Paid Circulation 3222 ? ? I Averafff for October 1960 Ijiahlattbtf jUatwuati <>\ XIIK IVSIDF ? Be weli informed. read THfc PRESS Irum cover Uj cuver 7Stk Year ? No. 47 Franklin, N. C., Wednesday, November 23, 1960 Price 10 Cents Twelve Pages 'Sg DEER HUNTERS keep pour ing into the woods. Some come out with bucks and others em erge with frowns. All say they t ' are enjoying the season. BAST FRANKLIN School has received some new inter ior paint and the library has been spruced up. Principal W. O. Crawford is mighty proud of it. A BIRDHOUSE project was recently completed by Mrs. Hilda Olson's seventh grade science class at Franklin Ele mentary. The houses were in spected for merit by J. L. West, Jr., Mrs. Lane Trarvthon, and Tom Jenkins. ITS NICE to learn that the local symphony society has raised its goal and will bring \ the concerts back for another year. The society officers and the volunteer workers are to be congratulated on succeeding in a most difficult undertak ing-money-raising ! WESTERN CAROLINA is losing its sports publicity di rector. Charlie Smith, who's leaving to fulfill, a six-month military obligation. WASN'T SATURDAY a beautiful day? Even the most sour individuals surely had to "perk up" and feel good all over. UTTER Cartoogechaye is jub laint! Telephone service has now been extended to 40 )> homes. WHAT A shame for such lovely weather to have to end. But. it's going to aad will be replaced by the variety that makes long handles feel good. You wait and see. GET READY for the basket ball season, sports fans. Frank lin High will open its season December 1. THE J. D. PORTERS very quietly celebrated their 50th anniversary Tuesday of last week at their home in Frank lin. Our congratulations. BYE, BYE yellow lines on Main Street. Traffic and dirt are turning the world's larg est checkerboard back into a street again. LOCAL PILOTS have been taking advantage of the beau tiful weather. They report the air upstairs is as smooth as a baby's cheek. ON SOME of these cold ntamingB. those "Ice Water" signs at the service stations ap pear a bit out of place. ENDS LEAVE ? Charles P. Gregory, who is stationed in the US. Navy at Norfolk. Va., has returned to duty after spending a 30-day leave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Gregory, of Rimte 4. iphat's doing? I JAYCEES: First Monday, Zickgraf's Lumber Co.. Third Monday. Dillard House. Dillard. Oa.. 7:00 p. m. _ ROTARY: Every Thursday. 6:30 p. m.. Slagle Memorial Building. LIONS. Second and fourth Mondays. 7 p. m.. Slagle Me morial Building. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB: Fourth Monday. 7:30 p. m., Ag ricultural Building. V. F. W.: Second and Fourth Wednesdays. 8 p. m.. V.F.W. Post Home on Palmer Street. V.F.W. AUXILIARY: Second Monday night. 8 p. m.. at post home. AMERICAN LEGION: Third Tuesday. 7,:30 p. m? Slagle Memo lal Building. BUSINESS AND PROFES SIOANL WOMEN'S CLUB: ftwrth Tuesday at 7 P m . at " I A FIRE OF undetermined origin completely destroyed.' the frame farm house of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Collier Saturday morning in the Patton community. The picture was tak en a', the height of the biaze. The .Franklin Volunteer Fire Department managed to save a can house nearby. The department also a nswered a -call Sunday morning at John Wal- 1 lace's home. This fire was in the flue amd caused no damage. (Staff Photo) Business Is Boomin' i ? Business in Macon County continues to top 1 1959, according to figures appearing in THE i RETAILER, publication of the N. C. Merchants Association. For September 1960, sales tax collections came to $33,084.79, as compared with only $27,442.47 for September 1959. The September figure also topped August's $27,807.21 this year. Gross retail sales for September 1960 totaled $1,849,627. The August 1960 figure was $1,708, 773. - - I AT FRANKLIN HIGH ? Four Students Apply As Exchange Students Pour Franklin HJsrh students have ctesigiM on becoming ex change students in Europe and hare submitted final applica tions to the New York office of the American Keld Service's Americans Abroad Program ? the program designed to pro mote understanding and friendship between America and the countries of Europe by giving American teen-agers the opportunity to live with fami lies in foreign lands. The candidates are John L. Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. John U Crawford. Jr.. Miss Mary Jane Burch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burch. Mist Shirley {Catherine Rey nolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Reynolds, and ? Miss Nancy Mae Dawdle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur N. Dow die. Two Franklin High seniors, this year are exchange stu dents. Miss Linda Morrow is in Belgium and Bill Hyde is in Germany. Adem Unal, an ex- ' change student from Turkey. I is attending Franklin High. j OX the four applicants this j year, one could be selected by the New York office to repre- j sent his school, community, j and .country abroad, according to Mb? Frances Winstead. i Franklin Hlyh ttaoher in Cl large of the program locally. Whether a local student, if selected, will go to Europe de pends upon whether a hospi table home can be found that is suitable to the student's background, interests, and lan guage training, Mu? Winsitead explained. The applicants will be noti fied in January who has been accepted. Franklin High's eligibility to participate in the program stems from the fact tliat Adem J Unal is attending school here this year. Coach, Panthers Steak Eaters Coach Dick Stott and Ills Panthers wjie guests Monday | night for a steak dinner at The Norman die Rcstaui&nt. Steaks worn donated by Woodrow Franklin and were prepared by Ed Coates, owner of the resteuiant. SUNDAY SINGING The regular fourth Sunday singing will be held with the Oak Dale Baptist Church be i-inning at 1 :45 p. in. All sing ers and the public are invited, according to Harvey Roper, president. ON BOmRD J. C. Jacobs, F.anklin busi nnw man and active Baptist | layman, has been nantrd to the (nneril board of the Baptiflt Ktate Convention. Appoint- 1 minus were anjiouivred last Thursday in Ashtvll^ at the 13?ih meeting of the Baptist Slate Convention. HOPEFUL CANDIDATES for the exehan ;e student pror 'am are <L to K) John Craw ford and >n*?es Nancy Mae Dowdlr, Nancy Jane Borch, and Shirley Katherine Reynolds. mull i Symphony Is Coming For Sure The North Carolina Sym phony will return to Macoa County next year. Mrs. Florence S. Sherrill and Mrs. Lloyd Swift, membership chairman (or the local N.C. Symphony Society drive, this week reported the county has topped Its goal of $985, thus assuring the two concern on January 26. Both concerts, a free matinee for. school children and an eve ning one for adults, will be given In the Franklin High gymnasium. Mrs. Beth Ouffey, chairman of the children's concert, said classroom music preparation for the symphony will begin shortly. Membership cards will be mailed from Chapel Hill prior to' the concert. Also, tickets will be available at the door, according to the chairmen. Ronnie And Dad Guests Of Hickey Panther End Ronnie Higdon and his father, Sam Higdon, had a big Saturday. U.N.C. Coach Jim Hickey in vited them to come to Chapel Hill for a luncheon and the Duke-Clemson game, hoping no doubt, to convince the Frank lin High footballer that Caro lina In the place to go when he get* out of high school in '62. "We were half way pulling for Duke until we got the Carolina fever at the game," Mr. Higdon reports. By the way. Carolina won, 7 to 9, which explains some smiles in town Monday morn in*: i Area Meet Of Chapter Set Here Members from five counties ar expected here Saturday. De cember 3. for a meeting of the Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. , MLsa Margaret Fllnton, of Charlotte, state president, will be guest speaker for the pro gram. which will be at The Normandie Restaurant at 12:15 p. m. Members are expected from Clay, Swain. Jackson, and Haywood, as well as Maoon. Local members of the chap ter are Mrs. Beth Ouffey. Mrs. Prelo Dryman, Mm. Clell Bueck, Mrs. Hilda Olson, and Miss Nora Moody. Yule Seals Are Mailed Letters containing 2.000 . sheets of Christmas Seals were mailed to Maronians this week. The money returned by those receiving the seals will be used i to fight tuberculosis. Maconians who do not re oeive seals in the malls, but would like to have some for sealing Christmas mall and packages, may get in touch with Sam Gibson, county chairman for the National Tu beh-ulofrls Association. The seals w: re stuffed in envelopes for mailing several weeks ago b>" members of the Franklin Junior Woman's Club. I Jl'IMiES OF THE arra rural development contest were here laat Thursday to look over Cowee and the projects that made it a prize-winner. Chattinf at Cowee's entrance I sign are <L to K) Joe Howard, agricultural e nineer for Duke Power Company; Mtas Lou ise Lowe, assistant professor of home economics at Woman's College; C. S. Mints, south eastern district agent for the N. C. Extension .Service; Mrs. Lucy Leatherman, Orwee president; and Fred McGaha, a Cowee resld n . (Staff Photo) GUTHRIE TO PREACH - Thanksgiving Service Slated For Franklin Vo BOOST LIBRARY ? Operation Library' Set For December 3 Saturday. December 3. has