Facts,Figures and Farmers MARION W. WALL, County Agent During the past week in associa tion with A. G. Oliver, Poultry Spec ialist for the State, we held commun ity meetings at West End, Hemp, Southern Pines and Carthage. Other engagments had to be canceled on ac count of the illness of Mr. Oliver. At the above places an enthussiasm for better poultry in Moore county was very evident. At West End nine fam ilies agreed to start pure bred poul try; at West End eleven boys and girls are starting out with pure bred Barred Rocks while at Southern Pines we found the greatest interest in the county; Mr. Gould of that city has the mosst magnificent poultry plant, it is all back-yard poultry work but one of the most complete and up-to- date poultry plants in all the county. To those who want to get some real good information about poultry rais ing will do well to make a special trip to Southern Pines and see Mr. Gould. Hides, Tanning and Exchange For the last year hides have been selling at an extremely low price, so low in fact that it was hardly worth the while for the farmer to skin ani mals dying from unpreventable caus es. If possible, however, these hides should be saved in some way and the following sugestions may be of value. Home Tanning of Hides Send to the Webb Publishing Co., St. Paul, M[inn., for their pamphlet on home tanning which is simple and complete. The Jacobson Publishing Co., of 136 West Lake St., Chicago, III., pub lishes two volumes on Modern Amer ican Tanning. These voJumes are very complete. Exchange of Hides for Leather The Woefel Co., of Mirris, 111., will accept hides in exchange for harness, sole, and lace leathers. This is an exceptionally good opportunity to get leather for home use. Home Tanneries Messrs. Kistler and Leash of Mor- ganton, N. C., operate a large tan nery. It would be well to get in touch with this firm. For additional inform ation write the office of Beef Cattle and Sheep at West Raleigh, N. C. WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN By NAMLIG Johnnie—“say” Pop, did you marry mommer while you were on a fish ing trip. Pop—“No! why?” Johnny—“Cause I heard her tell Mrs. Peterson next door, that when she married you she caught a lobster.” Some Hungry Old Lady—“Your voice sounds kind of hollow and empty like.” Appetite Pete—“I know that Mum, Fm talking from my stomach.” “$8 a Week and Costs” It turns out sometimes that it costs more to not support your than to sup port her. Buy Her a Brass Collar A restaurant in Butler, Missouri, displays the following on a very prominent sign “Don’t divorce your wife because she can’t cook. Eat her and keep her for a pet.” I £ I ml w I Consult Us About Your Building Your home is worth more to you now than ever before. Don^t let it get in a run-down condition. It is much easier to make minor repairs than it is a big job. Don^t delay too long in having repair work done. We give exceptional repair service. Our past experience qualifies us for such work. You will find that we can supply all of your' needs and that our suggestions will save quite a bit of expense and annoyance for you If your old home needs remodeling, or if you are planning to build be sure to give us a call. We will estimate on the job and it won’t cost' I i you a cent. Let us know when you want us. BAKER-THOMPSON LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers Lumber and Building Material Phone 102 Raleigrh, N. C. IRON AGE VAMETY PLANTER Opens furrow, distributes fertilizer, lists on same, and plants cotton, corn, peas, or beans all in one trip. Does the w^ork of five men and five horses. Has Cole Cotton Planter at tachment. Call and see this wonderful ma chine or write for booklet. LEE HARDWARE CONPANY SANFORD, N. C. 1-4 OFF Sacrifice Sale 1-4 OFF A twelve thousand dollar stock of high grade watche,s solid gold jewelery, sil verware, Cut Glass, Chinaware, Elec tric Lamps, Musical Instruments eto, to be sold at 1-4 off, 25 per cent less for the next ten days. Sale will begin Friday, March 25, and continues until April 5, at this sale you will have an oppor tunity to buy up-to-date merchandise at a big saving. Write for Price List W. F. CHEARS, JEWELER Sanford, N. €., ’Phone 109 Try a i^dvertisements in THe PILOT