MOORE COUNTrS LEADING NEWS WEEKLY TH17 Mm flJEj# A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 11, NO. 2. SOUTHERN PINES LIBRARY TO BUY BUILDING SITE Crowded Condition of Present Quarters Prompts Action by Trustees VISIT AVAILABLE SITES Purchase of a site for the proposed Yr.'W Southern Pines Library is likely ' the very immediate future as the ult of action at the meeting- of t . Library trustees on Monday night * this week. This meeting was fol- . Y d by a visit to prospective sites trustees on Tuesday, and a ii iaiivin of prices for which the ’r.'Us sites are offered. Gvowth of the library has spurred M e : s to action ,the present ;r i i the Municipal Building in : Pines being inadequate for ■xpa i'ion at the present rate of , :h. shelving space is no longer •i-rfcibK in the building, and there n: u‘iK'ient room to properly care " -he large numbers of people who ;-.::‘ent the institution, especially th. \vinter months. Reading 1 - n;" are needed for both grown-ups ildren. m^re space for the ref- Ii^valy, more shelves. . . s der consideration for the •V buiUung. to be erected as soon und. n e available, are the fol- .. VV I t -Z '• j u i Mrs, Hayes near present ri.i lot near Hollywood Hotel. N' :th"’est corner of M •.sachiisetts avenut and Ashe street. Richardson property south of ■Sought in Pines S<^hool. /-tanby property west of school. ^'0:-- propeity east of Civic Club '"'ilding. Property west of tennis courts in City Park. Poultry Show Opens With Big Entry List Great Interest Displayed in Ex hibition at Tobacco Ware house in Vass LAKEVIEW MANUEY PILOT THE PILOT TEN YEARS OLD THIS WEEK of the Sandhill Terri^ ^ North Carolina A:' O O' Or Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, December 12, 1930. FIVE CENTS SEABOARD FREIGHT TRAIN -WRECKED, SCATTERING FLORIDA FRUIT OVER SANDHILLS LANDSCAPE Christmas ^s Enlist County-Wide Support for Funds, Clothes for Needy Good Old Santy He Appears in Many Forms To Aid Kiwanis Christmas Daddy Fund Sa»nta Claus appeared to the Ki wanis Christmas Daddies m many guises this week, and the work of dis seminating Christmas cheer in the Sandhills seems to be centering around this organization. Charlie Picquet has offered 20 per cent of the receipts of the perform ances of the movie, “Along Came Youth,” with Buddy Rogers, at the Carolina Theatre, tSouthern Pines, next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The Aberdeen Good Fellows Club, a Christmas charity organization, has announced that it will function as usual in the collection of funds and clothing, but that all collections will be turned over to the Christmas Dad dies except that proportion which the club always retains for possible emer gency cases during other seasons of the year. The Civic Club of Southern Pines, a worthy woman organization, has en- (Please turn to page 4) TIME THIS YEAR More Than $600., Much Clothing Contributed to Kiwanis Club Charity NEED THIS .YEAR GREAT NEW BODY TO AID UNEMPLOYMENT IN SOUTHERN PINES Wreckage Piled Hi«?h When Cars Crash From Track Near Niai?ara *■ With th building well filled with exhibits and a large crowd on hand the Sandhill Poultry Show got under way yesterday in the tobacco ware house at Vass. Lieutenant Governor R. T. Fountain deliver an address to the assemblage at 4 o’clock in the af ternoon, telling his hearers what such exhibitions mean to the state as well as to the farmsrs, saying that a com parison of our possessions with our Chamber of Commerce Commit tee Finds Conditions Need Attention Bargains in fruit and expeditious work by the Seaboard Air Line Rail road were the aftermath features of the wreck which occurred near .Nia- HEALTH-WE? FARE BODY RE-ELECTS MRS. F. T. KEATING Hundreds cf Dollars’ Worth of Goods Hauled Away Mon day Ni^^ht $50 REWARD OFFERED For the third time since May, the stors of the Vass Mercantile Com pany at Vass was entered and bur glarized last Monday night, several gara last Saturday afternoon when Dr. Branch of State Board of hundred dollars’ worth of goods be- CANVAS CITY FOR JOBS A committee on unemployment in Southern Pines, to comprise one rep resentative of each of the civic or ganizations and