Friday, April 30, 1926. the WOODROW WILSON MEMORIAL (Continued from Page 1) 1 also wish to inform the inter ested public that I accepted the chairmanship for one county as the only escape from having the state chairmanship thrust on me, with the idea that it is less repre hensible to be a one per cent nui sance than one of one hundred per cent, (My friend, A. T. Al len, state chairman, may note the above, if this letter shall come to his attention, and make the best of it he can.) The purpose of this particular “drive” is to gather funds to purchase and preserve the house at Staunton, Va., in which President Wilson was born and the church in which he was baptized and of which his father was pastor, and to erect a memorial, the exact character of which is as yet un determined, to the memory of the World War President. I have read somewhere that the ‘‘quota*’ assigned to the State fo North Carolina is $50,000, which seems to me, the scope of the enterprise be ing national, to indicate a whale of a memorial. As far as I know no “quota” has been allotted to Moore county. If there has, it was done without my knowledge and consent and is therefore null and void. It is my opinion that everybody in this county reads one of more of the three county papers. I am asking them to publish this statement in their next is,sUes, and that will be the genesis and exodus, the alpha and amega of this “drive,” so far as Moore county is concerned. If you wish to contribute, send me your check and I will forward it to Mr. Allen, State Chairman, along with your name, which I assume will be carved or engraved or deposited some where in or around the proposed me morial. Note this is not a promise of the management (possibly they may not care to have me speak fur ther for them,) but is my own mere assumption based on my observation of the methods usually employed in such enterprises. It is quite certain that your check will be cashed, (your bank favorably co-operating) and the proceeds used. It is not quite so cer tain about your name being carved on the Wilson Memorial. But at least it is not certain that it will not be. We can never tell. Address, H. A. PAGE, SR. Aberdeen, N. C. April 23rd, 1926. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MOORE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT M. W. McRae, Trustee for McRae Grocery Company; McRae Grocery Company; McRae Grocery Company; McRae Grocery Company, assinee for M. H. Folley; A. L. Burney, Trading as Burney Hardware Company; H. A. Lewis; I. F. Chandler; I. F. Chandler; Bailey Lippfert, Trustee, Pepper’s Warehouse Company, Inc., and T. R. Pepper, Petitioners in the vsetaoni etaoetao cause, and all others who may come in and file their claims herein, vs H. S. Greene and wife Maggie Greene NOTICE All Creditors and in all persons whomsoever having, or claimmg to hold any claims or demand of any kind or nature, whether by way of notes, judgements, mortgages, deeds of trust or any other evidence ot debt against the defendants H. S. Greene and wife Maggie Greene, or either of them, or having, or claimmg to have, any right or interest in or to any claim against the proper^, whether real or personal, against the said H. S. Greene and wife Maggie Greene, or either of them, where same has not already been adju^dicated against the claimant, be and ,^ey and each of them ar ehereby notified that unless they come in and join m this proceedings, or unless they file their claim with the undersigned, within thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of this notice they Have your Eyes Examined by »b Expert. Ciwt !ii No More THE PILOT Page Fiv« herein'’participating enforcing their o? any they have, against any Of the property of the said H S TM® Maggie Greene. given in compliance with the order of Honorable Michael of the 13th at his Cham- 1926 Wadesboro, N. C., April 15, W. W. MAURER, Receiver. Aberdeen, N. C. April 20, 1926. 23-30-7-14M FOR SALE—One tract of timber of 560 acres that will cut two and one-half million pine lumber, also the oak and other mercantile tim ber. 3,000 or more Cross Ties can be cut from the oak. Five or more years to remove. Address Drawer 1, Vass, N. C. 26-2-9-16-23-30A WANTED—Young men and young women Bookkeepers, Stenographers and Salesmen, learn in a few weeks in the Oldest Business College in North Carolina’s Largest City, small fee, easy terms. Board and room for boys and girls in the dormitory reas onable. HOWARD’S BUSINESS COLLEGE Winston Salem, N. C. 12-19-26-2-9- 16-23-30. Political Announcements mm. ^ FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Moore county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Any support will be appreciated. T. A. COLE. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of clerk of super ior court of Moore County, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. Your support will be most gratefully received. J. CLYDE KELLY. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVE I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of House of Rep resentative of Moor County at the coming June Primary, subject to the action of the Democratic voters. STACY BREWER. FOR CLERK OF COURT I hereby anmounce myself a candi date for the office of Clerk of Super ior Court of Moore County, subject to the action of the Democratic primar ies June 5th. HENRY GRAVES. Your Advertisements printed in The PILOT is read Pinehurst Dept. Store F*ii:iehurst, N. C. «a«g«88;»:;;;:H»»t«»iH»» AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY HIGH CLASS GOODS AT CLOSING OUT PRICES a NOTICE Having been requested to run for the Senate in the 12th Senatorial Dis trict of N. C., comprising the counties of Hamet, Hoke, Moore and Randolph, I hereby announce myself a candidate for said office, subject to the Demo cratic primary in June. D. A. MCDONALD. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Senate in the 12th Sena torial District of N. C., comprising the counties of Harnett, Hoke, Moore and Randolph, subject to the Demo cratic primary in June. R. L. BURNS ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Senate in the 12th Sena torial District of N. C., comprising the counties of Harnett, Hoke, Moore and Randolph, subject to the Demo cratic primary in June. E. J. WOODLEY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY I wish to announce that I will be a candidate to succeed myself to the office of Prosecuting Attorn^ for the Recorders Court of Moore County subject to the Democratic Primary in June. The votes and sup^^rt of all in the coining primary will be greatly appreciated. I wish in this connection to thank the people of Moore County for their loyal support and cooperation that I have enjoyed as Prosecutor for the Recorders Court during the first year of the Courts existence. Yours very truly, M. G. BOYETTE. Everybody knows the Pinehurst Department Store must buy a large quantity of the highest quality and the latest minute styles. Everybody knows that a certain amount of these goods will be on hand when the season closes, for we cannot guage our pur chases to exactly fit the demands. Everybody knows that these goods, absolutely the latest thing for this spring will not suit our trade next spring. ^^erybody can see that these surpluses must move out now, and it is not a matter of what they bring, but that they sell now when they are late styles and seasonable, for next spring they will be out of date. You See The Point— These surplus goods are offered at a price to move them. The stocks are not complete in all lines, nor are they of wide variety in some things, for we try to sell down as close as possible by the close of the season, but there are bargains for the shrewd buyer, and they are sure worth looking at while they last. Possibly you have heard the women talking the last week or so of the good V chances they have been finding at the Pinehurst Department Store. It is no idle gossip. They have been getting Fine Merchandise AT CLOSING OUT PRICES! If you can use anythings in bag gage—Trunks, Bags, Hat Cases, Steamer Trunks, Fine Goods, Low Prices, Here is your chance. A few of several tj^es on our hands. They are your opportuniy. The Pinehurst Department Store F^inehurst, N. C. Come and help us clean up these surpluses. No better goods made, but they are on our hands with the season closed. It is your chance. Our Savings Department DR. J. C. MANN, ByMiffht SptimU ist and Optician wUl be mt Ghean Jewelry Store, Sanford, N. C., every W^nesday in each week. Heada<*e relieved when caused by Eyestram. Office equipped with the latest exam ining instraments. When he fits you with glasses ytm have the satisl^- tion of knowing that thev are correct Weak eyes of children snould expert attention; take your Aild to bim. Remember that lie is in Sarford Every Wednesday from 10 A. M. te 3 P. M. FOR CLERK OF COURT I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Clerk of Superior Court, subject to the action of the Democrat voters in the comnig pri mary. Your support will be appre ciated. JOHN WILLCOX. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner, flnb- ject to the action of the Democratic voters in the coming primary. WALTER E. PORTER. nmumnnxxxnxxxxx We wish to call your attention to the fact that this bank main tains a first class Savings Department. We receive on savings accounts any amount from one dollar up. On each account we compound the interest semi-annually, adding the interest to the account without any trouble on the part of the depositor. Additions may be made at any time, and under normal con ditions deposits may be withdrawn in whole or in part at any time. On these savings accounts we pay 4 per cent interest. We recommend this kind of account to persons who have money for which they have no immediate use and which they want kept in a safe place until needed. The compounding of interest is automatic. This money is not idle, but is constantly making more money for you, accumulating for the rainy day or the day of need when other sources fail. We would be pleased to have you call and open a savings account with us. THE BANK OF VASS VASS, N. C.

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