,K CO. Gift If The World Were On The Square will solve a substant- lirschbaum Suits now on for $29.50. All $50.00 m off regular price. [and Ties ies at a big sacrifice, we 00 for 75 cents. Values ire for Less ts for $7.20 ikerchiefs |ri, bought at a big saving box for 50c box for 98c to box $1.50 each Ipeciai $1.50 per box [e going to close these out 12 for $50 for $45.00 k $35.50 ioats ish for $19.C0 and Reindeer, Fancy, full 'ice 12 Price y Toys pipedes, Coasters, “Kiddy p Christmas Buying Company RD Written especially for the Pilot BY W. G. EBEY Just imagine what would happen If the world were on the square Every man be on the level. Strictly honest, straight and fair. Not a liar, nor a robber, nor a Swindle, scheme or plot Would you help it to remain so ? Why of course you would,—not. Just imagine what would happen If the world were on the square. And you met a brown eyed chicken With a wealth of yellow hair, And you thought if she suspected She would “can” you on the spot Would you tell her—you are married ? Why of course you would,—not. Just imagine what would happen If you owned an old blind mare. With a ring bone and a spavin And the world were on the square And you had a chance to trade her For a city house and lot, Would you mention imperfections ? Why of course you would,—Not.- Just imagine what would happen. In a little social game If the world were on the level, And the dealer was the same, And some honest brother murmured, “Some one’s shy in this here pot” Would you decorate the center ? Why of course you would,—not. Just imagine what would happen If the world were on the square And perchance you were mistaken For a brother millionare— And were asked to go to Europe In a diamond-studded yacht. Would you tell him he is crazy ? Why of course you would not ? Just imagine what would happen To the price of gasoline. If a hundred thousand men a day Each bought a new machine Would our old friend Coal Oil Johnny Be contented with his lot ? If the v^orld were on the level ? Why of course he would, not. Lakeview Miss Alma Cagle spent Sunday with friends in Vass. Mrs. A. S. Newcomb, of Pinehurst, was a week-end visitor in our village. Miss Maud Blue visited her people in the Eureka neighborhood Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Johnsie McLean, of Jackson, N. C’ is spending some time with her grand mother, Mrs. Mary McLean, here. Messrs. T. 0. Gibb and W. C. Hendren made a business trip to Chapel Hill last Saturday. Messrs. S. J. Gardner and M. P. Causey spent few days of last week at Angler with friends. Mr. j. R. McQueen attended a meeting of the Directors of the Bank of Pinehurst Tuesday. Also a meeting of the execu tive committee of the Shandhill Board of Trade. ^ Mr. E. P. Burr, who has spent the sum mer very pleasantly with relatives in At tica, N. Y., captie in last week for the win ter. We are glad to see him back in town. Patsy came too. Mrs. J. R. McQueen and Miss Pearl Mc Neill were in Raleigh Friday and Satur day, shopping and visiting friends. Miss McNeill did not return until Monday evening. Rev. A. R. McQueen, of Dunn, was a visitor in town Sunday, stopping over on his way from Carthage where he took part in the dedication of the Presbyterian Church there. He preached a most excel lent sermon at the church here Sunday night to an appreciative congregation. The Ladies Aid held their sale last Tuesday at the home of Misses Littlefield and Bacon. Despite the rainy day, quite a crowd was present and most of the ar ticles sold. A neat sum of about $100.00 was taken in. Mrs. S. H. Gardner, of Carthage, is spend ing this week at the Gardner house. Mr. R W. Woodward who piirchased the Alice McQueen house some time ago, has recently moved his family into it, and we now have another family in our village. We wish to give them a cordial welcome into our midst. Mr. W. M. Gallant, of Raleigh, traveling salesman for the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, was a busi> ness visitor in town Monday. Delight Yovir Bovs and Girls BY GIVING THEHVI A Shetland Pony for Xmas We still have on hand some of the Shet land Ponies we had on exhibition at the re cent Sandhill Fair. Every animal is a gen uine Shetland brought here by an expert horseman from the Blue Grass Region, and examined by a State Veterinary before being put into shipment for North Carolina. The Ponies are stabled in Aberdeen. Call at our office and we will be pleased to show and price them to you. Liberty Bonds will be accepted as cash. Peoples Realty & Insurance Co. ABERDEEN, N. C. Selling Agents for Hedgecock & Johnson r War Declared on High Prices at Our entire stock must be reduced at a loss to us, so we are going to ^ve our customers the bene fit. We positively are going to sell Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes Mw cost Below you wiU find a few cut prices. You must c(nne in to see others. Sale commences Monday,Dec.6 »» i and continues until Dec. 24 $4.00 shirts now 3.00 shirts now 2.75 union suit now 45c percales now 45c outings now 45c ginghams now 35c ginghams now 25c ginghams now 17 l-2c In our line of Groceries we are offering Green Coffee that was 35c lb. is now sell ing at 25c. No better can be had. $2.90 30c sheetings now 20c 2.00 $12.75 shoes now $9.50 2.00 10.00 shoes now 7.m 30c 8.00 shoes now 6.00 30c 2.50 hosiery now 1.75 30c 1.00 hosiery now 75c 25c 60c hosiery now 45c 17 l-2c 25c hosiery now 15c