on-wide njamin of Da^ he fugi. ell. was on the e, who us cult, atutory of his 1 of the 'nd de^ elf and Decern- ased on PILOT, Quality ur Job C. I um :: U u ♦♦ ♦« n B n n ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ #♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ u ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ #« ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ «♦ #♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ #♦ #♦ ♦♦ #♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ w VOLUME THE PILOT NUMBER 82 Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of the^ hill TerWt..: N... Lna Address all communications lo rHK PILOT PRINTING COMPANY. VASS. N. C CHRISTNAS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1926 $2.00 SEAL SALE \nniial Sale of Christmas Seals 10 be 'munched in Moore j Pushee and Newcomb are building on 1* jEdgemore Heights in Southern Pines is Another Stone House SEES SANDBILLS At Southern Pines! WATER SOPPLY Moore county has a well organized The effect of the stone house that stead house. This is one of the most picturesque sites in t’^e Sandhills, and Ml-, and Mrs. Merrill were inter ested in a stone struclure there large- so pronounced that A. B. ■ - . ‘ ®; V , HI cl tone SI rue Lure there 1 mmutee in charRe of the Christmas | Yeomans, the architect, is able to ly because of the fitness of the t al Sale this year, and particularly j announce plans for another to be uM V part of the county will be cov-; built by Arthur W. Merrill on cd by a chairman who will distrib- three acrp -a r. the scale. The 75 per cent of the ' .1 ids l eceived from this campaign re-j beyond the 01m- in the county is used in pre rug ged spot for a substantial building. Ihe project really means two build ings, for the first one will be a stud’o, to be toi|f>wed later by a res- ritive tuberculosis work, child health iucaiion. etc. Mrs. Charles R. Whit- '• of Southern I‘ines is county airman and the women acting as b-ihairman are numerous. The work of the North Carolina Tu- tvuiosis A.ssociation the headquar- Tells Kiwanis Ciub We Should in Southern Pines, Have More Hard idence. As they have ample room state College Boys Come To for the two buildings they will be Study Model Plant able to treat the design with all the j 1 nicety that is needed. j The water works plant at Southern Some oher stone buildings are also i gaining a certain fame u gb aie aiso I the last year or so, and last week under consideration in that section I Dr. Randolph of the State College Chemical Engineering department and these will probably be announced before long. SPENCE WANTS MORE PAVING II. L, SPENCE *■ -s of which i s l.een outstandinj*- ovei' a period ; \ears. Some of the things they Lavi accomplis! ed are listed below: Roads. ,, . ; , , • was he speaker at Hiniished X-ray laboratory at the tbe Kiwanis club at the weekly din Soith C’arolina Sanatorium, 86,0(^0. at Jack’s in Southern Pines. He I LiiTii hed the^ milk-bottling plant of some of the early experiences the North Carolina Sanatorium, the founding of Southern Pines v.>a(- ou. j where he was a young lawyer thirty laid out s.,000.00 to the North Car- ■ .v^ars or more ago, and he made an jra Sanatorium for the treatment of , interesting picture of the days that f the ex-service men before Uncle , M’one. But his effective note was Sam was leady to function. one that suggested more hard top Leaned S^TOO. to the North Carolina for this section of the state. <'C aisatorium to build :r-upational thera{iy ,ien. work shop for for ex-service Mr. Spence said: “In 1894 Southern Pines was the metropolis of \ ankeedom in Moor MOORE CODNTY ! FARM NOTES I County Agent Writes Interest- , ing Letter On Poultry and I Hog Raising was down with a group of some 30 of his students to study the work of the plant and get some practical ideas of what is modern in water supply. L. L. Hedgepeth the superintendent of the plant led the gang around and explained the operation of the va rious devices which s»tartling with the excellent type of water provid ed by the sandy soil delivers into the mains supplying