; day, October 24, 1930. F*inehurst E=>aragraphs THE PILOT, a Paper With*Character» Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Piv9 Vi. and Mrs. E. J. B«van and o hter, Georgina, have returned to . home on Midland Road. Rev. Murdoch McLeod and J. anieron are attending a meeting ihp Synod of North Carolina in iingrton this week. -vs. 0. H. Stutts has been called former home in Franklin, Va., i count of the illness of her moth- -i. Lawrence. ^ Verdun Shaw, who is a student u’sburg College ,spent the week- ere with her parentk, Mr. and Robert Shaw. Rev. and Mrs. T. A. Cheatham •e'urned after spending the sum- . r I Pittsburgh, Pa. F. Parsons, who underwent a ; serious operation at the Moore Hospital on Friday is report- 0 he making satisfactory improve- s. Murdoch McLeod and baby, t hy Shaw, are visiting Mrs. Mc- :!*« parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. L. ^ w in Sumter, S. C. : ibs Mae Chapman has returned '1 V ill open the Cottage School this : K. r eddie Fields celebrated his ninth hday on Tuesday with a party at -he home of his parents, Mr. and ^ ‘ . Ellis Fields. Eleven boys enjoy- this delightful party and after P lying games for a while, they were -’ved ice cream, cake and home- ■lade cookies. On Friday afternoon, Mrs. Alex Stewa^’t was hostess to five tables of bridge at her home on Midland Road. High score prize was won by Mrs. H. G. Poole of Carthage, second by I-'s. W. H. Coffey, Lakeview and hird by Mrs. A. P. Thompson. Miss Kate Matthews received low score Piize. After spending the summer in Mich- 'pan, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clow have returned and will soon open their ;ift shop in the Market Square build ing. Mrs. Murdoch McLeod returned Sat- i ur ay from a visit of several days | with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Shaw in Sumter, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sally spent K_aturday in Greensboro with their daughter. Miss Lerora Sally, who is a student at N. C. C. W. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Partridge and family have returned for the winter season. They spent the summer at Belgrade Lakes, Maine, W, P. Hardin and O. H. Stutts were week-end guests in the home of Dr. R. N. Hardin in Greensboro. Miss Mae Chapman has returned from Cleveland, Ohio, where she pass ed the summer vacation and has op ened the Cottage School for the com ing season. Mrs. Irvin Johnson and little daughter, Janet, of Brookline, Mass., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Quale. Miss Kate Matthews and Miss Ar- nette spent the week-end at their home in Wagram. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Keith had as their guests for the day Sunday, Mr. Keith’s sister, Mrs. BoT> Patterson and family of Manley. Mrs. Norfleet P. Ray is spending this week in New York City. The Rev. Murdoch McLeod and Eld- ei J. B. Cameron attended a meet ing of the Synod of N. C. at Wil mington last week. After spending the summer in Hy- annis Port, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. True P. Cheney have returned to Pine- hurst. Mrs. 0. H. Stutts returned on Mon day from a visit with relatives in Franklin, Va. