FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING THE PILOT AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY. VOL. 8, NO. 47. Is a Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of the Sandhill Territory of North FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1928 DEATH CLOSES USEFUL WORK OF A. CAMERON End Comes Sunday Morning at Carolina Central Hospital in Sanford. backed vass enterprises With sorrow, friends and loved ones have observed for several months that A. Cameron was grrowinpr more feeble, nis step more uncertain; yet he was r,-\vays cheerful, happy and uncom plaining, and we did not realize that work on earth was so nearly fin ished. Two woeks ago his condition grew Wi and a few days later he was - aeed in the Central Carolina Hospi- t<ii in Sanford where he could be con- snritly under the care of skilled phy- ans and nurses. He did not seem I utFer much, but gradually grew w: ak -r. and on November 4th as a r' Sabbath day—the day he had V. J and sacredly kept—was dawn- i- he peacefully and quietly slipped awiiy to take up the new work for V i-h his life had been a prepara- . ’ 1 rril services were held on 3.1 on- A,\ a 'ti-rnoon from the Vass Method- -hurch with the paster, Rev. W. V. Ra., officiatmg. He was as- - by Rev. D. Monroe of the Vass I ‘^sbyterian church and Rev. M. D. !v Xeill of the Cameron Presbyterian church. ViY. McRae paid a beautiful and filling tribute to the life of the :le-: eased. Then, ac**ompanied by a throng t)f people, the casket was car ried to the Johnson’s Grove Cemetery where it was interi'ed and covered with beautiful flowers, lovely designs which came from far and near. Pall bearers were Robert and Julian Leslie, Gerald and Albert Graham, grand sons: N. N. McLean, a nephew, and N. M. McMillan, a laithful friend of The deceased A. Cameron was bom in Harnett county on July 20, 1851, the son of Angus and Margaret Cameron, and one of ten children who grew to man hood and womanhood under the in fluence of these staunch Scottish pa rents. In 1887 he was maried to Miss Catharine -lanet Cameron, also of Har nett. and came to this community to make his home. To this union were born eight children, who with the mother survive. They are Mrs. W. C. Leslie, Mrs. W. B. Graham, Mrs. W. D Matthews, Angus B. Cameron, Mrs. C. J Temple, Mrs. H. A. Borst, A. M. ^'ameron and Mrs. L. C. Tyson, all of Vass. Two sisters, Mrs. Mollie Cam eron and Mrs. Kishie Cameron, of near Swan Station, and one brother, J. Cameron, of Vass, also survive. The worth of a life such as A. Cam- on has lived in this community can not be estimated. Outstanding was he in his devotion to his church, and his dealings with his fellowman show ed that he believed that the Christian religion was intended to operate in every department of the human life. In business, he enjoyed the confidence >f all; in public life, he stood for the i*ight as be saw it and was aggressive in promoting every enterprise that was for the advancement of the com munity Mr. Cameron has been hon ored with election to almost every of fice in his church and town, and was ever faithful in the discharge of his duties. The great heart of him could not refuse aid to anyone in trouble, and many are the instances when he helped to lighten the burden of those around him, carrying on this work in his quiet way with no thought of gaining the world’s applause. To us, who have known and loved Mm from our earliest recollection, un selfishness was his chief characteris tic, and his life a fulfilment of the prayer: “Lord, help me live from day to day In such a self-forgetful way That even when I kneel to pray My prayer shall he for others. Help me in all the work I do To ever be sincere and true And know that all I’d do for you Must needs be don« for others.” A UFE-LONG FRIEND. ANGUS CAMERON. VASS, N. C. O & I IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROMINENT ON RNOLLWOOD Buildings of Impressive Type Show Up to Great Ad vantage AROUND PINE NEEDLES. NORTH CAROLINA’S NEW GOVERNOR, ‘i' . OWD A n SffllDAY «*> Dedication of rvTonumeif Ts In teresting a Large Number of I'eople. FINE NOVEMJIER 0! TING. \\ f-1 All signs point to a large crowd at the "athering at the House in the Horseshoe on Saturday, November 10. the occasion being the dedication of the monument and mtniorUil to the Revolutionary heroes who fought in the battle that took placp at the Al ston house, which is the House in the Horseshoe, in the closing days of that great war for freedom. The program has been completed by the assurance from Dr. Frank Graham of the Uni versity that he w'ill be present and deliver a historical address, and with that the program as announced in last I’iloi vvill l)e adhe’f-d tO. The fine November days are now the most delightful period of the year, the roads are in excellent condition for travel, the people are interested over a large section, and the good women who are backing this patriotic aiovement are inviting the folks to fill their baskets with eatables and t;; turn out, bring the visitors, the fam ily and the friends, and impress on a great