1926. Friday, June 18, 1926. U' pp€ci«l. Chean If every Mdache pstrain. exam- Its itiszac- lorrect. receive hild to Janford M. to der laeat lOHES [onu- Tite orks tocit of land at lirieei latest )y elec- frrffffg?T n»»m» hi»»»m 1st ii; CAMERON Keep cool! ! I ! ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. George Stuart, of Troy spent the week-end with her sisters, Misses Nannie and Rachel Gilchrist. ♦ • ♦ Mr. and Mrs. D, B. Teague and chil dren, spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill. * 4> « Mrs. G. C. Graves, and grandson, ’Charles Cabel Penn, of Carthage, were callers an afternoon of last week at the home of the correspond ent. * m m Miss Kate Harrington is home from Charlotte for a visit. * ♦ ♦ Mrs. M. A. Bullock, of Lumberton is visiting friends and relatives in town this week. * 4> « Mr. and Mrs. Conway Guthrie, and little son, John, of Brookneal, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Guthrie, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. McPherson. « « * Mr. and Mrs. Earl York and chil dren, of Sanford, were in town Sun day. * m * Miss Gertrude Rogers, a recent garduate from the North Carolina Baptist Training school for nurses at Winston-Salem, went to Sanford last week to nurse her brother, James Rogers, who was operated on for appendicitis. * ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. N. N. McLean and little son, of Vass, were callers last week of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLean. ♦ * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Borst and H. A. Jr., of Vass, visited relatives in town last week. m * * Mrs. D. S. Ray has returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Ray, Jr., of Vass. * * * Dr. and Mrs. A. L. O’Briant have returned from Lakeland, where they have been in attendance on the Doc tor's father who was quite ill, but is now much improved. ♦ ♦ ♦ W. H. Maples and son, Richard and daughter, Miss Bessie, of Durhaia, came down last week, and cleaned off the Kitchen grave yard, the place where are buried the maternal ances tors of Mr. Maples, the Kitchens and Monroes. # * « Roger Matthews, looking handsome as ever, came up from Hamlet to spend the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Georgia Matthews. * ♦ Miss Mary Bumpas, of Virginia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Bum- pas. * • * Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parker and chil dren, Misses Hellen and Marie, Mas ter William Bor«t and Miss Kate Harrington, made a merry swimming party at Loni? Paint, an afternoon of last week. ^ m ^ James Thomas, of Pittsboro, nephew of R. C. Thomas is assistant of Mr. Thomas durinj?: the dewberry season. ♦ ♦ ♦ I have received tha following note, “Will you please correct a statement in last week's paper, relative to re port of the sermon az the Baptist church, first Sunday night. The pas tor had for his subject, ‘Nehemiah's Prayer.' Incidentally he remarked that when the people really wanted rain they would get it. He said it might rain before the people wanted it, as our God is a merciful God, but if they wanted rain enough to ask for it, in the right way they would get it. This is the only reference he made to rain.” ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Kathie Thomas, of Winston- Salem spent the week-end with home folks. ♦ • ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Hartsell Hendricks spent Sunday with relatives in town. * 4> Flint Loving, of Lillington was in town a night last week. Pleased to report Mrs. T. C. Gaddy greatly improved. Her daughter, Mrs. C. N. Boaz, who has been her very efficient nurse, left Sunday to join her husband at Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gaddy, of San ford; Mr. and Mrs. J. 6. Gaddy and Mr. and Mrs. Alsa Thompson, of Vass spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gaddy. THE PILOT Pagt Ffm . Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Thomas, of Pittsboro, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Thomas. ♦ * ♦ Miss Bert Kelly, of Raleigh, spent the week-end with Prof. and Mrs. J. Clyde Kelly. « * « E. M. Borst and M. C. Borst, of Wilmington, spent Sunday with home- folks. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Nibbett, of Salisbury, Md.; Mr. Henley, of Greensboro, are here for the berry season and are boarding with Mrs, Georgia Mat thews. * * nf Misses Lucile and Lily May Rog ers, went over to Sanford Sunday to see their brother, James Rogers, who is a patient in the C. C. hospital. Miss Aline Thomas is home from Greenville. « « ♦ I. S. Thomas, Misses Margaret and Mary Thomas, Miss Jessie Allen, of St. Paul, spent a day last week at Buies Creek. * « « Miss Mary Emma Thomas, Miss Al len of St. Paul, left Sunday for sum mer school at Chapel Hill. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McNeill went to Fayetteville Simday to see Mrs. McNeiirs sister, Mrs. Mamie Snipes, who is a patient in the Pittman hos pital. * « « D. J. Pierce, of Borderlee, sends in a check for $2.00 this week to The Pilot. * * * Miss Rebecca Ray is home from the North Carolina College at Greens boro. ★ ♦ ♦ Perrian and Margaret Bilyeu, of Greensboro, are visiting at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. D. S. Ray. ♦ Rev. M. D. McNeill filled his ap pointment at the Presbjrterian church Sunday morning. Subject of sermon, “Obedience to Christ.” ♦ * ♦ Mrs. Martha A. Bullock, of Lum berton, who is spending the week here with , relatives and friends, went to Union church Tuesday, to superin tend the erecting of a monument to her mother's grave. v * ♦ ♦ Mary McDonald was leader at the meeting of the John McNeill society last week. Subject: “Faith aiid What It Does for Us." At this week’s meeting. Flora Phillips will be leader. It is mentally refreshing to see the rose bud girs take an inter est in societies that are elevating to the mind. » • * D. D. Kelly, Carthage R. F. D. vis ited this week at the home of his son. Prof. J. Clyde Kelly.