Friday, January 14, 1927 THE PILOT PM* To Pave Thy Realm, and Smooth The Broken Ways— -use Noore County Stone BUILDING STONE AND FLAG STONE. Colin G. Spencer Carthage, North Carolina Summer Cottages built this way are cool and comfortable In no other way can so much comibrt be built into a summer home for so little money as with Celotex Insulating Lumber. This remarkable lumber, made from the long, tough fibres of cane, does what no ordinary building materials can do. It poo* tically stops heat. It shuts out wind and moisture. The comfortable coolness of a cottage built with Celotex is A delightful surprise. And if you want to use your cottagc litt in the season, Celotex will keep jt snug and warm. The cost of such a cottage is no more than the cost of one built with good lumber. Celotex is used for 5olh exterior and interior finish. When painted, it will resist the weather quite as well as wood lumber And it is much stronger in wall seC' tions than wood. The broad, strong Celotex boards are easy to handle and apply. Sawed and nailed as wood lumber We sell and recommend Celotex. Ask us for sample and prices. Pinehurst Lumber Yards E. B. KEITH, Mgr* Pinehust, N. C. L^-ri M Q L.U M egR "1 W. I. JOHNSON H. F. KELLY RASSIE B. WICKBB PINEHURST LANDSCAPE SERVICE Pinehors^ North Carolina The Pinehurst Lumber Yards PINEHURST, N. C. In making your plans for building this year always bear in mind that the Pinehurst Lumber Yards carry on on the same high plane that is characteristic of all that is done at Pinehurst. Pinehurst Bill Stuff is dependable. Pinehurst fin ishing lumber is of the high quality you want for a good home. Pinehurst special sizes are the sizes you are looking for, are of accurate sizes, and are cut from timber that warrants its use. All the little things needed in building and repair ing. ^ck Lath is one of the specialties that invite your attention and deserve it. Doors, Windows, Sash, of regular or special sizes and patterns. Lumber in quantities for complete house jobs, or in small lots for repairs, or odd jobs, and all of the same high quality. The Pinehurst Lumber Yards PINEHURST, N. C. mm New Shipment of Ladies’ and Chddren’s SPRING HATS In all of the popular spring shades and designs. Come in and look them over. Inspirations for Mothers Who Sew T) IG Sister^s school dress features the slightly bloused waist line; Little Sister's party frock shows fash ionable side ruffles, and Baby Brother's romp ers have the handiest closing ever seen. These pretty and prac tical things for the children require scant yard.ige and the effi cient aid of E2388 Yv \ The new issue of Excella Fashions now on sale—15 cents when pur chased with a pattern. Excblla Printed Patterns No K 2^S8 2 to o yrs. Price 35 cents. No E 2380 Sizes 1. 2, and 3 yrs. Price 30 cents. No. E 2396 Sizes 6 to 14 years Price 35 cents. TOBACCO BED CANVASS Made in two and three yard widths. Save the job of sewing, 4 3-4c. Vass Mercantile Co. A City Store Located in a Small Town Vass, Nox'tH Oarolina