MOORR COUNTY’S leading news weekly A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. IK NO. 9. FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill TerritoA*\ North Carolina Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, January 30, 1931. authorize work ON EXTENSION OF PENNSY. AVENUE Aberdeen to Establish Community Center in Old NcKeithen House Local Societies Incorporate Un der Name of Community House Association Southern Pines Commissioners and Chamber of Commerce Launch Program TO AID UNEMPLOYMENT One of the most important schemes undertaken in Southern Pines is that t)v the Chamber of Commerce and the t commissioners to further jmp-ove the landscape and street con- jitio’^s of the village. The town couii- . i; ha? authorized two major projects, lareei,, as a supplement to the unem ployment movement, the village furn ishing’ a certain fund, and the Cham ber of Commerce working with M. G. Nichols, in providing a further fund contributed by individuals, for carry ing on the work and reducing the The long felt need in Aberdeen for a community center is about to be filled through the organization of the Community House Association, Incor porated. Aberdeen has long been with out any center of activity for its civ ic aft'airs, a place for holding meet ings of any size, for the entertainment of the Kiwanis Club at its weekly luncheons, etc., and the announcement of the acquiring of the old Neill Mc- Keithen House will come as good news to the citizenry. This house is located near the corner of South street and the new Laurinburg road. A meeting of representatives of the ; several organizations of the city was i held at the home of Mrs. \V. A. Blue ; on Monday night, January 19th, at number unemployed. u- u i ^ ^ - 1 ^ XU ‘ which time plans were discussed for The first piece of work is the be-1 Forest Fires Many Have Threatened Ser ious Damage in Section During Past Week The continued spell of sunny weather, though ipleasing to the golfer, the horseback rider and those down from the north to evade the winter, has started an epidemic of forest fires in the vicinity. Men were up all one night this week fighting threatening flames in the vicinity of Pinebluff, and other fires have been seen and reported from other sections of the county. All of which prompts another re minder: Be careful of your ciga rettes and matches. It doesn’t take much to start a fire which may re sult in thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. SEES SALE TAX TO RAISE FUNDS FOR N. C. SCHOOLS Senator Murdoch Johnson Be lieves Legislature Will Levy on All Commodities FIVE CENTS $5,000 Goal for Fund for the Unemployed ECONOMY STATE KEYNOTE ginning of the widening and plant- \ ing of May street, which is the Fed- v’ai highway through town. From the n«'i'thern margin of the town out iseai Manly, teams and tools are wid- pians’ the street to its full width of 'C feet. On both sides of the hard top roa.I diit is to be removed to full width of street, park and side walk. and this work is well under way. "Chen it will be planted by the coni- the selection of a so-called Commun- i ity Center. A proposal was received } from Dr. A. H. McLeod at that tim*, | whereby he agi’ees to lease the Neill i McKeithen residence, one of the oldest: houses in Aberdeen, to the organizs- j tion for one year, with privilege of ' renewal. The terms call for the or ganization to alter the house to suit ! its needs, and to keep it in repair. Dr. ' McLeod agrees to reimburse the or I PHYSICIANS SCORE PLAN TO ABOLISH N.C. HEALTH OEPT. Senator Murdoch Johnson of Aber deen, home for the week-end from his legislative duties at Raleigh,^thinks the Legislature is likely to adopt a general sales tax on all commodities to take care of the State’s support of the six months school term and to re lieve land taxes. “Some method of providing income for the State’s taking over six months of the school term throughout the state must be found, “Senator John son said, “and it seems likely now that money will be drawn from a sales tax on every commodity. We passed the six months school bill in the Senate last week and it will, in all probabil ity, pass the House this week.” “Give and Take” Donations To Aid Unemployed Come Back To Town in