Friday, June 25, 1926. STATE SHOULD RAISE CATTLE (Continued from Page I) always in competition with the un- intelli^nt and shiftuess one, and that makes a difficulty hard to overcome Dr. Ray is not an enthusiast over the benefits the tariff gives the farmer for the farm has to buy in a protect ed market and sell in a world open market. He would not make a guess on the future except that the com bined American sense will in time en able us to muddle through. CARTHAGE Friends in the community were sad dened to learn of the death of Mrs. H. P. Bilyeu, of Greensboro. Mrs. Bilyeu was reared here and will be rememer- ed as Miss Margaret Ray. Mrs. N. A. McKeithen and daught ers and Mrs. Curtis McLeod, went to Greensboro to attend the funeral. Misses Rozelle Williamson and Mary Ruth Harrington are visiting Mrs. John Harrington in Fayetteville. James Pleasants and Alton Mc- Iver have returned from a trip to Swainsboro, Ga. Miss Gladys Watson is visitiner in Mt. Olive. Miss Maggie Pierce, of Sanford was a visitor here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McDonald are spending their vacation in the moun tains. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bateman and children, of Lynchburg, Va., are visit ing Mrs. Bateman’s mother, Mrs. Nelie Black. Miss Edith Smaw, of Halethorpe, Maryland is the guest of Miss Nannie Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Hoyle and son, Jimmie, spent Sunday with the Misses Hoyle. Mrs. H. C. Roberts spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Grissom Yow. Miss Annie Reid Yow is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grissom Yow. Mrs. A, Gold and son, are visit ing Mrs. Gold’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hurwitz. Frances Montague spent last week end with Alec and Isarel Wainer. Miss Alma Nall, of Danville, Va., is the attractive house guest of Miss Sarah Burns. Mrs. C. 0. Bell and small daughters, Nell Walker and Elizabeth, have re turned from a visit in Fayetteville. Miss Virginia Walker and little Miss Virginia May Hawn, of Fayette ville, are visiting Mrs. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page, Jr., have returned to Asheville. friends of Miss Doro thy Tyson will be glad to learn that she is recovering nicely from a minor operation. Ceorge Ross, of Jackson Springs, spent Monday in Carthage. Ernest M. Poate and daughter, of Southern Pines were in town Monday. Mrs. Powell Muse spent the week end with Mrs. Tom Dawson. Miss Glennie Muse has been visit ing friends in High Point. Mrs. Gilliam Brown and Miss Eo- line Monroe, of Sanford, were in Car thage Tuesday. The Carthage Woman’s club is planning a three day amusement fes tival for early fall which will be the biggest event of its kind ever attempt ed in Carthage. Full details will be given out at a later date. Dear heart, don’t complain at the awful weather When the heat and the wind and the dry together Make even the faithful wonder whether The day’ll bring a curse or bless ing. We’ve just been growling that God should deny His blessed showers, and the cloud- lesFi sky Has known many a faint song of gladness die, And now, thank God, it’s raining! THE PILOT consent of all the stockholders, depos ited in my office, that the Sandhill Construction Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the town of Knehurst, County of Moore, State of North Car- olinia (A. S. Newcomb being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom proems may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled ‘Corporations,’' preliminary to the issuing of this CeJrtificate of Dis solution; Now, Therefore, I W. N. Everett, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 19th day of May, 1926, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 19th day of May, A. D. 1926. W. N. EVERETT, 4-11-18-26JU Secretary of State. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT My opponent has requested a sec ond primary for the office of Clerk of Court, to be held on July 3. I appreciate the splendid vote I re ceived on June 5, and earnestly solicit your support in this second primary. JOHN WILCOX. HAVING ENGAGED in other business requiring my entire time, I will not be in position to supply Tobacco Flues this season. W. H. KEITH. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain Mort gage Deed dated February 17th, 1925, and recorded in the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Moore County, in Book of Mortgages No. 43, at page 67, executed by Elijah Blue and wife, Sarah Blue to Charlie Love, the un dersigned offers for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Moore Have your Eyefl Examined by ar Expert. Cost is No More STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Certificate of Dissolution To All to Whom Theses Presents May Come—Greetings: Whereas, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous DR. J. C. MANN, Byesight Special ist mnd Optician will be at Cheare ^welry Store, Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday in each week. Headache relieved when caused by Eyestrain. Office equipped with the latest exam ining instruments. When he fits you with glasses you have the satisfac tion of knowing that they are correct. Weak eyes of children should receivt expert attention; take your child to him. Remember that he is in Sanford Every Wednesday from 10 A. M. to P. M. A. B. SALLY Contractor & Builder Piiiehurst, N. C. Estimates Furnished on Request ffl»;:»»»»H»:H«tHH»;«mHm»«»»»»»n»tHH»»ii»»»«»:»»:»»mH»tK»mmw»:tmmmmn»i»i»H»i»«mmma« A Solid Car Load ■OF^’ NOW ON TRACK Write or Telephone for samples and, full information UPSON BOARD is manu- factured lumber, made of long, tough wood fibres, compressed into room-high panels. This makes the nearest perfect wall and ceiling lining. We sen UPSON BOARD because we sincerely be-, lieve it is the best wall- board. We sacrifice a bigger profit per sale to give you the best possible value. Pinehurst Lumber Y ards E. B. KEITH, Mgr. Pinehurst, North Carolina county, in the town of Carthage, on Monday, the 6th day of July, 1926, at 12 o’clock noon, ^e following real es tate lying and being in Moore County, State of North Carolina, in Sandhills Township, and described and defined as folows, to-wit; Beginning at a comer in Cato Ut- ley^s line in the settlement of Berkley, runs thence S. 79.25 E. to the sou& east corner of lot No. 700 of Mrs. M. E. Blue’s land; thence N. 28.75 E. 3 chains and 73 links to a stake, the east corner of lot No. 69; thence N. 61.25 W. 4 chains to John Blue’s line; thence S'. 28.75 W. 1 chain and 88 links to a stake; ^ence with Utley’s line to the beginning, containing one and three-fourths acres. From this one-half acre has been sold to Bryan, leaving the amount conveyed by this deed one and one-fourth acres. This is the same lot of land as conveyed by deed from Irvin Estes and wife to Elijah Blue, dated May 24th, 1915, and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Moore County in Book 92, at page 170, to which record reference is hereby made. Excepted from this mortgage is one-fourth acre sold at Allemay Taylor in 3920. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Elijah Blue and wife, Sarah Blue to pay off and discharge the in debtedness secured by said Mortgage deed to the undersigned mortgagee. mnENTS & TOFIBSroifES If you are interested in Monu ments or Tombstones, write Rocidngham Marble Works ROCKINGHAn, N. C. A large and well selected stock of monuments, tablets, etc., on hand at all times. Quality, work mnd prices guaranteed. Equipped witli latest pneumatic machinery driven by elec tricity. PageSeym This the 1st day of June, 1926. CHARLIE LOVE, Mortgagee. J. Vance Rowe, Attorney. 4-11-18-25 HAVING ENGAGED in other business requiring my entire time, I will not be in position to supply Tobacco Flues this season. W. H. KEITH. Raeford, N. C. Carthage, N. C. SMITH & SMITH Attorneys - at - Law CARTHAGE. N. C. Offices 5 & 6 Page Trust Co. Bldg: Practices in all courts in the State R. G. ROSSER, M. D. Physician and Sorgeon Pedlatrition Over Gunter's Store - VASS, N. CL M, L. MATTHEWS, M. D. Practice limited to the eye, ear, nose and the throat. Office in Masonic Building, Sanford, N. C. Phone 117; Residence. 274. Hours from 9 a. m., to 12 m., and 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. aud by appointment. I have available an almost unlimited amount of money to lend on farm lands. Repay ment is made in small semi annual installments. J. Vance Rowe, At(y. Aberdeen, North Carolina ^re you driving a second choice CAR? Leadership today belongs to Buick because so many pcoplm make it their first choice among all motor cats. They have discovered that other cars, priced the same as Buick, are not even close to Buick in value. Volume production enables Buick to give you a lot better car for a very moderate price. Do not be misled into driving a second-choicc car* Compare the new car offered you to Buick, before you let go of your money! BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. Dirision of Central Motor* Corpormimm BeOi G.15^N.r. Brown Buick Service Sta. Sanford, N. C. CHEVROLET MOST F»OF»UL.AR TThree-Speed Transmission ,Type Car on tHe mairlcet F'or Sale by KeitH^s Garage