churches in the city, is to be organized at once, the result of a study of the situation there made neighbor’s is what rnakes for pride in j by a committee of the^ Chamber of such possessions, and pride makes for seventeen freight cars piled up in a mad mass of wreckage, the result of a brake beam dropping to th) tracks. The residents of the Sandhills lent willing hands in clearing away the tons of oranges and grapefruit; the Seaboard’s wrecking crew did valiant work in re-establishing order Health Speaker at Interesting Meeting- at Pinehurst SEAL SALE SUCCESSFUL By Mrs. S. R. Smith The annual address of the president, Mrs. F. T. Keating, a highly in i' ; hauled away. The silJUation at Vass has reached an alarming state, the Little River Store, the McDQjt-mott Grocery and Keith’s Garage all hav ing been entered during the past fev; months m addition to the three bur- glanes at the Mercantile establish ment. better and greater possessions. This first annual exhibition of the Va ;s-Lakeview Poultry Association runs for the last three days of this week and is worth a visit by all res idents of the county. It is educational and inspiring to those who do not appieciate the extent that poultry raising has become a crop in this section. The program, in addition to the regular exhibits and judging of birds, calls for basketball games be tween Pinehurst and Vass-Lakeview, both boys and girls, tonight, Friday, at 7 o’clock; a talk at 4 o’clock this afternoon by Paul Sease, State Poul try Specialist, and a fiddlers’ con vention at 7 o’clock tomorrow, Satur day night. McIVER, WELL KNOWN HERE, DIES AT MAXTON Di'. HeWitt C. Mclver, highly es teemed and beloved citizen of Max- ^ *n, died Thursday morning after six ^^^onths’ illness. The funeral was con- -lucted Friday morning at 11:30 o’clock from the Prsebyterian church at Maxton, of which he had been an officer for several years. Dr. Mclver was born near Sanford, county, February 11, 1869, and 'vvas well known in this section. He is Survived by his wife and four sons, B. Mclver, of New York City; De- itt C., midshipman, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis; Chandler Hill and Iver, of Maxton. He is also sur vived by the following brothers and listers: Prof. B. C. Mclver and Mrs. Loula Muse, of Ca.meron; M. E. Mc- Iver, of Mercer Falls, Cal., and Mrs. A. Brown, of Chadbourn. Commerce headed by M. G. Nichols. Mr. Nichols reported the conditions at Tuesday’s meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chamber as requir ing immediate attention. There is a great deal of unemployment both among whites and colored, and one of the serious situations is due to the arrival of newcomers seeking employ ment. These, if permitted to remain, will promptly become charity cases, Mr. Nichols stated. One cure suggested by P. Frank Buchan at the meeting was to call upon owners of houses in the city to require advance payment of rent un less the parties renting their prem ises have g-ainful occupations at the time of taking out leases. This move will at least keep the employment situation down to status quo. A mo tion made by Mr. Buchan calling for the co-operation of house and apart out of as chaotic a looking scene as | structive illustrated lecture on The has met the eye of the oldest inhabi-1 Children We Find in Our Schools” by tant here. | Dr. Ernest A, Branch, Director of Seventeen cars, mostly carrying, Q^al Hygiene of the State Board of fruit from Florida to northern mar- | Health, and the annual election of of- Kets, were wrecked, many reduced to | ficers were the leading features of an mere kindling. They were piled hither I unusually interesting meeting of the and yon, on top of each other, cross-1 Moore County Health & Welfare As- wise of the rails, all over the map. ] sociation held in Pinehurst Saturday hours to clear the wreckage away and | aiternoon and attended by thirty- It was a mess. Early predictions were | three members from seven branches that it would require twenty-four : of the organization, re-lay the single line track, but the j In opening the meeting, the pres- work was done in less than twelve j ident gave an impressive reading