Comin'a And Coin'* In Cowee Community MISS CECILE GIBSON Staff Correspondent Roper Elected At the meeting of Cowee Com munity Development Organiza tion at the school last Thu:sday night. John Roper was elected as president for the comlnt; year. Other officers elected were Mrs Grace Tatham, vice-president; Miss Ceciie Gibson, secretary treasurer; and Mrs. Ed Brosden. program chairman. The other of ficers will be appointed by th' president. A committee was appointed to be in charge of a booth for the Maoon County Fair. Rene' Fafard was named as chairman and oth er members are Algie Raby. Mrs Bertie Hall. Milton Fouts, Mrs George Byrci, and Miss Cecile Gib son. Mrs. Lucy .t Hathferman -xpsesv ed her appreciation for th.' heip and cccperation she received dm ins the past year and the group save her a standir.? vote or ap preciation for the work she had done as president. I Some plans were discussed In [ regard to preparing for the area Judging, which will be held the week of November 14-18. | The name of Carroll Gibson was drawn for the attendance prize of $1. He was not present so $1 was added to the building fund. Pay Your 1960 Taxes * 1- ? ?'?*;? ' NOW , IF PAID NOW, NO PENALTY WILL BE CHARGED Tom Henson MACON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR School Kem The P.-T.A. of Co wee School will meet. Tuesday night, October 18. at 7:30 at the school. The P-T.A Is making plans for a ' Hallowe'en Carnival'' at Cowee School on Friday night. October 28 There will be a.od string music, a Hallowe'en king and queen chosen from the school, bitu'o. cuke-walking. fishing and pretty gi.l cake and ugly man I cake. Last Friday Mr. Sea lie and Mr. C'.ib. took their seventh and eighth grade students to the Ciitrokee Indian Fair. Church Items I Wednesday night prayer sen ice mid Bible study was held at Cowee Baptist Church With the p;i t r. the Rev. Clyde Collins, In cha. ge. After prayer service, Mrs. Ed Brogden conducted adult choir practice. The G.A.'s. R.A.'s, and Sun beams also held their mestlngs at | the church Wednesday night. New Sunbeam leaders are Mrs. Dixie Shook. Mrs. Helen Hol brook. and Mrs. Sue Willis. G. A. leaders are Misses Josephine and Barbara Jean Roper. Ed Brogden is R.A. leader. Sunday afternoon at 6:30, Mrs. Ed Brogden will meet with the yicuth choir of Cowee Baptist Church for rehearsal before Training Union. Pmoiub Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hall re turned to their home In Winston Salem Sunday after a visit with Mrs. Hall's mother. Mrs. J. R Holbrook. and other relatives. Miss Eddis Holden. of Phlldel phia. Pa., is here this week for a vacation with her parents, the Legal Advertising IN THE 8UPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, MACON COUNTY. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION MERLE BRADLEY McCOY vs. JOHN PAUL McCOY To John Paul McCoy: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being Sought is as follows: An action to obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation. You are reulred to make de fense in such pleading not later than December 1. 1960. This 5th day of October, 1960. /S/ KATE M. WRINN. Clerk of Superior Court, Macon Oounty, N. C. 013 3tc J / J? N3 Pine Grove Happenings The Walnut Creek Home Dem onstration Club met with Mrs Ella Peek at her home on October 4. Mis. Mabel Swan gave a talk on children and how to train them to save m.ney. Also, plans were made to attend "Achieve ment Day" on October 28. T'O' ' fair and "Harvest Sale" were rv j plained to the club. Mrs. Bill Deal , m ve the devotional. The "Cki'jj Woman of the Year" was select ed. The November meeting will !jo | Rev. and Mi's. N. E. Hclden. i W. L Hall visited his mother. , Mrs. W C. Hall in Burnesvil! - ' last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ma the 'V and son, and his mother, of Michi- i flan, visited Mrs. B. J. Hurst anri j other relatives lecently. Miss Annie Hurst, of Portland. | Ore., has been visiting Mrs. Ul- j lian Hurst and James and othei j relatives in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hurst have j been visiting their children in ' Virginia and Washington. D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Burke Cole and children spent the week end with Mrs. Cole's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Deaton, at Travelers Rest. S. C. Mrs. Edwina Cole returned home Monday after a week's visit with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and IWrs. Joseph Robinson In Travelers Rest. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Rickman spent the week end with their liughter and son-in-law, Mr. arH Mrs. Charles R. Hunnicutt. in Gainesville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shuler and children visited Mrs. Shuler'* mother, Mrs. W. M. Jamison, and other relatives in Sylva last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Cunle Dotson, of iSt. Petersburg, Fla.. who pur chased the Fiank Roper hems place are busy painting and re pairing their home. Ray Dills has moved to Stanly, N. C.. where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hurst, of Andrews, visited relatives over the week end. J. B. Elmore suffered a heart attack and is a patient in a Waynesville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Shook went to Washington. D. C.. Sun day where they visited their aunt. Mrs. Travis Dryman, who recent ly underwent surgery. Mis. Shook's mother, Mrs. H. R. Morri son, who had been spending the past few weeks with her sister, Mrs: Dryman. returned home with the Shcoks. T. C. Bryson and son. Ronnie, of Macon, Ga., spent the week end at their home here. held at the home of Mrs. Jane Tllaon on Walnut Creek. After the meeting Mis. Peek served refresh ments. The Pine Grove W.M.U. met on October 6 at the hem: of Mrs. Pred Rogers. The program was on "The Message -cf Gog's Son.' T'n. November meeting will be heiu j with Mrs. Connie Mills at "Lull- ! water." Mrs. Rogers served coffee and an old time stack cake. A miscellaneous showe. w given it\ honor cf Mr. ard 'w. s. Frfeiiton C'.aik cu Saturday. Octo bcr at the Plr? Grove .:i> y Builcirg. Approximately 50 quests ca!!c ' , the, c enirr; and the hon- ' cites receivcc' ma ay useful sii:?. Th? hostesses. M s. Bob D al. ! s. How a. c. Ci'ar.kletou. Mrs. Lima Russell, arc: Mack Sut- j ties se;vcc: refresiuusnts. Mrs. Clark is the former Miss Sharon Dills. Mrs. Hyatt Crunkleton. of Oil lard. Ga.. has been spending some time with Mr. and Mis. Howard Crunkleton and famuy. Mrs. Ruth Royal and Amaryllis spent a few days with friends in Clemson. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Suttles and W. T. Tilson made a ouslness trip to Greenville. S C.. over the week end. Miss Mary Leu Crunkleton. of Mars Hill College, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crunkleton. Mrs. Maude L. Corbin Is spend ing some time In Winter Haven, Fla. She plans to return to her home In the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Dills and Edwin, of Bryson City, spent Sunday visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. M Dills, and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keener. AMITONE* relieves .Upset Stomach the way MilkRelievesUlcers a ttny Amltnnw tablets actually ban the acid -neutralizing power of a (nil pint of milk I Tea, Amltone's exclusive Glycine treats you to all of milk's sooth ing powers. ..with leelable relief In seconds... that lasts for hours' 24 tablets only 49*. PERRY'S DRUG STORE j Franklin, N. C. THE OLD TROTTER home at the side of the First Baptist Church is bowing to progress. The house, which is about 100 years old, is being razed to make way tor a parking lot. Oldtimers' recall that the house once was on Main Street and was pulled to its present location .by a. single horse. Staff Photo) To Our Customers... We have received questions from a. number of customers regarding the cost to the customer to have the J?, 000 mile lubri cation performed on a 1961 car. Apparently there is some idea being rumored to the effect that these chassis, components wilt require complete disassembly and rebuild at the 3ft, 000 mile interval. This is not .correct. The actual cost including labor and , material to perform the 30,000 mile chassis lubrication is less than $4.00 ? in fact, it is exactly $3.93. Conley Motor Company DO IT YOURSELF During TRUCK LOAD SALE (FRIDAY ONLY) SO EASY TO INSTALL SAVE AT SPECIAL LOW, LOW PRICE Just 41/2C Per Sqr. Foot ONE DAY ONLY . I ?????????????????I - !??????? TRUCKLOM SMt * ONE DAY ONLY Friday, Oct. 14 9:00-4:00 FIBERGLAS INSULATION Roll Blankets ? as low as 4V2C a square foot Make indoor living at your home more comfortable by iasulat ing with Fiberglas Insulation. This efficient insulation will cut your heating and air-conditioning costs by keeping your house wanner in winter, cooler in summer. What's more, you can easily and quickly install Fiberglas Insulation. And it lasts the life of your house! Yes. NANTAHALA LUMBER CO. Keeps Up-to-Date on All New Building Products Now THE NEW FIBER GLASS Surpasses all Other Insulations Look at the advantages: 1. Better Insulation Value 2. One-Half Weight of Rock Wool 3. Easy to Cut and Work With 4. Absolutely NO ITCH, NO SCRATCH 5. Anyone Can Put It Up. 6. Comes in Long Rolls, Perforated Every 24" for Easy Cutting and Fitting 7. Beautiful Pink Color l 8. Same Price Range as Rock Wool 9. Takes One -half as Much Storage Room as Same Square Footage of Rock Wool. Your Home Planning and Improvement Headquarters NANTAHALA LUMBER COMPANY Franklin, N. C. Dial LA 4-2133 . ' ' ' i Open 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. AH Day Wednesday ? Till 12:00 Saturday ' . i . ' ' * I 'I SPECIAL NOTICE WE WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15TH (Company Picnic) UNLESS IT RAINS