United Fund Budget Meet Set Tonight An open meeting to receive budget requests from agencies wanting to participate In the 1960 United Fund campaign in the Franklin area is slated to night (Thursday) at the town hall at 7 o'clock. Each agency has been allotted 10 minutes for a representative ' to discuss needs with the budget and admissions committee, of which Earl Adams is chairman. Participating agencies, their representatives, and appointment times are scheduled as follows: Girl Scouts, Mrs. Harvey Price, 7 o'clock; American Cancer Soc iety, Mrs. Lester Conley. 7:10; Franklin Teen Association, Max Henderson, 7:20: Macon County Rescue Squad, Max Henderson, 7:30; Macon County Rural Com munity Development Council, W. W. Sloan, 7:40: Babe Ruth Lea gue, Pete Penland. 7:50; Little League, Jim Perry. 8: Boy Scouts, B. L. MoGlamery. 8:10: Children's Home Society, Mrs. Harold Cor .bin, 8:20; Red Crass, James Hau ser, 8:30; Tuberculosis Society, 8:50; Crippled Children's Society, E. J. Whitmire. Dr. J. L. Hill. Jr., is heading this year's United Fund cam paign and will announce plans soon. Mrs. Angel Succumbs At Home Macon Native Was 53; Rites Held At Ridgecrest Funeral services for Mrs. Alma Irene Sanders Angel, 53, a native of Macon County who lived on Route 5, were held Saturday, October 8, at the Ridgecrest Bap tist Church with burial following in the church cemetery. Mrs. Angel died the 7th at her home after an illness of five months. She was born Jan. 30, 1907, the daughter of Jack and Mrs. Anna Brendle Sanders. She was marreid to Homer Paul An gel, of Franklin, In April 1921 In Clay County. She was a member pf the Watauga Baptist Church. Officiating at the funeral were the Rev. Paul Sorrels, pastor of Ridgecrest Baptist Church, and the Rer. Jack Lewis, pastor of East Franklin Mission. Pallbear ers were Earl Sanders, Mack San ders, Clyde Scott, Kenneth Mash burn, Douglas Vinson, and Har old Scott, Jr. Survivors include the husband: three sons. Homer Lee Angel, of Franklin; Joe Angel, of the home; and Jack Angel, of Ashevllle: four daughters. Mrs. Frances Leopard, of Pontiac, Mich.; Mrs. Jewell Walker, of Salisbury; Miss Kate Angel, of the home, and Miss Pauline Angel, of Highlands; three brothers, Sam D. Sanders, JPotin P. Sanders, and Weaver Sanders, of Route 4; and six grandchildren. Bryant Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Methodist Churches Set 'Laymen's Day' Services Sunday "Laymen's Day" will be- observ ed Sunday at several Methodist churches oVer the county. Laymen will conduct services at the following: Asbury. Jerry Sutton; Mulberry. Charles Cabe; Patton, James Hauser; Union, Wiley Clark; Bethel, Prank j, Shope; Clark's Chapel, Portei Duncan; and L. C. Howard, Hick : oi-y Knoll. CHURCH MEETING The general meeting of the Women's Society of Christian Ser vice of the Franklin Methodist Church will be today 'Thursday) at 2 p. m. at the church. Student Writes His Answers To Maconians (Editor's Nate: Franklin'* ex chance student from Turkey has an excellent writlnc knowl edge of English, having studied It for five years In his native country. However, speaking our language Is another thing and he is afraid some have trouble understanding his attempts to answer questions they ask him. He brought his problem to THE PRESS, explaining that he wanted everyone here to know how much he enjoys attending Franklin High. He also wants to tell us something of life In his country. Sympathetic with his problem, and at the same time recognising that any of us would be hopelessly confused were we In Turkey, THE PRESS has agreed to let the young stu dent express his feelings and tell about his country through its pages. This column Is the first in a series.) By ADEM UNAL I am very glad that I'll be able to answer your questions here. I asked THE FRANKLIN PRESS to let me write and when they accepted my suggestion I was