3 THE PILOT, a Paper With Character, Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, April 25, 1930. Symington Issues j 17 In Pinehurst Meningitis Warning { Graduating Class High School Commencement Ex ercises Conclude Tuesday with Award of Diplomas Asks Cooperation of Health Of ficials in Preventing Recur rence of Epidemic Attention is being called to the vrevalences of spinal meningites tliroughout the United States. In the vast wide spread epidemics have oc- cuvred throughout the country includ ing both north and southern states. In New York City there were many cases and many children died ^ e disease. At present there are indica tions that next winter may produce an epidemic. A number of cases are scattered here and there which wUl pr(>bably disapTVear and the aecrease during the summer, but the oisease may spring up again in epi demic form next winter, Any cases occuring in the spring s ou promptly tre.1«ed and says Dr. J .Symington, county healt officer, and all contacts During the months of January, ruarv and March of this year we are told in a letter from the State Board of Health, Raleigh, there were o- cases of this disease reported ^ t Bureau of Epidemiology, State Board of Health, as compared with 14 cases during the same period of 1»^9- Cerebro-spinal meningitis if a spe cific infectious disease characterized bv- inflamation of the cerebro-spinal meninges and a clinical course of great irtiegularity. Th«’e^re two forms of meningitis, one of which is due to the Diplococcus intracellulans meningitidis (meningococcus) and known as epidemic menmgitis or spinal fever. The other form is spro- adic in character and may be due to the pneumococcus, streptc^coccus, bacillus of influenza, typhoid bacillus, colon bacillus, eitc. Epidemic menin- gitis is probably always due to the inening'ococcus. Pa;thologically, t e two forms are practically alike; bac- teiiolcgically, they are different. The diagnosis, -therefore, diepends upon the bacteriological examination of the spinal flueid', nasal pharyngeal se- ci etions. “Leending the specimens to the labora- j •tory for a diagnosis. When fluid; NS of water surge futilely againtt X the General Electric Re^igerating Units in dealers’ windows throughout the country. From coast to coast people are witnessing an astonishing demonstration of the unfailing reliability of General Electric SealedU In-Steel Refrigerating Units. Drowned in torrents of water— they are operating quietly, efficiently* perfectly. Dramatically Qeneral Electric shows why not one owner has ever spent a cent for service* No other mechanical refrigerator could withstand the test. Its mechanism bathed in oil and hermetically sealed in steel— is unaffected by air, dirt and moisture. The General Electric is trouble-proof and worry-proof. The cabinet is of all steel construction —porcelainlined. Itis movable. Built up on legs—it has a free-vision base that permits true kitchen cleanliness. Freezing is rapid. Food storage capacity is g»-eater. High efficiency and lower power requirements cut operating costs. Here is the most helpful and least expensive household servant you can have. Ask us to prove these advantages to your complete satisfaction. GENERAL ^ELECTRIC AU-STEEL REFRlCEHATOa NOW PRICED AS LOW AS $205 at th« Factory The Electric Shop Pinehurst, N. C. Join us in die Qeneral Electric Hour hroadcast every Saturday from 9 to 10 p» nu. Eastern Standard Time, over a nationwide hf. B. C. netwotk* Go through traffic in a Chrysler. Leara hills up which you have struggled how nimbly and e£fordessly it threads laboriously in other cars. Watch the its way through the maze . . . hew Chrysler pass everything on the fast it is oa pick-up . . . how easily it handles ... how safe and sure are its weatherproof 4-wheel hydraulic brakes. Take it out on the open /oad. Step on it . . . get the tingle of its speed test its smoothness and quietness. Climb hills— $ 795 NEW CHRYSLER SIX Lowest-priced six ever to bear the Chrysler name. With such Chrysler engineering develop- draulic brakes; 62-b.p. high- compression engine mounteaon ments as weatherproof hy- \-h.p. hif^ nbres rubber; hydraulic shocit ab sorbers; Chrysler - styled alU steel bodies. Fit'e body styles^ 1795 to $845, /. o. b. factory. steepest grades. We will gladly place A Chrysler at your disposal so that you can give it things to do — difficult things—and learn for yourself how much better it does them than any other motor car that you have ever driven. 'There is a Chryslerfor every purse and need—Imperial, and New ChrysUrStoi Franklin Sales Company, Inc. Phone 10 Aberdeen, N. C. THE PINEHURST WAREHOUSES Pinehurst. North Carolina The Home of Dependable Roofing Nothing- has made more positive advances in recent years than the material used in covering- roofs. Wood shingles for many years prevailed in this country because they were cheap and rather easy to handle. But they were open to some grave objections, danger from fire being- perhaps the chief. From shingles to slate, to comp osition shingles, to asphalt roofs, and many other devices. But in recent years have come those asphalt combinations that offer practically everything- the roof can need. AT THE Pinehurst Warehouses Is the New Ruftex Shingle Here is a new creation, in two remarkable colors, Gresham Gray and Rugby Brown, roug-h i n appearance, thick, heavy, har monizing with roug-h or cut stone, with brick, with wood. The textured surface and the varied pattern, along- with the economy and the durability of the Ruftex shing-le mark an ad vance in roof construction. This shingle will help to further mark Pinehurst and vicinity as one of the most modern examples of village home construction in this country. AT THE PINEHURST WAREHOUSES Pinehurst, N. C. ft n #• u a H a