VOLUME THE PILOT NUMBER Devoted to the UpbuUding of Vass and Its Surrounding Country SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 SANDHILL CITIZENS FORM KIWANIS CLUB Sixty men, representative of the business and jirofessional interests of that portion of the Sandhill sec tion of North Carolina which includes the towns of Southern Pines, Pine- hurst and Aberdeen, met at the Mid- Pines Country Club at Southern Pines and with much mirth, song and eating of good food and under the guidance of Mr. Van Burschaft, Field Representative of International Ki- wanis, organized a Kiwanis Club for the Sandhills. A meeting previous to this one of the leading spirits in the organization of the club had ap pointed Dr. W. C. Mudgett as presi dent; R. L. Chandler as secretary, and H. J. Betterly as trustee. These officers presided over the first lunche on and led the organization meeting to a success exceeding even the hopes of the organization committee. As is customary among Kiwanians the meeting started off with songs, jokes and food. Mr. Buschaft then made a talk, explaining the ideals and purpose of Kiwanis, after which the president called upon each man present to introduce himself to the others and tell his occupation and the name by which he was to be known as a Kiwanian. Many amus ing sketches of life history were here told from Ralph Page’s tale of how he was endeavoring to grub out a liv ing as a writer to Judge Way’s pa thetic tale of his efforts here in the Sandhills to live down his past as a jurist and banker in Pittsburg by helping to make the Sandhills a bet ter place in w’hich to live. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Dr. W. C. Mud^rett; first vice-president, Richard Tufts; second vice-president, Ed McKeithen; third vice-president, R. N. Page; secretary, R. L. Chand ler; treasurer, Dan T. McKeithan. Directors, J. R. McQueen, Judge W. A. Way, I. C. Sledge, J. T. Johnson, Frank Shamburger, H. A. Lewis, Frank Buchan and H. J. Betterly. CAMERON NEWS Mrs. Mildred Matthews, of Sanford, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. J Irvin. Mrs. A. M. Shaw on Cameron route 2, was in town Friday, shopping. Mr. Clifton Cameron, of Timber- land, is assistant salesman and busi ness manager for McDonald Bros, during the holiday season. Now is the time to subscribe to The Pilot as a Christmas present to some relative or friend. Dr. K. B. Geddie, of Raeford, was a guest, Sunday, of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. O’Briant. Mr, Clyde Gaddy and Mr. Wade, of Sanford, spent Sunday with the fam ily of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gaddy. Mr. W. T. Wright, former operator at Cameron, returned at an early date to spend the week-end. Some attrac tion in the old town. The eleventh grade high school girls will give an oyster supper and a short entertainment at the school ouilding on Friday evening the 15th, beginning at 7:30. Dr. and Mrs. A. L. O’Briant and JJiss Vera McLean were in Sanford, ^I’Jday, shopping. ^e many friends of Rev. A. R iVlcQueen will be pleased to know he IS improving after an illness of in fluenza. J. P. Swett, on route 2, has re- cently harvested a fine crop of “good eatmg” Irish potatoes, as the cor respondent can vouch for, having “^nipled them. Mr. Swett grew the potatoes on some ground of M. D. (Continued on page 2) VASS, N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15,1922 SECOND PAYMENT DUE NEXT WEEK Record Meetings of Tobacco Growers Marked by Flood Tide of Loyally in 3 States Thousands of organized tobacco growers of Eastern North Carolina will double their cash receipts next Wednesday, December 20th, when checks for the second payment on all tobacco delivered to the Tobacco Growers’ Co-operative Association up to December 1st will be paid at the co-operative warehouses in the East ern belt. A flood tide of enthusiasm marked the twenty meetings throughout Cen tral and Eastern Carolina held by the Association last week. At Henderson, Roxboro, Oxford, Durham, and Ral eigh great gatherings of growers passed unanimous resolutions of loy alty and confidence in their Associa tion and their directors. More than 150 local associations of the tobacco co-operative have been formed in South Carolina during the past two weeks. An active campaign for new members gives promise of a sign-up that will include 80 per cent ^ of the South Carolina crop of 1923, according to the farmers, bankers and merchants who are aiding the as sociation in its new drive for mem bership in the Palmetto State. In the South Carolina Belt where the markets are closed the Associa tion handled 20,000.000 pounds of to bacco, and prices received from actual sales for substantially all the tobac co averaged $21.54 per hundred pounds. Following the second pay ment to the South Carolina growers, which equaled their first advance, preparations are now being made to distribute a third payment to those members. A record-breaking series of twenty- three meetings in Virginia this week will reach the growers of Pittsyl vania, Halifax, Mecklenburg, Luen- burg, Brunswick and Amelia Coun ties. Such state leaders as John R. Hutcheson, director of Extension for Virginia, F. S. Farrar, J. H. Quisen- berry and J. G. Bruce, State District Agents, and directors of the associa tion will address meetings which be gin Wednesday in Pittsylvania county, Thursday in Halifax county and con tinue Friday and ‘ Saturday, Decem ber 15th and 16th at Chase City, Clarksville, South Hill, Victoria, Ken- bridge, Lawrenceville, Alberta, and Amelia. • The record of the co-operative as sociation in three months of active operation and the second cash pay ment to be made to Virginia growers on all tobacco delivered up to Decem ber 20th will be discussed at these meetings, which celebrate the success of the association at the close of its first year. MRS. JAMES W. TUFTS DIES IN MASSACHUSETTS I Southern Pines, Dec. 8.