very happy. I'll try to answer your ques tions the best I can. By the way. 1 want to thank THE PRESS "very much for giving me this oppor tunity. I believe by coming In touch with you it will be very good for us to understand each other. The purpose of the American Field Service is to make It poss ible for people of all countries to understand each other better. American Field Service students are chosen and sent abroad. I believe 111 have a good knowl edge about you and your country. If I can teach you anything about my people and my country I'll be very happy. Now, I'll answer your questions. I am always being asked, "How do you like it here?" I want to say that, as a matter of fact, I like It here very much. As a rule, I have met people who are sympathetic with my prob lems (and I have had many of them!) and people who are will ing to help me. I can't say here what I really mean with my poor English. At present, I find It won derful here. When I see your help, I feel myself lucky to be among you. I have a good family and good friends. They try to help me in every way. As a result, I want to say: I'll find it difficult to leave hero at tfie last of the year. When I return to my country. I'll remem ber this year in the U-JS.A. with pleasure the rest of my life. I am happy to be able to give some knowledge about my coun try in my next writing. Kirkley Suffers Attack In Miami George W. Kirkley, a summer resident of Franklin of the River Bend Road, suffered a heat atr tack at his home in Miami, Fla., last week and is reported in sei> ious condition at Victoria Hospi tal there. Hannahs To Represent Grange At Convention The West Macon Grange met Monday night, October 10, at the Carson Community Center with Cecil Parker, worthy master, pre siding. During the business session, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hannah were elect ed as delegates from this Grange to attend the State Grange Con ventoin at Southern Pines Octo ber 2428. MRS. SEWELL BIES Mrs. Louise Deans Sewell, resi dent of Franklin since 1945, died unexpectedly Tuesday at 3 p. m. at her home. Funeral services are set for today (Thursday) at 4 p. m. at St. Agnes Episcopal Church. Bryant Funeral Home Is in charge of arrangements. PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS 3f8 TRAINED DRIVERS . . . i More than 4,000 truck drivers have been trained at N. C. State College Truck Driver Training School NORTH CAROLINA MOTOR CARRIERS ASSN. STATE HtAOOUARTLRS, TtUCKINO tOtlEXNC, RALE1CH I f News About People Mr. and Mrs. William O. Leslie, of Longmeadow, Mass., are spend ing several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Cabe. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conley. Sr.. and son. Richard, of Nanta hala, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stevens, of Canton, were guests of Mrs. George Conley last wee*. Mrs. John Hurst, of Route 3, re cently had as guests her daugh ters, Miss Annie Hurst, of Port land Ore., and Mrs. Berdell Mat thews, of Wyandotte, Mich., also her grandson, Ralph Matthews, and! Mrs. Matthews and son, of Wyandotte, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs and Mrs. Lucille Pyatt and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jacobs in Durham over the week end. Miss Paye Brown, of Asheville, visited her mother, Mrs. F. E. Brown, last week. Mrs. Brown re turned home with her for a visit with her son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Hlllard Brown and family. Mi*, and Mrs. Paul Place, 01 Grand Junction, Colo., are here for a visit of several weeks with Mr. Place's sister, Mrs . F. E. Brown. News From Nantahala By MRS. BETTY BATES The Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Bateman announce the arrival of a son on October 3. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cross an nounce the arrival of a son on October 6. Republicans from Nantahala who attended the rally at Mur phy Tuesdlay night, October 4, for G.O.P. gubernatorial candidate Robert Lee Gavin included John Stepp, Vincent Jones, John Wis hon, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wikle. Bill Breedlove, of Swain Coun ty, visited here this week. Jeff Hampton, of Ellijay, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hampton here this week. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dills over the week end was their son, Billy Dills, of Atlanta. Ga. Miss Cynthia Queen, a student at the Mission Memorial School of Nursing at Ashveille, visited her grandparents here last week end. Mr., and Mrs. D. L. Owenby. Harold Owenby, of Swannanoa. is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L Owenby. for a few weeks. Goldman Passmore, of High Point, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burgin Passmore, this week. Guy Grant, of High Point, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Oolen Solesbee and son, Gary, of Chapel Hill, are visiting Mrs. Solesbee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Passmore. Week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Roper were their soi. and daughter-inlaw, Odell and Oonnie Roper, both of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen Grant and daughter, Sybil, and Mrs. Grant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Dalrymple, spent Sunday in Elli jay, Ga., visiting relatives. They also attended the annual singing convention at the Ellijay High School. -V ? I The Sick i ADMITTED: October 5: George M. Lunsford, lof Clayton; Herbert Wayman Parker, of Jacksonville, Fla. October 6: John Haskins Wil cox, of Franklin; Dock C. Cole man, of Lakemont; Mrs. Bi-yson, Parker of Hayesville. October 7: Glenda Gail Watson, of Franklin: Miss Susie Derlane Passmore, of Franklin. October 8: Alvin Wayne Wav CLINIC CHANGED The Swain County Orthopedic Clinic (crippled children > set for the 28th of this month has been rescheduled for the 21st, it has been announced. Also, no clinic is planned in November and the December Clinic will be held on the 9th instead of on the 23rd as previously announced. INFANT IVIES Graveside rites for Theresa Ann Crips, infant daunhter of Mr and Mi's. Graver E. Crisp, of Route 3. Were held Saturday, Oct ober 8, at the Iotla Baptist Church Cemeteiy with the Rev. Burt Crawford officiating. "THE APAHTMEH17 gg&KXtei Fred MacMurrayf THtAT?t MACON THEATRE Stin.-Mon.-Tue. eon, of Cullowhee; Morgan H. Shatley, of Franklin; AiKfrews J. Lambert, of Franklin: Alex A. Hopkins, of Pranklin. October 9: Mrs. Preston H. Clark, of Pranklin; Charmell How ard, of Tiger, Oa. October 10: Miss Mary Ethel Hyde, of Bryson City; Melvin E. McCoy, of Franklin; Mrs. Joseph M. Cabe, of Otto. October 11; Horace Rabun Ramey. of Clayton. DISCHARGED: October 1: Mrs. Wllber Ray. of Franklin; Russell Cannon, of Clayton; Miss Mary Rose Hopper of Atlanta; David Carey Wood, of Rabun Gap. October 2: Mrs. Loyd Donald son, of Franklin; Owen L. Am nions, of Franklin. October 3: Miss Irene Sloan, of Franklin; Mi's. James H. Scruggs, of Franklin. October 4: Jerry Milton Wall, of Clayton; Mrs. Charles Harold Morgan, of Franklin: Elizabeth J Talley, of Highlands; Mrs. Bill S. Huggins, of Franklin. October 5: Mrs. C. T. Blaine, of Franklin; Mrs. John R. Mitchell. of Clayton; Audrey C Ledford. of Franklin. October 6: Lyle Garrison Estes. of Franklin; Mrs. La vis Hamilton, of Clayton. October 7: James Waller Simp son, of Frnnklin; Cecil E. Pare, of Raleigh October 8; Mrs. Oscar Aronld, ol Franklin; Herbert W. Park er, of Jacksonville, Fla.; Mrs. John C. Cross, of Topton: Mrs. Neal R. Davenport, of Hayesville. October 9: Alex A. Hopkins, of Franklin; Mrs. Carl F. Phillips, of Rabun Gap. October 10: Morgan H Shar ley. of Franklin; Alvln W. Wat son. of Cullowhee. GOING TO MEETING A number of women from the