Page Sii THE PILOT September 3, 1926. Friday, September 17, 1926. ABERDEEN Mrs. Carlton Kennedy was hostess to three tables of bridge on Friday afternoon in honor of her guest, Miss Mary Flowe, of Kannapolis. The high score prize, a copy of Edgar Guests “Mother,” went to Mrs. Wil liam Purdy. Miss Ruth MacLean re ceived the boobj% Miss Flowe was given a lovely picture. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Jack Thompson, serv ed a delicious salad course, punch, mints and iced tea. Those invited were Miss Christine Allred, Miss Lois Sharpe, Miss Ruth McLean, Mrs. Wil liam Purdy, Mrs. Stewart Weaver, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Malcolm Pleas ants, Mrs. Jack Thompson, Mrs. Gloma Charles, Miss Alice Campbell. ‘SUPPOSE MR. SPEEDER Suppose that your child should leave its own yard For a romp, or in search of a ball, If its mother were busy, or had not the time To step out and give it a call; Suppose that some speeder should race down your street, As though he were taking a