11, 1927 by mn lore Special. Cheara every [eadacli€ lyestrala. ^st exam- fits you Batisfac- correct, |d receive child to Sanford |A. M. to f VOLUME THE PILOT Is a Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of the Sandhill Territory of Address all commimiceiiiBas to the pilot printing company. VASS, N C. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1927 luT ¥111111170 numiciK RIPTION $2.00 GET UNIVERSAL WATER SYSTEM Mid-Pines, Knollv^ood and Pine Needles Join South ern Pines. AN AFTERNOON OF RACES AND SPORTS AT PINEHURST When Mid Pines was established an arrangement was made to secure water from the Southern Pines old system. That served until connec tion was made on limited scale with the new plant on Mill Creek. Part of Knollwood was also served in this same manner, but the connections were not sufficient to be always sat isfactory. When Pine Needles was projected the matter there was simp ler, as the big mains of the Southern Pines system pass directly by the new house. Then came the new Knollwood Heights development, and there a proposition was offered to cut Knollwood into the Southern Pines system on a six-inch main. This set tled the question there. Then it was realized that sooner or later the whole section, including Mid Pines, Knoll- wpod Village, Pine Needles, and pos sibly still more tefrritory must ulti mately come into the Southern Pines area of water supply, and at a meet ing of the Commissioners of South ern Pines a plan was proposed to ex tend the new six-inch main from its conneiction at Pine Needles to the old mains of Southern Pines, and make provision for everything be tween Pine Needles and the South ern Pines boundaries. To this scheme Pine Niiedles, Mid Pines and Knoll wood all undertook to contribute, and each of these influences will bear a share in laying the new mains from the present Knollwood connection to the old six-inch mains of Southern Pines at the old water plant. TWs gives then two direct water lines from the pumping plant, and it will be possible to cut out either Mne and send water up through the other, or to rfiverse the current through the six-inch line for flushing purposes or anything else that may Ve required. This will put Mid Pines, Knollwood and the separate parts of tile community on a separate line if they need to have direct pressure and will not cut out one section of the territory supplied if the other section should find its line out of commis sion. In a pinch the six-inch line would carry water enough to keep Southern Pines from going dry should the big line nJed temporary atten tion, as was the case last summer. The power to drive a full current through both lines will have more or less effect in further clearing up the red color that bothered the consum ers after the new plant was cut in. Incidentally in a paper read before On Thursday, November 24, at the Pinehurst Race Track, the annual Thanksgiving races, which are also the first races of the season, will take place and this means an afternoon’s program of wholesome sports in which, not only the race horses but the riding horses will take an active part. One of thfe most interesting features of all race meets are the equestrian stunts and specialties in which all riders are invited to take part. Liberal prizes are offered for the winners of these events. BARBER’S nNE NEW CLUB HOUSE Stone Walls Have Risen in the New Building at the Golf Course. The stone walls of the new club house which James Barber is build ing on his golf course near the Southern Pines water reservoir are reaching the top and it will be only a short time until the handsome new structure will be an outstanding ad- Never before has the track been ! tuition to the development of that part so fortunate in the quality of the race horses stabled there and it is a fore gone conclusion that the winter races will be “bigger, better and more in teresting than ever.” NEAR EAST RELIEF WELL UNDER WAY Miss Eastwood, the Chairman, Will Soon Be Ready for Donations. of the Sandhills. An excellent road now runs out from the Midland road, and when it is finally made part of the old Seals road, which has long been a main road from Pinehurst to the Carthage road beyond Mill creek the region there on the head of Mill creek will be another attractive spot to drive over. The golf course cov ers a series of hills, giving an out look that is one of the features of the Moore county ridges. Mr. Bar ber knew what he was doing when he secured possession of hundreds of acres in the neighborhood, and the improvement which he has commenced points to a highly valuable addition to the Pinehurst and Southern Pines community. The intention at first was to build a log club house, but as the project moved along it was decided to use stone for the material, and the chiange is a wise one. Thf brown sandstone from the Drowning creek section is used, and it harmonizes with the sur roundings perfectly. Mr. Fuller has made a good job of the construction, brining out thfe afchitect's plans in pleasing manner, and the location of the building is on a bit of slope that gives it character. When the work is done and the 18 holes are ready for play the club will be one of the most interesting retreats of the Sand- liills. It is supplied with a water system from a reservoir on one of the heads of Mill creek, but should ELEMENTARY TEACHERS TO MEET AT FARM LIFE SCHOOL The following is the program of elementary teachers of Moore coun ty to