MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 10, NO. 16. LAKE VIEW MANLEY PILOT FIRST ] NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, March 21, 1930. FIVE CENTS MEREDITH GIRLS SING FOR LOCAL RIWANIS CLUB Dr. Brewer of Meredith Deliver ed Eloquent and Enteitain- ing Address Mid-South Threats PUSHING LOAN FUND WORK The Kiwanis Club met this week at the Civic Club building in Southern Pines. The club was entertained by a number of young ladies from Mere- {^ith College. They sang several selec tions which were enjoyed by every one present. Dr. Brewer, president of Meredith College, delivered a very eloquent and entertaining- speech. Attention was ci-lled to the visit of Governor Hunny- utt of the Carolina District to the Raleigh Club on Friday of this week, r.nd a letter from the Raleigh Club inviting and urging as many of th( members, as possible to meet Govern or Hunnycutt at Raleigh. Several voiced their intentions to go. RECTOR SANDHILLS EPISCOPAL PARISH PASSES TO REWARD The Rev. Alaric James Drew Died Wednesday After Month’s Illness Announces Candidacy FUNERAL HELD TODAY On Wednesday morning, March 19, the community was shocked and griev ed to learn of the death of the Rev. Alarac James Drew, who passed on to his eternal home at 1:45 a'., ml His I t*emise followed after an illness of {Ibout a month which assumed a ser ious turn the week preceding’ his I death. The Rev. A. J. Drew was born at Moira, N. Y., September 23, 1886, where his boyhood years were spent. Ralph With Takes Issue X Of The Pilot An Editorial w r'P' .ions Absolute Accuracy of Butler’s Statement that “Prohibition Works.” THE SLAUGHTER KEEPS UP Forty killed and 321 injured by automobiles in February, is; the list given out by the State! authorities. This is less than the number killed in January, but | seven more than were killed in February a year ago. The analy sis says that three of the fatali- CITES OWN EXPERIENCE The the Editor of The Pilot: My friend and mentor, the prophet j of the Sandhills, Mr. Bion Butler (may his shadow never grow less and his kindly cheerful prophecies all be fulfilled) appears to me to have com mitted an error of fact. I regret the r> McLAUCHLIN Candidate for State Senate In the Parish Church there, when 12 Annual Kiwanis Ball imperative that categorically demands ties were caused by drivers who carping at this, because the Moore were drunk, seven were exceed-1 Tsestor is a tolerant, exj>er- Irg the speed limit three were I accurate observer of most oiT the wrong side of the road, Icomedy- three drove recklessly and fourj of lost control. With three reckless, I ^ entertaining paper that PROHI- three on the wrong side of the j ^^RKS. Marion Tuipie Lake (bft) and Mis: years of age, he was an altar boy and j at that time he resolved to dedicate I his life to the service of Christ and enter the ministry when he reached road, three drunk and seven ex- Week From Today I seeding the speed limit, it is I evident that 16 of the 40 fatali ties came from blamable causes. Booklets explaining the aims and ; Helen HicksT whose recenrexhibHVons | Wel’ountv FoMdatTon Inc^Mch i S'"'*'’’ Annandale- -viooie L ounry rounaation, inc., which : ^lost serious threats to the !5th, 1908, he became united in mar- Procceds Will Be Added to Ch:b’s Fund for Underpriv ileged Children This is a plain, flat, unmodified statement of fact. The truth or fal lacy of this statement can be easily ascertained. It is the only aspect of if care had been used by the drivers, and a fair law properly observed. -Tirl ha«? hePTi W i ' nage ne conrmuea nis mmisterial luc ocventu Aiinuai i ^ i i j i i. for the oast entered in .he ,,,aies at St. Stevens College fron. | K'iwar is hal, to be held at the .hfTirw^i? “atrol Forty per cent of these fatal I perplexing problem that can be cases were evidently preventable j definitely determined gTOWs out of the Students Loan Fund cn-the-Hudson, N. Y. After his mar-' outstanding social events aipremacy of Miss Glenna Collett, continued his ministerial Sandhills is the Seventh Annual Women’s Mid-South championship tourney, as is also Miss Collett. club for the past several years were placed in the hands of the members ci the club. This organization is now getting under way and it is hoped : that n,any worthy girls and boys who ^ Mid-SoUth WomCn’S nave heretofore been denied educa tional advantages may receive train ing through its bnefaction. Work Will Soon Start On McPherson House which he was graduated in 1910 and i Country Club on Friday even- later in 1913 he became a graduate iMarch 28. The dance as in the of the Berkeley Divinity School. Hi. looked forward to by many of f rst charge was the Episcopal Church i hotels as well as mem- in Ransaler, N. Y., where he remained ' younger set. The music ChaniDionshiD Monday years; and for eight years occasion will be furnished by I previous to his coming to Southern Waldo-Lp.motte eleven piece or- Will Be 54-Hole Medal Play Pi^es was Rector of the Eoiscopal , ^a^ce Over Couhse of Southern ^ Church in Cambridge, N. Y. A ser- underprivileged child- Pines Countrv^ Club illness required that he move to ^5” Moore County. It is expected Consider the imponderable con troversies atendant on this noble ex periment, which cannot be mathemat ically determined. For example: Is wine a sacrament, as contented most of the comment concerning i ^ ^ Christians, or a sacrilege, as the patrol is highly commend- i the Mohammedans and able, but the probability is that I Wilson. the officers of the state force; I^oes the demand create the sup- are doing an immense lot of > Stuart Mill’s good in holding collisions down | or does the supply foster to the figure where it is. The one a less rigorous climate. that there will be an unusually large The second Annual Mid-South Golf On November 1, 1925, he with his '-^^^'^dance foi this brilliant event. trouble with the patrol is that too few officers are asked to cover a territory that is far too big for the number of officers to care for .‘t. The unbiased re ed by the “whiskey ring” (names and addresses omitted), Andrew Mellon and the Republican party create the demand, as so ably edmonstrated by Mr. Josephus Daniels? Is it better to force people to adopt New House on Midland Road chTcmpinnship-staTt?? the Soutii- family came* to Southern Pines,, at the ball can he obtained (^ ^ 1^^^ customis with pistols and mag- ern Pines Country Club course next | which time Emmanuel Episcopal members of the ' PortS mat Come to J he Fllot m-, „ \SU! Be Built of White Quartz and Slate Monday. The tournament will be 54- Church w’as without a Rector. After hole medal play. The championship' a probationary term of six months. Aberdeen Kiwanis Club or from the following patronesses: Mrs. R. L. Hart, Mrs. Frank Goo:’will, Mrs. John J. A. McPherson, the builder has trophy given by the Southern Pines the Rev. Alaric James Drew was un- been getting material on the ground ^ Country Club will be awarded to the i «nimously called to become Rector of an:^ Mr^ Dickie f-n his lot bought from Jerry Healy, j low gross score for the 54 holes. In > Sandhills Parish. The services were on the Midland road between South- i addition there will be a second and crn Pines and the MceDeds creek i third low gross prize for the 54 holes then held in the old chapel, a frame structure, on Page Street. Mr. Drew of Sounthern Pines; Mrs. Richard S Tufts, Mrs. W. L. Dunlop, Mrs. I. C. Sledge, Mrs. L. L. Biddle, Mrs. Her- crossing. He will in a short time be- and a low gross prize for each 18 j being a man of vision, realized that McNab and gin work on a new house that will, boles. There will be several low net i this growing community needed a Pinehurst; Mrs. he an interesting use of some not | trophies as well as those for the larger and more suitable church build- Shambuiger, Mrs. Jesse W. very common material for house walls, I special event. While the need for this had long Mrs. Robert N. Page and Mrs. the white quartz rock that is so abun- , Entries already received include | heen recognized no leader hitherto had Nichols of Aberdeen, Mrs. dant in many parts of this county, ; Glenna Collett, Virginia Van Wie, j appeared who had th gift for organ- Garri- yet which is but little used on any ; Maureen Orcutt, Helen Hicks, Edith | illation and executive ability that were j Carthage, considerable scale. The location is up | Quier, Marion Turpie Lake, Louise , necessary for the undertaking. Mr. ! ~ , " the hill not far from the dam, on the ' Fordyce, Mrs. Sarah Fownes Wads-1 Drew’s health having greatly improv-! Babl6S ^Vllf PeatUFC dicate that the patrol is doing a | remarkablv effective work, and i,Tzar and , that the success of their efforts Methodist Bishops) or to persuade iiustifies J decided increase in ! by example and loymg kindness i their numbers. The patrol has j ^ been organized on an intelligent ' basis, tne men engaged are cor- j ^ial and helpful, they try to help i drivers to keep within the law% ! and to impress on them the nec- ; essity of care in driving. But no I officers can control drivers who liillfiide of the road, overlooking much of the valley, and in a position that will give a good picture of the new worth, Louise Elkins, Mrs. Quier and j ed he threw his whole heart and soul 1 Mr=. Hunter Eckert. j into securing the funds necessary for ; Pairings and starting times will be : the erection of a church on lots al Next Week’s Races (the major premise of the gospel ac- ^7 If a legislature enacts laws most people won’t