local chapter will attend the fall meeting of District 1 of the Busi ness and Professional Women's Clubs in Black Mountain on Sun day. Know the forest fire protection men in your area. Get their ad vice on simple protective measur es for your farm and woodlands. PEAK WILL BE THIS MONTH ? Autumns Color Show In W.N.C. Is Getting Ready For Opening Flashes of crimson and gold .n "The Land of the Sky' arc signal inn the opening of one of t he greatest shows on earth: autumn foliage in the mountains of Wes tern North Carolina. Visitors should keep in mind that the color show moves from high altitudes down the moun tain slopes and across the valleys, and that the earlier they visit the mountains, the higher the altitud es they should visit for a preview of the brilliant foliage patterns which decorate the entire' region through October and last into November at many points. Reports from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Blu'1 Ridge Parkway, and Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests indi cate that this will be a gocd color year with the bit' show onstage around October 10 at altitudes above 4000 feet and the peak of the general color display begin ning around October 15. "Indications are that the leaf coloration in the Great Smokies will be very good this fall," says Fred J. Overly, superintendent of the Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park. Color at higher eleva tion in the park is expected to be at its best between now and Octo ber 15. At lower elevations in the park, peak coloration is usually between October 15 and 25. Blue Ridge Parkway rangers re port splashes of color along the entire parkway between Linville and Asheville, with birches and maples turning, and the vivid red bellies of mountain ash outstand ing this year at Craggy Gardens and the Wagon Road Gap-Beech Gap section of the parkway. Gum, maples and sourwoode axe show ing color at altitudes above 3,000 feet along the Parkway between Blowing Rock and the Virginia line. At Grandfather Mountain, peak coloration is expected between October 10 and 20, while color in the Mount Pasgah area should be nearin;; its height by October 12. Some of the best points for viewing color in the Great Smok ies right now are higher sections of U. S 441. the Clingman's Dome Road, and the road between Mile High Overlook and Helntooga Overlook. One of the brightest color displays aloni? U. S. 64 through the Sapphire Country at present is between Highlands and Cashic-rs. I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: In East Franklin, 5 years old. 3 bedroom ranch style home, large lot, large walk-In closets, utility room, car port, liv ing and dining area pine paneled, large bath, built-in cabinets, fire place, electric heat, hardwood floors throughout, one block to school and shopping center. See Dan Bryson, S8 ? tfc Own a home with a view Compact, new, modern cabins. VIEWtif ul Wide Horizon Choice improved cabin sites, l'/i miles on Wide Horizon Drive, first road South of Franklin Hos iery. V. W. BUSCH Owner On Sit' Phone LA 4-3570 013 3tp ? 027 SPECIAL LOW PRICE 30 acres nice land, beautiful I view. Will sell all or part. Springs. Two roads, just a few feet off Highway 441, 2 miles south of Otto, N. C. Apply at blue and white trailer. Irvin Sechrlst. 013 3tp ? N3 REAL ESTATE A real buy in Mountain Property. 