Civic Betterment Money to Serve Double Duty of Providing Jobs and Beautify ing Southern Pines ORGANIZATION COMPLETE By Bernice Kenyon Gilkyson The Southern Pines Committee on Unemployment and Relief, which came into being almost overnight and ac quired an office and a group of vol untary workers under the chairman ship of M. G. Nichols, is an organiza tion to be proud of, for it is doing Five thousand dollars is the goal set by the Committee on Unemploy ment and Relief in Southern Pines for its dnal-purposes campaign. These funds are to serve the public in tw(# ways: providing jobs for the unem ployed and carrying on the city’s beautification program. Donors will furnish relief on the one hand, and see their money come back to them some remarkable things. To date 239 unemployed people, civic improvements on the other, men and women, have applied for Finance Committee, on whicn work at the office, and have been reg- representatives of all church and istered on the records. Most of the organizations in Southern Pines, people are colored, but a few are Wednesday night at the Souther'i white, and all are in great need. The ! Country Club and formulated committee is doing everything it can I campaign. “Construc- to create work for them to do, and j Charity,” is the slogan. In a has now undertaken two ambitious ; statement issued to the press the Mr. Johnson said the ten per cent! projects, in reality town improve-i salary cut recommended by the Gov ernor in his message to the Legisla ture would also be adopted with lit tle doubt. ments, which are already providing work for a large number of men. You may have noticed the grading and filling which are being done along mission hav ing that job in charge, j expenditures on the premises in the event the prop erty is sold at some later date. Society Incorporated It was necessary that the organiza tion be incorporated, and the name, “Community House Association” was chosen. Six organizations were rep- has heej. busy for several days and resented at the meeting at Mrs. Blue’s more will be employed as long as i-esidence, the Aberdeen Book Club, money comes in to pay the bills. The Stay-a-While Club, the Junior Or- largely witn dogwoods, hollies and other oi-namental trees, including many pines. This w^ork is in line with that scheme which the Chamber of Commerce has been working on for a time alonfT with the town commis sioners. A considerable force of hands County Medical and Dental So cieties Aroused Over Brook ings Recommendation The new Senator from Moore counry the edge of May street (Federal High- has not been idle since leaving fot way No. 1) in the direction of Manly. Raleigh. He was one of the sponsors ! This is entirely the Committee’s un- ‘The committee is novr fully or ganized and has vigorously developed j its plans for employment and relief and believes it has already accomplisn- j ed favorable results and only needs the whole hearted support of South ern Pines to not only relieve the exist- of the bill to memorialize Congress to dertaking, and ^vhen the brush is all ! <ii«‘ress but to increase the beauty ^nd utility of the city’s streets, park ways and lands. pay the soldjers their war service cer- cut back and the grading and making tificates at this time rather than fif- ' of sidewalks finished, then the South- teen years from now when they be- ern Pines Chamber of Commerce is come due and payable under the pre^-' going to bear the expense of plant- ent law. ing it to trees and shrubs, so that I “This legislation, if passed, w’ill . hefore long it will be one of the most turn loose in North Carolina about attractive approaches in the stats, i $26,000,000,” he said, adding that this Another piece of work you may have poit which Governor Gardner needed in North Car- noticed is that being done to extend mended to the General Assembly for ^ olina just at this time. the lower end of Pennsylvania avenue, serious consideration prompted the ' Mr. Johnson fathered the memorial connecting Southern Pines with Webt APPEAL TO LEGISLATORS Recommendations for the abolish ment of the State Department of Health contained in the Brookings re- the state and federal highway through >‘>uthern Pines will be one of tho most attractive village streets in North Carolina. Short Cut to Pinehurst But this i- not the limit of the work downstairs of the house into one lar^e assembly room where larger meet ings may be held, where the Kiwanis Club may be entertained, and so on. Kitchen equipment will be provided mapped out. At a council meeting last serving meals. Upstairs will b effect is already to be seen, and whep Knights of Pythias, Mason.