\ ■■ ^ jTriday, November 14, 1930 t •>■ r -' A 4w the pilot, a Paper With Character. Alferdeen. North Carolina Page NIb« SPECIALS! LADIES’SHOES star Brand and Hamilton Brown, New Styles $2.75 to $4.50 MEN’S SUITS New Stylets and Colors $10.00 to $25.00 BOYS’SUITS 2 pants $5.50 to $11.00 BRADLEY SWEATERS AU styles, sizes abS colors $1.00 to $7.00 I 0. B. FLINCHUM & SONS I ABERDEEN CARTHAGE rAE T. BARmm, inc. Insurance of All Kinds —^At The— Citizens’ Bank Building: Southern Pines, N. C. Successors To H PAUL T. BARNUM S. B. RICHARDSON, INC. H INVESTMENT SECURITIES STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD PINEHURST INVESTMENT COMPANY, Inc. PINEHURST, N. C. H n n n ♦♦ n H ♦4 ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦4 s ♦4 H u » H Why assume the risk? Numerous Burglaries and Robberies that have occurred recently accounts of which / are in the press daily make us realize more fully the import ance of providing’ for in demnity for losses arising from those causes. Residence Burglary; Per sonal Hold-Up; Safe Bur glary and Office and Store Burglary and Robbery are some of the forms of insur ance offered you. Cost compared to protec tion afforded is almost neg ligible. MID-SOUTH INSURANCE AGENCY PINEHURST, N. C. iiuiiitwiitmiiiuiitiiutttti Reliability and Economy of The Ford is Revealed in the Preference of Millions of Motorists. They have found, as you will find, embodies every feature you want or need in a mot at an unusually low price. PROMPT, COURTEOUS, EFFICIENT SERVICE H. A. PAGE, JR. Aberdeen, North Carolina >^berdeen Social Events Book Club E#ntertaiiied The Aberdeen Book Club was charmingly entertained on last Thura- day afternoon at the home of Mrg. H. E. Bowman on Poplar street. The subject for the afternoon was Pacific Islands,” and the following interesting papers were read: “Hawaii and the Phillipines” by Mrs. H. L. Boggs; “Samoa, Tonga and the Fiji islands” by Mrs. S. E. Sloan and “Australia and New Zealand” by Mrs. W. ,A. Blue. At the close of the regular program an enjoyable . social hour followed. The special guests invited in for this meeting were Mrs. N. A. Courtway, Mrs. J. F. Deaton, Mrs. Will Car ter, Mrs. W. W. Norris, Mrs. C. B. Thomas, Mrs. W. T. Batchelor, Mrs. Louis McBrayer and Miss Mary Wild er and her house guest, Mrs Lan dis. Bible Class Meets The Wesley Bible Class of young ladies of the Aberdeen Methodist Church held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles B. Thomas on Poplar street on Tuesday night of this week, with Mrs. C. B. Thomas, Mrs. Sidney Windham, Mrs. Marvin Mc Farland, Mrs. Clay Kirk and Miss Lil lian Brown acting as joint hostesses. During the regular business hour the clothing for the orphan which class supports was displayed, and plans laid for sending it to her. An interesting Armistice Day con test was enjoyed by the members during the social hour which follow ed the meeting. Notice The November meeting of the Par- ent-Teachers Association will be held on Wednesday afternoon, Noveirtber 19th, at 3:30 o^clock at the High School auditorium. It is hoped that a full attendance of members will be present. Notice The young ladies composing Mrs. R. G. Farrell’s and Mrs. C. T. Johnson^s Sunday School classes will give a Sil ver Tea at the Aberdeen Baptist Church on Friday night, November 14th, beginning at 7:30 o’clock. There will be a special musical program in which the Sandhill Sixteen will take part, and which is sure to prove en joyable. This Tea is given to pay off the final indebtedness on the church pews, and it is earnestly urged that it be well attended. Personals Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purdy, and little daughter Harriet of Sanford, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M, S. W^’eaver and other friends in Aberdeen. Friends of B. D. Wilson regret to learn that he has been quite ill with an attack of his heart. J. McN. Johnson, who has been re ceiving hospital attendance at the Moore County Hospital in Pinehurst, has improved so much that he was able to return home on last Sunday. Mrs. John Graham and Miss Louise Blue were shopping visitors in the city of Charlotte a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flinchum and little daughter spent last Sunday in Carthage with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Suitt and chil dren of Durham were Sunday visi tors in Aberdeen and guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Wilson. Mrs. C. V. Miller and Mrs. E. B. Maynard motored over to Charlotte on last Saturday bringing back with them to spend the week-end Miss Lou Martin Miller, who is a student^at Queens College in that city. Mrs. Louise Barber Hogg of En glewood, N. J., arrived last Tuesday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson. Mrs. Wimberly Bowman is spend ing some time i.n Raleigh looking for an apartment preparatory to moving to that city. Mr. and Mrs. Chappell of Vass, for mer residents of Aberdeen, returned last week and have their old rooms at G. C. Seymour’s apartments on Poplar street. Le Roy Johnson, who is working for a radio hous« at Baltimore, came home last week-end