4 miles from town. 73 acres. Sev eral springs and a nice stream. For a quick sale only $2,000.00. For only $2,495.00 20 acres of building sites just 3 miles out of town. On state road. Large stream. Several springs. Two miles South of Franklin on 17. S. 441, three bedroom house, oil furnace, completely furnished, double carport with paved drive way. 15 acres, approximately 600 ft. frontage on highway, which has many possibilities. All this for only $11,000.00. SANDERS & WOOD AGENCY Real Estate Brokers 267 East Main Street Franklin, N. C. Phone LA 4-3454 * EXTRA ORDINARY ? Here's a home value you wouldn't dream possible today! This de lightful nine-acre property with 400 feet Highway frontage, Is Just 3 Mi miles from Courthouse. The modern brick home is 30 x 49 Vi ft. and has a full concrete (drive In) basement with de-luxe central heating plant. It Is beautifully and completely furnished throughout, including all-electric kitchen, ? and has wall-to-wall carpeting and floor-to-celllng draw draperies in the dining room, living room, and all three bedrooms, ? All Less Than One Year Old! (It might be mentioned too. that there is a brand new electric washer and dryer combination ? in the base ment.) This property is Free and Clear, and is to be sold as-ls, completely furnished and at a substantial loss to the retired owner! IT'8 JUST LIKE FIND ING $7500 ? TO BE ABLE TO BUY THIS $30,000 PROPERTY FOR ONLY $22,500! ! ! Can be pur chased on (Maximum i terms of one-third down, and owner will carry paper on $15,000 balance! This home is for those who ap preciate and want the finer things in life ? at a Bargain Price! Ad dress cannot be given over phone. Gladly shown by appointment only. ? TED REBER ? Realtor * Real Estate and Appraisals Town Square Franklin, N. C. 013 ltc FOR SALE FOREST HILL: Home sites? $700 to $1500. PALMER SUB-DIVISION : Lots for homes ? $1,000 to $1,500. GOLF VIEW DRIVE: 3 excellent home sites ? $2,000. IN TOWN: 3 vacant houses? 1 $9,000 to $15,000 Several business lots and build ings in Town for rent or for sale. i One store building with paved parking lot for rent on Nov. 1. Apply now. I can arrange suitable down pay ments and convenient terms on any property I sell. I RANK DUNCAN. Broker 'Offices in The New Palmer St Shipping Crtiteri ' Phone LA 4-3575 Franklin, N C 013 ? Uc 1 FOR SALE: Seven choice build ing lots on paved street. Sewer and water, some shade trees. Fine view. E. A Stiles, 31 Wilkie St., Phone LA 4-2380, Franklin, N. C. CALVIN HENSON ' KKAL ESTATE Bus. Phone LA 4-3710 R*s. Phone LA 4-3285 201 Nontahala Bide. SPECIALS THIS WEEK Six nice homes. $5,500 to $21,000. 18 building lots In and near town 24 summer home sites. Beautiful view $500 and up. Large tracts. 98 acres to $1,700.. I have buyers (or farms and country estates. If you have this type of property for sale, see me at once. 06 ? ltc REAL ESTATE Three bedroom house with bath. 15 acres completely fenced. 8 miles from town, 1 j. mile off U. S. 64 on graveled road. $6,200.00 ?with good terms. A house in Sugarfork area. Five miles from Franklin. Almost new. Shell home sites, 30 tracts left. $25.00 per month. No interest. Just East of Town. Small farm, house on knoll. 16 acres of good cleared land. Spring, nice view, 3 miles from Franklin. $4,500.00 40 acres on 441. li miles North of Franklin. Business building and one acre of land on 441 South. $9.500.00. ' terms. 10 acres on 441 North. Business property. $9,500.00. Terms. 30 acres back in the mountains j Good stream and old house. New three bedroom house 3 1 , miles from Franklin. $8,200.00 with Rood terms. Other listings not mentioned. MOSES AND OWENS REAL ESTATE East Franklin Phftne I*A 4-3185 [ I MOVE THE EARTH MRS. WILSON'S LITTLE BOY ALFRED HAS LAND DIRT CHEAP Just a hoot and a hollar from town 3 lots almost 3 acres, house site bull dozed out, taint right to buy It this cheap $1600.00 Ten** U BET. Hey now I am swapin a tired house and 6 acres, with road j thru property fer only $3500.00. Now lets go. First mortgage for sale, $500.00 discount. Taint but one a these. Would like to own your own busi ness. Then see me. With good cre dit ratine I can help you with . very small down payment. Busi ness is going good right now Wanta be HIGH an only 4'/2 miles from town. This 9 acres Is all yuu want in view. By george t tie res * well on it to. $3500.00. WOrth looking Into, up to, and down . from. Gel outa town