CAMERON Rev. L. H, Joyner will preach the 5th Sunday night at Cameron Metho dist church- The Young Ladies’ Auxiliary will give a Halloween party at the graded school building on Monday night Oc tober 31st. There will be a short program of songs and recitations; af terwards, cake, cream and sandwiches will be sold. Admittance to the pro gram, 10c only. John McNeill came up from Hamlet for a short visit to home folks Mon day. Mrs. J. T. Douglas on Rt. 1, was the guest, Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gaddy. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCallum, of Eureka, were visitors, Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mc Dermott. Sunday night a week ago, eleven members were aded to the Cameron Baptist church and were baptized by Rev. O. B. Mitchell. Dr. 0. Briant expects to leave next week on an extended visit to Phila delphia, and to grace a Halloween party with his presence. Mr. Henry McDonald, traveling salesman from Andelusia, Ala., and son of the 4ate Norman McDonald who was born and reared near Cam eron, paid his first visit to relatives here and at Carthage last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Holmes, of Goldsboro, who have been visiting Mrs. Holmes’ parents. Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill, spent several days of last week with relatives at Kaeford. Mrs. Nannie Cole, widow of the late James Cole, familiarly called “Big Jim,” passed away Sunday morn ing at her home on Route 2, in the eighty-eighth year. She leaves three daughters. Misses Flora Ann, Mary, and Mag, three sons, Messrs. Neill John and Robert; faithful and devoted children to their mother who had been afflicted with blindness for the past twenty years. At the Cameron Com munity Fair there were on exhibit a pair of socks recently knit by Mrs. Cole. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. M. D. McNeill from White Hill church, interment in White Hill cemetery. Mrs. H. D. Tally spent Sunday in Hamlet with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- Dugald, who have recently moved in to their new home. Mr. E. M. Borst, of Wilmington, spent last week with his family here. Mrl and Mrs. H. A. Borst and H. A., Jr., of Vass, were afternoon callers, Sunday, at the home of Mr. Borst’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Borst. Mr. T. C. Gaddy spent Monday af ternoon with Mrs. W. C. Spivey at her home on Breezy Summit. J. F. Saunders, of Hamlet, was an over-Sunday visitor in town. Neill C. McFadyen is the newly ap pointed postmaster at Cameron. Rev. J. W. Hartsell wishes to ex press his thanks to the town people and neighbors at his home farm on Route 2, for their valiant service in saving his home from burning down on Tuesday of last week. ' Monday morning W. B. Munns pre sented the correspondent with what he said was a genuine Cameron, Moore county. North Carolina boll weevil that he found in his cotton fields. As “Jeff” would say, “a degenerate ant- eater I calls it, and a near relative to the doodle bug. Miss Ida Ray, practical nurse of Wake Forest, is staying with Mrs. H. *T. Petty who still remains a in valid. Messrs. Paul Joyner, of Oxford, and Belton Joyner, of Bennettsville, were home for the week-end with their par ents, Rev. L. H. Joyner and Mrs. Joy ner. Born, Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. Jones Bowden, on Rotote 2, a son, Jones, Jr. Miss Myrtle Gaddy was a Sunday guest of the Misses Douglas on Rt. 1. Rev. L. H. Joyner says Cameron is ahead of Vass on one development, namely, the boll weevil. W. B. Munns who discovered it making inroads on his cotton “patch” says it is, without a doubt, the Mexi can boll weevil as he has seen ’em be-^ fore. Miss Lula McPherson has returned from the Killough-Monroe wedding at Sanford. Mrs. Lula Muse returned Saturday from Chadborn where - she had been to attend the Proctor-Brown wedding. Mr. W. G. Parker spent Monday at Garner. Mrs. Poindexter, of Winston-Salem, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Doss. Mrs. M. D. McNeill spent Friday night with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Yates in Carthage. The waters of Lakeview will doubt less be purified now from the con tamination of the immodest bathers of the summer season. Rev. Mr. Mu sic, of Rural Hall, Yadkin county, of the faith of the Disciples, held a pro tracted meeting at Yadkin Hill last week, converting many to his faith, and baptizing six by immersion Sun day afternoon in the waters of Lake view. Mr. Neill A. McNeill celebrated his ninety first birthday October 19th. As has always been the custom, his favo rite dish was served at dinner. A big fat hen with pastry, known in the days of the old South as chicken and dumplings. TOURIST TRAFFIC LIGHTER Th3 toursist traffic on the road this fall is lighter at the present than it was a year ago at this time. Last fall a large number of people of apparently moderate means were flocking to Florida in search of something to do during the winter. Much disappointment followed, and many of them were trekking northward during the winter. But that class has not been so large this fall. Still the migration is big, indicating that the winter visitors in the South will be many. All the signs point to a big winter in the Sandhills re sorts. Well, if old Ult. Consumer gets a cut in freight rates s a result of the embroglio, he may consider that the scare he got was well worth while. Dr. J. C. MANN Eyesight Specialist will be at CHEARS’ JEWELRY STORE Sanford, N .€. every Wednesday in each week from 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. Glasses fitted that are easy and rest ful to weak eyes, children and young people given special attention. Cross eyes straigthened without operation. Consultation free. VASS MERCANTILE COMPANY VASS, NORTH CAROLINA We are now receiving Our Fall Line of DRY GOODS IN THE Latest Patterns and Shades and have been fortunate in purchasing them on the Lowest Prices of the season and we are therefore going to give our customers the benefit of the low prices When in town come around and let us show you, and tell you our prices. COTTON is taking an UPWARD SWING in price, and we will soon see HIGHER PRICES FOR DRY GOODS so TAKE HOLD OF An Opportunity to Save Money Vass Mercantile Co VASS, NORTH CAROLINA Save Y our VOLUME SUBSCRIPTION $2 The Call to The Hark Ye! The Call to t Summer, Queen of th reigns supreme upon he Flowers—thoiigh faint i now that Autumn draws views her domain throug veiled both with pride th has been well done thr season and with longing ing Autumn, her Scarlet Zephyr and the Queen^ gather about the thron gorgeous Butterflies flu with Summer’s own Sunb seeching their Queen n her own Kingdom. When hark ye, yet sound of trumpets, and bearing a supplication Master, the Scarlet Kni This they present to they kneel before her a the trumpets—see ye, trance! Before him his Heral behind him, his Banner more Pages, comprisin grandeur due the Scar own Court. On bended knee he be leave her dying King with him.into his own. He has his flowers, Autumn Wind to dan loveliness. With pride these posessions. Finally the Queen graciously gives him h these glad tidings, He His break into a dan then form a royal trai Knight and his bride lovely new Kingdom o Thus Summer’s But just the same in the a while Summer’s sunbe and Summer’s attenda to their Queen and Zep them all; while Aut bloom on and the le gorgeous tints. Hark ye!—’midst a Summer and her Scar happily ever after. At the Sandhill Fai 18th, at 1:30 P. M. HALLOWEEN The Senior Class of school entertained a party at the home Thomas on Monday e Much fun was affor telling contests, and Each member of t dressed in appropri costume and the p quite a ghostly pro psited the houses of ing door bells and ut shrieks and moans, goblins then returned as’ where refreshme and enjoyed after th making plain the f ghosts have appetites satisfied.