^ |-^^*^ore County Medical Society and tho to Congress seeking legislation look- Southern Pines and, by direct route, the job is done May street, which is ^he Parent-Teachers’ Association, i County Dental Society to g > ing toward the postponement of Fed- with Pinehurst. The town is spending it is proposed to throw most of the i record as unqualifiedly opposed to eral Farm Loan and Joint Stock Land $1,200. to lay the culveits for the new suL-h action, and resolutions to that Bank mortgages. strip of road, but the. Committee on effect have been sent by both thestj Asked what he thought the new Unemploymert is doing all the filling oi-ganizations to the county’s legisla- Legislatuie would accomplish durinu- ;'nd making of the road, and paying tive representatives at Raleigh. his two months in Raleigh, the Sen- for this work, as well as for the im- Meetings were held early this week ator said: provements on May street, at which time the resolutions were “There is no doubt but that tho Ninety Put to Work ^ ^ drawn up and unanimously passed, temper of this Legislature is to reduce Ninety men altogether are employ ed to put engineers on Pennsylvania societies. Some of the expense ^he physicians and dentists here can I expenditures all along the line, to cut ed on these two jobs. They work iv. ’ - - - 1- -- ’ see nothing to be gained by the abol- out useless offices and duplications | thiee two-day shifts of thirty men ishmeint of the State’s health de- and to relieve agriculture of the heavy | each, and each man is paid two dollars partment, inasmuch as the departmeiti burden of taxation Avhich it bears. a day, and when necessary he is giv- is principally maintained by the Stace j Medical Society and is not a load stone on the treasury. The Brookings report, in recommending the consol idations of many’ State department.-;. week the town commissioners arran?- lodge rooms for meeting of various Milton Brewer Dies After Long Illness a\eiiue to extend it to the border o! upkeep will be met by the rental of u:e village and connect with the ex- main assembly room and the lodge tension through West Southern Pines ; time. ; t!aig:ht out the Pennsylvania avenue •ine to a point on the Midland road in the neighborhood of Elsie Keith’s ^ -u.=:e. or perhaps to a new road that 'V li parallel the Midland road just bark of the strip of 1000 feet lots laid =iut .-- me time ago. This will af ford a -'"ort and direct cut from ■'^oulherr Pines to Pinehurst, and ! i ■- with the map Rassie Wicker 'efently drawn for the further harmonious development of all that •< i;to;y between MRS. W. J. WADSWORTH DIES AT AGE OF (Please turn to page 4) 70 Former Member of The Pilot Staff One of Best Known Men in Moore Countv Mrs. Mollie Cole Wadsworth, wife j su<’gtsted that the Health department of W. J. Wadsworth, well known' work be placed under the Department j Moore County citizen, died at her ■ of Education. The local societies main-1 home near Carthage Saturday night, ^ Two-Club tain that the Department of Education ! January 24th, after a long illness, has all that it can do to properly run : Mrs. Wadsworth was 70 years of the schools of the state, especially in j age. She w'as a woman of fine char- view of the new law whereby the | acter, w’^ho had long held a position “Briefly stated the committee’s pro gram is: 1. Maintain an office for registra tion of unemployed and urgent relief cases. 2. Investigate such ap|lJicants as may seem necessary. 3. Relieve urgent cases of d’stress with food, medicine, medical advice, nursing or such attention as is nece.s- sary in the opinion of committee on relief. 4. Supply employers with labor on request. 5. Canvas the town for temporary employment. 6. Endeavor to increase employ ment through new buildings anti cleaning up or planting vacant lands. 