friday. March 15, 1929. THE PILOT, a Paper With Character. Vass, North Carolina faee ^ven The Week’s News in And About Aberdeen The Stay-A-WTiile Sewing Cluib its regular m eting with Mrs. Mak'olm Pleasants at her home on Main j^treet Tuesday afternoon, Manh 5th. A very enjoyable Word ntest was participated in by the quests, in which Mrs. G. A. Charles anu‘ off victor and won a lovely ittle mayonnaise dish as prize. At ho close of the meeting a deli- ious salad course, cake and coffee nas greatly enjoyed by all those resent. Besides the regular mem- ,rs, the guests of the Club were Mrs. Gordon Keith, Mrs. Carlton Konnody, Mrs. Colin Osborne, and Mrs. John Sloan. Honoring Mrs. Tazel Stratton, who visiting in the home of Mrfe. J. Talbot Johnson, from Hartford, onnecticut, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Frank Mizell were joint hostesses ac I bridge party held at Mrs. John son's home on Poplar street last Wed- lesday afternoon, March 6th, from !::>0 to 5:30 o’clock. There were about 45 guests pres- nt and eleven tables of bridge. Mrs. arlton Kennedy won highest score, ner prize being a dainty pottery bowl. The second prize went to Miss Grace Bradshaw, this being a lovely ake-plate. Mrs. Lowell Bass won *hird prize which was an exquisite shoulder flower, and the fourth prize went to Mrs. Roland Beasley, a hand- 'made guest towel. At I he close of the game, tempting G. B. Starling, Jr., of Durham, spent last Sunday with his parents here, Rev. and Mrs. G. B. Starling at the Methodist Parsonage. Mrs. S. E. Sloan and Mrs C. B. Thomas spent last Friday in Sanford on a shopping expedition. Misses Dorothy Cole and Louise Frye of Carthage spent a few days m Aberdeen last week, as the guests of Mrs. Carlton Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. James McColeman and baby spent the day in Raleigh last Friidlay, wh^re the baby is takerj each week for treatment by a baby specialist. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson, of Charlotte, spent a few days in Aber deen last week, shaking hands with fiiends and renewing old acquaint ances. Mrs. S. W. Kent, Mrs. M. M. Cresl and Mrs. W. W. Norris attended the Baptist Women’s Missionary Union held at High Point last Week. Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan McLean expects to move into the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bogg about Sunday visiting in Aberdeen. On his j wonderful preacher has been havinj'| You can always tell when the of-‘ “Were you moved by her music?” return home he was accompanied by i services at Pinehurst for some time fice boy has been reading one of; “Yes, it amounted to that. I think Mrs. Littla and Laban, Jr., who have j and they have been wonderfully help-1 those books where the faithful but we should have kept the flat for an- been visiting in the home of Mrs. Lit- ^ ful and instructive to all. ! ignored employe brought in the idea other year if it hadn’t been for her.” tie’s parents for some time. j Hazel Stratton, of Hartford, {saved the business. Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan want to | Conn., who has been the house guest 1 Raleigh last Friday to attend the i of Mrs. Talbot Johnson for the past play, “Rio Rita,” which ihey reported j ten days, returned to her home in as being very good. the north on last Saturday night. -The Watchman-Examiner. J* FORWARD-LOOKLNG PEOPLE WILL INVESTIGATE THIS CAB P Top-dressing wheat with quick- S;op and let the train go by; acting nitrogen material increased the It takes hardly a minute. „ V* u I rn .yield per acre about 24 bushels on a Your car starts off again intact. Miss Hazel Smith, one of our high | The Teacherage had as it guests conducted last year by And better still—you’re in it. school students, accompanied by Mr over the week-end, Mr. Anderson, of e. F. pickel of Davidson County. ' —Boston Transcript. and Mrs. Thorpe and little daughter, j Leaksville, visiting Miss Elnora Hill,].—— -- - LaVerne, spent last week-end at Car- j and Wood Bouldin of Martinsville, boro, motoring over to visit Mr??. , Va., visiting Miss Olive Kirby. Smith s parents. | H. L. Boggs, spent last week in Mrs. E. T. McKeithen went to | Charlotte, teaching his successor at Charleston, S. C., last week to make' Blue Fertilizer Company all a visit to her mother. She will re-, about his work. Mr. Boggs expects .urn this week, accompanied by her; to accept a position in Johnson & mother, Mrs. W. A. Leland. i Johnson’s law offices in the near fu- R. R. Brown and family, who have ! ture. been living on Wolf pit avenue, moved I j ^ j tt a n , ^ , . . - u • J . Fnends of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Page, last week mto the house occupied m x,. tv.; j ^ T sympathize deeply with them in T ^ ‘^“"’""’ithe death of Mr. Weatherell, a rel- on Lakeside Heights. p Mrs. B. B. Saunders of Valdosta,' ^ j • u^. tt- j xi. ^ ^ ^ ,1 l^ist Saturday night. His death was