Co mill's And Coin's In Cowee Community MISS CECILE GIBSON Staff Correspondent Uitimuw Gather The annual Rickman family re union was held Sunday, August 7, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carr Bryson, with 120 present. Prizes were given to the oldest and youngest member present, to the largest family present, and to the family traveling the longest distance. The oldest member pres ent was R. C. Rickman and the youngest was Janet Rickman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rickman. The largest family pres ent was the family of Mrs. Dora Pouts. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Con stance, of Oak Ridge, Tenn.. came the longest distance. Maaon Reunion Sixty-one decendants of J. M Maaon met Sunday, August 7, at the home of Mrs. S. C. Leather man for the annual Mason fam ily reunion. Brothers and sisters who were present were Walter and Arthur Mason, of Route 6, Asheville; Mrs. Nobla Alexander of Route 2, Syl va: W R. Mason. Buel Mason Mrs. E. O. Rickman, and Mrs. S. C. Leatherman, of Route 4. Frank lin. Two other living sisters, Mrs. dlie Cagle, of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Dean Frlzzel, of Rock Stone Eternal * fitting tribute to your departed loved ones. ANGEL MEMORIAL SERVICE FRANKLIN, N^ C. We five yon the best material, the best workmanship, and a reasonable price. See oar display on Wayah Street near Depot Street Intersection. vtlle, Md , were unable to attend. Hcrf For Funeral Out-of-town relatives here lor the funeral of Mrs. Lizzie M Potts at the Snow Hill Methodist Church Thursday, August 4, were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Deans, Mrs. Jennie douse and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy, all of Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hawley, of Newport News, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. George Potts and Wendell Brook shire, of Alexandria, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Poster and three chil dren, of Florence, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clouse and two sons, of Dallas, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matlock, of Winston-Sal em; and John and Dorsey Mat lock, of Marietta. Oa. Church News The Sunday school mass meet ing was held Sunday, August 7, at the Cowee Baptist Church. The Sunday school superinten dent of the host church. Jack Dillard, gave the devotional. The Rev. Carl Po^on, pastor of Iotla Baptist Church, brought the message. The Girl's Auxiliary of the Co wee Baptist Church held a regu lar meeting Wednesday at the home of Misses Jane and Marga ret Holbrook. The Royal Ambassador Chap tor of the Cowee Baptist Church lield a regular meeting Wednes day night at the church. Youth choir rehearsal was held i at Cowee Baptist Church Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ed Broaden as director. The Jennie Ray Circle of the W. M. U. of Cowee Baptist Church will meet at the church Thursday, 4-WAYS to get the EXTRA ROOM your family needs! We'll Help You Plan - Help You Finance i ... Help You Build 1. Convert Waste Attic Space Into a Beauti ful Room. At surprisingly low cost you can have a new bed room, or maybe two- ? plus extra built-in stor age space ? by finishing your attic. We'll help you design it, and give | you step-by-step instruc i tions if you're doing the , job yourself. - Only $25.00 per month 2. Transform Basement or Porch Into a Gay Recreation Room. Give the youngsters a place to play and enter tain their friends ? a handsome "fun room" in the basement where it's cool in summer, warm in winter. Wheth er you want it to be elaborate or very sim ple, we will have dozens of helpful ideas on de sign. Only $27.00 Per Month K 3. Make a , Year 'Round L Room Out of r Porch or Breezeway f Let us esti mate the cost of turning your "fair weather" porch into a beautiful full t.lmp room. For design help, call on us at any time. As Low as $20 Per Month 4. Add a Room to Your Pres- E ent Home A permanent, well-built ad dition like i this gives you j all the ad- I vantages of L a large ex- B pensive new Unmo ira( nnet c i igiiic ? vwvo "*"j ?* ? ? ? As Low as $30 Per Month YOUR HOME PLANNING AND IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS NANTAHALA LUMBER COMPANY Franklin, N. C. Dial LA 4-JI33 Open 7:30 a. m. to j>:09 p. m. AH Day Wednesday ? Till 12:00 Saturday August 11, at 2:30 p. m. The Shirley Houston Circle will meet with tin. Evelyn Cole Fri day night, August 12, at 7:10. The Rev. Wesley Hooper spoke at Liberty Baptist Church Sunday morning, August 7, in the absence of the pastor. An officers' and teachers' meet' ing was held at Liberty Baptist Church Wednesday night, August 10. Personals Mrs. Ralph Sanders, of New-' port News, Va., left Saturday after spending two weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tlppett. Mrs. Tlppett Is recovering from a broken leg received In a fall about a month ago. