ay, July 27, HE PILOT. ^ W ADVANCE S NOTICE. as executor of sed, late of Moor« olina, this is to 1 having daimg of the said de- bem to the under- e the 23rd day of j notice will be their recovery. All 0 said estate will diate payment. Fuly, 1928. P. GARKER, Executor, g: 3, 10, 17. Examine by bq No Mfire , Byesiglit Speciat. n^ill be at Chears iford. N. C., ever^ I week. Headache Bed by Eyettrmin. h the latest exani- When h« fits you have the satisfmc- it they are correct, [ren should receive saktj your child to at be is in Sanford from 10 A. M, to [tres nes rization. mith's Farm ly,” and the rn Pines uly 28tli. 0 ian >mic Strip 5 and Horace !ters of Carl ’ and Aesops m Pines uly 31st. 0 Jina.” tnmnHnmitaiHHni t ,r< VOLUNE 8 THE ^ Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of the Sandhill North Carolina NUMBER 38 Address all communicatioDs to THE PILOT PRINTING COMPANY. VASS, N C. FRIDAY, ANGUST 3, 1928. SUBSCRIPTION S2,00 Southern Pines To Talk of Big Park. Old Dream of Manning and Oth ers Taking Shape Again With Some Enthusiasm. A few years ag*o when Frank Buch an was selling the Knollwood terri- Mk)ore €ounty Farm Notes. For 6^ Results Now Is the Time to Prepare Land For Alfalfa. Prepare Land Now for Alfalfa. Much of the success or failure of Law Enough But Too Little Enforcement Kiwanis Puts On Fiery War Paint. Going After Vandals Who De spoil the Roadside Shrub bery in the Sandhills. lory for Henry Page and when War- • j . , alfalfa is due to preparation of the ren Manning was planning commun- . , 5ty improvements for the Sandhills | before alfalfa seed are a proposition came up to reserve for | i^to the ground. For best suc- a public park a section of land in the' cess the land should be sown in peas vncinity of what was then called the, qi* gQy beans in the early summer. Manley Spring, on the he&d of the This crop should then be turned un stream near the Midland road which der about the middle of August and has recently been dammed on the ^ the land kept well harrowed. The Manley road from McDeed s creek. ^ peas in addition to adding plant food Mr. Buchan offered sufficient land for to the soil, keeps grass and weeds not very much money, and Mr. Man- ^ shaded out. After the peas are turn- ning made a plan of a scheme that! ed under the land should be sub-soiled included the surroundings and the re- if possible, and harrowed each week lations of Midlands road, which was then until the seed are planted. If then projected, and the connections your land is not in a good state of from Pinehurst to Fort Bragg. Near cultivation it will not pay you to at- the big spring, Mr. Manning has on tempt to grow alfalfa. In a case of his map a convergence of several ^ this kind soy beans, oats and vetch, roads, and on the ridges above the or barley and vetch will pay you much valley on both sides the most desir- better. able building sites were set aside, and selecting your location be sure at that time the dreams were not am- select a piece of - pretty heavy soil bitious enough to aspire to what hai qj. ^t least one where the clay is been done in the days that have since pretty close to the surface. There are then elapsed. a great many types of soil which will Later Knollwood talked about a produce alfalfa but not profitably, park down near the Barber lake this The heavier types of soil do not grow side of McDeed's Creek, and that has crab grass so readly, and this gra^ been talked some. But more recently seems to be one of the worst enemies some of the progressive folks of the of alfalfa. different communities have been hark- gu,.g to put on plenty of lime ing back to the older days, prompted ^nd also plenty of seed. On soils that largely by the new map Irving John- ^re adapted to alfalfa, applications of son is preparing of the country all ^Qt jesg than three tons should be ap- around Knollwood, and which he is pjied. This crop is a heavy feeder and gathering up in one big project, and jf^jt less than this amount will give in the last few days much talk has much results. At least 30 pounds of been heard, somewhat quietly, but p^j. should be planted and loud enougli to be impressive, about jf more are put in .it will not hurt a park that is planned as a real park, anything If there is a little too much and one that would be a center for the crop will adjust itself. If there all the neighborhood. ig not enough we stand a chance of The dam Knollwood has built just allowing grass and weeds to get in. below the Manley Spring has filled For inoculation soil from fields with water, and now that it can be where alfalfa has been‘grown seeme seen it is one of the most attractive to be best. This will stand up under features in the Knollwood-Southem * field conditions where the bottled cul- Pines area. It skirts the two roads, ture may be killed out in a vary shotr the Midlands road to Southern Pines j while. and the Manley road from the creek as a hay crop I do not know of up toward the railroad and it beauti- I anything which will quite come np to ties a picturesque cove that is a mar- alfalfa. It is almost a balanced ra vel when it is seen under its changed tion in itself and practically anything conditions. Around the dam the , gat it. Under anything like nor- ground rises rapidly, forming a big I ^al conditions you will always get amphitheater, and swelling back into three cuttings in a season. This year one of the finest bits of old forest in a good many farmers are going to this whole country. The trees in- g^t four. elude big gums, poplars, oaks, many further information as to se- The Kiwanis Club dined satisfac- ity hall in Pinehurst and were feel ing in that gracious humor when good digestion has waited on appetite and were