Paid Circulation 3222 Avenge for October I960 if ell &h* JHwonum 75th Year ? No. 46 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, November 17, 1960 Price 10 Cents Sixteen Pages ? THE PERRY'S were trying to sell all Republicans who en tered their drug store after election day a special remedy for nervousness and upset stomach. Its name? Kennedy's Mixture. BOTH POLITICAL parties are smiling over the outcome of the general election on the local front. This, naturally, is unusual because most of the time they crawl back into their shell and pout for a couple of months. THAT RUMOR about a bowling alley in East Franklin was true. Look for something to materialize soon. ANOTHER Main Street store front has "had a face-lifting. They've spruced up Crisp's Camera Shop with some Kodak yellow. Who's next? A TRUCK belonging to J. H. Duncan, Phillips 66 distributor here, was involved in a head on collision in Georgia Monday of last week and its driver, of Murphy, was killed. The com pany had a truck burn in this county several months ago. ALTHOUGH Monday and Tuesday suggested it, Spring hasn't arrived. The "woolly worms" are crawling and the old timers tell us that means b bad winter in ahead. DON'T THROW away your old books and magazines. The Jaycees are now planning "Operation Library" for early December and they'll want 'em to boost the local library. DEER HUNTERS! Don't for get to bring your kills by THE PRESS office and let us take a picture. A NEW "face" is now going on at The Children's Shop. Won't be long before Franklin will have the most colorful Main Street in the U.SA. KEEP YOUR fingers crossed while the rural judges are here today. It would be a nice feath er in our cap for Cowee to be a winner in the area rural con test. BOTH SIDES are to be con gratulated on the orderliness of tike general election. Win ners and losers both came out anillng and with most of their friends intact. PLEASE, PLEASE get your V-nted Fund contributions ; a ned in. It would be a pity if this worthy drive flopped. ARE YOU ready for the basketball sttason? it won't be long now for the balls have been bouncing in practice at the high schools for some time now. GET THE rakes out friends. Fall has done its dirty work and we must now get to work. But. wasn't the colors pretty while they lasted? u?hat's J ji doing? | JAYCEES: First Monday, Zickgraf's Lumber Co., Third Monday, Dillard House. Dillarri. Ga? 7:00 p. m. _ ROTARY : Every Thursday, 6:30 p. m.. Slagle Memorial Building. LIONS. Second and fourth Mondays, 7 p. m? Slagle Me morial Building. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB: Fourth Monday. 7:30 p. m.. Ag ricultural Building. V. F. W.: St ond and Fourth Wednesdays. 8 p. m., ^.F.W. Post Home on Palmer St ret t. V.F.W. AUXILIARY: Second Monday nigiit. 8 p m.. at past home AMERICAN LEGION: Third Tuesday. 7:30 p. m.. Slagle Memo, ml Building BUSINESS AND PROFES SIOANL WOMEN'S CLl'B: Fourth Tuesday at 7 p. m;. at the Normandie. Tonight 'Thursday): Frank lin Music StiKty Club. 8 p. m . home of Mrs. Weimar Jones. Monday: F.nnklin P.-TA, 8 p m? higti school cafeteria LAKE EMORY ROAD PROJECT PROGRESSING Grading on the Lake Emory Road relocation project is about 80 per cent completed, according to Resident Highway Engineer Ge nrga Clayton, and gravel already is being poured an the section from Franklin to the vicinity of the radio station turn-off. Pav ing of the 2.035-mlle job is set for next spri ng. Workmen are shown pouring concrete in the big four-barrel culvert on the Rabbit C reek point of the lake near where the old bridge crossed the stream. (Staff Photo i IN MACON COUNTY ? Engineers To Invite Bids For Radar Unit An invitation for bids for construction of the p.oposcd U. S. Ait Force radar unit in this county is expected to be issued next week, possibly Monday, by the US. Army En gineers in Wilmington, accord ing to information received here. Officially, the site for the *105,000 facility has not been disclosed and an application to build the structure on for est service land still has not been received by Wayah Dis trict Ranker W. L. Nothstein. However, THE PRESS has learned from reliable sources that the unit probably will be built on Buck Knob between Wayah Bald and Wine Springs Bald, where the Federal Avia tion Agency has Its unmanned radio unit. On Buck Knob, it will be possible to utiliw the electrical power used by the Wine Spiings Bald radio facility. Should Buck Knob be chos en, Ranger Nothstein said the facility, because of the terrain, would not mar the beauty of Wayah Bald. SPONSORED BY CLUB ? Grass Roots Opera Coming December 3 America's top touring opera company, the National Grass Roots Opera Company. Ls sche duled to perform on December 3 in Franklin. Being brought here under the sponorshsp of the Franklin Music Study Club, the troupe will present Rossin's