BRIEFS AND PERSONALS Mrs. F. W. Taylor and Frederick, Jr., spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Mrs. J. W. Allen had new sweet po tatoes for dinner last Sunday. Mrs. R. Weber has returned from a trip to New York City. Mr. W. D. Smith went to Carthage Monday. Mrs. D. A. McLauchlin was in Raleigh Tuesday. Master Leon Keith spent a few days in Raeford the first of the week. Mr. Gordon Thomas came home from Raleigh for the week-end. Miss Caro McNeill is spending a while in Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smith motored to Pinehurst Tuesday. Mr. J. Bruce Cameron, of Pinehurst, was visiting home folks here for the week-end. The average citizen who wants to rule the roost usually objects to any body else doing a little crowing. Mr. Ervin Ray and Dr. A. L. O’Briant, of Cameron, were callers at the Pilot office Wednesday. There’s mighty little danger of the fellow who does an honest day’s work stealing at nig’ht. Mr. Jess Thompson and Miss Maud Gunter, of Aberdeen, called on friends here Sunday afternoon. If the average man’s prayers were all answered it would only add to his troubles. Miss Ossie Edwards is home after attending summer school at State College, Raleigh. A caterpillar eats 6,000 times the weight of its own body. But it wouldn’t if it had to buy the food. Mrs. S. W. Lassiter, of near Smith- field, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thomas and family were the guests of friends and relatives near Cameron, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith, and Miss Agnes visited friends in Sanford Fri day of last week. Mr. J. N. Cameron and son, Glenn, of Mars Bluff, S. C., were here the first of the week. Mrs. John Allen, of Sanford, Route 1, has been on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Tyson. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Brewer and children. Mac. and Fay, were in Car thage Monday. Mrs. T. K. Gunter and children, and Miss Rosa Churchill, are visiting friends and relatives in Durham. Miss Myrtle Leslie returned Friday from an extended visit to Rockingham and Lilesville. Prof. W. D. Matthews, Messrs. Franklin Byrd, Turney Matthews and Neill Smith made a trip to Raleigh Tuesday. The burning question with a good many families on Sunday morning is: ^‘Who’s going to use the car this after noon?” Mrs. Julia McDugald and little granddaughter, Margaret McDugald, of Wachula, Fla., Mr^ and Mrs. H. D. Tally and Mr. Ira Thomas, of Came ron, visited friends and relatives in the vicinity of Vass. Mr. and Mrs W. F. Walters and children, Willie and Margaret, of Rae ford, were visitors at the home of Mr. D. A. McLauchlin this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edwards and Mr. Hubert Stutts, of Greensboro, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. J. W. Allen. White owls are being raised on the White House lawn. We suppose to rid the place of office-seekers and other pests. Miss Edith Cameron had as her guests the past week, Mrs. R. P. Hawn and attractive little daughter; Virginia Mae, of Fayetteville. How sweet and peaceful is the sleep of the woman whose husband is willing to get up and get his own breakfast. Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Farrar and two children, of Princeton, were here this week on a visit to Mrs. Farrar’s aunt, Mrs. A. Cameron. Swatting the fly would have been much easier for this generation if they’d started doing it in Adam’s time. We’ve also noticed that by this time in the year the average citizen tosses his straw hat at a nail instead of hanging it up carefully. Another thing that causes a lot of trouble in this world is that too many people are trying to get more out of life than they put into it. We have* frequently noticed in pass ing along the street that the less advice a man hands out the more listeners he has. It is pretty hard for the fellow who has been out with the “chickens” most of the night to get up with the lark in the morning. Several concerns are advertising new cures for rheumatism, but we suppose there are lots of men who would like to have the doctor prescribe the old one. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson, of Lemon Springs, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gunter, of Aberdeen, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. T. K. Gunter. We are more or less suspicious of the chap who accepts a job with the statement that he is doing so because it offers him greater opportunities to serve others. Rev. D. N. McLauchlin and family arrived Wednesday to spend their va cation with relatives in and near Vass. They motored from their home in Norfolk. Messrs. Dock Norman, Yank Smith- erman, Charlie Matthews and Eugene Matthews, of Yadkin county, were callers at the home of Mr. H. A. Matthews this week. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the co partnership of W. B. Graham and D. A. Graham, trading and doing busi ness at Cameron, Moore County, North Carolina, under the firm name of Carolina Millstone Company, has this day been dissolved, and that the manufacturing plant and business of laid company has been conveyed to Mr. J. A. McPherson, of Cameron, N. c. All persons indebted to the said W. B. Graham and D. A. Graham, trad ing and doing business heretofore at Cameron, N. C., as Carolina Millstone Company, will make payment to W. B. Graham, Vass, N. C. This 11th day of July, 1921. W. B. GRAHAM. D, A. GRAHAM. For LIFE INSURANCE see NEILL n. McKEITHEN Vass, North Carolina Representing the AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HARRY R. IHRIE j Lawyer j CARTHAGE. N. C. | In Southern Pines Every Wednesday and Thursday at Windham's Real Estate office Furniture and House Furnishings EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AM) RECORDS CASH OR TERMS LEE FDRNrmRE COIVAHY Sanford, North Carolina THE UNIVERSAL CAR DTHOLSTERING & TOP WORK We are prepared to do your Auto JL X %/ Top and Upholstering work in the best manner and at reasonable prices. OLD FURNITURE re-upholstered and made good as new Expert workmanship Satisfaction Guaranteed JENNINGS MOTOR CO. Carthage, North CaroUna The Best Service Oourteoxis Efficient Pilot Printing Co., Vass, N. C.