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Lawrence, who will remain for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. Percy F. Allen of Fayetteville have taken an apartment of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clow for the winter. Awards for School and Other Exhibits At Moore County A^icultural Fair THE WEEK IN VASS Bynum Patterson and his friend, Richard B. White, of Philadelphia, Mississippi spent a part of this week \vith Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cameron, young Patterson’s uncle and aunt. Patterson is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Patterson, former res idents of this section, and he is mak ing an effort to get acquainted with his numerous relatives in this State. Mrs. W. C. Leslie, Mrs. C. J. Tem ple and Mrs. H. A. Borst attended ihe Sunday School convention at Southern Pines Sunday afternoon. Interest in the Presbyterian reviv al services which have been in prog ress for nearly three weeks continues c increase. On last Sunday afternoon at the closing services at Cypress church, there was a record crowd present, and the music was unusually ood. Mr. Brigham delighted the con- vegation with several solos and a male quartet from Swann Station ommunity was especailly well re ceived. Services are being held each evening this week at the Lakeview •hurch and on next Sunday evening the final week’s series will begin at Vass. The Rev. Mr. Martin of Siler City will preach at the Vass Baptist church a 11:15 o’clock next Sunday morn ing and all are cordially invited to be present. Mr.s. A. D. McLauchlin has been ick for several days, but Is much im proved. Mrs. E. J. Tillman has returned from Laurinburg, where she spent some time with her mother. Miss Willie Pearl Alexander, Mrs. Pauline Wilson and Edgar Alexander 'ame down from Durham to spend imday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. .exander. Robert Leslie of Rockingham spent ^imday with his parents, Mr. and Mr>. W. C. Leslie. Ilhs Jennie Cameron retii^'ned last - k from a two weeks' visit with ^^e ds in Rockingimni *' r. and Mrs. Luther Ne^wton of igh were Sunday guests of Miss '^0 a Giles and Elizabeth and Jean- e Baggett. - -ss Mae Mack of Hamlet spent ' lay and Saturday with Mrs. S. J mith. and Mrs. A. R. Laubscher and accompanied by J. B. Seaw- H id family of Glendon, visited Mr. Mrs. Claud Cox of Greensboro ‘r, and Mrs. J. J. Edwards and n, ’rayson, of Wildwood, Florida, ' t ifuests at Hotel Charmella dur- r * .he week-end. • in Thompson of Winston-Salem ne dinner guest of Mrs. Mag n and daughters on Saturday. IFloyd Keith and Floyd, Jr., of ' 1 ‘n spent a part of last weeek Mrs. A. J. Keith. 'T . and Mrs. H. L. Thompson of inlet visited at the home of Mr. and • A. K. Thompson, Sunday. Mrs. Thompson and Juanita returned to Hamlet with them for the purpose of having Juanita’s tonsils and ade noids removed. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin and three children of Hamlet visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keith Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Alice Martin of R.?.Ieigh is spending some time with her broth- ei, W. D. Wilson and Mrs Wilson at their home near Vass. Tom Edwards and son of Parkton visited Mrs. Mary E. Edwards Sun- aay. Mrs. Maggie Parham and Miss Ola Parham of White Hill spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tyson. Dr. John McKay of Buie’s Creek visited hU sister, Mrs. A. M. Cam eron a day or two last week. Alex McGill and Alton Thompson of Maxton spent Sunday at the home of Alex’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch McGill, on route 2. Melvin Cameron who is a student at the Univresity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill spent the we^k-end with relatives near Vass. Mr. and Mrs. N. N. McLean and children visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Norton and family at their home near Raeford last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. A. Keith, accompanied by her son, L€K>n and Mrs. R. L. Old ham, went to the State Sanatorium cne day last week for examination. She is getting along very nicely and can sit up for a few minutes at the time. Alton Lawrence came home from Chapel Hill to spend Friday night with his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Charles A. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McKeithen, Ar chie McKeithen and VaVnder McNeill of Raeford visited at the homes of T. J. Smith and J. A. Keith, Sunday. J. F. Stover, traveling general util ity agent for the Seaboard, and Mrs. Stover were guests at Hotel Char- Mella during the week-end. Ray Griffin of Hamlet spent a part of last week with Vick Keith. Misses Louise, Edith and Martha Smith of Hamlet were guests of their sister, Mrs. Vester Smith, Saturday. The Rev. M. D. McNeill of Cam eron visited Mrs. T. J. Smith and Mrs. J. A. Keith recently. A POETESS AT 8 It is a cool October day. The farmer’s raking up the hay, The trees with fruit are bending down Until they nearly touch the ground. The leaves are turning red and gold preparing for the winter cold. The goldenrod is yellow. The gentian’s deepest hue In October’s fairest weather Matches the bright sky blue. KATHRYN CHARLES, aged 8. Awards on the School Exhibits at the Moore County Agricultural Fair last week were made as follows: Industries of Moore County: 1st, Dorothy Keller, Eagle Springs School; 2nd, Lucile Smith, Eagle Springs School. Moore County Maps: 1st, C. E. Snipes, Carthage School; 2nd, Bessie Klingenschmidt, Vass School; 3rd, Parker Gardner, Vass School. Home Economics Exhibit: 1st, Car thage High School; 2nd, Pinehurst High School. Agricultural Exhibit: Vass School. High School Exhibit: 1st, Carthage High School; 2nd, Cameron High School; 3rd, Farm Life School. Grammar Grade Exhibit: 1st, Cam eron School; 2nd, Fami Life School. Primary Exhibit: 1st, Pinehurst School; 2nd, Eagle Springs School; 3rd, Cameron School. Essay Industries of Moore County: l?t, Jimmie Cooper, Carthage High School; 2nd, Eula Flynn and Ida Whitaker, Cameron High School; 3rd, Charlie Caddell, Carthage High School. Essay History of Moore County: ist, Fannie Louise Rosser, Farm Life School, 2nd, George ‘ Cabell Penn, Carthage High School; 3rd, Mary Worthy Spence and Katherine Cagle (tie), Carthage School. Essay, Resources of Moore County: 1st, Elizabeth Anne Spencer, Carthage School; 2nd, Jessie Thomas and Thel ma Bruner, Cameron School. Many Awards Made The awards for flowers, cooking, canning, needlework and among 4-H Club members were made as follows, the first, second and third prizes be ing awarded in the order named: Flowers Chrysanthemums, Mrs. Ed Fry. Dahlias, Mrs. D. A. McLauchlin. Zinnias, Miss Mamie Arnold. Roses, Bernice Blue, Mrs. W. D. McCraney, Mrs. D. M. Phillips. Basket of Garden T'lowers, Mrs. M. G. Maxwell, Mary Maude Har rington, Mrs. A. D. Shields. Breads and Cakes Graham Loaf, Mrs. Z. V. Blue. White Loaf, Mrs. Z. V. Blue. Angel Food Cake, Mrs. M. W. Wall. Layer Cake, Mrs. J. E. Shields, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Mrs. Ed Fry. Pound Cake, Mrs. W. J. Harring ton, Mrs. Edgar Graham, Mrs. W. D. Ferguson. Baking Powder Biscuits, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Miss Margaret Thomas. Soda Biscuits, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Mrs. D., M. Phillips, Miss Mamie Ar nold. Cookies, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Blanche Graham, Mrs. Z. V. Blue. Muffins, Miss Margaret Thomas, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Mrs. C. A. Prevost. Rolls, Miss May Stuart, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Mrs. John Wilcox. Candies Creams, Mrs. J. A. McPherson, Lil lian Phillips, Mrs. G. C. Shaw. Divinity, Miss Mae Ifyson, Mrs. Edgar Graham. Fudge, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Mrs. Ed gar Graham. Mints, Miss