comic opera, "La Ceneratola (Cinder ella)" in the Fianklin High gymnasium at 8 o'clock. Admis sion will be $1.25. A free performance, set for 1 o'clock, has been .scheduled pri marily for the school clrildren of the county. The trope, which was formed in Raleigh, . is now in its elev enth year of bringing live opera | in English to the American I public. In this state and on i national tours, the young pro fessional singers bring this form of music theatre to many | towns and colleges that are missed by the "grand" opera, touring troupes. Reporter Reece* 'Borrowed' By His Uncle Sam I Uncle Sara has "botiowed" . PRESS report*. Todd Reece J fox six months. Mr. Reece, who Joined the : newspaper Last February. is leaving the 27th lor a six- ! month tour of duty in the U.S. | Aimy at Port Jackson, S. C? I as part of bis service obliga tion as a member of the Na tional Guard. N He went on leave of absence f om the newspaper last week > to put his affairs in order be- ! fore leaving for Port Jackson, j Mr. Reece. a native of An- i draws. plans to return to I Franklin when his tour ol' duty ends. I A going-away party for the reporter was hold last Thu s day night at Frank B. Dun can's borne, with some 35 of his friends attending. Music Club Sets Meeting Tonight A meeting of tJie Franklin I Music Study Club is set fo. 8 ! o'clock tonight i Thursday at the home of M.s. W imar Jones. Co-hostess is Mrs. Julian i Madc.ox and the program lead- i er for the meetinR is Mi-s. Wil lard Bell. CAB DRIVER BAGS BIG BEAR A smiling Franklin cab-driver, Ralph Canlngham (front, left), say* he waited mm than 40 years for this big black bear to com ? alone and get In his sights. He bagged the { critter Monday afternoon In the Rainbow Sirinp im. With him were FJbert Hedden (front, right.) Sam Frady, J. M. Shuler, and Vrril Hedden. The bear weighed about 390 i pounds. (Staff Photo i ' I Violations Charged By Cox William A. (Bill > Cox. the unsuccessful Democratic can didate for the stqfe House of ! Rep esentative in the Novem ber 8 general election, charges violations of election laws. In a letter handed Monday to J. Lee Barnaul, chairman of the county elections board. M. . Cox chained that viola tions were committed against him in favor of his Republican opponent, Mi's. W. N. "Nellie" Cook. Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Cox said he wa-s preparing specific charges, but would not have them ready for publication this week. He declined to pinpoint the violations. In his letter to Mr. Barnard, the defeated candidate said "My attorney will file an ap I peal naming more specific the violations of elections laws In regard to the November 8. 1960 election. These violations were committed against me ?William A. Cox i, candidate for the N. C. House of Representatives, j and in favor of Mrs. W. N. Cook, the Republican candidate ' for the House of Represent*- ' tives." I Coin Named Director Of Council Franklin's Bob Coin lias been nam"d to the board of dlrectoi s of the new W.N.C. Travel Coun cil. An organizational meeting was held Monday at Western Carolina College for the 11 county council, which was ad vanced by thu W.N.C. Asso ciated Communities. In addition to Mr. 'Coin, at tending from here were H. Stuck, a former W-N C-A.C. pii-Jdent, Eawin P. Healy. manager of indio station WPSC. Mrs. Lasca Horsley. executive secretary of the Franklin Chamber of Com meice, Bill Horsley. and Wei mar Jones, editorial page edi tor of THE PRESS. Ned Tucker, of Waynesvllle, was named president of the new council. He Is executive secretary of the Waynesvllle Chamber of Commerce. Membership in the council will be limited to the 11 coun ties embraced by WN.CA.C.; that is. Buncombe, Cherokee. Clay. Oralmm, Haywood. Hen derson. Jackson. Macon. Madi son. Swain, and Transylvania. W.N.C.A.C. President Frank Brown presided at the organi zational meeting. He was as sisted by Mr. Bueck, who was instmmental in bringing a bout the c:eation of the new council during his tenure as president. Primarily, the travel organi zation wt'.l promote tlie travel industry in W.N.C. by advanc ing project i eas. Voting Results Change Little An official tally Thursday by the county elections board didn't alter any races in the November 8 general election. Save for a vote or two one way or another, the unoffi cial result* reported last week stand. A table of the official vote In Macon County, by pre cincts, may be found on the front pa kp of the second sec tlon of this issue. Maconians Attending \ School Meet Today Several Maconians will be in J Asheville today ' Thursday ' for i an area meeting of the N. C. I Citizen.; Committee lor a tier , Schools. Planning to take in the ses- ' slon beginning at f o'clock are W W 'Bill' Slo?n. vice-chair man of the local committee. J C. Jacobs, prenldent of Frank lin P.