Civa., spent a few day's last week! , . J J. ■ 1 • quite sudden, and peculiarly sad visiting relatives and friends in I „ j r • , 1 . • -X .coming at the end of a supper given Aberdsen and vicinity. rp, ^ ^ u A V. J in his honor. Mr. and Mrs. Page ac- Ihe patrons of ihe Aberdeen school ,, , , l i , ^ , , ... I companied the body back to Phila- and especially those who have chil- j i ^ , . . . , . ,1 delphia for buriel services, drcn studying music, wish to thank What Do You Know About Fertilizer? How many times have you asked yourself this question ? Deep down in your heart you knew you often took what the store offered you and gen- ou dou^t have to lift the hood to get the story . . . Miss Louise Blue for her very kind offer to give a prize this year to the the 15th of this month, at which lime pupil making the most consistent ad- the Boggs family are expecting to vance in music. move to the residence of T. H. Me- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flinchum have Graw on the Cherokee Farm near moved to Aberdeen from Carthage, Aberdeen. and have taken an upstairs apart- Miss Ethel Armstrong, our effi- m^nt in ihe Seymour Apartment; cient fourth grade teacher, reiumed house on Poplar street. Mr. Flin- last Sunday night from Fort Mills, chum has charge of the 0. B. Flin- ! i^st trading. S. C., where she was called home chum Department store opening up j There is a lot of “gambling” in some time ago on account of the ill- in the Keith Building, which store I most of which is entirely ness of her mother. While she was bears a verv attractive appearance. 1 ^®yond your control, and delicious retres ments were j absent from her post of duty in the The Aberdeen Express office is un-! six years ago the Acme Man- grammar school, Mrs. E. L. Bryan dergoing a thorough overhauling at ^’^^ctuiing Company began making did substitute work for her. present, and when completely renov- and building a reputation Miss Helen Wilson, of Durham, w^hs rted and painted it will press'nt an j quality of their goods; be- the Saturday visitor of Miss La Nilta entirely new appearance. |lie\ing that the gambling’ of farm- Wimberly at her residence on Pine Dr. A. H. McLeod’s office grounds j lessened by a quality of ferti- street. are being planted in shrubbery, un- | made 50 per cent organic 50 Miss Alice Burt and her friend, der the direction of D. D. Cameron, i cent mineral. They have spec- Dewey Gibson, of Biscoe, spent a few which will add quite a good deal to I ^"j'^ed and continue to do so, in this hours in Aberdeen last Sunday visit- the attractiveness of his place. | Satisfied farmers whose ing her cousin, Miss Ethel Maurer. Miss Louise Blue spent last j ^*^^heis before them bought Acme, Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson and daugh- day in Raleigh on a shopping trip, j P^^o^es that this policy is a wise one. ter, Miss Miriam went to Winston- Mrs. Jake Pearson, Misses Edith OLD RELIABLE Salem last Tuesday to attend the an- Wvch and Grace Bradshaw speni ^^^E FERTILIZERS you know nual Conference of the Daughters of last Saturday afternoon in Sanford have the best possible fer- American Revolution for this State, doing some spring shopping. j ^’^i^er that can be made. Ask your at which Miss Miriam acted as page.' The funeral of W. T. Bobbitt’s I ACME, if he does not Frank C. Blue of Laurinburg, spent i brother, Charlie Bobbitt, who died at ^‘^ndle it, write to this Old North the last week-end in town visiting his! F^llcrbe, last Tuesday, was held Company. You want the mother, Mrs. Lillie Blue, on Poplar' Bethesda Cemetery Thursday morn-' have it. street. ; ing at 11:00 o’clock. A large crowil Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Johnson and, attended, ciiiiaieii, spenc lasc Sunday at Baain,; mi* Men s isiDie ciass oi me rres- visiting a sisier of Mr. Johnson’s, byterian Church atiended in a body Will Hinshaw' went to Randleman the services held at the Pinehurst last Friday to attend the marriage | Chapel last Sunday morning by the | g of his sister, Miss Gray Hinshaw. Rev. Ed. Mack of the Union Theolo-! « Laban Little of Albemarle spent last grical Seminary of Richmond, Va. This | ♦♦ served. Those present for the occasion were Mrs. Grady Buniey, Mrs. Nelson .’ourtway. Mrs. Dan Allred, Mrs. Ed win .McKeithen, Mrs. Avery, Mrs. R. P. Rosser, Mrs. Gordon Keith, Miss 1 ouise Blue, Mrs. Ralph Caldwell, Miss Frances McKeithen, Mrs. J. W. Bowman. Mrs. H. E. Bowman, Mrs. C. ?. Osborne. Mrs. J. F. Deaton, Misses .Mary and Janneatte Leach, Mrs. G. A. Charles, Mrs. George Martin, Mrs. Carlton Kennedy, Mrs. John Sloan, -Mrs. Dan McKeithen, Mrs. Laban Little. ]\Irs. E. M. Medlin, rMs. H. W. Doub, Mrs. Forest Lockey, Mrs. Jones Macon, Mrs. H. L. Boggs, Mrs. E. L. Bryan, Mrs. Malcolm Pleasants, Mrs. W. H. Purdy, Mrs. John Nichols, Mrs. Roland Beasley, Mrs. C. E. Pleasants, Mrs. Neill McKeiihen, Mi Jones, Miss Mary McKeithen, Mrs. Jake