with in a mile and give a look at either 6 acres an a old house and well, er tlhs - here 4 acres and all most a house. Course theres terms and I am 1 still head a that department. Hey now first one is $3000 00 the least one is $2300.00. y j Wouldent you like to own valley 1 and mountain land, cludin springs an a stream. All startin from the ' lwad and reachin up an up. Yep theres 67 acres of it, Just a de cent trip to town. Consider the house er dont taint much. $100 00 an acre. Now heres value. That aint all terms to. My sales are cleaning my stock out. Why dont you try that Little Boy ifen you want to sell. Its my business and all day long and every day I am in the hole mind in my own business. Bring your j property to me and we will sell it. Heres a SIZZEIER. 8 looms and bit; rooms. 2 baths, car port 5 fire places, one acre a ground, all in fine, shape. Now dig this $700.30 riown $70.00 month. Whoops, near fergot Franklin Joins this proper ty. I KIR THE l.ATEST lilltT SEE Mrs. Wilson's Little Boy Alfred 19'. Main St. LA 4 3316 Kn. LA 4 3186 I FOR SAI-E Choice buildinn lots In city limits. $1,000 and up. 54 acres hlRh up in the moun tains. Springs and streams. Old house. $110.00 per acre. 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, one acre lot In city. $14,500.00 170 acres, 2 miles from city lim its. $175.00 per acre. Many other bargains in Real Es tate to offer. R. S. PEEK. Real Estate Broker Office In Ashear Bldj: Phone LA 4-3213 LA 4-3245 HOMES FOR SALE GOOD BUY in owner-built shell home. Phone LA 4-2256. 013 ltc FOR SALE: Two new modern homes. One 2 bedroom In Clark's Chapel community. One 3 bed room in City Limits on Wllkle St. To be sold by owner. Ray C. Swann. Phone LA 4 2043. 06? 2tp? 013 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS MONKY SAVING 3 Rooms Home Furnishings ( $1ath. Inquire at loniivlew Gro- \ :ery. .' ? i ; :>i:i 2tp ? 020 , TOR RENT- One bedroom apart nent Electric heat range, and I ?efrli'irator Suitable for couple i >r single person. Available mid- - tie of November. Phone LA 4 3063, f ?>22 3tp ? 06 1 FOR RENT Two lurnished cot/ I tages at Franklin Terrace 1 'hone I A 4-8189, FOR RENT: Bedroom and kitch-| ctte Apartments, electrically heated, well furnished. Winter rates. Call Clyde's Auto Court. Phone LA 4-2459. Ol: tfc FOR RENT: Two-story house with seven rooms located In center of Franklin. Electric and oil heat. Interior recently remodeled for all modern conveniences. Call LA 4-2086 T. L Jamison, 73 Palmer St. SI? tfc FOR RENT One bedroom garage I apartment. Furnished. Electri cally heated. For Rent or Sale: j Three bedroom house Just off TJ. S. Highway 441. 2 miles south of Franklin. Contact Mr. or Mrs. J. H. Stockton, ownecs. OS? tfc AUTOS FOR SALE: 1958 Chevrolet ' j ton. j Apache V-8 pickup Truck, in j good condition. Will sell reason ably. Call LA 4-3058 or see Ralph Morgan. S29 ? 3tp---013 FOR '."BK FARM TOR SALE: Seed Rye, Bailey. Oats, Rye Grass, Crimson Clov er. VeU:h, for cover crop. Lime. Fertilizer, Orchard and Fescue for I permanent pasture. See your A S. C. Office for purchase orders. Ray j Feed Company. Phone LA 4-2719. [ SIS? tfc GROW YOUR OWN FRUIT- ( Free on request ? our new Fall price list offering Virginia's larg est Assortment of fruit trees, nut trees, berry plants, grape vines. I landscape plant material. Sales people wanted. Waynesboro Nur series, Waynesboro. Va V OS? 4tc? 027 FOR SALE: Big black man' Good Jogger. Phone LA 4-2256. , 013 ltc FOR SALE: 1 excellent team of work horses with harness. Also several pieces of horse drawn equipment. See Rich Trull. Bar ber Orchards, Waynesvllle. N. C. 013 2tc- ? 020 FOREST FBODUCI8 WANTED: Black Walnut and Cherry logs and timber. Cash on delivery at our yard on Depot St. In Franklin. Log buyer on yard each Friday from 1 to 4 p.m For more Information contact: Wood-Mosaic Corporation. Box ' 5234, AshevlUe, N. C. Jy21 ? 