the different villages on the lines a quality of wa ter that is about as near ideal as can be secured. The Southern Pines plant is fav- I Poultry. j Some of the most outstanding work \ x«v- ; that is being done with poultry in the ' State college folks, as in j county has been done by Professor R. i to Mr. Hedgepeth another j G. Hutcheson of the Sandhill Farm j Jarrett is also em- I Life School. Mr. Hutcheson has done I at the plant, and Cyrus But- I much to promote the poultry industry I Southern Pines, a senior at in the Eureka section and has devel- was chemist at the plant last i oped quite a bit of interest in pure- ! Randolph was pleased to bred flocks. { have three of his boys conected with Some of the work whiqh Professor ^ plant. Hutcheson has done will best be seen in the following report. Beginning Mr. Hedgepeth told the group of students that while some places in The abovp in tt t ' "***& iv-pvxt. xjcgmixxn^ - —m p 11- 11^1 I • T • i.^ ^ anrn^cttuiu 111 ivioore • * last Spring with five hundred Bahv I state are suffering from water Es.abl,si,«1 tuberculosis eim.cs, and < «un y. It was composed, first, of Spence, who spoke at the Kiwanis , chicks of which he raised a veS i and from quality of water ■ he h.ector of Clinics has examined « 'ailroad depot built by an insigni-, Luncheon Wednesday. small percentage. His report is as'*'’® Southern Pines reservoir of sev- 1.1 patients an.l lectured to 42,- hcant appearing dreamer under a ! | follows: ^ [ enty acres has in custody at the prel- T, ^ 1Seaboaid Air Line ; to protect the urban popula' ion from i Cos^ of 500 baby chicks at 18c <^<^0 ' ^ volume of water sufficient features of the Modern Health Cru- Company to reimburse him , such ouLraKes ? Their rights were Cost of brooder $17 50 - if siule. which teaches the school chil-; e^P«n<iiture and shareth fu-| buttressed bv the s‘atute and high ' T.wt nf f i« v,- j i "<> more should flow from the ground dren health habits. There were about ^ ‘“‘‘e P'oAts out of a small percentage : est courts of the State Is no lib’ ^ One I t*>at the I... »-< • s'™ "* routurr* thr nu. uun vru<At\t^ «n.i ‘ * ;.c/vevv'.!v - c 'h- h Four hens A-r > k’ oo mams is such that it can be used . • I , ^ ^ti/ iniC/C.- natiw domain of the business arising from that of. tion crusade and V, ’ • ft.i-xwtud- • :,c^vernn- : discovered that 30 per cent plus of people paid him|f,.,. ,,j| |,j^ V . ^ .. * ionly about one-tenth of what he was ! |i„,jt „f Pc^' safely in stor-ige butttiies or lor other ciiemical purposes. He showed the children in Xorth Carolina‘are un-i«f what he was ' eonsirurte l In the ‘'Z' , , ... ,.,„„eu lei nouished. ' ‘ ‘he conract, but j language of the war governor of the'i i 'I'Uor'® weeks, | that the water in its original state is . . tbis amount almost made him rich i 1oK«.. a-oo on . Conducts campaign of health educa- Second Ozone Hotel; a very few mod' ' ’ t.on throughout the state. ^ est dwellings of New England pat Lstablished Public Health Nursing in tern and that Prince of Pennsylvania North Carolina. Holds annual state conference on tubercul(»sis. The death rate from tuberculosis has been cut in half in boosters, the Lord Mayor, Capt. A. M. Clark—a long and gentle peace his ashes and green be the memory I6*n years, and is still sliding down. Fourteen patients kept at North Carolina Sanatorium during 1923- 11U4 by lo^al seal sale organizations. furnishetl milk and hot lunches to • (‘proxiniately 2000 under-nourished children whose parents could not pro- ' i(ie them, thereby transforming weak ,J:tifid, pale undernourished children / -o strong happy, rosy youngsters. LoLTi:ht up to date scales for over schoolv thereby creating an active J' f*re; t in gaining and growing ‘'■ung, at a .saving of $700.00. ^ J'-id the salary nd expenses of nu- ' ‘ion workers who gave demonstra- ^ -ns -hat in some instances reduced ^ fje* -entage of underweight in the fioni over 30 to 10 per cent - {-b\ saving at least large numbers hii.'ren from becoming potential J't-'Ulosis patients ^practically free from harmful bac- Incidents, such as these lau^^hnble treatment r ™ •• ■'»“ «' 11'ltstrX* tl. 6 pallets at $1..50 each, water fs"a higrqualit^frorth?start M. Clark-a long and gentle peace to j ^ i He also poinLd out to thnisitors th^ hi« 1,.. »' (ommon o a real progress. | Used for home consumption, friers efficiency of a good plant rightly in- ^ stalled, and the ease with which any Used for home consumption roost-' town in the state can have good wa- . "j f 't is willing to go to the ex- coutrv seems hannv In ‘'I November, 16 pense as Southern Pines and Pine- coutiy .seems happy 10 s:ng our! oanons .Si4, hurst have done. The resorts of of his kindly soul. I salute from,' Carolina has built more acro.ss the border my friend of the ' !?“ , -- fading years, the dreamer, Col. John 1‘ j*" "I'""’ Union. |ers, $10.00. T. Patrick, much loved and much I ® oul-1 capons $41.93. ; praised, but more often, perchance, criticised and maligned. “The appealing environments of that good day were sand in road and field, in valley and on hill top; but i sunshine on field and vine and flower -T-, , HU1&L nave aone. I ,h" tiKure, On hand 300 pound capons at 50c, Moore tounly have n Ihe accnmnli hniMnt t-Vi o fod.- in Ihe accompli hment of this task .f 150.00. has been furnished bv Moore County. On hand 270 pound roosters at 42 Ihe S^ate exp:‘c ed tha: he bring to l_2c per pound. the task a statewide intei o.st in the | Total income, $3T5.GH. >t’ipendous undertaking”, unintluenc- Expense !j?221.50 Net gain, .'»;i54.18. started with wjter of the highest possible type, but they have provided for the most modern equipment to make that water of .-.uperior quality and to pre- '■ e.^t any contamination or criticism, h' s^i'd nts left the water plant for Helpe({ to kec^i the colored super- ■ ' on the job for a longer period •ii! is provided by law, thereby giv- the colored school children addi- - d training in good health habit ! illation. II* ‘ ' I'V 1 I CiX\ 4 11^ ^ Ulllll i lUl^fK But the appeal had a novel, luring to u,. / ^ ^ .ea by political, local or o'her in'ei B, ciliTicuJt tciSK. 1110 attiick T'Viio Itta k.tc* ^ i-w-* i* \ uti *' '-'■v ijicmt xuf hold on many. Other builders of ^,1 ’' It wa^ evoei twl „f '1, h f suppose Pinehur.st and for Badin, where they more practical vision cleaned that h^ wouhi no o-iv <-Oud invest .$90 in and get a re- -i c-- :ga ed the big aluminum plant, the remaining s|)arse forests, and L u- . • '-m- turn of $154.18? The brooder is still and the chemical and electric phases Uiic iciimiiuiig juieats, ctiiu county in the bl.lUlin):’' of on h-inrJ in p 4-u • i . , piiases Pinehurst is one of the outstanding ■ fu.,f u • M'. i i ^ condition and will the industry there. „ , ^ loans, nut tnat ne would rather do Iv of '-e-vicp fnv /n,i results of the few years. ' mnvp fnv nfhpr r-nnnfioo +v, tt ^ i " seveial \eais. (Mr. . oJ ei counties in the Hutcheson s success should be an in ‘But the incomparable thing has i Sta^e to the -nd that he could not ducement for others as we alwavs’ not been mentioned. Beside the , be charged w.th partiality. The re- have a readv market for practicali^ sunshine was the shadow; there was suit has been, wihout eriti.ism to all we can grow Now is the ti-ne to the Scotchman and the Yankee. Many I Frank Page but in high commenda- begin thinking about ordering * vour skirmishes were fought over anew! tion of his s dendid accomplishments chicks for earlv sprinu'broilers TpiV with varying results and casualties, ihat Moore County has not shared in pet busv and m-ike Moovp " t 1 4- • f u 1 X- , 31oore County one Lakeview Presbvterian ehnrr-K ,.mTi hp cnnstnu-nrm of hard -^urtaced j of the leader., in the ooultry industrv hoM ■, ^ , 1 "" to her under all | Hog Raising. ' <> bn.aar on Friday afternoon, played in most important and out-j the circumstances. -Moore Countv | \nothr examtile i f thL r.ncciKii;t f' ■ dining room of standing roles In the local history of ' is one of the most popular and best' ‘ (Please turn to page 8) Lakeview, where these times; and the pett.v quarrels known |)laygrounds of the w'orld and ; 'V _ otfei for sale a wide range of the Balkan States can claim no | streams of men