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tlppett the past week were his sister. Mrs. Minnie Gibson, of Ft Bragg, and his aunt, Mrs. Martha Allison, of Beaufort and Young Harris, Ga. Mrs. Wayne Duvall returned home last Friday from the C. J. Harris Community Hospital in Sylva where she had been a pa tient for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Leather man and children and Ronnie Hlg don returned home last Thursday after a vacation at Isle of Palms, S. C. Jimmy Clark, of Durham, visit ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Clark, over the week end. He also attended the Tallent family re union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradley in the Oak Grove community. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Hurst and grandchildren, Jo Cloer, visited the Rev, and Mrs. Melvin Brooks and family at Maggie last Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Hurst had as visitors Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Locke Bishop and children, of Pontiac, Mich., and Mr?. Felix Hall, of Sylva. Mr. and Mr*. Sam Shepherd, Jr., and children, Debby and Denise, of Pontiac, Mich., return ed home Sunday after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Rickman spent last Thursday in Gainesville, Ga, with their daughter and son in-law. Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Hun nicutt, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mason, of Sylva, visited his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Shep herd last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mason and son, of Pontiac, Mich., are visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buel Mason, and family. Miss Kathy Shuler is spending the week with her grandmother', Mrs. W. M. Jamison, at Sylva. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Shuler and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beasley and children, of Sylva. spent the week end at the Shuler home here. Mrs. Pat Morton and children, of Rabun Gap, Ga., visited her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brogden, and children last Sunday. Her son, Kenney, who had been visiting Ricky and Mack Brogden for a few days, re turned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Cagle and children, Thomas and Wanda, of Ellijay, Ga., spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Arthur Shep herd, and Mr. Shepherd and fam ily. S/Sgt. and Mrs. Joseph Gibson and children, of Sumter, S. C., are spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Gibson. Col. and Mrs. Oral Cox, and two children, of Sumter, S. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Gibson last week. Claude Darnell, of Rabun Gap, Ga., visited his daughter, Mrs. TOWN OF FRANKLIN FISCAL YEAR 1960-1961 ESTIMATE OF RECEIPTS 1960-1961 Nantahala Power and Light Co $13,440.00 Privilege License 4,100.00 Cost in Police Cases 425.00 Water Revenue . 48,450.00 Sewer Revenue 6,150.00 Parking Meter Revenue 8,500.00 Parking Meter Penalties 1,500.00 Sale of Supplies 200.00 Water & Sewer Tap Fees 2,500.00 Cost & Interest on back Taxes 250.00 Powell Bill Funds ...., ...'. 12,668.08 Other Revenue 5,000.00 Autt) Tag Sale 775.00 Back Taxes Collected -1.... 1,000.00 Tax Levy ? 1960 ..: 56,944.18 $161,902.26 Cash oft hand (Less prepaid taxes $8,715.02) 10,037.51 Total : $171,939.77 Total 1960-1961 ? $171,939.77 Total 1959-1960 s: ? $151,788.96 Estimated 1960-61 increase i $20,150.81 TOWN OF FRANKLIN BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1960-1961 DISBURSEMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE Salaries 1 $7,390.00 Office Supplies & Expense 1,000.00 | Fuel, Lights, Telephone 1,400.00 Jail Fees .......< 400.00 Equipment 2,000.00 Insurance .. 1,500.00 One half social security 1,250.00 Audit & Tax List 550.00 Miscellaneous 1,200.00 $16,690.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT Salaries . ...: $14,400.00 Equipment ... 2,000.00 Police Uniforms 575.00 Operation & Maintenance of Car 1,700.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 $18,775.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Salaries ......._ !.'? $2,810.Q0 Equipment 1,500.00 Operation of Truck 250.00 Miscellaneous .... a 200.00 $4,760.00 WATER DEPARTMENT Salaries & Labor $8,200.00 Power for Pumps 8,000.00 Meters, Pipes St, Fittings ...... 6,000.00 Tools & Supplies 300.00 'Repair & Maintenance : 3,500.00 Operation of Trucks 1,500.00 Extensions St Improvements , 26,000.00 Miscellaneous ; ! 200.00 i . 11 453.700.00 TOWN OF FRANKLIN BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1960-1961 STREET DEPARTMENT / Salaries & Labor ? : $9,500.00 Street Lighting , - 6,800.00 Street Cleaning, etc. 1,000.00 Street & Sidewalk maintenance 3,000.00 New Sidewalks & Streets ...... 