obey. Who is to blame, the legislators or the people? When is a law not a law? And why? Is the prohibition amendment the do not show anv inclination in 1 law against themselves of making the high- f that one forbidding parking in ishady lanes? Is there any difference? Do those worthy people who aschew rum and fill the savings banks with building as well as affording a good published in the Sandhills Daily News i ready owned by the Parish on Ridge picture from the house. Mr. McPherson expects to build a house that will cost about $15,000. It iii from plans that Mr. Yeoman is shaping for him from ske^tches by Mr. McPherson, whose experience in building has given him ideas of what he wants to incorporate in the new structure. With the two of those men working together the result will be a house that will be a valuable addition to the neighborhood, and with the ma terial that is to be used it will prob ably be an example in the further of stone. Along with the white Quartz rock a considerable amount of the slates from Colin Spencer’s quar ries will be utilized in gettirg the ef- ^ that Mr. McPlierson wants, and the combination will be brought out plainly in the conspicuous location the house will occupy. ^laterial is pretty well on the Pi'ound, and after Mr. McPherson comes hack from a brief trip north he will make preparations to start ^'ork. Talk is heard of other build- in that vicinity, which is logical ^or the hillside along the road from the railroad down to the creek con tains a lot of building sites that are regarded by those familiar with real estate attractions as among the most desirable in the community. This house at one end of the Midland road, l^r. Jones building at the Pinehurst and the Morrell house in the Midland Farms section, will make the ^idland road a lively section dur- the summer. HOLD MASS MEETING oi Sunday, March 23. Father Gabacan Makes Appeal for Persecuted Discusses Conditions in Russia in Connection with . Special Prayer Service Citizens of Aberdeen in consider able number attended a mass meet- i^ig held at the call of the retail mer chants of Aberdeen. H. C. Renegar of Sanford addressed the gathering. In accordance with the appeal of Pope Pius XI special prayers were of. fered, in connection with Lenten Ser vices for the persecuted Christians and Jews in Russia. Father Vincent Gabacan, who is assisting Father Dil lon, in comm iting upon this situa tion, said: “The plight of these victims of inhuman persecution .should appeal to the sympathy of the civilized world. Triumphant Communism in Soviet Russia is subjecting believers in God to a persecution equalled to any the pagan Roman Emperors inflicted on the early Christians. Thousands have been exiled to Siberia for their re ligion to suffer and die of extreme hardship. Thousands have been bru tally tortured for their belief in God. Six thousand have been cruelly exe cuted for religious convictions. In pursuance of the anti-religious campaign the Soviet gavemment of Russia has destroyed churches and synagogues or turned them into mu seums, places of amusement or social clubs. The boast of the atheistic lead ers of the communism in Russia is that the nation will be godless by 1933. An anti-God sys.tem of educa tion is in operation to pervert the minds of the young and turn them against God and religion. Organized athesim is dominant in this unhappy land. All is done in the name of breaking the shackles of supersti tions. j Street and Massachusetts Avenue. | * Despite discouragments that would I ! have daunted a less courageous and ! optimistic man, he worked with un-1 remitting zeal and within a period ' of about a year work was commenced and now a dignified and substantial structure of North Carolina granite, the first completed united of the church home, stands as a perpetual memorial to the faith and the courage | jj^Vses^ will and tireless ends of Alaric James i 1 Drew. His indomitable will and am- i Youngsters from Stables of H. Stacy Smith Will Appear on Track for First Time ways safe. The death list and the long roster of injuries is due to the people w^ho drive the cars, and , ^ , only two ways will reach them. School A very interesting feature of the races next Wednesday will be a race in which the contestants are tw'o year olds and three year olds from the Stables of H. Stacy Smith. These colts have been training at Pinehurst this v/inter and for the first time in the history of the race track, these baby seen in a race. The Ninth Annual 5 1-2 Furlong , , . , , Running Race for the President’s bit.on carried him beyond his physi-j Cup, is the fsatur® race of the day cal strength for besides organizing and carrying on the work of the Parish in Southern Pines, he conduct ed services at regular intervals at