Page Six Friday, June 20, I924 THE PILOT PINEBLUFF At the M. E. Church June 22nd: Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Preach ing at 11 a. m. by Rev. George S. Par ker. Community Praise Service at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting on Thurs day evening at 7:30. At the Baptist Church June 22nd: Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. The Baptist Young Ladies Auxili ary met at the home of the leader, Mrs. William Fiddner, on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. M. S. Latshaw gave a mission talk to the girls. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs. Simp son on Philadelphia avenue, Tuesday evening of this weeek. A union missionary entertainment will be given by the young ladies of Carolina Theatres PINEHURST Southern Pines Present The Special G.EORGE MELFORD PRODUCTION “Tiger lo¥e” -With- ANTONIO MORENO and ESTELLE TAYLOR Adapted from the well- know Light Opera, “The Wild Cat„ A story of Spanish love produced b the man who made “The Sheik.” Now running at the Rivoli Theatre, New York. ALSO — Another of those side-busting, two-part come dies; an Aesop Fable and a Sportlight picture. Pinehurst MONDAY, JUNE 23rd Southern Pines TUESDAY, JUNE 24th 8:20 P. M. Bpeciial WILLIAM DeMILLE Production “The Bedroom Window^’ With a big all-star cast, including May McAvoy, George Fawcett, Ethel Wales, Malcolm McGregor, Ricardo Cortez and Robert Edeson. The Summer's big Come- dy-Mystery story. A corking story with a bang-up cast, thrilling sus pense and logical conclusion. ALSO—A two-part come dy and other short subjects. Pinehurst FRIDAY, JUNE 27th Southern Pines SATURDAY, JUNE 28th 8:20 P. M. Nix Business and Pleasure Why not mix your business with an hour of pleasure by coming’ to our store for your needs, and enjoy our resort in the eve nings. We have it and are waiting: to serve you. Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables of the season. If you don’t see what you want ask us; we might save you a drive. Lakeview Store Co. Lakeview, N. C. the Baptist and Methodist Churches at the Baptist Church, June 27th, at 7:30 p. m. A silver collection will be taken. All are cordially invited to at tend. The Holbrook choir met for its last session this season at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Achorn on Sun day evening, last. After spending one hour singing hymns, Mr. Wade gave some fine selections on the pi- ano. Mrs. Joseph Suttenfield is,spending a few days at Davidson College, hav ing chaperoned a company of young ladies there to attend thee commence ment exercises.- She is expected home this week. Mrs. Leidergerber who has been spending the last month visiting her sister, Mrs. Sadie Fiddner, has return ed to her home in Newark, N. J. Miss Mary Perkins, whose home was burned in the fire of May 10th, has rented rooms in the Dearborn cot tage at Silver Springs, and moved there. Mr. Dighton McGlechlin has put in the foundation of his new cottage on the site of the old house that was burned on the corner of Philadelphia avenue and Current street. It is the desire of all of our people that the beautiful corner will be redecorated with pretty cottages, and more than its former beauty restored. Miss Emily Wallace spent a few days last week visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Reynolds, of Southern Pines. She visited her friends, Mrs. Rigely and daughter, Henrietta, at Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lampley have rented the Butler property on Phila delphia avenue and are very happy in their new home. Mrs. A. L. Allen was very pleasant ly surprised recently by a visit from her brother whom she had not seen for thirty years. Mr. F. E. Jones, of Los Angeles, Cal., appeared to her unannounced, and stopped over a few days for a good visit, and to look over the Sandhills. Mr. Jones was on a business trip through the eastern, western and southern states, and took in New Orleans and Texas on his re turn trip. Mrs. M. S. Latshaw has gone north to visit her son. Rev. Blair Latshaw, of New Jersey, for a few weeks be fore she returns to her Missionary Al liance work in Muncie, Ind. Miss Emily Wallace, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wallace, has returned to her hos pital work in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Page have