|Pfiday» March 26y 1926. Vass and Community Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Burt, of Bis- ^e, Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Matthews and daughter, Ellen,, and Miss Laura Huff, of Sanford, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Cam eron, Sunday. Mrs. D. C. McGill, Mrs. S. R. Smith and W. D. Smith spent Sunday after noon in Sanford. Fred Taylor, of the University of North Carolina, was at home for a short visit last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thomas, J. R., Jr., and Miss Mildred Thomas visited at the home of T. R. Moffitt, in San ford, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Mof- iitt is recovering from an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. H. S. Creech and children re turned Sunday fr6m a visit to rel atives in Benson. Miss Sallie Thompson, of Cameron route 1, is visiting relatives in Vass and Lakeview, this week. Misses Bessie, Mary Elizabeth and Eloanor Cameron, of Pinehurst, spent the week-end with relatives and l iends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cameron came over for a Sunday af ternoon visit. Mrs. T. C. Gaddy and Mrs. Charlie Boaz, of Cameron, spent Friday with Mrs. A. K Thompson. Mrs. Gaddy’s friends are delighted that she is able to be out again, after her recent ill ness. THE PILOT of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krug, of West Long Branch, N. J., who have spent sev eral weeks with Mrs. Zoe Howard, were very suddenly called home last week by the serious illness of their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Huel, Mrs. M. W. Miller, Mr. and MCrs. Pag« Tbam m voice and in expression. Mr. Lan- caster is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. ^S<^aster, of Hotel Vass. Mrs. O. Winkleman was hostess to Circle No. 1, of the Methodist Aux- ^ Tuesday afternoon. R<wl call was answered by a goodly number of the members after which the last meeting were | A. E. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Greg- ‘ ory, spent Friday in Rockingham. Mrs. J. W. Austin is caring for Mrs. Dan Rose. Mrs. Adolph Russom, of Charlotts- ville, Va., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Minehart and grandaughter, Mrs. Berg, of Silver Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Berg, of Silver Springs, entertained E. W. Hase and Mr. Locke, of Fayetteville over the Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. Fellows, from York Beach, Maine, friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jellison, who have spent the win ter in -Florida, have returned to -Pine- bluff and are located in Mrs. M. E. Akens’s cottage, corner of Jefferson Davis highway and Baltimore avenue. read and approved. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. G. W. Grif fin, followed by prayer, then, inter esting readings concerning Mission bchools were given by Mrs. G. B. Lanbscher and Mrs. J. S. Lancaster. Much business was attended to, after which a social hour was enjoved. De licious refreshments consisting of jello with whipped cream, mints and cake, doughnuts and hot coffee were served. The hostess being assisted by her sister, Mrs. Joe Weber, of New York. Suggestions of St. Patrick’s Day were carried out and altogether a most delightful as well as profitable meeting was held. The April meet ing will be with Mrs. E. Dunkhurst. (Continued on Page Six) MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT I ~ GIVEN FRIDAY NIGHT ■SPECIAL ELECTION H. L. Thompson, of Sanford, and J. W. Thompson, of Hamlet, visited relatives here Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Rosser and Mas ter John Harrington Rosser went to Broadway Monday. Miss Lizzie Jones spent last week end with her father at Fuquay Springs. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith, Miss Mary Davis Westcott and Earl Ed wards Aisited in Parkton Sunday. Mies Rachel Beasley was a Sunday dinner guest of Miss Olera Mc- Craney. We are glad to welcome to our town, James T. Craig and family, of Pinehurst. They are at home in the Jo>Tier house. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Perkins and baby, «f Swann Station, were visitors at the home of A. Cameron Sunday. Prof. W. D. Matthews and family went to Sanford Sunday afternoon to yisit his mother, Mrs, Mildred Mat thews. Mrs. Matthews has been il with influenza, but is much better. Miss Martha McKay spent Satur day in Sanford. Misses Louise Black and Emma Wilson went to Southern Pines Wed nesday on business. Miss Ola Parham, trained nurse, has returned to Sanford after spend ing some time with her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Tyson. Mesdames C. J. Temple, G. H. Sim pson, H. A. Borst, and W. C. Leslie went to Aberdeen Friday afternoon to call on Mrs. W. V. McRae. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Holt and Mrs. G. W. GrifRn were Sanford visitors Priday. Mr. and Mrs, S. R. Smith spent Saturday evening in Sanford with T.' R. MofRtt and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cox and child ren went to Hamlet Sunday afternoon to see Miss Beulah Cox, who is suf fering with rheumatism. Miss Cox is in training in the Hamlet hospi tal. G. B. Laubscher attended the pro gram given by the music pupils of the local school, Friday night. Mr. Laubscher, who suffered a stroke of paralysis nearly three years ago, leaves home so seldom that it is quite a treat to him to get out and mingle with his friends. The Ladies Auxiliary presents the play, “Packing the Missionary Bar rel,” and the other features Friday night, at the Vass-Lakeview auditor ium. Admission only 25 and 15 cents. Come!! Book Shower for School Library On Thursday afternoon of last week the Woman’s Club of Vass very kindly remembered the school with a book shower. Eighteen volumes were presented. The school greatly ap preciates this thoughtfulness on the part of the club. Circle Two Meets with Mrs. Smith Circle Two of the Methodist Aux iliary met on Tuesday evening with Mrs. S. R. Smith. The attendance was good, only two members being absent. The meeting opened with a song, followed by Scripture reading by Mrs. Alex Smith. Prayer, reading by Mrs.. C. L. Tyson and Mrs. C. J. Tem- plq. Reports were made, and the business of the Circle discussed. Dur ing the social hour, several contests were enjoyed. Mrs. C. J. Temple will be hostess to the Circle in Ap ril. Ready-To-Wear Sale The Ladies of Circle No. 1, will have a sale of ladies’ and children’s ready made dresses on Friday after noon and Saturday. The sale will be in Temple’s new store. Everybody is cordially invited to look these dresses over, even if they do not wish to make a purchase. Lancaster-Grifiin Announcement An announcement reading as fol lows was received last week ’ by friends in town: Dr. Pearce Edwin Griffin announces the marriage of his daughter, Martha to Mr. John Lancaster on Wednesday, the twenty fourth of February, One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Twenty-Six, Vass, North Carolina. Mrs. Lancaster is the very popu lar teacher of English and French in the Vass-Lakeview high school. Since coming to Vass from her home in Georgia, she has won many friends. Mrs. Lancaster was educated at Wes leyan College, where she specialized The program given by the pupils of the Music Department of the Vass- Lakeview Public School last Friday night was the best entertainment of its kind ever given, or attempted, in these parts. From the first number, “We’re Ready To Begin,” to the close of the musical fairy play, “Midsum- rner Eve,’* the large audtence was de lighted at the manner in which stu dents have responded to the excellent training they have received in the Music Department. Every grade in the school was represented in the pro gram, from the little tots in the first grade on through the high school classes. Practically every seat in the high school auditorium was filled and pa trons of the school were loud in their praise of Mrs. S. R. Smith, who stag ed and directed the entire program. The great success of her undertak ing is additional proof that we have talent right here in Moore County that is as good as can be found any where. Some day, it is hoped, Community and County Fairs will be resumed in Moore county. When these are being planned, the promoters can be assured that it is no longer neces sary to import high salaried pageant directors. A small portion of the amount usually expended for these features, placed in the hands of Mrs. Smith, would produce a pageant that it would not be necessary to apolo gize for in any community. J. T. C, voting places of each voting precinct of said county as hereinbefore desig nated and the registration books in each precinct will be closed for reg istration on the second Saturday be fore said election. The said elec tion shall be held otherwise in ac cordance with the laws governing gen eral elections. At said election those who are in favor of the levy and col lection of the taxes aforesaid provid ed in said county under the provisions and subject to article number twenty of the Codification of the School Law and amendments thereto as aforesaid set forth, shall vote a ticket on which shall be printed or written the words “For Local Tax,” and those who op pose the levy and collection of said tax, shall