3mo.C ? 020 EMPLOYMENT I'LL BABY SIT: Where? In my ' apartment, at the end of the i hall over the Carolina Pharmacy. ; Who? All pre-school age children, j When? Days, Monday through i Saturday by the hour. Also do ; hand laundry. Ironing and patch- ? Inn. Kate M. Rogers. S^8 ? 3tc ? 013 SALESMAN WANTED. If you are 40 to 60 years old and have dif ficulty in getting or holding a Job. Rawleigh Retailing can solve j your problem. The more you work, the more you earn. Vacancy In . Macon County. Write Rawleigh's Dept. NCJ 570-829, Richmond. Va . O6 ? 4tp? 027 I WOMEN: Christmas .selling has started with Avon Cosmetics ? part or full time' ? valuable sales territory now available. Mrs. Ruth Blake. P O IV,x 1676 Hender wnvllle. N C Phone OX 2-3739 r>i 3 itc < GENERAL VEW RUBY MOTEL: In Cowee I Mountains, beautiful view, 3,000 ; 'let elevation, pure spring watei ooms with or without kitchen ? almost any combination, Rei >onable rates by rfay. week, Oi nonth. Six' miles North of Franl in, N. C on Highway 441 Phon L.A 4-3057 Jy8? tfc APPLES FOR SALE: Plenty of drop Rome Beauty. Red Delicious $1.00 per bushel Picked Golden Delicious. $1.50, Staymans and Red Delicious from $2 up. Harlev Stanfield, Cullasaja Community. 013 2tp 020 INSULATED BOOTS Ranter brand. Guaranteed. The best buy in town for warm and dry feet all winter. Only $18.95. Dry man's Men ana Boys Store. P.*i :ik lln, N. C. 06? 3tc? 020 $3.98 VALUE. Ivy Leusu.: p:.r!s. Now for only ? 2 pairs for i' 10. Dryman's Men and Boy. f^tore, ? Fianklin. N. C OS? 2tc- 013 Ai/co.r i.i r.<- /> n.'> . Ill"-' .i.icio.'i. < :? i . > i. Fiankii:. ui win* Mi- it Anonymmis. Franklin/ K r CEDAR CREST ? Ik sl.o .s htoa UI*Olr I'm K $7.95. 8 inch black boot. | . .1 toes $11.95. Dryman's Men 1 Boys Store, Franklin. N. C. Qti 3tc? 020 FOUND in front of The Frank'.m Pu s . bracelet charm of girl's profile with euuravtlu: Catchy ? IO6-3* Owner may claim at tiie Franklin Press. CM- Hp FOR SALE: Service Station. Com pletely equipped. Reasonably priced Write Box 16. Franklin, N. C. SI? tfc t FOR SALE: Cole portable type writer, les than year and half old and like new. pica type, orl Binally sold tor $95 Price: $65 00 rash. See at The Franklin Press. S29? tfp TULIP BULBS 10 for 49c The Franklin 5& 10c Store 013 Itc BOYS BOOTS ? $8 95; Boys Ox fords. $4.95: Boys Jackets, $3.95; Beys Shirts, $1.98 and up; Boys sport coats, $5.95 and up. Dry man's Men and Boys Store, Franklin. N. C. O6 ? 2tc ? 013 WANTED TO BUY: Used bench saw with or without motor Write P. O. Box 11, Franklin. N C 013 ltp LOST: One billfold containing driver's license and Social Se curity card. Lost in Franklin Sat tirday, September 24. Please noti fy Orace Younce Tallent at Bow er's Store or call LA 4-3674. O6 ? 2 tp ? 0 1 3 PHOTO SUPPLIES While stcck remains, we have a few Kodak Signet 30's. List at $55 ? ri" $24.50. And many other banrasns to choose from Crisp's Studio, Main St.. Franklin N. C. 013 ltc GOOD SUPPLY of family winter clothing and men's suits. At The Rummage & Thrift Shop Open every Saturday 9 a. m. until 3 p. m. Joe Ashear Building. Room 111. Main St. Franklin. N. C. 329? 5 to? 027 JACK ETTS FOR BOYS & GIRLS Anklets and Socks for all the family Shop here for best buys. The Franklin 5 / 10s Store D13 ? Itc FOR SALE: Home-mode country cured bacon. Makes the beans irid vegetables taste better. Also ?ountry cured shoulders and lams, Ray Peed Company. Phone LA 4-2719 Near A&P Store. U8? tfc LAY AWAY TODAY YOUR UolU Toys. Wason.s, etc for Christmas. A small deposit holds. The Franklin 5 & 10c Store 313? ltc USED TRAILERS Sight and ten foot wide ? om !0 to select from. All on one lot leduced for quick sale 1 bedroom ? $195.00 down 2 bedroom ? $296. down 0 foot wide ? $395 down and ake over payments. Save $$*$$$$$ Now at rimer discount i.ot 291 By-Pass at U S 25 South Greenville. S. C. Phone CEdar 9-3159 L21? tfc