Mae Tyson. ' Taffy, Miss Mamie Arnold. Canned Meats Chicken, Mrs. Z. V. Blue. Canned Fruits Apples, Mrs. W. J. Harrington, Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. M. C. Mc Donald. Blackberries, Mrs. Ed Mash9>urn, Mrs. W. N. Kidd, Mrs. J. Q. Rey nolds. Cherries, Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. M. C. McDonald, Mrs. M. C. McDon ald. Dewberries, Miss Blanche Graham, Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, Miss Margaret Thomas. Grapes, Mrs. B. P. Gulledge, Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. D. A. McLauch lin. Huckleberries, Mrs. B. P. Gulledge, Miss Blanche Graham. Peaches, Mites ‘-(Glizslbeth McCas- kill, Mrs. D. A. McLauchlin, Mrs. J. F. Davis. Pears, Mrs. W. J. Harrington, Mrs. Lucy McCallum, Mrs. John Russell. Strawberries, Mrs. J. E. Curry. Canned Vegetables Beans, Mrs. W. J. Harrington, Mrs. C. L. Gulledge, Mrs. John Russell. Beets, Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. Josie Stanley. Butter Beans, Mrs. M. C. McDon ald. Carrots, Mrs. M. C. McDonald. Corn, Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. R. L. Phillips, Mrs. W. D. Ferguson. Kraut, Mrs. J. P. Clark, Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. H .B. Marsh. Peas, Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, Mrs. Evelyn Boaz, Mrs. W. J. Harrington. Pimentoes, Mrs. W. E. Kelly, Miss Margaret Thomas, Mrs. E. B. Har rington. Pumpkin, Mrs. R. L. Phillips. Squash, Mrs. R. L. Phillips. Soup Mixtures, Mrs. W. E. Kelly, Mrs. W. J. Harrington, Mrs. Z. V. Blue. ' Tomatoes, Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, Mrs. H. E. Davis, Mrs. H. R. Bry ant. Fruit Juices Dewberry, Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Miss Margaret Thomas. Grape, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Miss Mag gie Arnold, Mrs. W. E. Kelly. Jellies Apple, Mrs. Ed Mashburn, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Miss Margaret Thomas. Blackberry, Mrs. Byron L. Church ill, Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. W. D. Ferguson. Dewberry, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Mrs. Byron L. Churchill, Mrs. J. E. Cur rie. Grape, Mrs. Byron L. Churchill, Mrs. R. L. Phillips, Mrs. D. J. Thomas. Peach, Mrs. Byron L. Churchill. Plum, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Mrs. Josey Stanley, Mrs. D. M. Phillips. Scuppernong, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Mrs. Byron L. Churchill, Mrs. W. G. Max well. Pickles andRelishes Beet, Mrs. H. B. Marsh, Mrs. Eve lyn Boaz, Mrs. J. F. Davis. o Chow-chow, Mrs. E. B. Harrington, Mrs. R. L. Phillips, Mrs. John Rus sell. Corn Relish, Mrs. D. M. Phillips. Cucumber Pickle, Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, Mrs. H. B. Marsh. Green Tomato Pickle, Mrs. W. M. Phillips, Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, Mrs. Z. V. Blue. Peach Pickle, Mrs. W. M. Phillips, Mrs. R. L. Phillips, Mrs. W. D. Fer guson. Pear Pickle, Mrs. J. K. Roberts, Mrs. B. P. Gulledge. Pepper Hash, Mrs. R. L. Phillips, Mrs. J. E. Currie, Mrs. J. F. Davis. Spiced Grape, Miss Mamie Arnold, Mrs. J. E. Currie, Mrs. D. J. Thomas. Watermelon Rind Pickle, Mrs. R. L. Phillips, Mrs. J. E. Currie, Miss Mamie Arnold. Preserves Apples, Mrs. W. M. Phillips, Mrs. D. J. Thomas. Dewberry, Mrs. Z. V. Blue. Fig, Mrs. W. G. Maxwell, Mrs. B. P. Gulledge, Mrs. D. A. McLauchlin. Grape, Mrs. W. E. Kelly, Miss Mar garet Thomas. Peach, Mrs. Ed Mashburn, Mrs. D. J. Thomas. Pear, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Miss Mar garet Thomas, Mrs. E. B. Harring ton. Strawberry, Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Mrs. R. L. Phillips. Watermelon Rind, Mrs. Josey Stan