be held at Farm Life School Saturday, Nov. 19, at 10 a. m.: Devotional—Supt. R. G. Hutcheson. Thanksgiving songs anid stories— Teachers^ Training Class. Address—Dr. B. B. Daugherty, president Appalachian State Normal School, Boone, N. C. My Most Helpful Device—Farm Life Elementary Teachers. Discussion of plans for intelle^etual contest in spring. Reading circle work for the year— Supt. A. B. Cameron. Luncheon. ANNIE R. HOWELL, Secretary. ENGINEERS SOON ON MIDLAND ROAD Frank Page Says a Corps WiU Make Preliminary Survey In a Pew IktyB* f (Please turn to page 5) BACKER TO HEAD SANDHILL POST (Please turn to page 5) TOBACCO MARKET CLOSES FOR THANKSGIVING DAY The Saunders Warehouse at Aber deen will close on Wefdnesday night, November 23, and remain closed the remainder of the week to affor,d an oportunity to observe Thanksgiving. The fine prices for tobacco, which has been averaging 30 cents at the Saimd- ers Warehouse, and the large sales every day, make this a real Thanks giving this year. FOR BENEFIT CRIPPLES OF MOORE COUNTY. On Friday, November 18, a clinic under the auspices of thte Kiwanis Club of Hamlet will be held in the Hamlet Hospital. All cripples of Moore County are invited to attend t^ie clinic between the morning hnnrs of 9 an!d, 12. LESS COTTON GINNED THIS YEAR THAN IN 1926. There were 3,922 bales of cotton finned in Moore County from the crop of 1927 prior to Noy«mbcr 1, 1927, as compmd with 5,469 bales ta Np-WrtM h . The campaign for raising funds in Moore County for the Near East Col lege movement is definitely under way, according to Miss Loula East wood, chairman of the work in this county. Miss Eastwood says: The movement being launched in Moore County, in co-operation with other counties of the State, to raise funds with which to endow the six institutions of learning in the Near East is singularly worthy from every standpoint. This investment by the people is one of international good will. It is unique in that it provides not alone education, where education is most sorely needed, but thac it carries into the near orient under the flag of our republic the gospels of liberty, of freedom, and of truth. ‘‘The six colleges composing the group in question are: Robert College, Constantinople, American Univei*sity of Beirut, Constantinople Woman’s College, Internationa] College of Smyrna, Sofia American Schools and Athens (College, in Greece. These in stitutions are Christian in spirit but nonsQctarian. They are open to the youth of all nationalities and relig ions. They represent the most im-1 , ’ portant contact for mutual under* | Election of Offi^rs At standing between Christianity, Islam i nual Meeting Held at Jack S an Judaism. i Grill Monday Evening. “In connection with the college cotirses are ifistalled grammar and . high school grades, thus covering the ' elected comman er of t e San - whole field of study. Moreover, the !*’'*' P®®*’ annual pupils and students are provided with ! "leeting of the Amferican Legion vocational training, that they may be j Post; at self-supporting when graduated and I Jack’s Grill. j It was one of the most interest ing of the post’s affairs as the mem bers who attended the Legion con vention in Paris, Paul Dana, Hugh Betterley and I. C. SleldgCv related their experiences of the trip as well as of other visits they made traveling through Europe. Some of towns and battlefields, scenes of the “big push” in the days of the war, were among the topics of discussion. With tne election of officers to as sist Backer as commander, are the following: Frank Shamburger, of Aberdeen, as vice commander; Thom as L. Black, of Pinetturst, as finance officer! D. H. Wilson, of West End, sergeant at arms; Rev. W. V. McRae, of Aberdeen, chaplain; J. V. Healy, of Pinehurst, historian; Gordon Cam eron, of Pinehurst, and Dr. E. E. Boddy, of Southern Pints, as se^ce officers; John G. Hemmer, Pinehurst, as publicity officer. Retiring Commander Paul Dana was given a vote of thanks by the entire post in appreciation for the splendfcl work had accomplished during his two years in officej. The nominating committee for tlie elected officers coasii^ad of Frank h, Dupont, Pineh^t, as chairmaci, Aidtar, ^ 4|e||pe», and i. B.. WiUiams. An announcement at the Kiwanis Club Wednesday at Carthage from the committee having the Midland ro^ in hand said that in a few days Frank Page and his engineers would be down to make the prelim inary survey and to hear the views of the people of tile neighborhood as to the t3^pe of road to be built. This indicatejB that preparation will be carried on during the winter for building the road, and thiat as soon as the traffic; lightens in the spring the actual construction will be start ed. A surprise awaited the club when Sam Riehazdson’s conunitlea havin# in hand the care of Christmas for children in the orphanages or else where who do not see as much Christ mas as they might, reported that the orphanages of the State are pretty well cared for already, and the com mittee has taken up the matter with Miss Eifort, the county welfare agent, and she will supply a list of names of children who will be looked after. June (jtinter, of Sanford, the next lieutenant-governor of the Kiwanis district, was pre^ent and he talked in an appreciated way of the little things of life, and before he finished he let his hearers realize that the lit tle things are among the biggest. He . I cited many cases of men who have Max G. Backer, of Southern