hours, and traffic restored. which was followed by prayer by the The wreck attracted scores to the ■ Rev. Murdoch McLeod. The minutes The Kiwanis Club Christmas Daddy committee will become a permanent organization if plans made at a meeting of the committee held at Jack’s Grill on Monday night of this week are perfected. At this meeting P. Frank Buchan of Southern Pines was elected general chairman of this year’s committee, and the Rev. T. A. Cheatham of Pinehurst treasurer of the fund. Further gifts of money, clothing and toys were announced at the meeting. Previous to the gathering on Mon day night there had been two commit tees of the Kiwanis Club engaged m the Christmas Daddy work, a collec tion committee and a distribution- committee. The meeting Monday voc- ed to unite the two bodies, with Mr. Buchan as chairman. 'I’he members of the joint committee are the Rev. Mr. Cheatham and the Rev. Murdoch McLeod, of Pinehurst; the Rev. E. I. Barber and Murdoch Johnson, of Aberdeen; the Re.v. J. Fred Stimson and P. Frank Buchan, of Southern Pines; County Superintendent cf Schcols H. Lee Thomas of Carthage, Willard L. Dunlop of Pinehurst and John Bloxham of Knollwood. Mr. Buchan announced that he had secured the Atkinson-Thomas furn iture store, recently vacated on East Broad street, Southern Pines, for a collection point for the committee, and on Tuesday morning all clothing, toys, etc. collected thus far were taken to the store and on display’ Many warm suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. for men, many dtesses for women, a collection of toys and bookc for youngsters were on display to show the public the kind of materials wanted by the com mittee in its work of aiding the poor and needy of the county. Mr. Buchan announced that children’s cloVne-: were in great demand, many families in the county being without sufficient funds at the present t^me to cloth their children against :he cold oi the win ter months. Some of the money do nated to date will also be used to purchase children’s garments, he said. Many CDiitiibutions A donation of i-y M. G. Nichols That a local gang is at the bottom of the thefts is believed certain, due i Southern Pines was announced at to the frequent maraudings. Whether or not this gang is directed by an the meeting, and money contributions from a number of others includinj>- outside "'fence” it is not known but W. A. vVay, S. A. Richaidson, considered likely. No trace of the stolen goods has been found during the months the burglaries have been going on, and it is considered like- Mrs. H. A. Page, J ly that though the perpetrators of the thefts are local, the goods are shipped by truck some distance from Mis. Abraham. Frank Shamburger, Harry Green, T. Talbot Johnson, Mrs. Leonard Tufts, Mr. Shaw, S. B. Cha- and the Christian Science Church, ;h;ch do nated its Sundav collection nl 5?26. Contributions of .:200 from Gammack , scene from all parts of the Sandhills and a rushing business developed in grapefruit, oranges, peppers, toma toes ard other Iruit and vegetables. Cars came, saw and conquered crates and tonneaus-full of luscious fruit, at riduculous prices. Wrecking trains and crews were rushed to the scene from Hamlet, sal vaged such of the road’s equipment as was intact, laid new tracks, burn- ment owners toward this end was un-1 ed the debris, and the unfortunate animously carried. j mishap became history. Mr. Nichols suggested a move which has been worked out successfully in Brooklyn whereby property owners have been solicited by the emplowment committee to make needed repairs to ^ their premises at tbis time instead of hill Post, American Legion, will be LEGION TO INSTALL NEW OFFICERS TUESDAY Newly elected^fficers of the Sand- • n -r» i. A T T : postponing the work. It is planned to canvas the city, listing all such odd jobs for assignment to workmen out of employment. He also stated that contractors had agreed to more equi tably divide the work on new build ings, giving part time work to la borers instead of full time in order to take care of more laborers. Other organizations and churches in the city will be asked to name at once a member of the