ley, Mrs. J. E. Shields, Mrs. H. B. Marsh. N eedle wor k—Clothing Kitchen Apron, Mary Martindale, Mrs. Byron Churchill. Baby’s Handmade Cap, Mrs. J. T. Russell, Mrs. D. M. Phillips. Child’s Dress, Mrs. Eldon Adams, Mrs. J. D. Bailey, Mrs. Lucidn Ty son. Girl’s Dress (made from old gar ment)—Mrs. C. R. Mills. Boy’s Pants (Made from old gar ment)—Mrs. C. A. Prevost. Boy’s Suit, Mrs. H. P. McPherson. Best Article from Cotton Sacks, Mrs. John Russell, Mrs. Byron Churchill, Mrs. Bessie Snipes. Linens Bed quilt, Mrs. India Price, Mrs. H. R. Bryant. Crocheted Bedspread, Miss Jack son, Mrs. R. L. Phillips. Embroidered Bedspread, Mrs. Ed gar Graham, Mrs. Opie Hussey, Eliza Greene. Knitted Bedspread, Miss Lydia Mc Rae. Tufted Bedspread, Mrs. G. B. Snipes, Mrs. J. F. Davis. Boudoir Pillow, Mrs. Fannie Down ing, Eliza Greene, Mrs. Ed Muse. Pillow Cases, Mrs. D. M. Phillips, Mrs. J. F. Davis, Mrs. Ed Muse. Searf, Mrs. Byron Churchill, Mrs. J. F. Davis, Elizabeth McCaskill. Arts and Crafts Pine Needle Basket, Miss Mamie Arnold, Mrs. Byron Churchill. Placque, Miss Margaret McLeod. Hooker Rug, Miss Blennie William son, Mrs. R; L. Tyson, Mrs. Norda Morgan. - Braided Rug, Mrs. C. L. Gulledge, Miss Mamie Arnold. Reed Tray, Miss Margaret Mc Leod. Apron, Mary Jackson Yow, Doro thy Kellis, Louise Caddell. Dress, Lorraine Wilcox, Mary Jacksqn Yow, Margaret Wilcox. Kimono, Margaret Wilcox. Nightgown, Lucille Harrington, Dorothy Kellis, Mary Jackson Yow. Sewing Bag, Grace Blue, Mary Jackson Yow. Dorothy Kellis. Live stock, poultry and other awards of this nature were not received by The Pilot in time for publication this w^eek. HELEN WARING SINKS LONG PUTT TO WIN AT RALEIGH Miss Helen Waring of Pinehurst sank a 10-foot putt on the seventh hole of a play-off to win low gross prize in the invitational tournament at the Carolina Country club in Ral eigh Wednesday. Mrs. Marshall Critchford of Durham was the play off loser. Seventy-five ,women compteted in the tournament. SPENCER CAMPAIGNS IN HIGH FALLS AND ANSON Colin G. Spencer of Carthage, Re publican candidate for member of Congress from the Seventh Congres sional district, will visit High Falls and adjoining country and Wades- boro and Anson county next week, re turning to Moore county for the re maining days before the election on Nvember 4th. FOR EVERY PURPOSE Regardless of what sort of lumber you need, you’re sure to find it in our stock. We guarantee your utmost satisfaction. Our hard seasoned lumber will give you perma nent building satisfaction. Cut in a great variety of sizes now awaiting your building specifications. M. H. FOLLEY Lumber, Millwork & Builders Supplies Aberdeen, N. C. Phone 129 MIDLAND FARMS I Acreage Home Locations Just off the Midlands road, the double track Main street between Southern Pines, Knollwood Heights, Mid Pines and Pinehurst. About a mile from Knollwood and Pine Needles. The same distance from Mid Pines. A little more from Pinehurst and Southefn Pines. Close enough to everything for all purposes, and far enough from everything to give plenty of room and pri vacy of home surroundings. Topographically perfect, with an outlook over the whole territory, over the Barber lakes, over the South ern Pines impounding reservoir, close by the water lines, the light and power wires, the telephones, and served by the most interesting highway in North Caro lina. Size of tracts made to suit buyer, with proper re gard for the harmony sustained toward the other loca tions. Interested persons are invited to make inquiry at the GENERAL OFFICES, PINEHURST, N. C. Or Consult any Accredited Real Estate Dealer in Pinehurst or Southern Pines* H

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