to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Johnson. Mrs. June Page of Charlotte was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Page, Sr., on last Sunday. Mrs. Dan I. McKeithen and child ren who have been visiting at.York, S C., returned last week accompan ied by Mrs. McKeithen’s mother, Mrs. Janette Herndon, who will spend some time visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rosser of Ham let, were Sunday visitors of friends in town on last Sunday. Little Katharine Foy was quite ill last week with influenza. Dr. E. M. Medlin addressed the clinic at the dental association meet ing held in Greensboro on Monday of this week. Miss Mildred Russell, who has just completed her nursing course at Knox ville, Tenn., arrived last week and will spend the winter with her mother, Mrs. S. E. Sloan. Little Rudy Page, who was operat ed on at the Moore County Hospital at Pinehurst last week, is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Macon of Linden, were Sunday visitors in Aberdeen and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Macon. Miss Lois McLeod visited her sis ter, Mrs. W. A. Carpenter, at Rae- ford over the past week-end. Mrs. Hardin Gunter and Mrs. Sid ney Windham were shopping visitors in Fayetteville on last Thursday. James Foy spent last Sunday at Durham visiting his sister, who is re turning to South America this week as a missionary. L. L. Johnson returned last week from an extended business trip to Washington, D. C. John Thomas of Raleigh was an Aberdeen Sunday visitor, and the guest of his sister, Mrs. M. M. Creel. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ellis of High Point and their niece, Mists Anna Pleasants of Portsmouth, Va., were Sunday guests of Mrs. Elvyn Capps and Miss Lillian Pleasants. Mrs. Fred Blue and little daughter, Bettie, are spending some time at St. Pauls visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bryant are greatly improving their attractive apartments on Poplar street by the addition of steam heat. Mrs. M. M. Johnson and Mrs. Ella Juat spent last Thursday afternoon in Fayetteville shopping. - Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson and several other members of the Aberdeen Par- ent-Teachers Association attended the Parent-Teachers Convention held in High Point this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Atwell off Elm wood, N. C., were guests of their sisters, Mrs. S. E. Sloan and Miss I^is Barkley. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Herring and children motored over to Lumberton on last Sunday to visit Mr. Herring’s relatives. J. Talbot Johnson made a business trip to Atlanta, Ga., the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Atkinson of Kenly were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wimberly. Mrs. J. H. Suttenfield, Mrs. J. D. Wimberly and Miss LaNilta Wim berly attended the District Confer ence of Fayetteville Auxiliary held at Vass on last Thursday. business an^ "professional Everett, Zane and Muse Certified Public Accountants Sanford, N. C. ' Greensboro. N. C. J. C. Muse, C. P* A,, Resident Partaer E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Southern Pines, Telephone 5033 North Carolina DR. E. M. MEDUN DENTIST Johnson Building—Aberdeen DR. GEORGE G. HERR DENTIST Miidgett Building Southern Pines DR. E. W. BUSH OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Southern Pines, North Carolina ■ J. N. POWELL UNDERTAKING — EMBALMING BAST BRDAD STREET SOUTHERN PINES Moore County’s Leading Restaurant— JACK’S GRILL Southern Pines, Nwth Carolina A GOOD PLACE TO EAT ED’S CAFE , Generous Portions at Modest Prices Opposite Seaboard Depot Southern Pinea FREEMAN^S FURNITURE HOUSE UNDERTAKING—EMBALMING AMBULANCE SERVICE Day Phone 7 Night Phone 73 ABERDEEN, * NORTH CAROLINA D. D. SHIELDS CAMERON REAL ESTATE—RENTALS—INSURANCE Telephone 5461 Post Office Block Southern Pines, N. C- MANLY Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg and chil dren, James and Lillie, left Tuesday for Jersey City, N. J., to make their home. Mrs. Lizzie Wilson and Mrs. Al bert Cheatham and children spent Tuesday with relatives near Cameron. Mrs. R. E. Patterson and Rebecca spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. James Atkinson in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Jones came up from Hamlet Sunday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wilson, Mr. Earl Christenbury spent Sun day in Sanford. Misses Evelyn Piccard and Miss Francis Bowles, spent the week-end with Miss Piccard’s mother near San ford. Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson spent Sun day with Frank Maples’ family at Knollwood. Miss Hazel Windham from Aber deen, was a caller at Mrs. Patterson’s Tuesday afternoon. Wxt HetreaKott East Broad St. Southern Pines LEGAL NOTICES ning, containing one-half acre, more or less. Being the lot conveyed to said Percy Gray by Walter Wooten and wife by deed dated October 1920, and recorded in Book 80 at page 597. PLACE OF SALE: Court House Door, Carthage, North Carolina. DATE OF SALE: Monday, Decem ber 8, 1930. HOUR OF SALE: 12 o’clock Noon. TERMS OF SALE. Cash. PINEHURST GARAGE COMPANY, Per Johnson & Johnson, Attorneys. November 5, 1930. N14-D5. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MOORE. Notice is hereby given that \mder and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed made, executed and delivered by P. C. Gray, unmarried to Pinehurst Garage Company, of date, October 19, 1925 and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Moore County, North Carolina, in Book 43 at page 554, the condition of which said mort gage deed having been broken and the powers of sale having become opera tive, the undersigned will on Decem ber 8, 1930, at 12 o’clock noon, be fore the Court House door of Moore County, at Carthage, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, to- wit: All of that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying and being and sit uate in Mineral Springs Township, Moore County, North ^ Carolina, and described and defined as follows: Beginning at a stake in the Clay Road, Alexander Dunlap’s comer, run ning S. 66 1-2 W. 4.82 chains to a stake, Dunlap’s corner; thence N. 3 W. 75 links to a stake; thence N. 08 1-2 E. 4,90 chains to the Clay Road; thence S. 7 W. 62 links to the begin- NOTICE OF BANKRUPTS’ SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN MOORE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. Under and by virtue of an order of H, F. Seawell, Jr., U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy, the undersigned duly appointed trustee, will on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1930, at 12 O’clock M. at the courthouse door in Carthage, Moor^ County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real es tate, to wit: A certain lot or parcel of land sit uated in Pinehurst, Moore County, North Carolina, designated as Lots Numbers 2325 and 2326 on the plan entitled “Map of the Lands of Leo nard Tufts, Sheet No, 111, January 1917, Plan Extended May 1, 1919, March 1, 1920,” and filed in the Gen eral Office at Pinehurst, and in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, North Carolina, said lot or parcel of land having its cor ners designated and marked with con crete monuments, and being more par ticularly described as follows, to wit: Bounded on the North by Dundee Road; on the East by lot 2,327, and on the South by lot 2324, and on the West by a thirty foot lane connect ing Dundee and Everette Roads. A certain lot of land in the Town of Vass bounded by a line, beginning at a pine stump on the West side of the railroad near the North end of the Leslie Warehouse and runs with Les lie’s line North 50 degrees West 50 links to a.n iro^ bar, tne corner; thefnce North 35 Agrees East 22 links to a stake; thence North 50 degrees West 1 chain to a stake; thence South 37 1-2 degrees West 22 ’inks to a stake, thence North 50 de grees West 3 chs. and 5 Iks. to a stake; LEGAL NOTICES thence North 1 1-2 degrees West 1 chain and 17 links to a Ftake; thence North 78 degrees East 1 chain and 53 links to a stake in A. Cameron's line OP East side of the road; thence as his line South 42 lr2 degrees East 4 chains and 20 linki to near the Rnilroad; thence South 36 1-2 de grees West 1 chain and 73 links to the beginning. It being a part of the same land conveyed by J. T. Math ews and his wife to W. J, Cameron by deed dated 1st day of November in the year 1890, and recorded in Book 18 at Page 119, Record of Moore C'ounty, North Carolina, A certain tract of land in McNeill’s Township, Moore County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. J. Cameron and A. Cameron and othiers bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stake in W. J. Camer on’s line known as A. Gunther line and now known as A. Cameron line, run ning N, 05 E. 60 links to a stake; thence S. 40 E. 2 chains and 68 links to a stake in the right-of-way of the S. A, L. Railroad; thence along the right of way S. 50 W. 60 links to a stake in W. J. Cameron line; thence as that line N. 40 W. 2 chains and 68 links to the beginning, containing 16-100 acres. A certain parcel of land in Mc Neills Township, Moore County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. D, Matthews, J. B. Cam eron and W, J, Cameron and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the West side of the road at J. B. Cameron’s comer and as his line S, 40” E. 1 ch. 76 links to his ether corner; thence N. 40” W. to W. J. Cameron’s line on West side of the road; then as that line S. 3” E. to the beginning, containing 12-100 acres. Said real estate subject to encum brances as follows: All costs to U. S. Court in this bankmptcy proceed ings; Taxes United State , and State of North Carolina; First Mortgage Loan Pinehurst Building and Loan Association, Pinehurst, North Caro lina, $2,144.00 and accrued interest; Second lien on property at Pinehurst, N. C,, Southern Timber and Lumber Company $3,434.00 and accrued in terest; Vass Building and Loan As sociation, Vass, N. C., Deed of Trust, approximately $1,000.00; Pinehurst, Inc., Pinehurst, N. C,, $890.00. Time of Sale: 12 o’clock noon. Place of Sale: Courthouse Door, Carthage, N. C. Terms of Sale: Highest bidder for cash. ' This Nov. 3rd, 1930. L. L. GARDNER, Trustee. Nov. 7-28. /