audience the important part thf Deep River territory of North Caro lina had in making this the greatest nation of the w'orld. While the women of the revolution ary descent are arranging for their memorial work at the Horseshoe this week it is not out of place to revert somewhat to the Cornwallis fiasco which practically decided the fate of the long war. In October, 1780, the JOHN WILCOX The benefits of landscape work and of planting shrubbery and grass is seen now'here to better advantage than around the Pine Needles Inn and on the golf links and along the roads in the Knollwood neighborhood. At the Mid-Pines Club the planting has been going on long enough so that the south side of the Midland road ia al ready in the class with the older por tions of the Sandhill country Around the hilltop, past Judge Way’s out to the homes of Mrs. Burke and Major Ne.tlleton the advantage of time has given that territory the air of finisheti v.'or}-:. But on the north side of the road all is so new^ that its transfor mation is interesting. From the low er side of the Pine Needles, lookinu' up the hill, the building now shows to fine advantage among the trees that are left, and with the grass and the shrubbery as a ground line the fore casts of what it is all to be in an other year or two is easy. On the other side of the Pine Needles the landscape workers have gained results. The attractive resort will look like a different place w'hen the visitors come buck this winter. Up on the Knollwood Heights John Bloxham has made good use of th(> summer, and with a new baby to add CO the growin.u' sijrns round the place •fohn’s house looks like comfort. The new' Olmsttad house just below is about completed, and the planting is showing w'hat is to be the aspect o' that home site. The building is ad mirably planned and well built, and \vill suit ir with the ‘^one'-al iis perfectly as the ai-chitect ami: carried about the owner intended. One interesting j thing about all these new houses on ^ the ridge is that they have develop:^<: ; Rppublican triumph stopped O. .^L\X GARDNER. Democrats Carry State and County The Usual 3Iajority Given for Everything in the Local Election— F’ew More Repubiicans in the Let^islature. HOOVM SWEEPS FORTY STATES, SMITH EIGHT Biggest Triumph in History of the United States Political History. SOUTH SOLID NO LONGER. i With Governor Smith defeated by I : more than five million votes in the ! popular ballot, and by such an elec toral vote that it is by far the most disastrous slaughter in the history of the nation the election of Tuesday wound up in a sensational finish of the most amazing campaign the coun try has known in a long time. Gov ernor Smith lost his own State, his own voting precinct, a large block of the solid South, all of the West from the Hudson to the Pacific Ocean, and ! had left just about enough to indicate I that he had been in the campaign. Hardly enough is left out of the wreck to sweep up and burn. Smith carries Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the North, both hy very narrow votes as - will be seen by the table, and in the South he has South Caix>lina, Georgia, Alabaiua, Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas, six of the Southern States. All the rest of the country goes to Hoover, and by decisive figures. The popular majority appears to be more than five million in favor of Hoover, as the table shows, an unprecedented figure, and never before approached. Hoover gets 444 electoral votes, Smith 87, w'hich is also the most sweeping ma jority ever registered. If Smith had w'on three times as many electoral votes as he received he would still have been defeated. all about 550 and the county candidates 'there is in the United Stale there th<> The na- into bigger and better establishments | tional congress gained but little xn than was suspected. The Vail house. | j^epuUican members. Hammer gt>es the farthest up the hill, resembles an . back as usual from this district, al- old-time Spanish mission, and when though one or tw'o other members in E. C. Matheson Bailey it is completed and planted and oc-^ the State are reported at lhi3 writing; f n- surveyor 3,354, McDonald for cupied it will be one of the show tr be on mighty thin ice. But the sheriff 3.279, Humber 3,367, Spence places of the community, which can state in general rolled up its usual 3,407, McQueen and Cranford for on the Democratic ticket did better, reaching eight or nine hundred. From the figures at hand McLauch- lin. the lowest on the Democratic tic. e*:, had 3,’1)7 vote.i. Harrington, the h:*rh;st, 3,4:^7, M. C. McDcnak' Alabama 113217 Arizona 48648 Arkansas 38455 California 962106 Colorado 222453 Connecticnt 296109 Delaw'are 65567 116410 Georgia 98550 i«aho 32853 Illinois 127263 24043 03237 525485 117898 252068 33873 85221 128077 17117 be said of all of the new buildings now Democratic majority, Max Gardner senate about 3,350, while the Repub- i Indiana 621125 524956 under construction there. The John-!g^oing in within the neighborhood of lican opponents for senate polled about 414908 son house is a study in rural con-; fifty thousand to the good. The Slat'.