vote a ticket on which shall be printed or written the words “Against Local Tax.” At the close of the election the said registrar and judges of election for each voting pre cinct, respectively, shall count the ballots cast at said election, canvass and judicially determine the result of said election and make returns thereof to the Board of Commissioners of Moore County, as provided by law. Notice is hereby given that the fore going order was made by the Boavi of Commissioners of Moore County at the meeting of said board held on tke first Monday of March, 1926. W. J. HARRINGTON Re^ster of Deeds and Clerk im the Board of Commissioners. MAKE YOURSELF AND FAMILY SAFE against head colds, sore throat, brom- cial colds, catarrh and spasmodic croup. You can with the simple, quick act ing conquering medication, only poa- sible with PAGE’S CRU-MO At all Druggists 25c, 50c. PINEBLUFF At the M. E. church, March 28, Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m. Preach ing by Rev. R. P. Gibson at 11 a. m. Young Peoples meeting at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meetings on Thursday evening at 7:30 p. m. At the Baptist church, March 28, Sabbath school 9:45 a. m. At the Ives cottage. There was no service at the Meth odist church last Sabbath, owing to the temporary illness of the pastor. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rose, a boy, last Thursday night. Wm. Dow, who has spent the win ter here with his wife in the Ivey cottage on Baltimore Avenue, pass ed into his rest last week, Monday evening, of heart trouble. Mr. Dow was a nephew of the noted Rev. Lorenzo and Neil Dow, of Maine. E. G. Adams is breaking ground for his new house on Philadelphia avenue, west of his garage. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rose’s baby died last Sunday. Funeral Monday at the home. Miss Florence Fowl left March 12, for Minneapolis, Minn., on a business trip and returned March 19, Mrs. Frank M. Commons, of Minn eapolis, Minn., who is stopping at the Midpines club, entertained about 25 guests at the Pine Bluff Inn recent ly. , , Mrs. J. M. Conners, and daughter, Ann, of White Plains, N. Y., arrived last week to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. James J. Foley. Capt. T. A. White found an egg in his hen house, deposited by a white wyandorte that measured four incnes long by six inches around. Mrs. Sadie Fiddner, Mrs. John Fidd- ner and Mrs. R. A. Prest spent the af ternoon in Pinehurst Monday. Miss Margaret A. Kittell, who spent the winter with Mrs. Frank Page at Aberdeen is home for a season. Mrs. Sadie Fiddner spent last week in Greensboro as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Luther McDon- old. , ^ . . Aubrey Privett spent last week in Greensboro on business. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Shank, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Minord, Dr. and Mrs. C. 0. Whipple, &pe«nt three days last week at Chimney Rock as gueste of the Graham Realty company. They report the scenery most beautiful, and the mountains just gorgeous, but as a place for the northern tounsts to spend the winter, in Pinebluff and the Sandhill section heats it by far. Some building lots there sell for $3,500 and small lots at that, just large enough to build a small cottage on and some lots in Landal Park, a suburb of Hendersonville, sells for $5,000 a front foot and some other lots sell for $100, a front foot. , , . _ Rev. J. M. Shank preached in Car thage last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, M. W. Miller gave 3. picnic dinner at Lumbee river camp last Sunday for their friends. Mr. and Mrs. A, E ,Bush, of Buffalo, N. Y., who are stopping at the Pine Bluff Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jellison have adopted a little boy from St. Leo’s hospital, Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. F. E Gregory enter tained last Saturday evening in honor A written petition of the County Board of Election of Moore County having been presented to the Board of Commissioners of Moore County on the first Monday of March, 1926, requesting that an election be held in the County of Moore to ascertain the will of the people of said county whether there shall be levied on all taxable property and polls in said county a special county tax not to exceed fifty cents on the one hundred 11| dollars valuation of property to sup plement the six months school fund of said county as provided in article number twenty of the Codification of the School law of North Carolina en acted by the General Assembly of 1923, it is hereby ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Moore County