been designated "Operation Li brary Day" in Mac?n County in a move bry the Franklin Jaycees to increase the volume and variety of books and mag azines at the local library. With the help of the Boy Scouts, the Jaycees will spend the day collecting books and magazines from families want ing to donate to the program. For those living outside of town, a special place will be set aside In the library to leave books and magazines for the entire week preceding "Opera tion Library Day." according to Wilbur Oabe. Jaycee in charge of the program. Jajvres and Boy Scouts will collect In the Franklin area if ' donors will t 1; "phone LA J 4-3600 and request it. HEWLETT BACK John D. H. wlt tt, research certer leader ut Ooweetn Hy- | (IjoIokIc Laboratory. returned to Franklin oil Friday from the national met'Ung of the Socie ty of American FV>re*tere. This year the mertin*; ?? a held from November 13 to 16 at the | Sheraton-Pa rlc Hjotei in j inn ton. D. C. r ? I TO DISTRICT MANAGER ? Tysinger Is Promoted I By Telephone Company1 Franklin's A. C. TyKlnger, a veteran of 26 years with West ern Carolina Telephone Com pany. has been promoted to district manager, according to an announcement made Mon day by the division manager, Harley Clarpenter. Jr., of Sylva Mr. Tyxinger, who will as sume hia ni:w duties December 1, will have charge of ex changes in Franklin, High lands. and Clayton. Oa.. which are part of the Sylva division. Active in civic and service groups, the new district man ager i.s a Ma-son, is president of the Smoky Mountain Shrine Club, oatnmar.c'er cf the Ma con Search and Rocue Squud. and has be'n chicf cf the Frarklln Vo'unteer Fire Dc partmi nt for a nu.*nb r of years. Mr. Tysingcr SEASON OPENS DEC. 1 - Basketballs Are Moving Fast At Franklin High Franklin Hssh's lads an:l lassies, tu/der the watchful eyes of their coachcs. C. K. (Ike i Ol on and Mrs. Rose Coi'b.r. ar.' keeping the ba. ket talls movrn* fast and funou* y in pit p.i ration for opening ht ir 1 jCO-61 season here Dec enibor 1. The first opponent on their 17-came schedule la another Macon County team. Nanta ha'a Hii'h Tc-^m .osteis still fcavs not t.een pt\ paved, according to tile coaches. The schetult: l)t'. !, Nant.ihiU, honw, Dw. 9. Haymvlllr. away. Dcc. 13. Hylva, away. Dff. 16. ( hfrukrf, homr Dec. 29, Swain, homr Dm. 23. Murphy, home Jan. 3, Harrsvtlle, homr Jan. I, Murphy, away. Jan. 10, Cuilouhee, away. Jan. 17, Hlffhla-ds, away. Jan. 20, Glenvillc, home. Jan. 24, Sylvj , away .In n. 31. Swain, away. F. b. 3, Cuilti vhrf, homr. Frb. 10. Highlands. home. F b. 11, Gltnv lle, away. At heme the srirls will | play at 7:30 and the boys (Tame will fellow A Imi-sfuon will be 75 cents for adults and 35 cent" for children. Traditionally. Maconians will celebrate Thanksgiving quicl ly at church services and with relatives and friends. Franklin's annual anion Thanksgiving service is art for 8:45 a. m. at the First Metli .odlf.i. Church. Deliverin" the I message Ud& year will be tile I new Presbyterian pa.stor, tlie Rev Fred O'lthrie. The choir will be oompo^'d of voic? from all churches in A special offer!:!* will be taken at the union service and will be divider! between the or phju.Agc funds of each church. Schools Closing Schools will close for Thanks giving both Thur-day and Fii day. Mort local merchants. how ever. plan to clohe Thankssiv ing day onlj' and will be oi*-n Friday. ('.linlfl Holiday The area Cancer Defer'ioo Center at C. J. Ham. Cftm munity Hospital in osr]\?< has announced it will b?* closed FrUfeiy. Novembe:- 25. buJ. ?. Ill be open evi'ry Friday curing December. Holidays Announced Macon's school chllifrrn will have Thursday and Fri day off for Thanksgiving, accordinc to Supt. H. Buerk. He also announced that C hristmas vacation in the schools will run from Decem ber 22 through January 2. FIVE-POINT DKF.R John Murphy, 1 of Ruutj 2. bawled a five-point buck wc-ighirw 200 pounds Tuesday of last we:-k on Cory :;ta. He was hunting with Fred De hart. SINGING SLATKD A sp cial tinging will be held at the Rock C'c k Ba.:">-a.-t Church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, a3"d: ;ing tc Luttit-r CHbt. He slid rsccgnitior will be given ail so-? leaders, p e sidlng officers, ar d those who have contributed to the cause of irospel music. The Weather FRANKLIN High Lew Rain Wod , Nov. 16 . 67 37 00 Thursday 63 39 trace Friday 57 29 00 Saturday 67 21 80 Sunday 64 . 20 ?0 Monday 69 2T 00 Tuesday 25 00 COWETA Wed.. Nov. 16 68 38 00 Thursday 65 37 .04 Friday 63 30 00 Saturday 56 25 00 Sunday 65 27 00 Monday 63 25 00 Tuesday 68 28 ?0 HIGHLANDS Unavailable

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