- 2.500 votas each, Eifort 2,536, Lewis ^-^^^^cky 547709 struction, and will be admired with j ticket also shows a large margin. In 2,590, Swett 2,526, Shields 2,475, and much enthusiasm, it is* bold in its I the county the Democratic ticket is the Republican commissioners 2,500 lines and classical in its effect. It is , on easy grounds with about 600 or to 2,750. These figures are given as fortunate that all these houses haveii^iore of a majority. This is greater approximate, but arc- probably about ample ground, for their individuality ; than w'as expected, for it was felt that correct. is fitted to room for exhibiting their | the national ticket would have some The State legislature w'lll have a features. effect on the county result. But it did few mors Republicans than in the past The Pusheo house is emerging fi om | not, for while Hoover carried Mooi-e sessions, but the Democrats wnll or- the remnants of the builder’s work, by about 650 according to figures now , ganize both houses as far as can be available, Gardner had a majority of I seen at the present time. TOSSOMS ARE SCACE. Nook Puldigger says the 'possum crop is not bad this fall, but that the rersimmon trimmings is scace. Frosts last spring killed the blossoms and ’simmons are almost unknown this fall. Ow^ner of the Horseshoe. colonial forces gained a complete vic tory at King’s Mountain on the North Carolina line, and Cornwallis, who was at Charlotte, realizing that the destruction of the British army at King’s Mountain left him in precari ous position, undertook to march southward from Charlotte and try to save something from the ruins. Greene was sent south by Washington to supercede Gates, and in hope of find ing subsistence Greene moved his troops over to the Fee Dee with Che- raw as the center of their base. This led Cornwallis to try a move up into Western North Carolina, and the first thing was a grievous defeat at Cow- pens. But the militia of the colony retreated from the field after destroy ing the British army, and Cornwallis (Please turn to 8) and in a short time it will show up in all its interesting lines. Among the pines its white wood finish is par ticularly commanding. It is a strong member of its ridge. The Ross house and the Van Curen building are show'- ing their massive outlines, and they are of that solid pattern that gives strength to the picture and a positive tone to the village. When these are all finished, and the underbrush all removed and the permanent shrub bery and grass have taken shape, Knollwood Heights will have a new appreciation, for it is now plain how fully the plans are all working to gether for that one aim of making a delightful place to live. Work is progressing on the Indian I Trail drive, which is connecting the I Barber development over at the new club house, and intermediate territory! with the Knollwood Heights and Pine j Needles section. This will ultimately afford another interesting drive all the way through to Pinehurst and the country beyond, and all of it through unusually picturesque coun try. Much is projected and expected of the Knollwood ridge and the surround ing territory during the winter now approaching, as thJe development in all directions has been so pronounced that decided attention is drawn this way. 1565802 1160341 450937 313807 158687 THE “SUCCESSFUL” WARRIOR. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE A service is held in Southfem Pines every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock in the Christian Science Chapel, Maine avenue, near East Broad St. Subject for November 11th, “Adam and Fallen Man.” All are cordially invited to attend. Louisiana 28297 Maine 176715 Maryland 282457 Massachusetts 760671 Michigan 843D15 Minnesota 343750 Mississippi 20643 Missouri 572886 Montana 86948 Nebraska 189022 ^^^vada 17869 New Hampshire 115036 New Jersey 880T62 New Mexico 25574 370289 98818 80147 213431 781744 354854 239073 86103 476038 61498 110774 14565 80177 583260 19144 jNew' York 2162594 2072818 I North Carolina 246594 I North Dakota 60727 I 1509812 I Oklahoma 353044 ’ Oregon 9531Q •Pennsylvania 1089921 .Rhode Island 117458 I South Carolina 3133 jSouth Dakota 113855 Tennessee 167707 301847 53901 Vermont 89760 Washington 217188 West Virginia 263250 Wisconsin 453673 43962 235521 39683 818967 200726 43415 952169 118951 51524 76127 135867 284335 48557 44374 132097 104339 189295 387284 25075 18299780 12989093 Herbert Hoover, Whose Amazing Victory, Makes Him Next President of These United States. S. S. ASSOCIATION TO MEET HERE IN VASS. The first of a series of township Sunday School meetings will be held at three o’clock Sunday afternoon, November lith, at the Vass Presby terian church. An mteresting program has been arranged. The list of speakers will S w ? of West End, W. D. Matthews, ot Vass, and A. B. Cameron, of Carthage. There mil be special music by the local nigh school chorus. Township business for the year will be transacted at this time f Vice-Pres. MRS. D. J. BLUE, Secy.

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