that an election be and the same is hereby called and is ordered to be held in the County of Moore in the several voting precincts of said county as heretofore fixed and estab lished by law on Tuesday, the 27th day of April, 1926, for the purpose of ascertaining the will of the qualified voters of said County of Moore, whether there shall be levied on all taxable property and poll in the Coun ty of Moore a special county tax not to exceed fifty cents on the one hun dred dollars valuation of property to supplement the six months school fund of the county under the pro visions of article twenty of the Codifi cation of the School Law of North Carolina by the General Aseembly of North Carolina at its session of 1923 and any and all amendments which have been or shall hereafter be made to said law. Said election shall be held in the several voting precincts of said county and at the established polling places of said precincts re spectively as now fixed by law, ex cept that the polling place for the vot ing precinct of Vass is fixed in Gun ter’s store in the town of Vass. For the purpose of securing the registra tion of qualified voters for said elec tion and for the purpose of holding said election, the following named registrars and judges of election are hereby appointed for each voting pre cinct in said County of Moore, the person appointed as registrar in each polling precinct being the first per son named after the names of each voting precinct and other two named being the judges of election for said precincts, respectively, to-wit: CARTHAGE, EAST: Mrs. Allie Grier, registrar, J. H. McDonald, N. J. Muse. CARTHAGE, WEST: Mrs. J. M. Lane, registrar, D. A. McDonald, J. W. Snawell. BENSALEM: W. P. Copeland, reg istrar, R. W. McLean, Allen M. Mon- H We have just received a new shipment of Dr. LeGears Stock Powders —and Listen— Every Package Guaranteed WIGGINS DRUG STORE I: i: USE Naybank Fish Guano Dry and Drillable Manufactvared by Naybank Fertilizer Co. Results Have Proven its Superiority roe. HEMP: S. G. Gamer, registrar, 0. T. Maness, Allen Jones. SPIES: Raleigh Brewer, registrar, Jason Moore, Sidney Britt. SPENCERVILLE: Willis Dunlap, registrar, W. H. Chrisco, Spencer Brown. HIGH FALLS: W. E. Woody, regis trar, G. C. Shaw, Frank Broady. RITTERS: Borden Ritter, registrar, Quentin Revnolds, G. B. Williams. DEEP RIVER: W. M. Fields, regis trar, 0. U. Alexander, J. E. Shields. CAMERON: D. McDonald, regis trar, J. J Irvin, E B Harrington EUREKA: Martin Blue, registrar, W McC. Blue, Martin McLeod. VASS: T. K. Gunter, registrar, Frank Ludwig, J. 0. Blue. SOUTHERN PINES: A. S. Rug- gies, registrar, Alex Cameron, R. L. Chandler. ABERDEEN: A. A. McKeithen, registrar, H. W. Doub, J. W. Gra ham. ADDOR: A. P. Troutman, registrar, D. P. Blue, Levi Packard. PINEHURST: J. A. Wicker, regis trar, Gordon Cameron, Fuller Cur rie. WEST END: J. E. Jackson, regis trar, C. W. Ritter, M. L. Morris. It is further ordered by the board that notice of said election be given by the Clerk of this Board by publica tion of a copy of this order at least three times in the Moore County News, The Pilot and Sandhill Citizen, newspapers circulating in said county, ^he first publication to be at least thirty days before the election and at least thirty days before the close of the registration books for said elec tion as hereinafter particularly spec ified. An entirely new registration of the qualified voters of said County of Moore is hereby ordered and the registration books for the registration of qualified voters for said election in said county shall be opened and re main open for the registration of qual ified voters from the 25th day of March, 1926 to the 17th day of April, 1926, both inclusive, (Sundays except ed), and the place at which said books will be open for registration on the Saturdays during said period is at the F'or Sale by Little River Store Vass, N. C. AUSTIN McCORMICK Co. District Representative, SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA «8«H»«K»i»t«t»»««;»««m««w«tm«mt«:«»»tt«»HH»«»«««»:»m«»na NITRATE OF SODA IMMEDIATE OR FUTURE SHIPMENT - ^ Local ^ Br’oker’. O. H. STUTTS. Pinehurst, N. C. TTtefbOowiq^ Merchants earn/ Nft rare of Soda In stock. Ottle River Store Co., Lakeview, N. C. Little River Store Co., Southern Pines, N. C. Little River Store Co., Vass, N. C. M. C. McDonald, West End, N. C. J. Guy Stuart, Jackson Springs, N. C. E. J. Woodley, Jackson Springs, N. C. Pinehurst Warehouses, Inc., Pinehurst, N. C. W. R. GRACE & wiLMiwGTONi — Importersf ^ •>- Top Dress Cotton and Ck)m with NITRATE OF f; SODA for increased yield. lii

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