Pearson, Mrs. Batchelor, Mrs. Lowell Bass, Miss Alyce King, Mrs. C. C. Bethune and Miss Hazel Strat ton. Th« CMbrioletf $845 * Body by Fi»hmr Oakland created the New Pontiac Big Six to enable progressive people to step up the quality of their automobiles without departing from the low-priced field. A glance and a ride will tell you how completely Oakland has succeeded. You don’t have to lift the hood to get the story- Pric^n $745 to $895, /. o. b. Pontiac, Mtchlgan, plus delivmry charges. Bumpers and rear fender guards regular e^;^\pm0rtt at sli/iht extra cost, ('heck Oakland-Pontiaa delivarad - •‘hey include loteest handling chargmn General Motor* Time faymmnt Plan available at minimum tmta. HARTSELL MOTOR GO. Cameron, N. C. THE PONTIAC Let us hear from you. ACME MANUFACTURING CO. Wlliniiigtwri, i^r. O. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS BI€ •745 Circh No. 1 met last Tuesday af ternoon with Mrs. E. M. Medlin, this being a business meeting. Mrs. B. D. Wilson resigned as secretary and Mrs. E. L. Bryan was elected in her place. An interesting talk was made by the circle leader on the topic of the month, “When Races Meet,” also an appropriate poem. The meeting ilosed with a song, at the end of which Mrs. Medlin and Mrs. Bryan acted as joint hostesses in the serv- of a most delicious salad course, .fiffee and cakes. Circle No. 2 met with Mrs. A. S. Ballard last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Clara Lewis and Mrs. W. H. Xing in charge of the program. The kubject was “The Negro of the South.” After an interesting meeting, refreshments were served and enjoyed ^»y all present. Last Friday night Mrs. Carlton Kennedy entertained at a small party for her guests, Misses Dorothy Cole and Louise Frye, who were visiting ner from Carthage. Progressive games were enjoyed by the young peo ple, at the end of which delicious :’ruit punch, cake and .candy was serv ed. Those present were Misses Mir iam Johnson, Katharine Melvin, Lib Farree and Jones Macon, Harry Du Meer, Clifton Blue, Lacy Adcox, Henry Butner, Clyde Boyes, Billie Bowman. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Bap tist Church met at Mrs. V. F. Tarl- "on’s home last Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. Clara Lewis in charge of ■he program, and various ways and means were discussed by which the •ociety could make money for the ourpose of helping their church. Miss Mary Page and Mrs. Esther Jones, who have been spenxiing sev- eral weieks in Florida and other southern points, returned home last Week. and Mrs. John Sloan, accom panied by Miss Lois Bttrkley, at- T^^nded the Township meeting of the Sunday School Association held in Carthage last Sunday afternoon. Robert Farrell, a student of the Un iversity at Chapel Hill, N. C. spent the last week-end with his parents, Wr. and Mrs. R. G. Farrell. Sf/// better FRIGIDAIRES at still lower prices Savings of as much as $90 on some models Sharing the benefits of increased sales volume with the public ... as a result of this policy you are today offered greatly improved Frigidaires at the lowest prices in Frigid- aire history. Cali at our display room. Let us tell you about the new low prices. And let us show you how easily you can buy Frigid- aire oa the General Motors liberal payment plan. GREGORY & BUSHBY, INC. Electrical Contractors—Radio—Frigidaire Southern Pines, N. C. ♦♦ ♦♦ STILL GOING STRONG AT Knollwood Heights Mrs. Louise Hogg sells to Dr. Frank C. Buckmiller No. 435, on Fairway Drive and Becky Branch H list THE SOUTHERN PINES HOTEL AMERICAN PLAN 75 Rooms The Southern Pines Hotel extends to the winter resi dents of the Sandhill section a cordial invitation to make this hotel their headquarters while downtown. FRANK HARRINGTON, MANAGER The Southern Pines Hotel, Southern Pines, N. C. The Sea View Inn Biddeford Pool, Maine iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirif'f iiiiittittmmttttnniHHit This sale closes up the entire block in which it is situated, and also closes the entire eight blocks lying between Becky Branch and Azalea road and between Serpentine drive and Short road. This makes a group in which 76 locations are sold without one left in the area. Only 11 lots are left on Fairway drive between the Midland road and Central drive at the other end of the sub division. Dr. Buckmiller is another desirable member of the holding colony at Knollwood Heights. He is a close friend of Dr. Herr and Dr. McLaughlin. He is a physician and surgeon of high stand ing in Bridgeport, Connecticut, having the patronage and confi dence of the substantial folks there, and he is the kind of man to make a good neighbor and associate. S KNOLLWOOD. Incorporated - - - N. C. Pinehurst, - - - - Or any accredited Real Estate Agent in Pine hurst or Southern Pines Glenna Collett, at the Pine Needles, will aid those who would like to consider Knollwood sites.

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