happy when Bob Page and Murdock Johnson and some of the other pacific members threw a bit of A great deal is being said at the matically be enforced, for with enough present time concerning the probable people back of it officers will .be election of Smith for President and chosen who will do the work or others the enactment of laws making weak- put in who will. If public sentiment ^ w j j x i.i. er our prohibition laws. Many of our was as strong for speeding as the people seem greatly disturbed on this Editor of The Pilot is or even half as outlook. If we had shown more in- earnest as he is human life would be terest in the matter prior to this and safer on our highways, but so long sought to enforce the law as it stands as the folks take the view they do, instead of allowing it to become a just so long will we still have killing disgrace and a by-word the folks now right on, just like in the days of open, . ... who are clamoring for its repeal bars we few stood for the abolish-! ^ ® y pMposing a ar- would not have the arguments to put ment of the saloon and for years they'"!®*® ^ r^uested of everybody rob- up against us that they have. So far preached and prayed over the situa- a- ^ as the law is concerned I am for It as tion, text books were put into ouri"' d.sctMSlon ^ .. . j 1 .. . 1 . UT 1-1 J ‘x ^ 1 - K -' awakened, hut the sentiment of the it stands, even though it is being public schools and it was largely a, , , ^ j j.* ^ a • 1 X j j *1 1 xj. Jf j I.- i-i - n—' club was that drastic measures should flagrantly violated daily, and the matter of education until eventually , ^ ^ i _ , u j XU 1 I. „ I he taken, and the county officials masses seem unconcerned about its we have reached the place we have.! , , . enforcement, for the very fact that it in the meantime is against the law of the land shows went to untimely graves sent there that the government puts its disap- from the use of strong drink, proval upon it and cannot legalize a| The trouble with the temperance thing of that kind. This has a moral people is that simply because tiie con- and salutary effect that cannot be had stitutional amendment has been pass- otherwise. When the government li- ed they have sat back and felt that censed the thing it was a party to it, the work had been done, when as a and as it were in league with a most. matter of fact it had just begun, evil institution the country ever had. j Some temperance advocate recently Now that it has been outlawed by the! naade the statement that if we get government the people know and must 1 real prohibition enforced within the feel that the seal of disapproval hav-' next 50 years we shall feel like con ing been put on it by the best people * gratulating ourselves. Still we need that it must be a bad thing. I not wait that long if it can be helped We believe that all any law needs for the sooner the better for the price is to have public sentiment back of j it so strong that the law will auto-i (Please turn to page 5) THE TREES OF BY J. McN. JOHNSON. MOORE COUNTY CHAPTER XVIII. “And a Hazel Wood By autumn nutters haunted^ Flourishes Green in a Cup-like Hollow of the Down.” —Enoch Arden. XV J- were asked to step on the accelerator many tnousanos I , .t. i. i i • and see if the wholesale pilfenng could not be lessened. It looks now as if trouble is ahead for those who despoil the planting and decoration of the roadsides, and also it looks as if the only way to get any results is to jar the mistaken folks who think the shrubbery along the highways is there to be picked indiscriminately. It was decided to hold a general basket picnic of Kiwanis people, male and female and their families at Lake- view week after next at which every fellow brings his rations and his fam ily connections and mixes with the crowd. It is looked on as a popular hit, and everybody in the organiza tion threatens to be there with all the friendshaft. Ed McKeithen proposed that a truck load of peaches he offered with out price to any of the orphanages of the State that will send the truck to get them, and a committee was ap pointed to see that the scheme is car ried out. The Pilot suggests that the asylums, the penitentiary, and aJI the other institutions where folks are shut in be accorded the same consid eration, for with peaches as plenty as they are anybody who never has much to boast of could find a bit of pleas ure in a few good Belles or Elbertas. Merely a suggestion to the committee to make the thing as broad as possi ble. SPRING. Dawn, and a host of songsters Singing in the trees; Green, and a splash of sunshine Gleaming through the leaves. fine pines, small undergrowth, and the grove is so rugged and broken that it is almost itself in its charms of this character. The folks who have been looking over the ground are now proposing a park of some twen- lection of soil, etc., will be gladly given you at any time. Annual 4-H Club Camp to Be Held at Jackson Springs This Year. The Tri-County Club Camp for the club members of Lee, Moore and ty-five or thirty acres, as may be de-, termined by a survey, and the crea-| Montgomery counties will ^ held at tion of a park that will have the 1 Jackson Springs, August 20 to 24 lake, the forest surrounding it, the' We will he quartered m the hotel converging roads that come in from all directions is Manley, Southern Pines, Knollwood, Pine Needles, Mid- j Pines, Pinehurst, and the intervening This is an ideal place for a camp, territory which is developing with, There is plenty of room with good this spot as a fascinating center. The ground is close by the Sea board railroad, on the State highway at one side, close by another S’tate highway at Southern Pines and Man ley, easy of access