committee in (Please turn to Page 8) installed next Tuesday night at a public meeting to be held in The Ladies Auxiliary of the local post will with the Legioin at that time, and the public is generally invited to be present. District Commander Luck of Hamlet will act as installation offi cer, and it is expected that the State Department Adjuant, J. M. Caldwell, will also be present. The date for the annual American Legion Ball has been set for Tuesday night, December 30th, at the Southern Pines Country Club. of the previous meeting were read and approved and the treasurer’s report made. The branch chairmen gave re- here for disposal. To date only one i ^ Southern Pines, and $2C0 man has been caught, arrested some [ from the Kiwanis Club of Aberdeen time ago in Raleigh and now serving | had been previously announced, time. It was hoped at that time that | Mr. Buchan endeavored to give The his arrest would break up the gang, I Piiot from memory a ii'^t of those but burg-laries have been regular in I who had contribuced clot'ies, etc., to the town since then. Walter Graham, I date, but states that the following proprietor of the Vass Mercantile ! ^i®^ i® incomplete and a complete list ports which indicated much activity. Company, told The Pilot yesterday | will be published later. Mrs. R..N. Page of Aberdeen told of a successful Red Cross drive there and stated that the serving of hot lunches in the school had been start ed. Mrs. Symington said that Car thage was interested in hot lunches for the school children; Mrs. But- ner reported that Pinebluff had raised its quota for the Red Cross. Southejrn Pines had for three weeks taken care of a woman just out of the hospital and had financed tonsil operations for five children. Mrs. Price of Hi^h Falls, who at the August meeting had made a plea for more room in which to house the orphan childi*en for whom she and her husband are caring, was present, and the note of discouragement which had crept in when her plea was made had given way to the usual cheerful ness and hopefulness which enables these peopl^ to carry on in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds. Some money haW been provided, enough that they had been able to enlarge one room, which they are now (Please turn to page 5) that his losses tl^'ough the thr*ie i Mrs. D. G. Stutz, Mrs. J. H. Tilgh- burglaries at his store would run i man, Mrs. J. T. Dillehay, Mrs. Ingle- close to $2,000. Reward is Offered A reward of $50 has been offered by Mr. Graham for information lead ing to the arrest and conviction oi the party or parties responsible for last Monday night’s burglary. There is i)o night policeman on duty at Vass, though a day officer is employed there. It is considered likely in the face of the repeated visits of the burglars that a night watchmar. will be put on to patrol the business section. The list of articles taken from the store Monday includes men’s, ladies’ and boys’ oxfords, sweaters of var ious colors, silk hosiery, men’s dress shirts, georgette, satin and silk cloth, velvet material, material for making underwear, ladies’ underwear, silk bloomers, princess slips, two ladies’ black silk dresses, blankets and com forters, men’s pants, both dress and work, notions, millinery, hats and (Please turn to page 4) hart, Mrs. Pethick, Mrs. Ogden, Mrs. Bernard Leavitt, Mrs. C. L. Hayes, Charles Grey, Charles T. Patch, Len Fielcb, Hiram WestDrook, Mrs. P. Frank Buchan and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Halt, Mrs. Pottle, Mrs. R. N. Page, Mrs. Gage, Mrs. Cutter, Mrs. Witte, Mrs. Eddy, E. C. Stevens, Mr^. Marm, Mrs. White, Mrs. Dickie, Mar garet Silver’s Class, and others. The committee will meet again next Monday night. Further donations of (Please turn to Page 8) EPISCOPAL CHURCH TO HEAR NEW RECTOR SUNDAY The new rector of Emmanuel Epi- copal Church, Southern Pines, the Rev. F. Craighill Brown, will preach Sunday morning at 11 o’clock before what is expected to be a large con gregation present to greet its lead er. Holy Communion will be celebrat ed at 8 o’clock Sunday morning. Sun day School meets at 9:30.

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