7. Help to beautify and improve the city by: (a). Supplying common labor to the street department for street an 1 parkway improvement. (b). Su}v:lying labor and small pir-es for planting the water shed of OLii water supply. (c). Supply labor and teams to Busy Golf Schedule at Southern Pines the city for the extension of Pennsy!- vania Avenue through to West South- a- One of the bes't known and most popular residents of Moore county, Milton Brewer, of Vass, passed away Pinehurst, Knoll- j at the home of his brother, Stacv ' State takes over six months operation ^ of affection and respect in the minds and .Southern Pines, with roads Brewer, in that village Wednesday j of schools entirely, and also holds ^ of all who knew' her. : .iGrty lines to suit the topo- night. «He had been ill for the past ■ that medical work throughout tho ! The funeral was conducted at the jf the whole area. Southern I year, spending some time in the ; state is of sufficient importance to be ; Carthage Presbyterian Chui’ch on Tournament and Tombstone Event on Next Week’s P'rogram Golf events scheduled for next week at the Southern Pines Country Club included a special nine-hole tournament, open to men and women. ern Pines. 8. That the committee thi'ou^h the tieasurer pays for the common la bor and small pines supplied to th'i city. 9. That the Committee on ?'mploy- ment shall give ])reference to the ex tension of Penrsvlvaria Avenue and take care of a portion of ^ Moore County Hospital. - sylvania avenue developme it > a and the Southern Pines > of Commerce and private ^i‘;n=: in behalf of the unem- will add to the work done. -.'11 when the entrants will‘use but two work on the parks and streets in de retained under a competent board of , Monday, January 26th, by the Rev. ' clubs, making their owti choice. This \eloping oui plan.> and be j.,u<ded .n Milton Brewer was born in the Hemp section of the county 53 years ago, son of Alex and Lena Brewei*. He served for several years as an en gineer on the old R. & C. Railroari, be followed probably by now the Moore Central, and was with ;k in that region, and provide the Aberdeen & Rockfish R. R. for for a decided change in that 1 a time. Later he became superintena- ighborhood. It will also ^ ent of the Carthage Water Works, nsiderable activity in employ- serving there several years, the whole section. health under competent medical men. BOYD, HEMP SILK MILL EMPLOYE, KILLED BY TRAIN W. S. Golden and the Rev. J. H. Buf- faloe, and was attended by a large gathering of her friends. Burial was in the Presbyterian Cemetery at Car thage. will be played Wednesday, February 4th. Saturday, February 7th, a Tomb stone tournament will be held, one at eighteen holes and one at nine, also Mrs. Wadsworth joined Euphronia ; open to men and women. Presbyterian Church fifty years ago. A man named Boyd, w^eaver in tha silk mill at Hemp, was killed by a train there last Sunday morning at j At the time of her death she was a about 2.30 o’clock. His body was | member of Priest Hill Presbyterian When found about 200 feet from the depot Church. Her parents were B. H. and Stacy Biewer started The Pilot in by the crevr of the train following that ‘ Margaret Short Cole, a well known ——— Vass ten years ago, Milton joined him j which caused the fatality. Boyd, first j family in Moore county. She leaves 1^>R JOHNSCjN ASKS and played an important part in the name unknown, was a native of Dan- to mourn her, her husband, six sons PROTECTION OF FORESTS upbuilding of this newspaper. He re- ville, Va. He had been in Hemp but , and three daughters, besides her mained with The Pilot until about a | a few months. He is believed to have brothers and sisters. -’■ r Murdoch M. Johnson of year ago when his health would no i fallen asleep oil the track. A coroner’s ' Thursday, February the 12th, will be a special holiday event, a mixed foi-isome and an eighteen-hole match. Robert Skinner of Wilmington, D:i- the amount of laboi- supplied hy the amount of funds available for wages. “The Comi^ittee requests that our citizens refer all applicants for char ity to its office in the Bc-rnstei ■ Buil i g uheie an immeiliate investi gation will be made and r.rom. t an i proper ‘relief be given worthy cases The Committee also re(}uests that ev;. ryone who pojisibly can