FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING THE U. N. c. CAROLINA ROOM PILOT - , _ AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY. VOL. 8, NO. 46 iS a Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of the Sandhill Territory^^?A^orth Carolina FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1928 VASS, N. C. UNPRECEDENTED IFRIENDS HONOR VOTE FORECAST H.F.SEAWELL NEXT TUESDAY AT CARTHAGE Record Registration for Nation- Six Counties to Pay Homage to nl nnrl r’niinfv IVf/vrkvn -»• i . “THE HOUSE IN THE HORSESHOE.” al. State and County Elections both PARTIES HOPEFUL. Moore County Canuidate Monday. MR. NEWELL TO SPEAK. With the National registration in excess of 43,000,000, the registation in North Carolina at approximately 700,000, and Moore County figures topping all existing marks, a record Election day approaches to determine who shall govern the Country, State and County in succession to the pres ent incumbency. Definite figures are not available as | olina to the total registration in Moore Representatives County as The Pilot goes to press, but from scattered districts the lists of eligible voters aPPear to have swol len to undreamed of proportions. In many instances the percentage of Republicans and supporters of Her bert Seawell for Governor, regardless of party, will pay him homage at a gathering in Carthage at 1 o’clock next Monday afternoon. The elans will meet at the Court House to cele brate “Seawell Day,” and do honor to Moore County's candidate for the high office of Governor of North Car- and delegations from Moore, Richmond, Randolph, Chatham, Lee and Harnett counties will be on hand to help the home folks show their leading citizen they are with him in his Gubernatorial fight. rc*gistrations is about the same as in The American Legion Band will ren- m. kMi ^ JUrc«tiU will ICIl- the district of Southern Pines, where | der martial music and Jake F. Newell Bruce H. Lewis informs us that of a | will be the speaker of the day. The total registration of 980 names, no I candidate himself will be on hand to less than 357 are newly enrolled on I accept the inspiring confidence his his election books. This proportion ^ supporters have in him, and all in all would seem to have carried pretty j it is expected to be a gala occasion much throughout the State, the fig-j in the county seat, ures for North Carolina showing | Busy Campaign 700,000 registered as against a total ^ of i bed after an operation for appendici- tis, has waged a strong campaign since the first of October, speaking throughout the State on State and ; National issues. He has been well 1924 of 482,687. Both Claim New Voters. Both parties are claiming benefits from the increased registration, the Republicans believing that, in this | received at all points and is confident . .• ..1 1 .1 . » - State particularly, many are prepar ing to vote for their candidates in the belief that the time has come when they can turn the State into the Republican column. On the other hand, the Democrats believe that the personal popularity and effective cam paign waged by Governor Alfred E. Smith of New York is responsible for the great influx to the polls this year. A few days will tell which prognosti cation is correct. Tomorrow is Challenge day, but it seems to be generally understood that neither party will take any unfair advantage or split straws this year. For one thing, neither party is sure just how any given person is going to vote, party ranks having been “shot to pieces,” as it were. No risks of challenging anyone’s right to vote when his vote may be on your side will be taken, it is believed. Nev er before has there been such a lack of party solidarity as this year. Landslide Unlikely. Polls will be open next Tuesday from sunrise until sunset. When the election results will be known is prob lematical, but it is figured that cer tain pivotal states which should be heard from reasonably soon will fore cast the final outcome with a fair de gree of accuracy, so that it should be known by niidnig^ht Tuesday whether the country is to be governed during that he will poll an exceptional vote next Tuesday. That he will be ably supported by his friends and neigh bors of Moore County is a foregone conclusion Oil on Way for New Double Road, Kiwanians Hear Rev. Murdoch McLeod’s Con quest of Movie Magnates in Canada Reported. A. B. CAMERON SPEAKS. At the Kiwanis Club dinner at the Civic Club in Southern Pines Wednes day the pleasing information was given out that the Highway authori ties have the oil on the way for the new double road from Southern Pines to Pinehurst, and that as soon as it arrives the finish will be put on top of the road. Talks on Sandhills. Charlie Picquet told of a great con quest in Canada when the Rev. Mur doch McLeod in an address to the congress of moving picture men at Toronto talked Sandhills of North Carolina to the 800 delegates from all over creation. The convention soaked up information regarding this section, Scene of Early Battle of Revolution. This House, Where D. A. R. Will Place Marker on November 10th, Still Bears Bullet Scars of Battle for Freedom. Daughters of Revolution to Commemorate Scenes of Fight for Freedom in Moore County To Place Marker at House in Horseshoe Where Fanning’s and Alston’s Men Waged Bitter Battle in Early Days of War. CELEBRATE EVENT NOVEMBER lOTH. HOUSE In the horseshoe. Program for the Unveiling. Bugle Call Scout Robert Abel Song—“America” Fort Bragg Band Invocation Rev. Mr. Cheatham Salute to the Flag Mrs. Sidney Cooper Address of Welcome for Moore County John Wilcox Address of Welcome for Alfred Moore Chapter— Mrs. James Swett Song—“Dixie.” Fort Bragg Band Resume of Battle of House in Horseshoe Judge W. J. Adams Greetings— War Department Col. W. H. Butner State Historical Society James Boyd American Legion Roy E. Fushee Poem J. McN. Johnson Presentation of State Regent Mrs, N. 0. Spencer Address Mrs. Charles R. Whitaker Song—“Carolina.” Fort Bragg Band Presentation of Boulder Mrs. James Swett Unveiling ^ By four young girls Acceptance Mrs. Charle.n R. Whitaker Benediction Rev. Mr. Cheatham Here occurred the skirmish be tween a band of Patriots under Col. Philip Alston and the Tories under Fanning on July 29th, 1781. Erected by the Alfred Moore Chap ter, D. A. R. 1928 (The above is the inscription on the bronze tablet set in a granite boulder to be unveiled Saturday, November 10th.) M’DONALD DIES AS AUTOMOBILE HITS ROAD BANK Carthage Man Instantly Killed in Accident Near Biscoe. FRIENDS ARE INJURED. and applauded until they nearly wore the next four years by Herbert Hoov- j h2ir\ds. er or Alfred E. Smith. , Election odds have narrowed boys was proposed because