7,000.00 Street Improvement ? P. B. Funds T 12,000.00 Tools & Supplies 300.0C Street Signs & Maintenance 1,000.00 Operation & Maintenance of trucks 2,500.00 Equipment : 7,094.71 Miscellaneous : . 500.00 $50,694.77 DEBT SERVICE DEPARTMENT Nantahala P. & L Co. on bonds ? ? $10,500.00 Nantahala P. & L. Co. on interest 2,940.00 Town on bonds 8,000.0c Town on Interest 3,380.00 $24,820.00 Total disbursements - ?, 169,439.77 Estimated uncollected taxes 6-30-60 2,500.00 $171,939.77 Total 1960-1961 Budget $171,939.77 Total estimate 1960-61 receipts 171,939.77 Rotary Chairmen For New Year Rotary Club President Allan Brooks has announced committee chairmen for the 1860-fll year. In Vocational Service, Sid Mar tin Is chairman; George Daven port is in charge of buyer-seller re lations; Bill Bryant, competitor relations; Steve' Bundy, employer employe relations; the Rev. Jack Tucker, Four-Way Test; and Clay ton Ramsey, occupational Infor mation. Club Service: Bill Garrison, chairman: Bob Carpenter, atten dance; Nevill Sloah, bulletin; Nor man Blaine, classification; Dr. J. H. Fisher, ladies night; John Al sup, magazine; Ed Carpenter, membership; Weimar Jones, Bill Garrison, the Rev. Robert E. Early, Harvey Price, and Willie Hays, program: John Turpin, pub lic information; W. L. Nothsteln, Rotary Information; and Clarence (Red) Henry, sergeant-at-arms and fellowship. International Service: E. J. Whitmire, chairman; the Rev. L. B. Hayes, international students; Gilmer Jones, International con tacts; Neville Sloan, Rotary foun John Hurst, and family last week. Harold Dalton and children, of Pontiac, Mich., are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Piatt Dal ton, and family this week. Mrs. Elsie Hurst returned home Sunday after a visit with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carden, of Sylva. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hol brook, of Iva, S. C., are spending the week with his mother. Mrs. J. R. Holbrook. and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Bradley and children, of Brevard, Mr. and Mrs. Walton Smith and two chil dren, of Asheville, and. Mr. Smith's nephew, Walton Rogers, of Char lotte, visited Mrs. S. C. Leather man last week end. Miss Louise Raby returned to Greenville, S. C.. Sunday after spending a week with her mother. Mrs. Albert Raby. Misses Catherine Fouts and Linda Rickman are in Brevard this week to attend the wedding of Miss Rickman's school mate, Miss June Monteith. to Marshall Whitmire. and to visit relatives. daUon and Chan Gordon; and John B. Raj, International Infor mation. Community Service: BUI Sloan, chairman; Clyde Clark, Boy Scouts; John Cunningham, Christ mas party; Harvey Price, com munity safety; B. J. Whltmire, crippled children; O. 8. Brown, ?porta banquet; Bmon Teague, rural-urban relations; C. K. Olson, scholarship recognition banquet; twin Patton. Junior Rotarians; Henry W. Cab*, student loans and scholarship awards; and Bob Moore, youth service. ''Like the papers say. . $ 1 THE NEW ACOUSTICON POWERMASTER means new hope for the severely deafened. If yon have never enjoyed all the power you wanted in a hearing- aid . . . if you have been waiting for power and fidelity in a compact and miniaturized new design ? .eo,me, in and try the new Acousticon POWERMASTER today! ATTENTION HARD OF HEARING FREE CONSULTATION FOR THE HARD OF HEARING AND FOR HEARING AID USERS Latest Models in Eyeglass and! Behind-the-ear hearing aids as well as conventional types. MONDAY, August 15 from 10:00 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. FRANKLIN MOTEL MURPHY and ATLANTA H1WAYS FRANKLIN, N. t>. Will also call at your home by appointment Acousticon Asheville Company GABRIEL STABLE, Mgr. 1107 J a^ksan Bldg. Asheville, N. C. We Give GREEN STAMPS sale: LIMITED TIME ONLY! Save now on the same tires that come on new 1960 cars 3-T CUSTOM SUPER ?t?idON Your old tires will make the down payment THE WORLD'S FIRST TURNPIKE-PROVED TIRES TUBELESS ^ I 9 5 7.50x14 Blockwall J* *??????? First time we've ever offered this famous original equipment tire at these special sale prices. New whisper-quiet, cushion-soft ride. New 3-way surenes', on the road. Quicker starts ? safer stops and better car control. Buy now and save on the quality tire that comes on new 1960 cars ? but hurry this sale is for a limited time only. ALL SIZES INCLUDING WHITEWALLS ON SALE NOW) 'year MORI PEOPU RIDE ON GOODYEAR. TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND J. H. DUNCAN TIRE COMPANY TIRE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS East Main St Franklin, N. C. Dial LA 4-3114

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