yriday, Augr^srt’ 5, 1^28. present weather favors BOLL WEEVIL DAMAGE. Present weather conditions aie fa vorable to the rapid development of lioll weevils and if the warm, humid condition continues damage by the in sects will be widespread and will in crease as the season advances. *‘We are receiving an increased Tiumber of inquiries askking for in- iormation about dusting machines,” says C. H. Brannon, extension ento mologist at State College. “The boll weevil is doing destructive damage in many cotton fields and if present weather conditions continue, we may expect this damage to become more widespread. However, there will be more dusting with calcium arsenate fc*r weevil control this year in North Carolina than in any previous year. Many dealers write us that this ma terial is bein distributed in large quantities.” Mr. Brannon states that where the is damaging ten per cent of the squares, dusting should begin. A Tt^lar dusting schedule should then r>e followed. Mr. Brannon is positive That the weevil can be controlled by dusting cotton with calcium arsenate hiA those growers who are now suf fering damage to their crops should tive weevil control close attention. Proper control, in Mr. Brannon’s opin ion. is an excellent investment and not a dead expense as many have rcnsidered it. If only one boll per plant is saved by dusting, it will pay and it is well known that careful dust ing should save many more bolls per riant. But, dusting must be done right or _THE PILOT, a Paper With Character, Vass, North Carolina. not at allk For those not familiar ^th the method, the extension serv ice of State College has a circular de scribing the work in detail and those who may be interested can secure a copy of tills publication free of charge application to the agricultural editor. j Tom Tarheel says that any of these I boys wanting a sun bath can get one ^on his place and will be paid while obtaining it. are included in the Merriam Webster, ^uch as aerograph, broadtail^ credit union^ Bahaism, patrogenesis, etc. New names and places are listed such as Cather, Sandburg, Stalin^Latvia, etc. Constantly improved and kept up to date. WEBSTER«S NEW international DICTIONARY Get The Best The Supreme Authority** in courfj, colleges, schools, and among government oficials both Federal and State. 452,000 entries including 408,OCO t ocahulary terms, 32,000 geographical subjects, 12,000 biographical entries. Over 6,000 illtistraiions, and 100 val uable tables. Send for Free, new, richly illustrated pamphlet containing sample pages the New International G. &. C. Merriam Company Springfield, Mass. The Henderson County Poultry As sociation has unloaded its second co operative carlot purchase of poultry , feed. I The raft Cheese Company is open ing a branch plant in Ashe county, thus helping to stimulate greater in terest in dairy cattle in that section. Alfalfa is paying W. M. Parks, of the Windsor community, in Yadkin county, a return of about $160 an acre, according to his estimates. One thousand farmers and their wives were guests of State College at the 26th annual State convention last week. business is a staple business and that the same principles should apply in the purchase of tires as in other ne cessities. “Many persons who will not ‘shop around* for clothes, for instance, be cause they have learned that there are standard brands, of national reputa tion, which will give them long wear, will seek a tire of questionable value because they can get it at a ‘good price.* “Consequently, many are talked into buying something ‘just as good,* because fancy promises and guaran tees are held out to them. “Our company handles the complete line of Goodyear automobile and truck tires, nationally known and accepted products, and our strongest selling point is that more people ride on Goodyear tires than on any other Page Three kind* “We do not give any fancy guaran tees and our prices are the same to all. But we do have a tire, made by Goodyear, in every price range that is the best tire that money can buy. We give complete service to our cuib- tomers and our interest in them does not cease after they have bought a tire, or a set of tires, from us.. We are concerned that they get as much mileage as possible and help them do this by advice and help as to the care of their tires. “That our policies are right in this respect is evidenced by the large num ber of customers who have been deal ing with us for years—automobile and truck owners who would rather get high quality and good service than buy on price consideration alone. Members of the North Carolina State Bankers* Association will at tend a special short course at State , College on Thursday and Friday, Au gust 2 and 3. THEY BUY GOODYEARS WHEN QUALITY AND SERVICE IS WANTED. Xt ♦♦ n tt ♦♦ u n rnOT PRINTINfi CO. Vass, N. C. t: t: ^» f. t: COMMERCIAL PRINTERS “Too many motorists who are oth erwise shrewd shoppers, are inclined to get away from fundamentals when they buy tires for their cars,** said Mr. Richardson, Goodyear service sta tion operator at Lakeview. “They are not fooled by the allur ing promises held out for some arti cles and have learned that they can not get something for nothing. The careful shopper knows that he must pay a certain price for quality in any staple product—and service is the most important consideration in his mind. “It is unfortunate that many mo torists do not realize that the tire Shoe Repairing With our connections in Vass and Lakeview it is con venient to serve you daily with our Shoe Repair Shop in Southern Pines. We have the Edwards, Machine doing its same reliable work. Leave your work at our Stores or Richardson’s Filling Station, with instructions and same will have our prompt attention. RELIABLE WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Little River Store Co. :: § Keep Smiling with KeUys HRES KELLY SPRINGFIED ALSO Kelly Built BUCKEYE TlRE&t PHOT PRDrriNC CO. VASS,N.& McPherson Motor Co. CAMERON, N. C.