—A tele gram from Leonard Tufts at Med ford, Mass., announces the death of his mother, Mrs. James W. Tufts at the advanced age of about 80 years. She leaves besides Mr. Tufts, Mrs. Sherbourne Hugh Prescott, a daugh ter, of Boston* Mrs. Tufts was in girlhood Miss Emma Clough, of Gro ton, Massachusetts. Her people were of old revolutionary stock. When James W. Tufts founded Pinehurst over a quarter of a century ago Mrs. Tufts took much interest in the pro ject, and she was a frequent visitor to the Sandhills, where she became well known and mufch esteemed. She was a woman of retiring disposition, but of broad sympathy with others, and although she was reticent about talking of her charities the limited few who know of her work know that she had an extremely open hand. Large sums of money were given to deserving objects with none but her secretary aware of the transactions. Leonard Tufts had been called to Massachusetts last week by his mother’s condition, and it was real ized then that the end was near. COUNTY AGENTS MEET AT COLLEGE MOORE COUNTY NOT A HORSE RAISING COUNTY From the last census report there are 2176 farms in Moore county with an average of 105 acre per farm. Of this amount there are 26 acres of im proved land. The record shows that in 1921 there were .988 horses in Moore county, 12 under one year of age with 21 over one year and under two. There are 2331 mules or an average of a little over a mule per farm and of this number there are 23 under one year and 40 over one and two years. It is very evident from the above report that horses and mules are not being raised in Moore county. M. W. WALL, County Agent. Raleigh, N. C., Dec. 14.—All of the county agents employed by the State College of Agriculture and the State Department of Agriculture are now at the College for the short course and conference held annually by the Agri cultural Extension Service. Approxi mately 70 agents were here to begin the conference on Decembr 5. On the 7th, the home demonstration agents gathered for a three day joint con ference. Meeting with the agents are the spcialists of the Experiment I Station and Professors of the College, i A full program for the entire 11 days has been worked out and the agents are finding each day filled to I the brim with matters of value and interest. Considerable time for round i table discussions has been allowed. Some of the important matters be ing st idied are those having to do with the fight on the boll weevil, the , marketing of surplus products grown where the boll weevil is damaging cotton, the marketing of livestock, . feeding hogs and other livestock, and , many other matters of concern among the farmers just at this time, j The agents are also outlining their ^voi k for the coming year. Plans are being made for carrying on some of , the various phases of work now be ing engaged in by the extension ser vice and at the same time an effort is being made to correlate the activi ties of all the agents so that they may j fit in with the general agricultural I program of the College and Depart ment administrative officers. HENRY McKAY DEAD Mr. Henry McKay, who lived in , Hoke county, near the lower power plant of the Sandhill Power Company, on Little River, died Wednesday and was buried yesterday at Cypress cemetery. Rev. McNeill, of Cameron, conducted the funeral services. Mr. McKay was a native of Harnett coun ty, from near Lillington. PRICE FIVE CENTS MOTHER GOOSE FAIR TO BE HELD “Everything is all set” for the Mother Goose Fair to be held at the Pinehurst Community House next Friday, beginning at three o’clock in the afternoon and continuing until ten in the evening. Great effort has been expended by the ladies to" make this Fair a suc cess. They tell us that several booths have been arranged for at which can be purchased many useful articles designed to make appropri ate Christmas Gifts. Chief among these will be a Toy Booth, a Woolen Booth, carrying sweaters, caps, etc., a Cotton Cloth Booth with towels, handkerchiefs, aprons, and many other articles which the house-wife can use to good advantage every day. Nor has the innerman been neg lected; contra, several booths will be provided with tempting goodies such as only the Pinehurst ladies know how to prepare. Mother Goose characters will be in evidence, both on the floor and in the booths, dis pensing their wares and good cheer to the large crowd of patrons who will doubtless attend. At seven^hirty a Mother Goose playlet will be given, to which a small admission will be charged. The entire affair has been looked after by the ladies of the community club and practically all of the articles which will be offered for sale have been made by them in their homes, which removes any question regard ing the quality of the products which can be purchased. Any profits re sulting from the sale and playlet will go into the treasury of the Communi ty Club. A good time and value received is guaranteed to all who will attend, and the invitation to come is not confined to Pinehurst, but is meant to include any and all from other communities and clubs who might like to see how the Pinehurst Community Club puts over these pleasant and profitable events. CHRISTMAS CHECKS Raleigh, Dec. 14.—The first batch of “Christmas Checks” from the North Carolina Cotton Growers’ Co-opera tive Association are due to go out Saturday. These checks will repre sent a second advance of $25 on each bale of cotton delivered to the As sociation up to December 1st. The last two weeks has been the busiest that the headquarters of the Tar Heel cotton co-operative has had. In addition to having to prepare for sending out thousands of checks to giowers, the association has been re ceiving cotton right along at the rate of nearly a thousand bales a day. There has been a considerable let-up in deliveries since the close of No vember, it is stated, but receipts are still heavy. The Association headquarters re port receipts to date of more than 125,000 bales on which advances to taling more than six million dollars have already been made and on which more than three million dollars will be advanced within the next few days. The physical task of handling thou sands of accounts with members will prevent all checks from going out on December 15th, but they will begin moving thep and the various batches will follow each other in quick suc cession. More than one man who was will ing to die for a girl before he got her wishes afterward he had. If you want to make a stout lady mad, just compliment her on being light on her feet.