursday 79 48 Friday 77 60 Saturday 78 $54 Sunday 76 53 Monday 77 62 ? No Record.

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