Friday, May 14, 1926. I, 1920. , <x . V a ♦♦ H CAMERON . ..Mrs. R. C. Thomas and daughter, Misses Margaret and Mary Emma] and I. S. Thomas attended commence ment exercises at Buies' Creek, Sun day. Mrs. Margaret McLean and daugh ter, Misses Ella and Margaret, Dan McLean, D. J. McNeill, George Muse, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Monroe and daughters. Misses Annie Jane and Pearl and Monroe, Jr., all of Union Church community, route 2, attended Communion services at Cameron Pres byterian church Sunday. At the Communion services, Rev. M. D. McNeill took for the subject of his discussion, 'The Passover, and The Lord's Supper”. Time, paper, pen and ink were wasted last week in a letter to The Pilot, telling about one of the most beautiful pageants ever staged in Cameron. Possibly The Pilot didn’t have place for all of Cameron's “big doin’s.” Mrs. D. S. Ray spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ray, of Vass. Guy Matthews came up from Ham let Sunday for a visit to his mother, Mrs. Georgia Matthews. Prof. Duncan Matthews and family, of Vass, were visitors Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Irvin. Stacy Brewer, Editor of The Pilot was in town last week. Miss Kate Arnold is spneding the week in Fayetteville. Laurence S’prunt, of Wilmington, spent an afternoon of last week with Mrs. E. M. Borst and Miss Annie Borst. Miss Thurla Cole spent the week end in Charlotte. Miss Lillian Cole has returned from Culowhee Normal where she has been teaching. Mrs. H. P. McPherson, Miss Manda McPherson and the correspondent called Sunday afternoon to see Mrs. John B. Cameron, who has been a helpless invalid for over a year. Mrs. Cameran is patient and cheer ful under her affliction, and gives each caller a cordial welcome. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Hartsell, Miss Annie Hartsell, Miss Vera McLean and L. F. Hartsell spent Sunday in Raleigh, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomson. Fuller Rogers came down from Siler City, on Sunday to see his little son, Carl, who is making his home Avith his aunt, Mrs. Laura Rogers. Miss Annie Hollingsworth Jones is home from Mars Hill where she has been a student. THE PILOT Mr and Mrs. J. W. Badgett, of . Airy, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Doss. Miss Flora Phillips returned Sat urday from a visit to Miss Annie Cole, near Sanford. Mrs. William Henry Coore an nounces the marriage of her daugh ter, Blanche Brooks to Arthur White- ford Hays, Thursday the twenty-sec- ond of April, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Six, Lumberton, N. C. At home, Raleigh North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Rogers, Miss Anna and Charles, Jr., of Sanford, were guests Sunday of Mrs. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Graham and little son visited Mrs. Graham’s par ents in Raeford this week. Mr. and Mrs. Pat McDonald and little son, of Carthage are visiting relatives in town this week. The scholarship medal given and presented by Prof. J. Clyde Kelly, was won by Ada Gilchrist, who made an average of 87 1-10. Honorable men tion, Ha Ferguson, Maude Ferguson, Annie Lee Thomas, Elmer Lemmon. The senior class gave the medal for declamation, won by Henry Dowell Jones and presented by Dr. Gilmore. L. B. McKeithen gave the medal for recitation, won by Ethel Boaz, pre sented by Prof. Kelly. The class’ gift to the school was a set of maps costing $85.00. The Woman’s club presented a science equipment that cost $245.00. M. McL. McKeithen, a ten volume set of books, beautifully bound. “Messages of the Presidents from Washington to McKinley.” Dur- the year the library was increased from 300 to 450 books. Roger Matthews, of Hamlet, re membered his mother on Mother’s Day with a handsome and beautiful ly cake. It seems to me that every mother in Cameron was remembered by. their children with candy, fruits, flowers and other dainty gifts. Miss Mamie Arnold has been ap pointed tax collector for Greenwood township, and will be in Cameron, each Saturday during the month of May, at Kelly’s store, the 14th and 21st, and at John B. Cameron’s, route 1, on the afternoon of the 18th. Far mers, please come prepared to give farm census. Mrs. Anna Culberson, of Sanford, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Wooten. Mrs. Wooten was the re cipient of many lovely remembrances on Mother’s Day. Mr. and Mra. C. E. and children, of Sanford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wooten. Moore county is proud to claim as a native, Mrs. Martha A. Bullock, of Lumberton, who writes for The Pilot such interesting articles, and lovely poems about the scenes around her old home. Mrs. Bullock was bom and reared m Cameron community and comes of literary stock. She is the daughter of Dave Arnett and Martha McLeod Amette, and on the maternal side, she is related to Mary Ayre Miller, of literary fame. Mrs. Miller’s poems and blank verse were among the choice selections in the readers that were used in the schools and colleges of the past. Mrs. Bullock is a thinker and beyond a doubt, a fundamentalist. Mrs. D. B. Teague came over from Sanford Sunday and attended Com munion services at the Presbyterian church and was dinner guest at the home of her parents. Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill. Rev. Mr. Humble filled the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday night in the absence of Rev. Mr. Wright. Miss Bonnie Muse came up from Hamlet for the week-end. Miss Pauline Snipejs spent the week-end with Lucille Way, of Car thage. The Merry Makers met last week with Mrs. George Wooten. After holding a conversation party, the hostess served sandwiches, fruit salad and coffee. Mrs. F. A. Snow, Mrs. James E. Snow, Mrs. Loula Muse, Mrs. Jewel Hemphill, were joint hostess to the Woman’s Club at the home of Mrs. James E. Snow on the afternoon of Thursday, May 6th. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. James E. Snow. The minutes were read by the secretary and treas ure, Mrs. L. B. McKeithen, and club business discussed, after which there were two unique and original contests presented by Mrs. Loula Muse and Mrs. Jewel Hemphill. The first, a nature contest. The names of leaves on the trees of our own home town and cemetery. Each leaf was num bered and pasted on a sheet hung upon the wall. Each guest was given a card, and asked to write the names of leaves. There was a tie Mom than a million people like you are driving BuiCK automobiles making possible these values Standard Six Master Six Actual freight amd Govtmtntn* tax to addtd. 2-pass. Roadster • $1125 5-pass. Touring • 1150 2-pass. Coupe - 1195 5-pats. 2-door Sedan 1195 5-pass. 4-door Sedan 1295 4'pa48. Coupe • 1275 2-pass. 5-pass. 5-pass. 5-pas8. 4-pass. 7-pass. 5-pass. 3-pass. 5-paas 3-pass Roadster Touring 2-door Sedan 4-door Sedan Coupe Sedan - Brougham • Sport Roadster sport Touring . Country Club $1250 1295 1395 1495 1795 1995 1925 1495 1525 1765 BUICK MOTOR COMPANY Division of G§n0ral Motors Corporatiom FUNT. MICHIGAN of four partners, Mrs. Spivey, Mrs. Wooten, Miss Annie Borst, Mrs. Har rington. This called for a drawt Miss Annie Borst winning, who gave the prize, a lovely potted plant to her partner, Mrs. Harrington. The next, a club contest, in which the guests were requested to write the names of clubs by the written de scriptions. As the jolliest club. ? An- hwer: Glee Club. The gamblers de light? Answer: Ace of Cards. A grunting club? Answer: The Pig club. A club for higher culture ? An swer: The Book club. Most impor tant club in the world? Answer: The Woman’s club. And many others that were equally as clever. The winners were Mrs. J. E. Phillips and Mrs. J. D. McLean. The prize, a book loved by Scotchmen. Scots’ Lady of the Lake. Mrs. Phillips very graciously asked Mrs. McLean to accept the prize. The prizes were presented by Mrs. Lula Muse in her most charm ing manner, with a speech that was characteristic of her culture and clev erness. Refreshments of cake, hot coffee and tea were served. Members of the club who were present, Mrs. Lula Muse, Mrs. H. P. McPherson, Mrs. J. Clyde Kelly, Mrs. J. D. Mc Lean, Mrs. W. C. Spivey, Mrs. A. F. Snow, Mrs. L. B. McKeithen, Mrs. W. G. Parker, Mrs Georgie Matthews, Mrs. A. M. Snipes, Mrs. G. M. Des- mott, Mrs. W. M. Wooten, Mrs. George Wooten, Mrs. Jewel Hemphill, Mrs. Donald McDonald, Mrs. H. D. Talley, Miss Mary Emma Thomas, Miss Manda McPherson, Miss Lola Thomasson, Miss Minnie Muse, Miss lizabeth Ray, Mrs. J. E. Snow, Evelyn Ann Snow, Margaret McDonald. Vis itors, Mrs. M. McL. McKeithen, Mrs. J. E. Phillips, Misses Annie Borst, Vera McLean, Annie Hartsell, Mrs. J. McK. Harrington. Next meeting first Thursday in June, with Mrs. L. B. McKeithen. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Snow are an ideal couple in an ideal home, on a high ridge with a magnificient view for miles and miles. They own 65 acres and have start ed a farm. They have a cow, chick ens, pigs, bees, garden truck patches, fruit and flowers. Both are highly educated and cultured. They have a splendid library mnd take the best magazines and daily papers. They have asweet and well trained baby girl, Eveljm Ann. “Love rules the court, the camp, the grove.” Mrs. Snow told me she had given her home a Dutch name, “Boven Vlei.” And I admitted it was dutch to me—^uhtil she gave the English meaning which is “Above the Valley.” NIAGARA A. C. Blake has returned from a trip to the state of Vermont where he was suddenly called on account of the death of his sister. Mrs. Smith who has been a guest at the Hazel Cottage for several days has .now returned to her home in Southern Pines. Henry Graves, of Carthage, was in town the past week, looking after his interest in the coming primary. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson’s sisters, also Raymond Schwerzel who have spent the winter in Florida and stopped for two weeks in our village, left Saturday for their home in Long Island, N. Y. Mrs. D. E. Gay and daughter. Miss Harriet, who have spent the winter in their home here, left the first of the week for their summer camp in, or near Farmington, Maine. Oscar Seward left Monday momnig in his car for Clearwater Camp in the state of Maine. R. T. Schwemmler and wife who have spent the season here in their home, the New York cottage, left Wednesday for a trip to their former home in Oak Bluffs, Mass. LOST—A large pink Cameo Pin in Cameron on April 27. Finder please return to Mrs. T. Frank Cameron, Cameron, N. C., Route 1. * TIRE VULCANIZING Hartsell’s Garage CAMERON, N. C. Pinehurst Dept. Store F^inelwirst, N. C. G-1S-42-NP cihe "BefterhlJlCK. Brown Buick Senrice Sta. Sanford, N. C. We still have on hand a con siderable surplus of certain thing-g that are left fi^om the stocks we had to carry for our winter trade. These things are offered at prices that we hope will move them, as we do not want to have on hand those articles that are timely not but will not be another season. Price is lost sight of in mark ing" these goods for quick sale to close them out. You know the high quality of Pinehurst Department Store merchan dise. This is a chance that will not be equalled soon again. Various patterns for golf and ordinary wear 100 Pairs Golf Knickers Fine for Spring and Summer wear, and they go for what we can get for them. ALL SHOES 20 PER CENT OFF We have to move them. That’s all The Pinehurst Department Store PirneHur'st, IM. C. fflll n 11,11 lii: t .,i i in i' i ' h i

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