and women journey State has a number of boys from Moore county and thev are all doing well. HAZAAlt patients. : . v,. — —, w/uni-.v the salaries of school dentists always casualties. The razor the construction oJ I^njvided funds for dental serv- * sandhill cow have : roads rightly due j played in most important and out-1 the circumstances. The Women's Auxiliary of the BOX SOCIAL he Manly Christian Endeavor Society will give a box social at the yinmunity Club building on Friday “JKht November 26th. The public 'ordially invited to attend. Uncontrolled rainwater sweeping f^ver the fields of North Carolina ^‘^rries away 20 times as much plant material each year as is perma- Tiently removed by crops. Tom Tarheel says that he can use mowing machine and reaper more oasily now that he has rid one of fields of stumps. more sanguinary result^ upon the ’ thither regularly throughout each world in general than these native succeeding year. The city of Ashe- ! denizens of the sandhill forests ville is the center of a great net work I wrought upon the community within of the most magnificant roads in the I the sphere of their rightful jurisdic- world, and we ourselves rejoice in ! tion. I hate war; I have seen the this. The li^ast and W est and almost iv^civi njuxujmg; m unt? oiate, ivir. r"age yankee and the Scotchman do battle, every portion of the State are honey- is big enough to see now that his own and about things that usually bring combed with splendid hardsurfaced | county has been neglected and to on the wars between nations and roads and we share with the other worlds—native pigs and cows. ! people of the state the bounding pride “Hard by one of the most imposing incident to the accomplishment, and churches of Southern Pines, once ^ we share the roads in common with stood the city pounds In it the j all the people. But people get to s and pigs and away from Southern Pines and J rr.1- X useful and fancy articles that win roads or no roads.The county is en- u . i • i, . fi.! 1 -t- u j-u .L • • desirable Christmas £rift<?* titled to have these towns joined by , i V • guts, u 1 1 1 . 1 1 delicious homemade cakes" t-an hardsurfaced and to have many more ^ eiuaae caKes, can- u A ^ 1 1 1 ‘ I dies, preserves etc. Afternoon 1 hai dsurfaced roads built in Moore ‘ will h i r o , . o* + r. . be served from 3 to 5 and in the > a ^ expense. Having \ evening an excellent plate noxv accomplished the major task of : g road building in the State, Mr. Page j supper vankee housed errant cows aim thnt wandered unhindered within the Pinehurst almost exclusively on dust dtv iS housed them therein dur- cluttered roads. Our position en. .1 t J.! .-■n'l-il -MiorVlf fnll I titles us, the people of the State are jjjgf the day time and until night fall when the Scotchman, armed with shot guns, tore down and released the 1 1 ^ . >s. ^ A'MM SiiOv fi^unSi uurc ui#wii *» « ^ x i-. i unwary prisoners to their freedom of .court house to court house people nine root and wire grass and black want to travel by Southern Pines and jack shelter. Was the law impotent entitled, to many more hardsurfaced ro^k in Moioiie Qouny. 'Promi Pinehurst and they take this route. build the roads due to Moore county in spite of the possible accusation of favoritism to his own people. His reputation and high integrity are suf ficient justification for doing his plain duty.. If perchance, he should Afternoon tea with cakes, 35c. Plate supper 50c. All articles for sale at most rea sonable prices. Come and do your Christmas shop ping early and stay for supper! Though he started with poultry exceed the expenditures justly due [only three years ago, A. M. Smith, to the county, the state can well af- jof Wake County sold over $2,500 ford to make the added expenditure | worth of eggs and chickens this as a moniiment to his successful con tribution to the wonderful develop ment of the State. (Please turn to pasre 7) year, has built and paid for three new poultry houses, three new brood er houses, a small hospital house and has 1,000 hens and pullets now on hand.

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