gone to Aberdeen for a few weeks while hi? mother, Mrs. Chris. Page, and daugh ter, Mrs. F. Shamburger are on their vacation *at W>ightsville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Talmage Shaw and two children visited his sister, Mrs. Jessie Newell, over the Sabbath. Misses Mattie and Sarah Wilson, of Raeford, are visiting the Misses Pick- lers at their home on the shore of Pinebluff Lake, this week. Miss Ruth Skipper, of Pearson, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. C. Lamp ley, for the summer. Mr. E. Pickier, who has been work ing in Greenville, has returned to the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pickier. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Achorn leave this morning for their home in Boston, Mass. They will stop one day at Vir ginia Beach, Va., to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Smith. Mr. Smith has a hotel there, and ran the Pinebluff Inn here for two years, and has charge of the new hotel to be in Pinebluff. The new hotel, “The Holbrook,” is progressing nicely at last reports. Miss Janie McMillan spent the week-end with her friend. Miss Ruth Wallace. Rev. and Mrs. George S. Parker ar rived in town via auto from Raleigh, and are safely housed in the Metho dist parsonage on New England ave nue. They have two grandchildren with them who will give charm and cheer to their summer sojourn here. BRING YOUR SHOES TO Vass Electric Shoe Shop For Repairs. Best of Iieather and Workmanship Rear Basement of Edwards Building R. G. ROSSER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Beasley Building, - VASS, N. C NONUNENTS & TOMBSTONES If you are interested in Monu ments or Tombstones, write Rockingham Marble Works ROCKINGHAM, N. C. A large and well selected stock of monuments, tablets, etc., on hand at all times. Quality, work and prices guaranteed. Equipped with latest pneumatic machinery driven by elec tricity. I 1 I We see a health note in a daily pa per which says: “If milk don’t agree with the baby, boil it.” Rather tough on the baby, isn't it. Maybe the breakfast parties at the White House are only an excuse to get some of our congressmen up in time to attend to business. PIGS FOR SALE—12 pigs, four months old; 6 three-fourth Black Es sex and 6 one-half Black Essex. See A. D. McLauchlin, Vass, N. C., Route (It) FOR SALE—or will trade Chero- Cola bottling plant. Priced right; easy terms. G. M. McDermott, Cam eron, N. C. (Itpd.) OPENING, Friday, June 27th CRYSTAL LAKE PARK At Lakeview, N. C. 5 miles from Southern Pines, on State Highway, Ro>iite No. 50 GYMKANA CONTESTS Prizes Awarded for SWIMMING, DIVING, DANCING, BOAT- RACING and BARN-YARD-GOLF AFTERNOON BAN.D CONCERT CHICKEN and WAFFLE DINNER Served afternoon and night at LAKESIDE INN The Seashore is CaOing Beaufort and Morehead City offer unusual attractions for the summer visitor. Special season round trip tickets for those desiring a lengthy stay. Week-end and Sunday tickets for those desiring one- or two-day trip. Consult ticket agents for full information or J. F. DALTON, Gen’l Passenger Agt., Norfolk Southern R. R., Norfolk, Va. “AND WHAT ELSE, PLEASE” A M R E K A E T T A Conscientious desire to serve you in every way we can makes this store a most desirable and satisfactory place in which to trade. Fresh mer chandise of the highest quality awaits your orders. Beef, Pork, Hams SAUSAGE, CANNED GOODS, VEGETABLES, ETC. J. H. OLDHAM & CO. VASS, NORTH CAROLINA Rear Basement Beasley’s Block - VASS, N. C. SOUTHERN RAEWAY SYSTEM ANNOUNCES Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fares FOR SUMMER SEASON, 1924 SUMMER EXCURSION FARES to Mountain and Seashore Resorts on sale daily May 15 to September 30. Final limit Oc tober 31. SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES from Salisbury, Winston- balem, Greensboro, Goldsboro, Danville and intermediate stations to Norfolk, Morehead City and Wilmington (Wrightsville Beach), iicke.s on sale Saturday night and Sunday, limit Sunday night, season May 31 to August 30, 1924. WEEK-END FARES to Western North Carolina Mountain Resorts and Seashore resorts of Eastern North Carolina and Vir ginia. Tickets on Sale Friday and Saturday. Limit following Tues day. Season May 16 to August 30, 1924. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES to Atlantic City and Niagara l