Pines, little things and in doing DEATHor MRS. CATHERINE BLUE Beloved Woman of the Eureka Community Passes Afer a Long Illness. Mrs. Catherine E. Blue, of Eureka community, passed away quietly on the morning of November 3, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Blue had spent her entire life in the Eureka community—having been bom not far from the spot of her death on No vember 20, 1841. She was before her marriage Miss Catherine Ray. In 1859 she was married to Malcolmn Blue. From this union there came a large family of children to grow up into respected and well-beloved cit izens of their home community. It is quite remarkable that the 10 chil dren have lived and prospered in an area of a few miles. Theise children are: John C. Blue, Martin Blue, Mrs. H. M. McCaskill, Malcolmn R. Blue, William M. Blue, deceased, D. David Blue, D. Archie Blue, Kitty E. Blue, Mrs. F. M. Palmer, and Alonzo Blue. Besses the nine children now liv ing, Mrs. Blue leaves behind her 25 grand children and 19 great grand children. Those who have known Mrs. Blue longest bear testimony to her Chris tian character, gentleness of spirit, and abiding faith. She became a member of old Union Church in her early youth, several years before the war Between the States, and ranyilii- ed a member of this church until the new Presbyterian church was organ ized at Eureka. There are several remarkable things about the Ufa of this saintly old character. First, few permitted the privilege of living for a period of 86 years, and ot wit^ nesaing the many changes which such a period of time bring forth. There are fefw who have been permitted to live through the two greatest wars of our nation, and to take an active interest in both. Secondly, it is sel dom that the beautiful fruits of such a life are lavished on a single small commtinity. And thirdly, there are few lives which leave a more noble heritage than the fine Chiistian chil dren and grand children with which Mrs. Blue has blessed her community and county. While she will be missed, there should be no regret at her passing; for surely such a life merits just such a calm and peaceful transition to the Heavenly shore. Her body was laid to rest at old Union church on the afternoon of November 4, Rev. (Please turn to page 5) ANNUAL MEETING OF RED CROSS Meeting Was Held in the Pine hurst High School Build ing Nov. 9th. On Wednesday afternoon, Novem ber 9, the annual meeting of the Moore County Chapter of the Ameri can Red Cross and the Moore County Health and Welfare Association was held at the Pinehurst High School. The main business of the meeting was the election of new officers for the year, the reports of the treasurers of both organizations, and the reports of the new Red Cross nurse. Miss Merryman, and Miss Eifort, the Wel fare officer, vAo has been with the Assodalion siiee its beginning. As it was wtttd that the a^ccounta of the Health and Welfare Associa tion should be audited and published annually in the aam nmrnor as those of the local chapter of the Red Cross, both reports will appefir gt a lato date. Ways a^4 canyiimp on t^ (Meaaa ia' mm: them accomplished as much or maybe more than some of the men who have ! M D. McNeill, of Cameron, conduct- done bigger things. |ing the funeral service. A large as- Attention was also called to the sembliage of friends and neighbors proposed Sandhill experiment sta-' and a beautiful mass of flowers which (covered her grave and overspread (Please turn to page 5) ithat of her husband speak the love land esteem in which the deceased ^ ! and her family are hteld. MOORE mm FARM NOTES Last Chance Farmers Will Have To get Che^ Explosive From the Government. ENTERTAINMENT AT PINE HURST SCHOOLS ON 24TH. If you have stumps on your land which you intend to remove this win ter, please find out how much yo« will need and let me have your or der. In co-operation with L B. Bran don, county agent of Hoke county, we intend to place another order. This material will he ordered some time the first of December and will be delivered at Raeford where it will be distributed. The cost will be the same as last year, about 7 cents which will make the material cost us about 10 cents delivered at Raeford. This is absolutely the last chance that we tihall have to get any of this cheiap l^xp^q8lve, so if ywi naed any you had better take .aiiiTanti^ of tMs o|i||M)lili;uiit7. The ggyferoment w(ll ekisft out the Jmst of thia oaatarial l^y Janufory lat. li^t stumpv occupy in (riMM taia te vmm A premier musical entertainment company, presenting a wealth of nov elty in a varied program, is the Gros- jean marimba-Xylophone Trio, which will be heard on the Lyceum course in Pinehurst Thursday evening, No vember 24th. This popular company features the marimba-xylophone, a musical instru ment partaking of the best qualities of the marimbaphone and the xylo phone. With it, the Grosjeans pro duce most artistic* and novel musical effects. They also use the saxophone, banjo, clarinet and piano. In addition to the instrumental numbers, there are fascinating char^ acter impersonations by Miss Floss Grosjean. feature artist of the com pany. ' fevery member of the Grosjean Ma- rimha-Xylophone company is a tal ented musician, and tbeir combmed program is an f^oepliAiiaUf attrac tive offerwif ta Lycawn aiadleneea. '■ I ■ - - ■ ..— Farmers af Jkmon HQO birnh^ of Afeuflzi rya ikud m ear oi lima rte^itly. i i

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