do so aid aware, made an exceptionally gooa it by giving employment Jo a work- score in the putting contest held last less man or v/oman if only for a few Saturday when he shot a 21 for the hours, and to ask the committee to twelve holes. Mrs. Allen Fink of Pitts- furnish such help. introduced two biils in the longer permit active, steady work. He ' jury found that he had been acciden- REYNOLDS TOBACCO HEAD ‘.enate during the past w'eek. ! made his home at the Aberdeen Ho- ’ Bill No. 86 is titled: “To pre-j tel after The Pilot moved here, and ' i-tgagors from cutting timber: ^vent to live with his brother at Vass "tf^aged land without w^ritten , after his retirement. ’ '>f mortgagees.” His Senate | Ever interested in affairs of the . 87 reads: “To abolish law re-' Sandhills, Milton Brewer made en- n J registrars to provid copies of j during friendships throughout the •ation books, though not prohiu- length and breadth of Moore county, tally killed. He was buried at Star on Monday. EDWARD SLOAN MARRIED TO MISS EVA RICHARDSON Announcement was made last Sun day of the marriage on August 2d j Gray, president of the R. J. Reynolds the making- of copies by those | and leaves a host of loving friends to | last at Cheraw, S. C., of Edward j Tobacco Company, is expected soon to want them.” i mourn his going. The funeral w’as held i Sloan of Aberdeen and Miss Eva Rich- ! join them. Mrs. Lyon had as a lun- burgh was low for the women with a 23. Entries are' being received ior the TO VISIT SOUTHERN PINES Atlantic Coast Championship, start- ing on February 17th, and continuing Mrs. Bowman Gray, of W^inston- through the week, the men playing on Salem, has arrived at the Highland j the No. 1 course and the \\omen o:i Pines Inn to be with her mother, Mrs. No. 2. B. M. Lyon and her brother Phil- ' * up Lyon?' of Ottawa, Canada. Mr. “Please mail checks or cash George W. Case, treasurer.” to DR. LONG or ATLANTA TO PREACH HERE ON SUNDAY" Dr. R. C. Loro; of Atlanta, Geofgia, is to preach at the Presbyteri»’i Church in Aberdeen this coming Sun day night at 7:30 o’clock. There are said to be few stronger men’in the Presbytery of the south than Dr. Charlie Picquet announces that the Long, a man who brings an attractive HORSE SHOW ANNOUNCED FOR MARCH 31, APRIL 1 SHRINE BALL FEB. 27 ■ he date for the annual Shrine -' i of the Sandhill Shrine Club, al- • ; ■ one of the big social events of winter season, has been set for * I’luay evening, February 27th, at the Pinehurst Country Club. Donald Ross ^ "hairman and John Fitzgerald vice- chairman of arrangements for the ball. yesterday afternoon at his brother’s ardson of Jackson Springs, both well j cheon guest Tuesday Mrs. M. G. annual Pinehurst Hoise Sho\v ill be and ^rceful personality to the pul home, the Rev. C. A. Lawrence offi-i known throughout the Sandhills. M>*. j Lollin, also of Winston-Salem, ciating. Burial was at the Presbyte> Sloan is the son of S. E. Sloan and j ian cemetery in Carthage, Mr, Brew-' connected with the Freeman Furn- er having been a member of the Car- i iture Company in Aberdeen, and Mrs. RACES NEXT WEDNESDAY thage Presbyterian Church. Surviving are two brothers, Stacy Brewer of Vass and Murphy Brewer of Rochester, N. Y., and one half-sis ter, Mrs. John Brown of Hemp. Sloan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Richardson and for the past two years has held a position with Jabaly, a ladies’ w’ear shop in Pine hurst, One of the best race meetings of the year is scheduled for next Wed nesday,- February 4th at the Pine hurst track, with a full program of equestrian specialties as a sideline. held on March 31 instead of April 1st pit. His Sunday evening will be a this year, with the usual number of timely one in which he will treat o: classes but with more entries in sight | the causes and cures of financial de- than ever before. James G. Marshall pression. The subject is: Stewardship, and Louis Haight, prominent New of Time, Interest and Money, York horse show judges, have been A general invitation to all in the invited to judge the classes. Mr. Mar- | community is extended to this oppor- shall and Mr. Haight judged here ; tunity to hear Dr. Long Sunday even- last year. ^

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