Thursday, September 20, 1923 Handy Men Who Can Do Almost Veryth*n?r—Four Run Shops In Aberdeen small town a mechanic can- l^make his living in a specialized Ot . <1 fVifirp-FAro 1 nther doesn . - „ _ _ 5 If he has a mechanical turn of mind and ability he will succeed well fii nearly every problem that is iVnutrht to‘him. Aberdeen has four S wizards of the bench. There is Doc. Thomas, who can build anything from a wagon or an liitoniobile body up to the finest piece ffuniiture. Then Capt. Yates who iins a cabinet shop and makes any- Lino out of wood from flower boxes to furniture. Next comes T. M. qharp who runs a machine shop who iho can make anything in metal and «teel up to the most intricate mechan ical parts. Not so active at his trade anv more is Dave Knight, who was formerly a wagon maker, but is now peputy Sheriff specializing on the capture of illicit stills. These men are quietly engaged at Page Seven ?=‘=“Pations each day. Perhaps they themselves do not realize how ? I community, but the fact is, that but for their timt y assistance the wheels of industry would ^^ten be out of motion in and about Aberdeen. SUMMER and WINTER EXTREMES Moderated by Ice Plant and Coal Dealers—Deliver to Other Towns Nearby When the temperature is 90 in the shade, Melvin Creel is working his hardest at the Chandler Ice Plant, manufacturing ice for household and commercial purposes. In the winter time he turns his attention to coal to keep us comfortable from the other extreme. In the coal line, however, he has a competitor in H. W. Doub, who regularly supplies a patronage not only in Aberdeen, but Southern Pines and Pinebluff each winter. ROMAN EAGLE LODGE 550 A. F. & A. M. Meets ever 1st and 3rd Friday night Over Standard Store, ABERDEEN, - North Carolina Visiting Masons Invited The Place to Eat I i *>>■ I-Iead.