-T.A.. Ervln Patten. chair man of the board of education. Wiley Brown, a county ronv ( muwioner, Mrs W N. Cook. rcpre*ent?Uve - elect. School Supt. S. Bueck. and Mnt. Bueck THIS IS Peak-Lines' new plant now under cons'ruction in the Bunny Crest sretion of Franklin. (Staff Photo) FOR PLANT CONSTRUCTION - ' Corporation Authorizes Bonds For Peak-Line A new industrial organiza tion, Macon County Business Development Corpora tion. has been organized and already ha.<i authorized the sale of bonds totaling $72,500 for con struction of a plant for a local furniture factory. President of the o: ganlzation Is W. W. Reeves. Franklin hardrware merchant: .'ee-pres ldent, Ervin Patton: scc.etiry treasurer. Verlon Swaffor,: and R. D. Carson and Bob S. Sloan, directors. The $72,500 In bonds being Issued by the coporatlon are to finance a building (or Peak Line Furniture, a Kiowinti local industry that has out*. own its quarters in a large two-istoi y chicken house on lotla. The building Is now under construc tion on a sixac e site in th : Benny Crest section of Frank lin. BY YOUR LOCAL COMMITTEE ? Gary Crawford Picked j As Morehead Nominee i Gary Cawfod. 17-yea-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Crawford, of Franklin, ha* bet-n selected as Macon County's nominee in the competition for a $5,000 Morehead Scholarsliip at the University of NorUi Carolina. He wtw one of two tapped by Franklin HiRh for consid eration. This year, each hisrti school was allowed only two contestants. The other student was Bill Hyde, iwmi of M. . and Mrs. E. L. Hyde, who k; no*- In Oermany as an ex .'hangu stu dent. A-s county winner. Oatv ad vance* to district comp-titlon In January. M?nb?xs of the county , Mo elwad .selection con'mitte* . are W. W. < Bill > Sloan. chair man. Victor H. Perry, ai.d Mrs. Prank Pot Is. " | FOR CONTEST JUDGES ? Cowee Has Best Bid And Tucker On Today Cowee community lias its best bib ami tucker on today i Thursday" foi a visit by the judK?*t of tlw W.N.C. Ruial Community Development Con test. Tlve Judges are scheduled to stop In the prize-winiUnif com munity at 1:15 p. m. and will spend an hour and 45 ?linutes talkinx with community offi cers and viewing jome of the projects undertakt n last year Cowee is one of 13 winning communities competing for some $2,000 In the area contest Winners Willi be announr?d In AshevUle on December 3 at the annual awards luncheon at City Auditorium Judges are Miss Louise Lowe, assistant professor of home economics at Woman's College in Grienabo.o. C. S. Mint/.. | southeastern dL-nict agent of | tlie N C. Fxtuiion Service. | and Jo #? Howard, agricultural ! engineer for Duke Fowet Com ' puny. Greensboro. Another Macon County com- J munily, Carson, cam? under the eyes of judge* last Friday. This \kh< for the ne*' youth activities p ogram in the area. Carson wen the county incen tive award for havintt the. be a youth progitun during the con test year jast ended IN RAI.KIGIf Mrs John Crawfoid. Howard Baldwin. and Mrs. Harold Cor? bin are attending a public wel fae institute at the Hotel Sir Walter in Raleigh this week. Newtlr.K moit .-.pace bi-ause of Increased production. offi cials of Peak L:ne recently sent out feelers to a number of Western North Carolina and Nortli Oeoiitia towns. indicat ing an Interest in moving If a bnlldtr.K could be provided. Franklin Chamber of Com merce, of wlkich Mr. Sloan Ls cha) man, deleted to Lake steps to keep the furniture facto: y and its payroll In Maion County and the industrial cor poration was orgajiized to tin am- ti e building fVak-Llne now eovs more than i half million a year and employs about 40 men. The Mineral manager. Howard 8. Hnithoock. recently said the company expects to be woik lng about 60 to 70 men with the next year and to leach a cross of about three-quarter* of a million. dny and date above GOLD ilssloner of Insurance. CANY >y State ment Filed: $19,936,356.84 15.866.649.71 636.726 04 due and 162.214.8S 207,368.40 i38.809.31S.84 The Weather FRANK U.N HiCh Lew Rain W'-d . Nov. 9 58 25 00 Thursday 62 43 .37 Friday 55 27 00 Saturday 59 26 00 ST.nday 60 22 00 Monday 73 23 00 "Tuesday 59 23 00 Wednesday 37 00 COWKT A Wed , Nov 9 51 25 00 Thursday 57 38 .94 Friday 62 27 00 Saturday 53 23 00 Sunday 61 22 00 Monday 60 25 00 Tuesday 72 29 00 Wednesday 68 38 00 CAR HITS WALL, DRIVER UNHURT The driver of this automobile, Adolph "Red'" .Irudlry, of the (artoc^echaye section, unhurt, ?re for i scratch or two, about 4 o'clock J-'riday morning when it went through the railing and over the wall Ju*t beivm Angel Clinic on Town Hill, nrnml a field, and smaahd Into a retaining wall on Riverview .Street. The driver, who haa keen charged with recklen driving, told Police Chief C. D. Baird he fell aaleep. The car was entering Main Street from Derby Just below the clinic. 'Staff Photo >

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