Pinebluff, Samarcand Manor, Pine Crest Manor and the State Sanator ium. Mr. Drew was a member of the Kiwanis Club and was always deeply interested in any plans for the bet terment of the community. The many messages of sympathy receivd by his family testify to the high esteem and deep affection in which he was held and the 6th Annual Springtime 7 Fur long and the 6th Annual Getaway Race for non-winners completes the running program. The harness events vnth the fast contenders of Mr. Watt, Mr. Callery, Mr. Tyson and Mr. Scott will be sure to give us many thrills. A special program of eques trian gymkhana events is being pre pared. This is the last race day of the season ' children do so because they are com- J he one is an mcimation on the i „ , , • • , . . veiled by a criminal staute or for some other reason? part of all drivers to make the roads safe, which means the con demnation of unsafe drivers no matter who they are, and the other is a big enough force of patrolmen to put the fear of the law in the hearts of thereckless and lawless driver. All the?e deep and perplexing prob lems can be handled with assurance by anybody. But to say that Fri'ohibition j Works:! Here we get out of the clouds to j the most elementary piece of common information, which anyone can find out by a most haphazard observation. This statemer^ can only mean that That Taft smile that wont come off Volstead Ac't actualPy do«« forci- is glued on Charlie Picquet’s face a | “’’P^eeiable number of litle tighter this T< e?k by the receipt I drinking any- PICQUET RECEIVES MERITED RECOGNITION FOR THEATRE of a tablet about a foot square v/hich is inscribed: on (Please turn to Page 8) DONALD J. ROSS IS HONORED BY FRIENDS Donald J. Ross, veteran golf ar chitect, who for thirty years has been connected with Pinehurst Golf, was Thursday night tendered a banquet by about two hundred of his friends in celebration of his completion of this period of service. Many of those in attendance had come from distant parts of the county for this purpose. Mr. Ross was presented with a chest of 72 pieces of silver. The principal speaker of the evening was John Fahy of Washington, D. C., former president of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Hopkins of New York Passes Away Had Been Regular Winter Resi dent Here for Many Seasons Mrs. Beatrice EHwards jand hfar brother, Samuel Porter Hopkins, were called unexpectedly to New York the first of the week to the funeral of their father, Dr. Hopkins. Dr. Hopkins who has been quite ill for the past year and one half passed away on Saturday. Although Sam Hopkins is the only member of the family here all this winter, for many seasons past. Dr. and Mrs. Hopkins have occupied a house here and have a great num ber of friends in the Sandhills. A MARK OF HONOR HAS BEEN AWARDED THIS THEATRE FOR THE HIGH QUALITY OF ITS PRODUCTION OF SOUND PICTURES BY EXHIBITORS WORLD-HERALD The high standard that Mr. Picquet has established and maintained in his picture shows has been attracting at-1 thing containing more than one half rer cent of alcohol. Well, I call the bet. And I will state in refutation the following absolutely undeniable facts, every one of which is drawn from my own immediate experience. It has not prevented one from drinking on any occasion, anywhere in the United States. It has not even inconvenienced me one single time that I wanted a drink during all these years. I have a fairly large acquaintnce. tention from many directions, and and I travel around quite a bit. And frequently approval of this sort comes from tha?e who have been noting what Southern Pines and Pinehurst are of fering in the way of amusements. NEW AIR RAIL SERVICE PROPOSED FOR SANDHILLS There is some talk of an air-rail service for the Sandhills. The secre tary of the Southern Pines Chamber of Commerce gathered a group of representative men of the Sandhills ill the Country Club Tuesday noon to hear Mr. Thread gill, formerly of the Raleigh airport outline a scheme for 8 flying service with the Seaboard R. R. to start at Southern Pines for Jacksonville, Tampa and Miami. I make a point of asking almost everyone I see if the Volstead Act has prevented them from drinking or if they had ever seen or heard of any one it prevented. This question I have propounded to bishops, governors, jiJd^s, district attorney, social workers, amiable old ladies, preachers, sheriffs, policemen, bootleggers, school children, convicts in jail, college professors and Presby terian Elders. And in not one single case have any of these ever heard of a man woman or child that was pre vented by this Act from drinking any time, any place. True, a number didn’t drink. But (Please turn to Page 8)

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