INDIGESTION By W. Biddle Gilman, M. The second cause of Atnic Dyspep sia is due to influence effecting the cerebro spinal nervous system, result ing in the greater or less exhaustion of that portion of our anatomy, these influences are close and continous study without suffient exercise, more especially in the open air, excessive grief, great anxiety, mental excite ment and distress and exhaustive physical or mental fatigue. In case of close and continuous men tal application to study, especially for an object difficult to obtain, when un due fears are entertained as to the re sult, in case of great mental anxiety in business matters, or even in a hard and dubious struggle in the attain ment of a living^ more particularity in certain literary pursuits, all of the symptoms and conditions are very similar and as the whole physical or ganism sympathizes with the mental more or less stamped is plainly to be seen in the following- marked manner: The face assumes a haggard and care worn expression, the eye is more or less, sunken, with contracted pupil and the manner is restless in a great degree, not only shifting the body from one position to another almost continuously, but the hands, feet and head are included in the general rest lessness, in some cases, though some what rare, even the muscles of the mouth, eys and nose, in fact most of the facial muscles are under the same influence; persons so affected usually suffer very much with frontal head ache accompanied with roaring in the ears and much giddiness, their slum bers are usually disturbed,very much by unpleasant dreams and pass many restless nights, obtaining very little sleep, it being of short duration and very easily broken, the pulse is sharp irritable and at times irregular, the bowles are generally quite changeable sometimes loose approximating di arrhea and at times exceedingly con- sipated, the tongue is white coated, flabby and tooth marked on the edges, with enlarged papillas, then is a fre quent feeling of sickness at the stom ach and sometimes vomiting of un digested food taken, perhaps, manj hours, and even at times days pre viously, throbbing sensations, due to the pneumogastric nerve may be pres ent, the stomach and abdomen being the parts affected thus. The same sensation may also affect other por tions of the body, there is also a sen sation of weight in the stomach with distension and distress, as if of a great mass of undigested food, even if the patient has eaten but little, the appetite is generally poor, frequently for a period of time be entirely ab sent, upon passage of food through the pylorus into the duodenum or sec ond stomach severe spasmodic pain or cramp may result. As stated above, food may remain undigested in the stomach many hours, and there have been cases in which it has been retained for days tl^e gastric juices not being of a quality to dissolve or digest the sub stances thus retained, consequently fermentation takes place with the re sultant heartburn, pain and flatulance, this condition is more likely to occur when an excess of fod is taken, more especially when sugar is taken as a part of the meal, and is almost cer tain to occur if fruit and sugar are combined, by that I mean cane sugar, not the sugar In the fruit, as for in stance in the banana which is whole some. To be continued Our Church Directory BAPTIST CHURCH On the third Sunday in each month there will be preaching at 11 o’clock by the pastor. Rev. O. B. Mitchell. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing at 10 o’clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. L. H. Joyner, Pastor. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Preaching every first and fourth Sun day at 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing at 7:00 o’clock. Epworth League every Sunday even ing at 7:30 o’clock. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. M. D. McNeill, Pastor, Service every second Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock and fifth Sunday morning at eleven o’clock. Sunday School every Sunday mornin? at ten o’clock. Christian Endeavor every Sunday even ing at seven o’clock. Every one is cordially invited to attend these services. EXPERT Battery, Starter and Generator Repairing EVEREADY Batteries Guarnteed li in Writing SANFORD STORAGE BAHERY COMPANY SANFORD, N. C. Jordan’s Barber Shop VASS Hair Cutting, Massaging, Shampooing Special attention given to children’s hair Good Chairs Prompt Service Try a Advertisement in THe PILiOT The Wins Last week the first peaches went out from Southern Pines. They were Mayflowers, and they brought six dollar a crate. This at the rate of twenty- five cents a quart, and it is a whaling good price. Some of the big- orchards have sold their crop at three dollars a crate on the station platform. This leavs a big margin of profit. It is estimated that the crop this year will bring the Sandhills a million dollars, and there is now very little doubt as to the product and the money. While every other place is grieving over ruined crops through the spring frosts Moor County Sandhills are reveling in a crop that has never been approximated. Th result will be another big expansion of orchards, for the one main feature is settled forever. When peaches are made any place on the con tinent they will be made in the Southern Pines belt, and when they bring any price the Southern Pines peach will be in the list of toppers. The Peach Wins The Moore County peach sits at the head of the table as us|ial. The Edgemoore Heights peach locations are among the best in the world. SEE FRANK BUCHAN AT SOUTHERN PINES. Don’t fool away your time. A lot of this land will be taken this summer and no more will be made.