from all parts of the Sandhills, and now before devel opment of building sites has com menced is the time to consider plans for a project of this sort, and to car ry them out. The idea that is talked most vigorously so far is a public park for Southern Pines, but it is not believed that this would be carried very far without the other commun ities surrounding getting into the game, for it is said that the park should be on such scale that all tiw villages might have a finger in it, and big enough that as the whole bunch of settlements draw together it will still be a big enough and compre hensive park to serve the territory. No definite methods have been pro- BLACK WALNUT: Juglane Nigra: wicked waste was from pure, be-soted The very excellence of the wood* of ignorance. But who knows that we this tree has been its ruin. Of all are not now committing the same the woods that grow in Moore Coun- waste along other lines, while we ty the Black Walnut is the most val- smugly lambast our forefathers for uable; and the lumberman has almost their ignorance! It may be we are as- depleted the supply. But herein lies suming the role of ‘^Miss Fannie the hope of the future, for the com- Squeers” who “pitied the ignorance mercial demand and the high prices and despised” her father’s assistant the wood commands in the markets teacher, Nicholas Nickleby. of the world is sure to induce the ex- ' j ^ gtory to this effect: tensive and systematic planting and | ^ Connecticut Yankee was riding growing of the Black Walnut in the jjorseback through the mountains of future. North Carolina, when he passed by a Our Black Walnut is one of a large new hiH-side farm where a rough-neck family of Nut Trees—at least five mountaineer was laboriously scratch- . >, * 1 the newly cleared land with „<,nd‘rous story: there and will use the hotel, kitcnen ^ Walnut that grows native in j “bull tongue” pulled by a yoke of I romance and zest and dining room for cooking and eat- , County. The California Wal- oxen. The Yankee saw that there nut came from Japan; the English were hundreds of Black Walnut Walnut is originally from Persia and stumps on the land from which the now largely planted in England. This | trees had been cut off and burned the is the tree that gave our Walnuts previous winter . He reined up his their common botanical name—Jug- horse and waited for the mountaineer Ians, meaning Jove’s Acoms. i to plow to the road, and a conversa- The excellence of the Nut as a food j tion something like this ensued: caused the Ancients to dedicate the* Yankee: “Why don’t you take the recreation and pleasure. Last y®^^|tree to their god, Jupiter, or Jove, stumps out of your field?” we had a mighty good camp at the fruit “Jove's Acoms.*' [ Mountaineer: “Too costly; ;besides Sandhill Farm Life School. This j while the English Walnut—Jug- they will rot out in a few years.” year we hope the camp will be as Uegi& is now planted in consid-1 Yankee: ‘What would you be will- good or better than last year. erable groves in Moore County, still having those stumps The camp this year will be run on i jt is classed as an exotic, and not in-* out?” the same plan as the one last year, digenous. The same may be said of Mountaineer: “'Druther let ’em rot That is, each club member will bring the California Walnut, Juglans Cali- * „ certain articles of food that were fomica—but both these Walnuts are grown at home, so that the cost in ‘ prized for their fruit, and not for the money will be as low as possible. This! quality of the wood. shade, good water, good play grounds and everything that it takes to make up a good camp site. We are work ing out the program so as to have a wholesome combination of instruction, (Please turn to page fc) Yankee: “Tell you what I’ll do: I’ll take them out myself for nothing if Down through the dewy meadows, On to the rippling streams— Spring! And a thousand pleasures Fill the soul with dreams. Life, and a thousand wonders Bursting from the sod; Love, and the fragrant flowers ! Bom of the breath of God. Out in the forest’s glory; On to the hilly crest— MARTHA BULLOCK. Lumbefton—1928. JOHNSON REUNION. The family of H. A. Johnson held its annual reunion at the old home place near Eagle Springs on Sunday, July 29. Fifty-two of the family and friends were present and a day of pleasant fellowship was enjoyed. A bountiful dinner was spread beneath the huge trees and was not the least of the day’s pleasures. PROF. R. G. HUTCHISON TO PREACH AT UNION CHURCH cost this year will be only $1, and will But it should be mentioned—though | stumps.” be used to pay the cook, buy the, jt ig with shame I do so—that ten Mountaineer: It s a bargain, but wood, pay for lights, and other inci- times more Walnut Trees have been | you must first let me get my ‘crap’ dentals. destroyed by our ignorant pioneers, | off.” All parents are urged to make a j who regarded the tree as a pest, than, And the story goes that a contract special effort to let the children off > by the rapacious lumberman. at this time. To tome of them it will be all the vacation they will have and Those early settlers cut down and burned whole mountain sides of the I feel that they are due these few!finest Black Walnut trees that ever - *‘grew upon the earth, and all this was drawn and signed, and the Yan kee, out of the goodness of his heart actually paM a dollar in cash to the Prof. R. G. Hutchison will conduct services at Union church Sunday, Au gust 5th, at 11 a. m. D. MONROE. The State record for oat yields so far this season is held by W. L. Mor ris, of Cabarrus county, who freshed out 110 bushels per acre witii a va- r^'j|»ftm#9*S:edigreed No^n oats.

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