HE plete ral ndise which is 'Priced iD IT, TRY CO. CAROLINA the famous FEED * IMPROVED UWFORM INTERNATIOaiAL MaySchool »Lesson» (By REV. P. a. FITZWATER, D. Teacher of Entrllah Bible tki the Moodj Bible Institute of Chicago.) Copyrlrht 1921 V«>wRpfip«r Ullloil. , « 1^—III,. —,1^,1 I m, LESSON FOR OCTOBER 29 MESSIAH'S MINISTRY (WORLD'S TEMPERANCE SUNDAY) LESSON TEXT—laa. GOLDEN TEIXT—Righteousnesa ex- alteth a nation; but sin Is a reproach to any people.—Prov. 14:34. REFERENCE MATERIAL-Matt 7:16- 20; Rom. 14:13. PRIMARY TOPIC—How Four Boys Be came Healthy and Happy.—Dan. 1:3-20. JUNIOR TOPIC—Destroying the World*# Enemy. INTERMEDIATE AND S'ENIOR TOPIC —The Next Step in the Prohibition Cam paign. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —Progress of Prohibition Throughout th« World. The lesson committee has gratul tously named this lesson “World-wide Prohibition.” Neither the text nor the context, directly or implied, says any thing about prohibition as we under stand the use of the word. However, when Messiah shall reign upon the earth the rum traffic with all other iniquitous practices will be abolished. 1. Messiah's Commission (v. 1). He was ap)>ointed by the Lord. Ood’s plan for the world is a time of peace and blessing. .11. Messiah's Program (vv. 1, 2). Messiah’s program Is twofold: to “proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God.” The careful reading of Luke 4:18-21 will show that Jesus suspended reading of this passage at the comma, in Isaiah 61:2. His first coming opened up the day of “grace and the acceptable year of the Lord,*' and His second coming will usher In “the day of vengeance of our God," (II Thess. 1:7-10; cf. Mai. 3:1^). 1. Proclaiming the Acceptable Year of the Lord (vv. 1, 2). In His ministry of grace He preached (1) “good tid ings to the meek.” “Meek” here means not only a grace, but a condi tion, that Is, those In poverty and affliction. (2) “Bind up the broken hearted.” “Bind up” signifies healing. (3) “Liberty to the captives.” The figure of deliverance from the Baby lonian captivity Is used to describe deliverance from sin and death (Heb. 2:15). (4) “Opening of the prison to them that are bound.” Messiah's work was to give deliverance to those who were enslaved by the conse quences of their sins. (5) “The ac ceptable year of the Lord.” This means a space of time in which God would accept all who repent of their sins and come to Him. 2. Proclaiming the day of vengeance •of God (V. 2). While the day of mercy is lengthened • out, the time of judg ment will surely come. The day of vengeance will break upon the world when the Lord shall be revealed from heaven (II Thess. 1:7-10). The period ■of mercy is called “year,” while the period of vengeance Is called “day,” showing that the period of mercy is much longer than the period of wrath. III. The Blessings of Messiah's Kingdom (vv. 3-9). 1. “Comfort all that mourn” (v. 2). The day of vengeance will bring sor- .row to many, but they shall be com forted when they shall see the B^lng on the throne. 2. “Give unto them beauty for ashes” (v. 8). This peculiarly applies to Israel. 3. “Oil of Joy for Mourning” (v. 3). Israel has been mourning for cen turies. When the Messiah shall reign ■ ElUig they shall be glad. _4._ “Gfarment. of_Pralse for the Spirit of Heaviness” (v. 3). Instead of wearing the symbol of the burden of sin th^ shall be clothed so as to in dicate their joyfulness. 5. “Called Trees of Righteousness” (v. 3). Tiiese trees represent Isra^ as planted by God and bearing fruit, not as reeds bowed down with sor row. 6. “They Shall Build the Old Wastes” (v. 4). Israel shall return to their own land and shall rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the cities of Judah which lie waste. 7. “Strangers Shall Stand and Feed Your Flocks” (v. 5). In the time of the kingdom the Gentiles shall render voluntary service unto Israel so that Israel may devote her whole time to the service of God. 8. “Ye Shall Be Named the Priests of the Lord” (v. 6). God chose Israel to be the priestly nation to represent Hhn to the Gentiles. 9. “For Your Shame Ye Shall Have Double” (v. 7). Instead of the shame and confusion which Israel has expe rienced for centuries she shall have double honor and rejoicing. 10. “I Will Direct Their Work, and Make a Covenant With Them” (vv. 8, 9). God will vindicate His people and cause the Gentiles to see the divine favor upon them. Fair time is at hand. Have you nade your prize winning selections? Your county agent can advise you. Lakeview :: Mills :: GRINDS EVERY DAY Try Us for Some Good Neal! 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