for sale at The Pilot dozen SOLES A TRIP WEST ish the Leather Put it On for e Use the Best Leather and do for $L00. trie Shoe Shop WARDS, Prop’r AVE Got! PERTY INCOME INSURE IT DO IT NOW AUCHLIN, Agent SS, N. C. e Life Insurance ONES AND MONUMENTS all such, see ATTHEWS SS, N. C. ETOWA MARBLE AND ^ORKS, Atlanta, Ga. $22“ AND UP We have g woolen binations ces. iloring at We give ur inches s of style rise you. ANTEED e values. Order We will d them 5 ore any CHICAGO By J. V. Snipes We now leave Roanoke, Va., our next stop off is at the Natural Bridge in Va., where we reaUy see one of the seven wonders of the world. They claim it is 300 feet from 'the little ravine, which is called Cedar Creek, up to the arch of the bridge, which is rock all the way, then the earth is aho'ut as high on top of that, over which the public road runs with trees on either side. If one passed here at night they would not realize they were crossing on a bridge. In look ing over the edge from the top the large trees look like small shrubs so far down at the bottom. Arother curiosity is just above the bridge on the hill side where a stream of water gushes out, runs a few feet and then goes back in a hole; it is called the Lost River and runs continually, but no one knows where to. We now take No. 4, the fastest train the Norfolk and Western op erates, and continue our trip to the West. We have pased through the Blue Ridge Mountains, although our way has be^ considerably hilly. We see in the distance the great Alle ghany Mountains, compared with which the Blue Ridge are only baby mountains. As we are just entering the border of West Virginia, we peep ahead as the engine is winding around curves and we see a solid mass of mountain, seemingly a mile high and we wonder how we will ever get thru but the engine is on the job and fol lows up a ravine all the way. For miles we follow a little river on first one side and then across. The moun tain side is most straight up over us and if a rock should fall from the top it would smash us. We were told that they keep men to walk track in wet spells as sometimes a land slide comes down onto the track. As we pass on any signs of farm ing ceases entirely, occasionally we pass a small cabin on the side of the mountain with the back side of the house on the ground and space enough under the front porch to ride horseback. Possibly there is to be seen a half acre of corn above the house on the side of the mountain so steep one could pitch the corn down the chimney. What a lonely country to live in, possibly ten miles to the next neighbor, who would be fixed about the same way. We pass a small station occasionally until we come to Bluefield, West Va., which is crowded in between two mountain sides, and here we stop over night and next pass through the great coal fields of W. Va. (Continued) your neghbors in Vass to lend what assistance you can in protecting so ciety and seeing-that justice is meted out to every man. So don't be guilty of neglecting your duty by finding an excuse to escape serving on a jury. Moore county headquarters for Xmas goods at Wainer &Ginsburg*s, Carthage, N. C. Adv. DR. JULIUS SHAFFER OF FAYETTVILLE Will be in Carthage, Tyson House, Monday, November 21st, for the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses. Hours, 9 to 4 P. M. 2t. Classified. Advertisements WANTED—Sewing. Cox, Vass, N. C. Mrs. W. T. ll-ll-2t. pd. FOR your Thanksgiving Turkey, see or write Mrs. J. G. Wright, Broad way, N. C. 11-18-ltpd. WANTED—A good tenant for two- horse farm near Cameron. Write or see M. C. McLaurin, Cameron, N. C. 2t. pd. FOR SERVICE Go to KlTIfS GARAGE EXPERT Battery, Starter and Generator Repairing EVEREADY 'Batteries ” i Years in Writing Guaranteed SANFORD STORAGE BATTERY CONPANY SANFORD, N. C. BIG THINGS AHEAD! In a few days an announcement is to be made of some big things ahead in Moore county. The wise man will be hunting for bis chance to GET IN THE GAME when the story is told. The safe way is to fortify with a finger on some of the desirable opportunities that are offering these days in the Edgemoore and DODGING THE JURY Another reason why justice seems so often to miscarry in the courts of this country is the practice of many good and useful citizens of dodging jury duty. Men of the type we need on our juries can easily make far more money at their business than the state is able to pay for the same length of time served on a jury. As a result too many who are unfit to sit in judgment get on our juries be cause men of better judgment refuse to serve. So we have unpopular ver dicts in many instances. Don't dodge jury,duty. Serving when it is at all possible for you to do so is as much a duty as paying your taxes and doing what yoli can to protect the health of the community. You owe it to the state, the country you live in and to Knollwood neighborhoods. Whether it is An Orchard Site A Winter Home Site A Farm Site, or An Investment Get a mark on the location you are going to want when the next gun is fired. For information as to what is available in Edgemooi’e and Knollwood, and as to prices, consult FRANK BUCHAN, Southern Pines, s. B. RICHARDSON, Southern Pines OR A. S. NEWCOMB, Southern Pines and Pinehurst llililiililltililliliiillllil