PERSONALS Mr. T. H. Beers left Sunday for At lanta, Ga. Prof. W. D. Matthews spent Tues day in Raleigh. Mr. George Griffin of Hamlet was home for the week end. Mr. John A. Gunter is visiting rela tives in Lemon Springs. Miss Lora Norman spent Sunday with Miss Annie McGill. Mr. H. A. Gunter of Aberdeen was here Tuesday on business. Mr. Alvin Laubscher spent the week end with his people here. Mr. George P. Thompson made a business trip to Raleigh last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smith were visi tors in Cameron Sunday afternoon. Mrs. D. G. McFadgen spent a part of this week with Mrs. R. L. Oldham. Mrs. T. K. Gunter and children are visiting relatives in Moncure this week. Miss Bertha Sanford has returned from a visit to relativs in Laurin- burg. Miss Ila Norman, of Cameron was the jiTuest Sunday of Miss Ossie Ed wards. Mrs. W. B. Graham and sons, Bernice and Albert, spent Sunday in Charlotte. Mrs. D. A. McLauchlin and Miss Margaret Keith spent last Saturday in Raleigh. Mr. C. J. Temple went to his old home in Chatam County this week on business. Miss Katherine Graham is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLean of Cameron. Mr. Hazel Jones, of the United States Navy is spending awhile with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McLauchlin of near Vass visited Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smith Sunday. Prof. W. D. Matthews will spend the next two weeks with friends and relatives at High Point. Mr. J. R. Thomas returned to Raleigh Monday after spending the week end with his people here. Richard Emerson the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Oldham, who has been very ill is improving. Mr. J. D. McLean, cashier of the Bank of Cameron was a pleasant call er at the Pilot office last Monday. Mr. Walter B. Graham is a juror at Carthage this week, while Moore County Court is in session there. Mr. J. B. Cameron and little daughter, Mary Elizabeth, of Pine- hurst, were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. C. J. Tyson spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ty son and returned to Raleigh Monday Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLean of Cam eron were the supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cameron Sunday even ing. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cameron of Cameron Route one, with their guest, Miss Squire, were visitors in Vass Monday. Mr. D. R. Shaw, salesman for the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, of Detroit, Mich., was in Vass last week on business. Mrs. A, G. Edwards and children returned home last week from Raleigh w^here they had been spending some time with relatives Mr. D. C. McGill spent the week end with home folks here, and was accompanied to Wendell by his son, Master Duncan McGill. Mr. Ben Watkins of Troy, while on his way to Camp Bragg Tuesday, stopped a while in Vass with his friend, Mr. W. F. Thompson. Mrs. Lydia McDonald of Hamlet spent Tuesday with relatives here. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Mary A. Bynum. After visiting at the home of her father, Dr. J. F. McKay, of Buies Creek, Mrs. Alton M. Cameron and Ittle daughter, Marion have returned home. The Pilot extends its congratula tions to Mr. Walter C. Leslie for his complete recovery from a severe case of pneumonia. He is able to be out again. Ex-Judge, Walter H. Neal of Laurinburg was in Vass Wednesday afternoon. Judge Neal is the Sea board Air Line’s attorney for this dis trict. Dr. D. N. McLauchlin, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Norfolk, Va., is spending a few days here visit ing his mother and other relatives in this community. Mr. Leonard Tuffs, who made Pine- hurst famous by using printer’s ink without stint is spending som time at his palatial summer home, Mere dith, New Hampshire. Miss Katherine Beers had as her guests for awhile Tuesday evening, Misses Jessie Brooks, Lois Sanford, Mildred and Rebecca Thomas, Agnes smith, and Glennie Keith. They re port a delightful time. Subscribe to The Pilot. BIG FOUR GO FISHING Messrs. Franklin Byrd, L. A. Jordan, R. W. Wilson and Pearl Douglas, better known as the “Big Four,” meandered to the upper power plant on Monday, May 16th, return ing on the following Thursday, loaded down with fish. The trip was immensely enjoyed by the lucky fishermen. They brought back seventy-five good size perch and catfish of excellent quality. They claim they used earth worms for bait. Now boys, honor bright. The Pilot man never knew earth worms to live four days out of the ground. ENJOYED THE SAND HILLS Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Broadway and Mrs. Daniel Council all of Rutherfordton were the guests last Friday and Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor of Vass. Mr. J. L. Taylor and Mesdames Broad way and Council are brother and sis ters of Mr. F. W. Taylor. The party motored from their home in the moun tains of Western North Carolina to attend the commencement of Meredith College. On the return trip they spent Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor and were accompanied by their two daughters. Misses Sarah and Mildred Taylor. Miss Sarah being a member of the forty-six graduates of Meredith Col lege this year. Also their son, James L. Taylor, Jr., of Wake Forest College came with them. Mr. and Mrs. Broadway and Mrs. Council hav ing returned to their homes by rail way. The trip was in every way de lightful, and these charming visitors spoke in highest praise of the splen did roads, handsome peach orchards and many other attractions of the Sand Hills. If a man ever yearns to lead a dog’s life it is when he sees a pretty girl j fondling a no-account poodle. PIGS WANTED—Want two male pigs. Apply to Dr. Rosser, Vass, N. C. Foi UFE mSDRANCE see NEILL H. ncKEITHEN Vass, North Carolina Representing the AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY VASS ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP HALF SOLES AND WHOLE SOLES WHILE YOU WAIT. Satisfaction Guaranteed THE UNIVERSAL CAR OrHOLSTERING & TOP WORK We are prepared to do your Auto Top and Upholstering work in the best manner and at reasonable prices. OLD FURNITURE re-upholstered and made good as new Expert workmanship Satisfaction Guaranteed JENNINGS MOTOR CO. Carthage, North Carolina 100 Boys a.ndl Girls In Moore County to Join the ONE Club The PINEHURST FARMS is offering to the boys and girls of Moore County Registered Berkshire Pigs for $8.00 down and the balance of $7.50 to be paid November 21. This first payment insures your pig for $10.00 or two-thirds the value, against death, to replace pig. This is fine opportunity to get good stock established on the farms, and all boys who are interested should apply to The COUNTY AGENT, Carthage, or PINEHURST FARMS PINEHURST, N. C.